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How set values of dynamic (cascading) select boxes

I have a form that contains a "location information" section that enables the user to select a high level location, then each subsequent select box is dynamically displayed based on the previous choice (see screenshots).

This works great for a first entry, however i'm trying to implement a lookup feature, that would automatically populate the select boxes.  I've been successful with the first two levels, but I'm stuck trying to get the third level to work.  

Note:  I believe this has something to do with the asynchronous processing since there is a slight delay after each selection since the system has to do a database lookup to get the select options, then it has to display to the page.

Here is the entire form-- note that its contained within an application that supports custom tags, so hopefully its not too confusing.

The section in question is "//set location options"


	PowerView: initiate_workflow-PV


<html lang="en">
        <title >Well Connect CCS Request</title>
        <link href="[LL_REPTAG_SUPPORTDIR /]common/css/rime.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
        <link href="[LL_REPTAG_SUPPORTDIR /]wellconnect/css/wcstylesheet.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
        <link href="[LL_REPTAG_SUPPORTDIR /]wellconnect/css/wclinks.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
        <script src="[LL_REPTAG_SUPPORTDIR /]common/js/prototype.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
        <script src="[LL_REPTAG_SUPPORTDIR /]wellconnect/js/utilities.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
	<script>baseURL = "[LL_REPTAG_URLPREFIX /]";</script>

        <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">

            // These are standard form functions.
            function markDirty()
            function addRowSubmit( fieldName, index )
                document.myForm.func.value = 'webform.AttrValueAdd';
                document.myForm.LL_AttrFieldName.value = fieldName;
                document.myForm.LL_AttrFieldIndex.value = index;
            function delRowSubmit( fieldName, msg )
                if ( confirm( msg ) )
                    document.myForm.func.value = 'webform.AttrValueDelete';
                    document.myForm.LL_AttrFieldName.value = fieldName;

            /*** Custom functions ***/

            // Initialize some things-may or may not be needed.
            function onInitPage() {
		var leaseTypeFld=document.getElementById("_1_1_186_1");
                // Make sure fields are shown/hidden depending on radio buttons.
		getradiovalues( );
		// Set Location information (Land Desription)
		loadAllLocations(1, false);
		// Set the Lease Type correctly.
		// Set Operator if one already selected in the drop-down.

            // Get the name for a selected Operator.
            function setOperatorName()
		var selectOperator = document.getElementById("_1_1_69_1_72_1");
                var operatorNameFld = document.getElementById("_1_1_69_1_70_1");

		// Get name from text items shown. Strip off any operator code.
		if (selectOperator.selectedIndex == 0) {
		    // Nothing selected, set to blank.
		    operatorNameFld.value = "";
		} else {
		    operatorNameFld.value = selectOperator.options[selectOperator.selectedIndex].text;
		    var j = operatorNameFld.value.lastIndexOf(" - ");
		    if (j >= 0) {
			operatorNameFld.value = operatorNameFld.value.substring(0,j);

            // Get and set the Option Value based on Name       
	    function setSelectOption(selObj, name)
		  var x=document.getElementById(selObj);
          						for (var y=0;y<x.length;y++){

	   //Lookup well connect info based on well name, autopopulate fields if well is found
	   function getWCdata() {
			var optHandlerFunc = function () { JSfunction() };
			var handlerFunc = function () { executeJS( http_request, optHandlerFunc ) };
		         var param = "&wellname=" + document.getElementById("_1_1_5_1").value;
			// $TargetWR is a constant and objectID of the target WR.
			sendRequest([LL_REPTAG_$GetWCdata-swr /], handlerFunc, param );
			// Handle the response to sendRequest
			function executeJS(http_request, JSfunction) {
				if (http_request.readyState == 4) {
					if (http_request.status == 200) {
						// recieve the results of the webreport via a pipe delimited string
						var results= http_request.responseText;
						if ( JSfunction ) {
							// execute any user passed function
					} else {
						alert('There was a problem with the request.');
			function JSfunction() {
				// Add anything else here after the results are displayed


 // Auto populate the fields if an existing well connect is found
function setWCdata(wcdata){
		var str=wcdata
		alert("No Well Connects found under that name, you will need to fill out the form manaully");
		 //reset form		

