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Perl Script to input data from an XLS file


I'm trying to write a script which takes .xls column entries (from a table of peptides), creates ranges of +/- 3 for each value, and then matches this range against another .xls file to return label information.

I've put together a step-by-step procedure for what I'm trying to achieve in "script_procedure.txt".
I've also attached sample files: "cropped_MB4_Elephant.xls", "cropped_MB10_Dolphin.xls"

Finally, Label_List is used for the script to extract the label information for START and END +/- 3 ranges and input these into a new column.

The attached text file should make clearer sense.


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Sorry about that. This fixes the issue I mentioned above.

Be sure to change the SRCDIR and DSTDIR appropriately. They are located at the top of the script.
Be sure to have the perl modules Spreadsheet::ParseExcel and Spreadsheet::WriteExcel installed.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use File::Spec;
use Spreadsheet::ParseExcel;
use Spreadsheet::WriteExcel;

# Set source dir /dst dir here
my $VOLUME = 'C';   # Ignored on Unix. 
                    # Probably needs to be "C" or "C:" on windows.
my $SRCDIR = '/home/exch/20131114/scale';
my $DSTDIR = '/home/exch/20131114/output'; 

# Read files matching "cropped-MB" from DIR
opendir DIR, $SRCDIR or die "Could not open dir: $!\n";
my @filelist = grep(/cropped-MB/i, readdir DIR);
closedir DIR;

# Read Label List (Label_List.xls)
# Spec calls this Label_List.xls 
# but file is actually called Label-List.xls 
# Please note dash in filename versus underscore and change accordingly
# when/if appropriate
my $labelParser   = Spreadsheet::ParseExcel->new();
my $labelWorkbook = $labelParser->parse( 
                        File::Spec->catpath(    $VOLUME, 
                                                'Label-List.xls') );

# Populate label maps for which we will check ranges against.
my %startLabelMap;
my %endLabelMap;

# print "INFO Populating label maps...\n";

for my $worksheet ( $labelWorkbook->worksheets() ) {
    my ( $row_min, $row_max ) = $worksheet->row_range();
    my ( $col_min, $col_max ) = $worksheet->col_range();

    for my $row ( $row_min .. $row_max ) {
        if($row == 0) {
            # Skip first row of label list, these are headers
            # print "DEBUG Skipping ".$worksheet->get_cell( $row, 0 )->unformatted()."\n";
        my $label   = $worksheet->get_cell( $row, 0 )->unformatted();
        my $start   = $worksheet->get_cell( $row, 1 )->unformatted();
        my $end     = $worksheet->get_cell( $row, 2 )->unformatted();
        # print "DEBUG Adding label $label $start $end\n";

        if($start ne "") {
            $startLabelMap{$start}  = $label;

        if($end ne "") {
            $endLabelMap{$end}      = $label;


# Function for checking ranges.
# Find number key within range in hash.
# @param num        The number to lookup in the hash. (Find within +/- 3)
# @param hashref    A reference to the hash
sub rangeLookup {
    my $num = shift;
    my $hashRef = shift;
    # print "DEBUG Checking map...\n";

    foreach my $key (sort (keys %{$hashRef})) {
        my $label = $hashRef->{$key};

        # print "DEBUG Checking $num against $key: $label\n";

        if( $key > $num-3 && $key < $num+3) {
            # print "DEBUG Found match $label\n";
            return $label;

    return "No label for $num";

# Process each file
foreach my $file (@filelist) {
    print "INFO Processing file $file\n";
    # print "INFO Creating parser\n";
    my $parser   = Spreadsheet::ParseExcel->new();
    my $workbook = $parser->parse(
                        File::Spec->catpath(    $VOLUME, 
                                                $file ) );
    # print "INFO Creating writer\n";
    my $newWorkbook  = Spreadsheet::WriteExcel->new(
                                    File::Spec->catpath(    $VOLUME, 
                                                            "$file".".new") );
    my $newWorksheet = $newWorkbook->add_worksheet();

    # print "INFO Iterating over worksheets...\n";

    # Spec doesn't mention if these columns are always at the same index.
    # If yes, then we can just hard code these rather than inspecting
    # the header names.
    my $pStartCol;
    my $pEndCol;

    # Spec doesn't mention if these new columns will always be at the same 
    # index, so keep track of their index when we create them.
    my $lStartCol;
    my $lEndCol; 
    my $labelCol;

    for my $worksheet ( $workbook->worksheets() ) {
        my ( $row_min, $row_max ) = $worksheet->row_range();
        my ( $col_min, $col_max ) = $worksheet->col_range();

        for my $row ( $row_min .. $row_max ) {

            # Derived start and end labels for this row.
            my $sLabel;
            my $eLabel;

            for my $col ( $col_min .. $col_max ) {
                my $cell = $worksheet->get_cell( $row, $col );
                # Copy the existing cell to the new doc
                if(defined($cell)) {
                    $newWorksheet->write($row, $col, $cell->unformatted());

                if($row == 0) {
                    # We are reading the headers. This will tell us
                    # column indexes of pep_start/pep_end

                    if(defined($cell)) {
                        if($cell->unformatted() eq "pep_start") {
                            $pStartCol = $col;
                        if($cell->unformatted() eq "pep_end") {
                            $pEndCol = $col;

