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Powershell - Create SMTP getting data from excel cells and writing back smtp to excel cell
hi folks,
I've a running code to create SMTP Adresses getting Firstname.lastname from CSV,
getting Letter-code from CSV and compare with hash-table to build a smtp adress
like firstname.lastname.extensi ons@domain .com.
The activities show me that it would be much better to handle this directly with
a excel worksheet. That means getting the data from excel worksheet called "ED"
and filename test.xlsm instead of the CSV.
The Data for the name getting from cells B2-B50 (see picture)
The Data for the company code getting from Cells C2-C50 (see picture)
The finished smtp-adresses should write back to Column SMTP from cell J2-J50
appreaciate so much for all your help
I've a running code to create SMTP Adresses getting Firstname.lastname from CSV,
getting Letter-code from CSV and compare with hash-table to build a smtp adress
like firstname.lastname.extensi
The activities show me that it would be much better to handle this directly with
a excel worksheet. That means getting the data from excel worksheet called "ED"
and filename test.xlsm instead of the CSV.
The Data for the name getting from cells B2-B50 (see picture)
The Data for the company code getting from Cells C2-C50 (see picture)
The finished smtp-adresses should write back to Column SMTP from cell J2-J50
"CXK" = ''
"LZA" = ''
"TSX" = ''
$data = $null
$data = @{}
Select-String c:\hash2.txt -Pattern "([a-z]+).+?=.+?([a-z.]+)" |
ForEach { $_.matches} |
ForEach { $tokens = @($_.groups[1].value,$_.groups[2].value); $data.Add($tokens[0],$tokens[1])}
Import-Csv c:\import1.csv | ForEach `
$ -match "^(?<last>[a-z -]+),( (?<middle>[a-z]+))? (?<first>[a-z-]+)( (?<code>[a-z0-9()]+))?$" | Out-Null
$first = $matches["first"] -replace "[^a-z]","."
$middle = $matches["middle"] -replace "[^a-z]","."
$middle2 = $matches["middle"] -replace "[^a-z]","."
$last = $matches["last"] -replace "[^a-z]","."
$code = $matches["code"] -replace "[()]"
$company = $data[$]
If ($middle)
{ $middle = "." + $middle }
If ($code)
{ $code = "." + $code }
If ($_.UserId -like "U1*" -or $_.UserId -like "U8*" -and $_.Company -like "LSY*") {
$newSMTP = "{0}.{1}.{2}@{3}" -f $first,$last,"sp",$company
#$newSMTP = "{0}{1}{2}.{3}{4}@{5}" -f $first,$middle,$middle2,$last,$code,$sp,$company
$mbox = Get-Mailbox $_.UserID
Else {
$newSMTP = "{0}{1}{2}.{3}{4}@{5}" -f $first,$middle,$middle2,$last,$code,$company
$mbox = Get-Mailbox $_.UserID
If ($mbox.PrimarySMTPAddress -ne $newSMTP)
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Setting primary SMTP $newsmtp address for $mbox"
$newsmtp | out-file -filepath c:\smtp4.csv -append
#set-mailbox -identity $_.UserID -PrimarySmtpAddress $newsmtp -EmailAddressPolicyEnabled $false
#} else {
#Write-Host -ForegroundColor red -backgroundcolor yellow "$mbox has an SMTP-Address already exists in system"
appreaciate so much for all your help
hi, nice work again. thank you so much.
The result of the smtp (see picture above) is NUN.
It should between every part of the name a dot. e.g.
smith, mike Jeff (Z123456) should be smtp
and if possible the smtp creation also should not write into the same cell as
the name. Could you change it to D2-D50 instead B2-D50?
The result of the smtp (see picture above) is NUN.
It should between every part of the name a dot. e.g.
smith, mike Jeff (Z123456) should be smtp
and if possible the smtp creation also should not write into the same cell as
the name. Could you change it to D2-D50 instead B2-D50?
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thank you so much again for your excellent work
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