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Insert data into correct Access field as a result of selection made

I am having issues inserting information into the correct table of an Access database after submission.  

What I am trying to do is insert data correctly into one of four tables.  This is dependent upon the submitter making a selection in the Location area of the submittal page.  

Below is my code for review.  My page was written in ASP.

strconn = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & Server.Mappath("\ncb9009\registration\db\ncb.mdb") & ""
set conn = server.createobject("adodb.connection") strconn

if request.form("location") = "TPA" Then
SQL = "insert into TPA (manager, program_title, event_date, event_time, event_duration, cle_credit, video, add_comments) values ('"& request.Form("manager") &"', ' "& request.Form("program_title") &" ', ' "& request.Form("event_date") &" ', ' "& request.Form("event_time") &"', ' "& request.Form("event_duration") &" ', ' "& request.Form("cle_credit") &" ', ' "& request.Form("video") &" ', ' "& request.Form("add_comments") &"')"
if request.form("location") = "ORL" Then
SQL = "insert into ORL (manager, program_title, event_date, event_time, event_duration, cle_credit, video, add_comments) values ('"& request.Form("manager") &"', ' "& request.Form("program_title") &" ', ' "& request.Form("event_date") &" ', ' "& request.Form("event_time") &"', ' "& request.Form("event_duration") &" ', ' "& request.Form("cle_credit") &" ', ' "& request.Form("video") &" ', ' "& request.Form("add_comments") &"')"
if request.form("location") = "JAX" Then
SQL = "insert into JAX (manager, program_title, event_date, event_time, event_duration, cle_credit, video, add_comments) values ('"& request.Form("manager") &"', ' "& request.Form("program_title") &" ', ' "& request.Form("event_date") &" ', ' "& request.Form("event_time") &"', ' "& request.Form("event_duration") &" ', ' "& request.Form("cle_credit") &" ', ' "& request.Form("video") &" ', ' "& request.Form("add_comments") &"')"
if request.form("location") = "FTM" Then
SQL = "insert into FTM (manager, program_title, event_date, event_time, event_duration, cle_credit, video, add_comments) values ('"& request.Form("manager") &"', ' "& request.Form("program_title") &" ', ' "& request.Form("event_date") &" ', ' "& request.Form("event_time") &"', ' "& request.Form("event_duration") &" ', ' "& request.Form("cle_credit") &" ', ' "& request.Form("video") &" ', ' "& request.Form("add_comments") &"')"


end if
end if
end if
end if
response.redirect "thankyou.asp" 

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Avatar of Bill Ross
Bill Ross
Flag of United States of America image


What "issues" are you having?

FWIW  - if any field has an apostrophe in it the code will fail.

Also, check the data types for correctness.  If the DB is MS Access and the field event_date is a date/time field then you need to put # around the date value:
...' "& request.Form("event_date") &" '...

...# "& request.Form("event_date") &" #...

and no single quotes are needed around numeric fields.  If cle_credit is numeric then
...' "& request.Form("cle_credit") &" '...

... "& request.Form("cle_credit") &"...

In general, try the insert statement inside MS Access, get it correct then build it in ASP.


Avatar of arendt73


Thank you. Does the SQL statement structure look correct?
I'm not an asp expert but I don't think you can use ELSE or End If.

If is evaluated or not on the next line.  The correct syntax might be:

if request.form("location") = "TPA" Then
SQL = "..."

if request.form("location") = "ORL" Then
SQL = "..."

if request.form("location") = "JAX" Then
SQL = "..."

if request.form("location") = "FTM" Then
SQL = "..."


Next also seems unnecessary...


Avatar of Scott Fell
Scott Fell
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I am trying to remove the single quotes from insertions into the database but cannot figure out how to do so. I tried using padas suggestion but that did not work. When I insert words containing single quotes, I get a Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80040e14' Syntax error.

I am using padas code suggestion to no avail. Any assistance is greatly appreciated. Thank you.


select case request.form("location") 

	Case "TPA" 
		SQL = "insert into TPA (manager, program_title, event_date, event_time, event_duration, cle_credit, video, add_comments) values ('"& request.Form("manager") &"', ' "& request.Form("program_title") &" ', ' "& request.Form("event_date") &" ', ' "& request.Form("event_time") &"', ' "& request.Form("event_duration") &" ', ' "& request.Form("cle_credit") &" ', ' "& request.Form("video") &" ', ' "& request.Form("add_comments") &"')"

	Case "ORL" 
		SQL = "insert into ORL (manager, program_title, event_date, event_time, event_duration, cle_credit, video, add_comments) values ('"& request.Form("manager") &"', ' "& request.Form("program_title") &" ', ' "& request.Form("event_date") &" ', ' "& request.Form("event_time") &"', ' "& request.Form("event_duration") &" ', ' "& request.Form("cle_credit") &" ', ' "& request.Form("video") &" ', ' "& request.Form("add_comments") &"')"

	Case "JAX" 
		SQL = "insert into JAX (manager, program_title, event_date, event_time, event_duration, cle_credit, video, add_comments) values ('"& request.Form("manager") &"', ' "& request.Form("program_title") &" ', ' "& request.Form("event_date") &" ', ' "& request.Form("event_time") &"', ' "& request.Form("event_duration") &" ', ' "& request.Form("cle_credit") &" ', ' "& request.Form("video") &" ', ' "& request.Form("add_comments") &"')"

	Case "FTM" 
		SQL = "insert into FTM (manager, program_title, event_date, event_time, event_duration, cle_credit, video, add_comments) values ('"& request.Form("manager") &"', ' "& request.Form("program_title") &" ', ' "& request.Form("event_date") &" ', ' "& request.Form("event_time") &"', ' "& request.Form("event_duration") &" ', ' "& request.Form("cle_credit") &" ', ' "& request.Form("video") &" ', ' "& request.Form("add_comments") &"')"

	Case else

end select

if SQL<>"" then

	strconn = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & Server.Mappath("\ncb9009\registration\db\ncb.mdb") & ""
	set conn = server.createobject("adodb.connection") strconn

 	response.redirect "thankyou.asp" 

 	response.write "There was an error: Invalid location."

 end if

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