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kevin1983Flag for United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

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Access update query takes 1 minute+ to run. Ideas to improve speed?

Hi Experts,

I currently have an Access 2010 query with uses one SQL table and one SQL view.
1) DATA-LOAD_SHEET  2) dbo_View_LoadSheetTopDelNo
This query updates the delivery number (DelvNum) and Postcode details in the DATA-LOAD_SHEET table from the dbo_View_LoadSheetTopDelNo SQL view (these two fields can change quite often so query needs to run to update them). The problem is the query takes a long time to run - usually about 1 minute or more.

The DATA-LOAD_SHEET table currently only has 77 records and the dbo_View_LoadSheetTopDelNo has 7177 records. Opening the two tables individually do not take too long to open. The larger table takes a bit longer. So it seems it’s the query that’s the issue. Any ideas on how I could improve the speed of this query?

Access SQL view is as below:

UPDATE dbo_View_LoadSheetTopDelNo INNER JOIN [DATA-LOAD_SHEET] ON dbo_View_LoadSheetTopDelNo.DocNum = [DATA-LOAD_SHEET].OrderNum SET [DATA-LOAD_SHEET].DelvNum = [dbo_View_LoadSheetTopDelNo].[highest_delivery_number], [DATA-LOAD_SHEET].POSTCODE = [dbo_View_LoadSheetTopDelNo].[ZipCode];

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Give this syntactical variation a try:

UPDATE [DATA-LOAD_SHEET], dbo_View_LoadSheetTopDelNo
SET [DATA-LOAD_SHEET].DelvNum = [dbo_View_LoadSheetTopDelNo].[highest_delivery_number], [DATA-LOAD_SHEET].POSTCODE = [dbo_View_LoadSheetTopDelNo].[ZipCode]
WHERE dbo_View_LoadSheetTopDelNo.DocNum = [DATA-LOAD_SHEET].OrderNum

Open in new window

join on actual table in place of view..  it may help

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mbizup - Thanks I tried your suggestion but seems to take same length of time to run
Saurv - thanks for your suggestion, the reason i'm using a view is because I need to get the most recent delivery note number from the document so cant simply look at the actual table unless I create a new query in access instead of the view but im not sure if this would help.

The SQL for the SQL view used in the access query is as below:

SELECT     TrgetEntry, DocEntry, DocNum, NumAtCard, Expr1, CardCode, ShipToCode, Address, U_MAX_BDATE, U_MAX_BTTO, U_MAX_BTFROM, U_MAX_BREF, Name,
                      DelvDocDelivery, ZipCode, U_AZU_ICB, SalesDocDelivery, highest_delivery_number, DocStatus
FROM         (SELECT     R.TrgetEntry, O.DocEntry, O.DocNum, O.NumAtCard, DN.DocEntry AS Expr1, O.CardCode, O.ShipToCode, O.Address, O.U_MAX_BDATE, O.U_MAX_BTTO,
                                              O.U_MAX_BTFROM, O.U_MAX_BREF, O.CardName AS Name, ODLN.Address2 AS DelvDocDelivery, C.ZipCode, C.U_AZU_ICB,
                                              O.Address2 AS SalesDocDelivery, ODLN.DocNum AS highest_delivery_number, O.DocStatus, row_number()
                                              OVER (partition BY o.docnum
                       ORDER BY odln.docnum DESC) AS rn
                      dbo.ORDR AS O ON R.DocEntry = O.DocEntry  LEFT OUTER JOIN
                      dbo.DLN1 AS DN ON DN.DocEntry = R.TrgetEntry AND DN.BaseLine = R.LineNum  LEFT OUTER JOIN
                      dbo.ODLN AS ODLN ON ODLN.DocEntry = DN.DocEntry  LEFT OUTER JOIN
                      dbo.CRD1 AS C ON ODLN.ShipToCode = C.Address) AS x
 WHERE x.rn = 1
Run the update as a pass-through query.
jerryb30 - please can you clarify what you mean by this?
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Thanks everyone for your help, running the query directly on SQL server as acerperkins solution suggested seems to be the best solution and works well.

jerryb30 - a pass through query seems ok as another possible option.