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Avatar of Alicia St Rose
Alicia St RoseFlag for United States of America

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Css Browser Selector Doesn't seem to be working, don't know why

I've used this script so many times and now it appears to be a new and improved version to generate classes for devices, screen width, etc., and add them the the HTML tag.

For the life of me, I can't get the classes to show up! I don't even see them generated on the CSS Browser Selector site!

here's the site I wish to use it on:

 CSS Browser Selector 1.0
 Originally written by Rafael Lima (

 Co-maintained by:

var uaInfo = {
	ua : '',
	is : function (t) {
		return RegExp(t, "i").test(;
	version : function (p, n) {
		n = n.replace(".", "_");
		var i = n.indexOf('_'),
			ver = "";
		while (i > 0) {
			ver += " " + p + n.substring(0, i);
			i = n.indexOf('_', i + 1);
		ver += " " + p + n;
		return ver;
	getBrowser : function() {
		var g = 'gecko',
			w = 'webkit',
			c = 'chrome',
			f = 'firefox',
			s = 'safari',
			o = 'opera',
			a = 'android',
			bb = 'blackberry',
			dv = 'device_',

			ua =,
			is =;

		return [
			(!(/opera|webtv/i.test(ua)) && /msie\s(\d+)/.test(ua)) ? ('ie ie' + (/trident\/4\.0/.test(ua) ? '8' : RegExp.$1))
				:is('firefox/') ? g + " " + f + (/firefox\/((\d+)(\.(\d+))(\.\d+)*)/.test(ua) ? ' ' + f + RegExp.$2 + ' ' + f + RegExp.$2 + "_" + RegExp.$4 : '')
				:is('gecko/') ? g
				:is('opera') ? o + (/version\/((\d+)(\.(\d+))(\.\d+)*)/.test(ua) ? ' ' + o + RegExp.$2 + ' ' + o + RegExp.$2 + "_" + RegExp.$4 : (/opera(\s|\/)(\d+)\.(\d+)/.test(ua) ? ' ' + o + RegExp.$2 + " " + o + RegExp.$2 + "_" + RegExp.$3 : ''))
				:is('konqueror') ? 'konqueror'
				:is('blackberry') ? (bb + (/Version\/(\d+)(\.(\d+)+)/i.test(ua) ? " " + bb + RegExp.$1 + " " + bb + RegExp.$1 + RegExp.$2.replace('.', '_') : (/Blackberry ?(([0-9]+)([a-z]?))[\/|;]/gi.test(ua) ? ' ' + bb + RegExp.$2 + (RegExp.$3 ? ' ' + bb + RegExp.$2 + RegExp.$3 : '') : ''))) // blackberry
				:is('android') ? (a + (/Version\/(\d+)(\.(\d+))+/i.test(ua) ? " " + a + RegExp.$1 + " " + a + RegExp.$1 + RegExp.$2.replace('.', '_') : '') + (/Android (.+); (.+) Build/i.test(ua) ? ' ' + dv + ((RegExp.$2).replace(/ /g, "_")).replace(/-/g, "_") : '')) //android
				:is('chrome') ? w + ' ' + c + (/chrome\/((\d+)(\.(\d+))(\.\d+)*)/.test(ua) ? ' ' + c + RegExp.$2 + ((RegExp.$4 > 0) ? ' ' + c + RegExp.$2 + "_" + RegExp.$4 : '') : '')
				:is('iron') ? w + ' iron'
				:is('applewebkit/') ? (w + ' ' + s + (/version\/((\d+)(\.(\d+))(\.\d+)*)/.test(ua) ? ' ' + s + RegExp.$2 + " " + s + RegExp.$2 + RegExp.$3.replace('.', '_') : (/ Safari\/(\d+)/i.test(ua) ? ((RegExp.$1 == "419" || RegExp.$1 == "417" || RegExp.$1 == "416" || RegExp.$1 == "412") ? ' ' + s + '2_0' : RegExp.$1 == "312" ? ' ' + s + '1_3' : RegExp.$1 == "125" ? ' ' + s + '1_2' : RegExp.$1 == "85" ? ' ' + s + '1_0' : '') : ''))) //applewebkit
				:is('mozilla/') ? g : ''
	getPlatform : function() {
		var ua =,
			version = uaInfo.version,
			is =;

		return [
			is('j2me') ? 'j2me'
			:is('ipad|ipod|iphone') ? (
			(/CPU( iPhone)? OS (\d+[_|\.]\d+([_|\.]\d+)*)/i.test(ua) ? 'ios' + version('ios', RegExp.$2) : '') + ' ' + (/(ip(ad|od|hone))/gi.test(ua) ? RegExp.$1 : "")) //'iphone'
			:is('playbook') ? 'playbook'
			:is('kindle|silk') ? 'kindle'
			:is('playbook') ? 'playbook'
			:is('mac') ? 'mac' + (/mac os x ((\d+)[.|_](\d+))/.test(ua) ? (' mac' + (RegExp.$2) + ' mac' + (RegExp.$1).replace('.', "_")) : '')
			:is('win') ? 'win' + (is('windows nt 6.2') ? ' win8'
			:is('windows nt 6.1') ? ' win7'
			:is('windows nt 6.0') ? ' vista'
			:is('windows nt 5.2') || is('windows nt 5.1') ? ' win_xp'
			:is('windows nt 5.0') ? ' win_2k'
			:is('windows nt 4.0') || is('WinNT4.0') ? ' win_nt' : '')
			:is('freebsd') ? 'freebsd'
			:is('x11|linux') ? 'linux' : ''
	getMobile : function() {
		var is =;
		return [
			is("android|mobi|mobile|j2me|iphone|ipod|ipad|blackberry|playbook|kindle|silk") ? 'mobile' : ''
	getIpadApp : function() {
		var is =;
		return [
			(is('ipad|iphone|ipod') && !is('safari')) ? 'ipad_app' : ''
	getLang : function() {
		var ua =;

