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Avatar of tomfogarty
tomfogartyFlag for Ireland

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Can't access textbox for Autocomplete in repeater


I'm trying to access a textbox in a repeater using a small javascript script. It's called by an ajax autocomplete when the user chooses an option from the list.

It's not working because the javascript can't access the textbox (ID=ContactID). The reason is because it's in a repeater. So how do I modify the script to access that particular textbox in the repeater?


	<script type="text/javascript" >
	function OnContactSelected(source, eventArgs) {
	$get('<%# ContactID.ClientID %>').value = eventArgs.get_value();

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Is the textbox incluced in each item or just a single item say header?
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There will be one in each row. The context is that the contactid is the name of a person that's assigned to something else and the user can add multiple so there could me **many** of them.
When is this OnContactSelected method called and what is the source parameter?
It's called when an item on the list is selected. Specified in the ASP.NET code.
Sorry- should have specified this.

We set the Javascript as a tag parameter of the ASP.NET


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Full example for choosing a company...

<asp:autocompleteextender runat="server" id="AutoComplete" servicemethod="GetCompanyList" targetcontrolid="CompanyInputBox" completionlistcssclass="autotypeahead_completionListElement" onclientitemselected="OnCompanySelected" minimumprefixlength="2" completioninterval="200" completionlistitemcssclass="autotypeahead_listItem" completionlisthighlighteditemcssclass="autotypeahead_highlightedListItem"></asp:autocompleteextender> 

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Ok I see you want to assign the selected value to some other field correct? I take ContactID is that other control.

If you can post the markup of your repeater, it would help.
Here is the code for the repeater only. You'll see the ContactID textbox and the autocomplete controls below also.

<asp:Repeater runat="server" id="CompanyContactTableControlRepeater">		<ITEMTEMPLATE>		<ICBEMS:CompanyContactTableControlRow runat="server" id="CompanyContactTableControlRow">
<tr><td class="tableCellSelectCheckbox" scope="row" style="font-size: 5px;" colspan="2">
                              <asp:CheckBox runat="server" id="CompanyContactRecordRowSelection" onclick="moveToThisTableRow(this);">	</asp:CheckBox><br /><br />
                            </td><td class="tableRowButton"><asp:ImageButton runat="server" id="CompanyContactRowDeleteButton" causesvalidation="False" commandargument="DeleteOnUpdate" commandname="Custom" cssclass="button_link" imageurl="../Images/icon_delete.gif" onmouseout="this.src='../Images/icon_delete.gif'" onmouseover="this.src='../Images/icon_delete_over.gif'" tooltip="&lt;%# GetResourceValue(&quot;Txt:DeleteRecord&quot;, &quot;ICBEMS&quot;) %>">		
	</asp:ImageButton></td><td class="tableRowButton"><asp:ImageButton runat="server" id="CompanyContactRowEditButton" causesvalidation="False" commandname="Redirect" cssclass="button_link" imageurl="../Images/icon_edit.gif" onmouseout="this.src='../Images/icon_edit.gif'" onmouseover="this.src='../Images/icon_edit_over.gif'" tooltip="&lt;%# GetResourceValue(&quot;Txt:EditRecord&quot;, &quot;ICBEMS&quot;) %>">		
	</asp:ImageButton></td><td class="tableCellValue" style="white-space:nowrap;"><div style="display:none"><span style="white-space:nowrap;">
<asp:TextBox runat="server" id="ContactID" Columns="40" MaxLength="40" cssclass="field_input" minlistitems="Default"></asp:TextBox>&nbsp;
<BaseClasses:TextBoxMaxLengthValidator runat="server" id="ContactIDTextBoxMaxLengthValidator" ControlToValidate="ContactID" ErrorMessage="&lt;%# GetResourceValue(&quot;Val:ValueTooLong&quot;, &quot;ICBEMS&quot;).Replace(&quot;{FieldName}&quot;, &quot;Contact&quot;) %>"></BaseClasses:TextBoxMaxLengthValidator></span>
<div style="position:relative;"><asp:textbox id="ContactAutoCompleteTarget" runat="server"></asp:textbox></div>
<asp:autocompleteextender runat="server" id="ContactAutoComplete" targetcontrolid="ContactAutoCompleteTarget" servicemethod="GetContactList" completionlistcssclass="autotypeahead_completionListElement" onclientitemselected="OnContactSelected" minimumprefixlength="2" completioninterval="200" completionlistitemcssclass="autotypeahead_listItem" completionlisthighlighteditemcssclass="autotypeahead_highlightedListItem"></asp:autocompleteextender></td><td class="tableCellValue" style="white-space:nowrap;"></td><td class="tableCellValue" style="white-space:nowrap;"><asp:ImageButton runat="server" id="ContactIDAddRecordLink" causesvalidation="False" commandname="Redirect" imageurl="../Images/iconNewFlat.gif" tooltip="&lt;%# GetResourceValue(&quot;Btn:Add&quot;, &quot;ICBEMS&quot;) %>">		
	</asp:ImageButton></td></tr><tr><td class="tableRowDivider" colspan="5">&nbsp;</td><td class="tableRowDivider"></td><td class="tableRowDivider"></td></tr></ICBEMS:CompanyContactTableControlRow>


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ok then here's one way you can try:

function OnContactSelected(source, eventArgs) {
  var tid=source.get_element(); //grab the associated textbox
  var contact = $(tid).parent().find("input[id$='_ContactID']"); //find the contactid textbox

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Getting an error.
User generated imageSorry - may not have attached the screenshot
Make sure you have added reference to jquery in the <head> section of your page.

<script src=""></script>
I'm getting a messagebox saying "undefined".
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That's giving me a message box with the Text of the selected item of the auto complete. The ID of the ID complete is ContactAutoCompleteTarget. I need to get the value (an ID) of that item and write it into the ContactID textbox. Getting there...
Sorry I didn't get that last part. Didn't you want to add the selected item to the contactID?
Not sure how you are getting ID as the autocomplete will return a string[ ] only correct?
It's OK - this line finishes it.


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Now the autocomplete works.

Thanks a million.