				   //divide string by "|"	
				   var wcarray = wcdata.split('|');
				   //split each record into [sort , value] array
				   var wcarray2d = new Array();  
						for (var i = 0; i < wcarray.length; i++){
				   wcarray2d[i] = wcarray[i].split('~');
				 for (var i = 0; i < wcarray2d.length; i++){
				     //set operator
					//set operator is shipper	
						//if yes set value	
						//if no set radio and show shipper name text input
					//estimated production	
					   //remove any commas
					    var str=document.getElementById("_1_1_8_1").value=wcarray2d[i][1];
					    str= str.replace(/,/gi,'');		
				//set location options
				 	     document.getElementById("typeselect_1_1_190_" + 2).value=wcarray2d[i][2];
					     typeSelectionChanged(document.getElementById("typeselect_1_1_190_"+ 2)); 
					     setSelectOption("entityselect_1_1_190_"+2, wcarray2d[i][1]);

					     if(wcarray2d[i][0]==1303 ){
					     var temparray= new Array();
              				     var temp=temparray[i][1];
					     var digit=temparray[i][0];
			                       var ldigit=String(digit.charAt(temparray[i][0].length-1));
					     setSelectOption("entityselect_1_1_190_"+ ldigit, temp);
					     entitySelectionChanged(document.getElementById("entityselect_1_1_190_"+ ldigit));
					     if(wcarray2d[i][0]==1304 ){
                 				     temparray1= new Array();
              				     var temp1=temparray[i][1];
					     var digit1=temparray[i][0];	
			                       var ldigit1=String(digit1.charAt(temparray1[i][0].length-1));
					     setSelectOption("entityselect_1_1_190_"+ ldigit1, temp1);
					     entitySelectionChanged(document.getElementById("entityselect_1_1_190_"+ ldigit));
			                  //set additional location
					//set latitude
					//set longitude
					//set NAD
					//set shipper Name

					//set lease type
					var x=document.getElementById("_1_1_186_1");
					for (var y=0;y<x.length;y++){

					//set lease number
					//set well staked questions
					     //if yes set value	
						//if no set radio 


            // Hide/show fields based on radio buttons selected.
            function getradiovalues()
                var isOpShipperRow = document.getElementById("shipperNameRow");
                var shipperName = document.getElementById("_1_1_61_1");
                var multiWellCommentsRow = document.getElementById("mWellCommentsRow");
                var mWellText = document.getElementById("_1_1_29_1");

                // Is Operator Shipper?
                if (document.getElementById("isOpShipper2").checked)
		    // Default to hide shipper field.
                    shipperName.value = "";


	    /* ---------------------------  Land Description - MVC Model ------------------------- */

	    /*** Land Desription: Data Section - Data structures and functions of the data model. ***/

            var typeValues = new Array(51);		// 2-D array of types.
            var typeLabels = new Array(51);		// 2-D array of user-friendly labels for the types.
	    var typeStart = new Array(51);		// 2-D array of starting index for each type in ld* arrays.
	    var entityValues = new Array(51);		// 2-D array of values.
	    var entityIDs = new Array(51);		// 2-D array of IDs.
	    var entityNumChildren = new Array(51);	// 2-D array of number of children of each entity.
	    // Reset all data from level "start" onward.
	    function resetData(start) {
		for (var level=start; level<=50; level++) {
		    typeValues[level] = null;
		    typeLabels[level] = null;
		    typeStart[level] = null;
		    entityValues[level] = null;
		    entityIDs[level] = null;
		    entityNumChildren[level] = null;
		    // Set current values to defaults.
		    setCurrentType(level, '');
		    setCurrentEntity(level, '', '');
	    // Load the data model starting at level "level". "start" is the starting level. This 
	    // function calls itself recursively because it relies on asynchronous Ajax calls, and we need
	    // the levels to be processed in order. Note that "start" will be carried through to all recursions
	    // so that we always know where we started.
	    function loadDataFrom(start, level) {

		var parentID='';
		// Determine if we should do this level, or we are done, and should now populate the drop-downs.
		if (level <= 1) {
		    parentID = '-1';
		} else {
		    lastlevel = parseInt(level) - 1;
		    parentID = getCurrentEntityID(lastlevel);
                    var numChildren = getNumberChildren(lastlevel, parentID);

		    // If no parent or no children at last level current ID value, don't create this level.
		    // We are done recursing, and need to now load the view starting at "start" level.
		    if (parentID == '' || numChildren <= 0) {


                // See if we need to do an add row submit to get a new row.
		var levelFld = document.getElementById('level_1_1_190_' + String(level));
		if (!levelFld) {
		    // Row does not exist yet, so need to do an Add Row.
		    addRowSubmit( '_1_1_190', level );
		} else {
		    // We have the row, so now we need to get the data from Ajax.
		    var url;
                    url = '[LL_REPTAG_URLPREFIX /][LL_REPTAG_$GetLocationData-WR LLURL:REPORT /]&parentid=' + escape(parentID);
		    new Ajax.Request(url, {
			method: 'get',
			onSuccess: function(transport) {
			    // Get XML data.
			    var xmlDoc=transport.responseXML;
			    var ids=xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('id');
			    var entity_types=xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('entity_type');
			    var entity_labels=xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('entity_label');
			    var entity_values=xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('entity_name');
			    var num_children=xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('num_children');
    			    var lastType = '';
			    var entityType;

