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Powershell - Create SMTP getting data from excel cells and writing back smtp to excel cell

hi folks,

I've a running code to create SMTP Adresses getting Firstname.lastname from CSV,
getting Letter-code from CSV and compare with hash-table to build a smtp adress

The activities show me that it would be much better to handle this directly with
a excel worksheet. That means getting the data from excel worksheet called "ED"
and filename test.xlsm instead of the CSV.

The Data for the name getting from cells B2-B50  (see picture)
The Data for the company code getting from Cells C2-C50   (see picture)
The finished smtp-adresses should write back to Column SMTP from cell J2-J50

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"CXK" = ''
"LZA" = ''
"TSX" = ''

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$data = $null
$data = @{}
Select-String c:\hash2.txt -Pattern "([a-z]+).+?=.+?([a-z.]+)" |
ForEach { $_.matches} |
ForEach { $tokens = @($_.groups[1].value,$_.groups[2].value); $data.Add($tokens[0],$tokens[1])}
Import-Csv c:\import1.csv | ForEach `

$ -match "^(?<last>[a-z -]+),( (?<middle>[a-z]+))? (?<first>[a-z-]+)( (?<code>[a-z0-9()]+))?$" | Out-Null
$first = $matches["first"] -replace "[^a-z]","."
$middle = $matches["middle"] -replace "[^a-z]","."
$middle2 = $matches["middle"] -replace "[^a-z]","."
$last = $matches["last"] -replace "[^a-z]","."
$code = $matches["code"] -replace "[()]"
$company = $data[$]
If ($middle)
{ $middle = "." + $middle }
If ($code)
{ $code = "." + $code }
If ($_.UserId -like "U1*" -or $_.UserId -like "U8*" -and $_.Company -like "LSY*") {
$newSMTP = "{0}.{1}.{2}@{3}" -f $first,$last,"sp",$company 
#$newSMTP = "{0}{1}{2}.{3}{4}@{5}" -f $first,$middle,$middle2,$last,$code,$sp,$company
$mbox = Get-Mailbox $_.UserID
Else {
$newSMTP = "{0}{1}{2}.{3}{4}@{5}" -f $first,$middle,$middle2,$last,$code,$company
$mbox = Get-Mailbox $_.UserID
If ($mbox.PrimarySMTPAddress -ne $newSMTP)
Write-Host  -ForegroundColor Green "Setting primary SMTP $newsmtp address for $mbox"
$newsmtp | out-file -filepath c:\smtp4.csv -append

#set-mailbox -identity $_.UserID -PrimarySmtpAddress $newsmtp -EmailAddressPolicyEnabled $false
#} else {
#Write-Host -ForegroundColor red -backgroundcolor yellow "$mbox has an SMTP-Address already exists in system"

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appreaciate so much for all your help
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Meir Rivkin
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$objExcel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
$WorkBook = $objExcel.Workbooks.Open($strPath)
$worksheet = $workbook.sheets.item("ED")
2..50 | %{
	$rowNum = $_
	$name = $worksheet.cells.item($rowNum,2).Value()
	$comp = $worksheet.cells.item($rowNum,3).Value()
	$worksheet.cells.item($rowNum,4) = "{0}.extensions@{1}.com" -f $name.Replace(",","."), $comp.toLower()


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hi, nice work again. thank you so much.

The result of the smtp  (see picture above) is  NUN.

It should between every part of the name a dot. e.g.

smith, mike Jeff (Z123456)  should be smtp

and if possible the smtp creation also should not write into the same cell as
the name. Could you change it to  D2-D50 instead B2-D50?
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Meir Rivkin
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thank you so much again for your excellent work