		return [
			/[; |\[](([a-z]{2})(\-[a-z]{2})?)[)|;|\]]/i.test(ua) ? ('lang_' + RegExp.$2).replace("-", "_") + (RegExp.$3 != '' ? (' ' + 'lang_' + RegExp.$1).replace("-", "_") : '') : ''

var screenInfo = {
	width : (window.outerWidth || html.clientWidth) - 15,
	height : window.outerHeight || html.clientHeight,
	screens : [0, 768, 980, 1200],
	screenSize : function () {
		screenInfo.width = (window.outerWidth || html.clientWidth) - 15;
		screenInfo.height = window.outerHeight || html.clientHeight;
		var screens = screenInfo.screens,
			i = screens.length,
			arr = [],
		while(i--) {
			if (screenInfo.width >= screens[i]) {
				if(i) {
					arr.push("minw_" + screens[(i)]);
				if (i <= 2) {
					arr.push("maxw_" + (screens[(i) + 1] - 1));
		return arr;
	getOrientation : function() {
		return screenInfo.width < screenInfo.height ? ["orientation_portrait"] : ["orientation_landscape"];
	getInfo : function() {
		var arr = [];
		arr = arr.concat(screenInfo.screenSize());
		arr = arr.concat(screenInfo.getOrientation());
		return  arr;
	getPixelRatio : function() {
		var arr = [],
			pixelRatio = window.devicePixelRatio ? window.devicePixelRatio : 1;

		if(pixelRatio > 1) {
			arr.push('retina_' + parseInt(pixelRatio) + 'x');
		} else {
		return arr;

var dataUriInfo = {
	data : new Image(),
	div : document.createElement("div"),
	isIeLessThan9 : false,
	getImg : function() { = "";
		dataUriInfo.div.innerHTML = "<!--[if lt IE 9]><i></i><![endif]-->";
		dataUriInfo.isIeLessThan9 = dataUriInfo.div.getElementsByTagName("i").length == 1;

	checkSupport : function() {
		if( != 1 || != 1 || dataUriInfo.isIeLessThan9) {
			return ["no-datauri"];
		else {
			return ["datauri"];


function css_browser_selector(u, ns) {
	var html = document.documentElement,
		b = []
		ns = ns ? ns : "";

	/* ua */ = u.toLowerCase();
	b = b.concat(uaInfo.getBrowser());
	b = b.concat(uaInfo.getPlatform());
	b = b.concat(uaInfo.getMobile());
	b = b.concat(uaInfo.getIpadApp());
	b = b.concat(uaInfo.getLang());

	/* js */
	b = b.concat(['js']);

	/* pixel ratio */
	b = b.concat(screenInfo.getPixelRatio());

	/* screen */
	b = b.concat(screenInfo.getInfo());

	var updateScreen = function() {
		html.className = html.className.replace(/ ?orientation_\w+/g, "").replace(/ [min|max|cl]+[w|h]_\d+/g, "");
		html.className = html.className + ' ' + screenInfo.getInfo().join(' ');

	window.addEventListener('resize', updateScreen);
	window.addEventListener('orientationchange', updateScreen);

	/* dataURI */
	var data = dataUriInfo.getImg();
	data.onload = data.onerror = function(){
		html.className += ' ' + dataUriInfo.checkSupport().join(' ');

	/* removendo itens invalidos do array */
	b = b.filter(function(e){
		return e;

	/* prefixo do namespace */
	b[0] = ns ? ns + b[0] : b[0];
	html.className = b.join(' ' + ns);
	return html.className;

// define css_browser_selector_ns before loading this script to assign a namespace
var css_browser_selector_ns = css_browser_selector_ns || "";

// init
css_browser_selector(navigator.userAgent, css_browser_selector_ns);

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Avatar of Scott Fell
Scott Fell
Flag of United States of America image

Looking at your link, you have

 jQuery(window).load(function() {
    jQuery('.flexslider').flexslider() ({
    directionNav: false,

Open in new window

and probably should be sans the () after flexslider
 jQuery(window).load(function() {
    directionNav: false,

Open in new window

Avatar of Alicia St Rose


I got rid of that. But I don't think this is going to help solve the problem of the classes not showing up when I use css_browser_selector.js.

That's where my issue is and it's driving me crazy since I've used this before!
The console shows "event.returnValue is deprecated. Please use the standard event.preventDefault() instead" and there is some invalid code.

When you say you can't see the classes, are you viewing source or using a console?

Are you using the most up to date version of the code
I was viewing source and I grabbed the code from Github. I think it's out of date. I even found a Wordpress plugin that was based on the code and it didn't seem to work either.

I guess easy street just ended. That script was RAD!! I'm not good enough with javascript to even begin to fix it.
Avatar of Scott Fell
Scott Fell
Flag of United States of America image

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Oh, have I looked into media queries? It's pretty much a big part of my coding experience. I actually code mobile first. Wouldn't believe it, would cha?

For some reason I went insane and was trying to add a scaled down header to iphone, by using that obviously broken css_browser_selector.

I did eventually add the two images to the appropriate media queries...after slapping my forehead for the wasted time.

I need a vacation...
Your advice is the best solution. Because as far as I know Media queries aren't going to go all wonky any time soon!