                            // If there is a problem with the location database, and we get no entries at the top level, we abort
			    // and leave the Submit button disabled.
			    if (ids.length == 0 && level==1) {
				alert("Could not access location database!");
				var saveButton = document.getElementById('SaveButton');
				saveButton.disabled = true;
			    } else {
				// Init arrays.
				typeValues[level] = new Array();
				typeLabels[level] = new Array();
				typeStart[level] = new Array();
				entityValues[level] = new Array(ids.length);
				entityIDs[level] = new Array(ids.length);
				entityNumChildren[level] = new Array(ids.length);
				// Load arrays.
				for (var i=0; i<ids.length; i++){
				    // Load the entity data in preallocated arrays.
				    entityIDs[level][i] = ids[i].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
				    entityValues[level][i] = entity_values[i].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
				    entityNumChildren[level][i] = num_children[i].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
				    // If this is new type, load type. Array was not preallocated, so push values on.
				    entityType = entity_types[i].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
				    if (entityType != lastType) {
					var entityLabel=entity_labels[i].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
					lastType = entityType;
					// If no default selected, see if STATE is there. If so, make it current.
					if (entityType.toUpperCase() == 'STATE' && getCurrentType(level) == '') {
					    setCurrentType(level, entityType);
				    /* alert('level ' + level + ': entityType='+entityType);
				    if (entityType.toUpperCase() == 'COUNTRY' && getCurrentEntityID(level) == '' && entityIDs[level][i] == '0') {
				    } */
				    // If Country level and no default set, make U.S. (ID = 0) the default.
				    if (entityType.toUpperCase() == 'COUNTRY' && getCurrentEntityID(level) == '' && entityIDs[level][i] == '0') {
					setCurrentEntity(level, entityIDs[level][i], entityValues[level][i]);
				// Call ourselves recursively.
				loadDataFrom(start, parseInt(level)+1);
			onError: function(transport) {
			    alert("Failed to fetch information.");
	    // Get current type at level.
	    function getCurrentType(level) {
		var typeCurrentFld = document.getElementById('_1_1_190_' + String(level) + '_191_1');
		if (typeCurrentFld)
		    return typeCurrentFld.value;
		    return '';
	    // Get current type index at level.
	    function getCurrentTypeIdx(level) {
		var typeCurrentFld = document.getElementById('_1_1_190_' + String(level) + '_191_1');
		if (typeCurrentFld && typeValues[level] != null && typeValues[level].length > 0) {
		    for (var i=0; i<typeValues[level].length; i++) {
			if (typeValues[level][i] == typeCurrentFld.value)
			    return i;
	        // default is first one.
		return 0;
	    // Get current starting index in entity array based on current type selected.
	    function getCurrentTypeStart(level) {
		var idx = getCurrentTypeIdx(level);
		if (idx < typeStart[level].length) {
		    return typeStart[level][idx];
	    // Get current ending index in entity array based on current type selected.
	    function getCurrentTypeEnd(level) {
		var idx = getCurrentTypeIdx(level) + 1;
		if (idx < typeStart[level].length) {
		    // Return one less than start of next span.
		    return typeStart[level][idx] - 1;
		} else {
		    // Return index of last entity ID.
		    return entityIDs[level].length - 1;
            // Set type at level.	    
	    function setCurrentType(level, typeValue) {
		var typeCurrentFld = document.getElementById('_1_1_190_' + String(level) + '_191_1');
		if (typeCurrentFld)
		    typeCurrentFld.value = typeValue;
	    // Get current Entity ID at level.
	    function getCurrentEntityID(level) {
		var entityCurrentIDFld = document.getElementById('_1_1_190_' + String(level) + '_193_1');
		if (entityCurrentIDFld)
		    return entityCurrentIDFld.value;
		    return '';

	    // Set entity ID and value at a level.
	    function setCurrentEntity(level, entityID, entityValue) {
		var entityCurrentIDFld = document.getElementById('_1_1_190_' + String(level) + '_193_1');
		var entityCurrentValFld = document.getElementById('_1_1_190_' + String(level) + '_192_1');

		if (entityCurrentValFld && entityCurrentIDFld) {
		    entityCurrentIDFld.value = entityID;
		    entityCurrentValFld.value = entityValue;
		// See if we should fill in the State and County fields (used in some messages in workflow). We will
		// just get the data from levels 2 and 3 for State and Country (or Parish, etc.).
		if (level == 2) {
                    var oldStateFld = document.getElementById('_1_1_10_1');
		    if (entityValue == '')
		        oldStateFld.value = ' '; // To avoid getting '?'
		        oldStateFld.value = entityValue;
		if (level == 3) {
                    var oldCountyFld = document.getElementById('_1_1_11_1');
		    if (entityValue == '')
		        oldCountyFld.value = ' '; // To avoid getting '?'
		        oldCountyFld.value = entityValue;