                    # if we are at the end of the first row of columns, 
                    # add the new columns for L_Start L_End and LabeList
                    if($col == $col_max) {
                        $lStartCol  = $col + 1;
                        $lEndCol    = $col + 2;
                        $labelCol   = $col + 3;
                        $newWorksheet->write($row, $lStartCol,  "L_Start");
                        $newWorksheet->write($row, $lEndCol,    "L_End");
                        $newWorksheet->write($row, $labelCol,   "LabelList");

                } else {
                    # We are reading past the header row. 
                    # Check if we have a column which needs analysis 

                    if(defined($cell)) {
                        if($col == $pStartCol) {
                            my $start = $cell->unformatted();
                            $sLabel = rangeLookup($start, \%startLabelMap);
                        if($col == $pEndCol) {
                            my $end = $cell->unformatted();
                            $eLabel = rangeLookup($end, \%endLabelMap);

                    # We have read all of the existing columns.
                    # Concat the start and end labels as necessary and
                    # add them
                    if($col == $col_max) {
                        if(!defined($sLabel) && !defined($eLabel)) {
                            print "WARNING No label for row ".$row."\n";    
                            $newWorksheet->write($row, $labelCol, "No Label");
                        } else {
                            $newWorksheet->write($row, $lStartCol, $sLabel);
                            $newWorksheet->write($row, $lEndCol, $eLabel);
                            if($sLabel eq $eLabel) {
                                $newWorksheet->write($row, $labelCol, $sLabel);
                            } else {
                                $newWorksheet->write($row, $labelCol, 

                # DEBUG
                # print "Row, Col    = ($row, $col)\n";
                # print "Value       = ", $cell->value(),       "\n";
                # print "Unformatted = ", $cell->unformatted(), "\n";
                # print "\n";


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Avatar of StephenMcGowan


Hi jb1dev,

Thanks a lot for getting back to me with this! very much appreciated!

I've tried running the script you've written but I'm currently coming across this error message:

Can't call method "worksheets" on an undefined value @ line 45

which is here...

# print "INFO Populating label maps...\n";

for my $worksheet ( $labelWorkbook->worksheets() ) {
    my ( $row_min, $row_max ) = $worksheet->row_range();
    my ( $col_min, $col_max ) = $worksheet->col_range();

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Thanks again,

So line 45 is where it is trying to open the worksheets in the "label" file:

for my $worksheet ( $labelWorkbook->worksheets() ) {

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Is the label file located in the SRCDIR?

Is the label filename correct? Check my comments in the code here:

# Read Label List (Label_List.xls)
# Spec calls this Label_List.xls
# but file is actually called Label-List.xls
# Please note dash in filename versus underscore and change accordingly
# when/if appropriate
my $labelParser   = Spreadsheet::ParseExcel->new();
my $labelWorkbook = $labelParser->parse(
                        File::Spec->catpath(    $VOLUME,
                                                'Label-List.xls') );

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Can you post what you have changed the SRCDIR value to?

If you are on windows, are you using \\ for directory separator?

Sorry I do not have a Windows platform handy on which to try this.

I can add additional logging and checking for presence of the specified directories and files, if that would help.

Let me know.
Hi jb1,

This is how I modified the beginning section of code:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use File::Spec;
use Spreadsheet::ParseExcel;
use Spreadsheet::WriteExcel;

# Set source dir /dst dir setting
my $VOLUME = 'C';
my $SRCDIR = '/Users/Stephen/Desktop/LCMS';
my $DSTDIR = '/Users/Stephen/Desktop/output'; 

# Read files matching "cropped_MB" from DIR
opendir DIR, $SRCDIR or die "Could not open dir: $!\n";
my @filelist = grep(/cropped_MB/i, readdir DIR);
closedir DIR;

# Read Label List (Label_List.xls)
my $labelParser   = Spreadsheet::ParseExcel->new();
my $labelWorkbook = $labelParser->parse( 
                        File::Spec->catpath(    $VOLUME, 
                                                'Label_List.xls') );

# Populate label maps to check ranges against.
my %startLabelMap;
my %endLabelMap;

# print "INFO Populating label maps...\n";

for my $worksheet ( $labelWorkbook->worksheets() ) {
    my ( $row_min, $row_max ) = $worksheet->row_range();
    my ( $col_min, $col_max ) = $worksheet->col_range();

    for my $row ( $row_min .. $row_max ) {
        if($row == 0) {
            # Skip first row of label list, these are headers
            # print "DEBUG Skipping ".$worksheet->get_cell( $row, 0 )->unformatted()."\n";
        my $label   = $worksheet->get_cell( $row, 0 )->unformatted();
        my $start   = $worksheet->get_cell( $row, 1 )->unformatted();
        my $end     = $worksheet->get_cell( $row, 2 )->unformatted();

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I'm guessing that the SRCDIR and DSTDIR are set wrong?

Thanks again,

Can you try setting:

my $VOLUME = 'C:\\';
Or try with the following:

my $VOLUME = '';
my $SRCDIR = 'C:/Users/Stephen/Desktop/LCMS';
my $DSTDIR = 'C:/Users/Stephen/Desktop/output';

I realize, my dir listing is not using the File::Spec so the above should hopefully work for finding your "LCMS" dir.
Check if the below works.
If it does, I will adjust the code to use this path instead.


my $SRCDIR = 'C:/Users/Stephen/Desktop/LCMS';
my $file = $SRCDIR.'/'.'Label-List.xls';

if(-e $file) {
    print "File exists\n";

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