	    // Given a level and an entity ID, determine number of children
	    function getNumberChildren(level, id) {
		if (entityIDs[level] != null && entityNumChildren[level] != null && entityNumChildren[level].length == entityIDs[level].length) {
		    for (var i=0; i<entityIDs[level].length; i++) {
			if (entityIDs[level][i] == id) {
			    return entityNumChildren[level][i];
		return 0;
	    /*** Land Desription: View Functions - These all deal with the view, such as populating drop-downs. ***/
	    // Sets the location drop-downs to match the internal representation in arrays.
	    function populateDropdowns(start) {
		for (var level=start; level<=50; level++) {
		    var levelSection = document.getElementById('level_1_1_190_' + String(level));
		    try {
			if (levelSection) {
			    if (!populateTypeDropDown(level) || !populateEntityDropDown(level))
			        // If country level and only U.S. there, hide it.
				if (getCurrentType(level).toUpperCase() == 'COUNTRY' && 
				    document.getElementById('entityselect_1_1_190_' + String(level)).length <= 2 ) {
				} else {
			} else {
			// This should not happen but is here just in case.
			alert('Runtime Error: '+err.message);
	    // Populates the type drop-down at a level from the internal data representation. 
	    // Returns true if success, false if level doesn't exist. 
	    function populateTypeDropDown(level) {
		var typeSelFld = document.getElementById('typeselect_1_1_190_' + String(level));
		var typeFixedFld = document.getElementById('typefixed_1_1_190_' + String(level));
		if (typeSelFld && typeFixedFld) {
		    if (typeValues[level] == null || typeValues[level].length == 0) {
			typeSelFld.length = 0;
			return false;
		    } else if (typeValues[level].length == 1) {
			// Only one type at this level, so just make it a regular label, not a drop-down.
			typeFixedFld.innerHTML = typeLabels[level][0];
			setCurrentType(level, typeValues[level][0]); // Always reset current value if only one possible.
		    } else {
			// Multiple types at this level, so have a drop-down so they can pick.
			typeSelFld.length = typeValues[level].length;
			// On level one, if no type set, default to State.
			//if (level == 1 && getCurrentType(level) == '')
			//    setCurrentType(level, 'STATE');
			var curType = getCurrentType(level);
			for (var i=0; i<typeValues[level].length; i++) {
			    typeSelFld.options[i].value = typeValues[level][i];
			    typeSelFld.options[i].text = typeLabels[level][i];
			    if (typeValues[level][i] == curType)
				typeSelFld.selectedIndex = i;  // Set selected to current.
			// Set the current type to the selected one in case it didn't get set above.
			setCurrentType(level, typeSelFld.value);
		    return true;
		} else {
		    // Should not happen, but just in case.
		    return false;
	    // Populates the entity drop-down at a level from the internal data representation. 
	    // Returns true if success, false if level doesn't exist. 
	    function populateEntityDropDown(level) {
		var entitySelFld = document.getElementById('entityselect_1_1_190_' + String(level));
		if (entitySelFld) {
		    entitySelFld.length = 1;
		    // If no data, drop-down will be empty.
		    if (entityValues[level] == null || entityValues[level].length == 0 ||
		           entityIDs[level] == null || entityIDs[level].length == 0) {
			return false;
		    } else {
			var startIdx = getCurrentTypeStart(level);
			var endIdx = getCurrentTypeEnd(level);
			var curType = getCurrentType(level).toUpperCase();
			var curEntityID = getCurrentEntityID(level);
			var aIdx, dIdx;  // index of array and drop-down are different.
			// Load drop-down from array data. Note that first entry in drop-down is always "-- Select --"
			// with a value of null string.
			entitySelFld.length = endIdx - startIdx + 2;
			for (dIdx=1,aIdx=startIdx; aIdx <= endIdx; dIdx++,aIdx++) {
			    entitySelFld.options[dIdx].value = entityIDs[level][aIdx];
			    entitySelFld.options[dIdx].text = entityValues[level][aIdx];
			    if (entitySelFld.options[dIdx].value == curEntityID)
				entitySelFld.selectedIndex = dIdx;  // Set selected to current.
			// Set the current entity to the selected one in case it didn't get set above.
			if (entitySelFld.selectedIndex > 0) 
			    setCurrentEntity(level, entitySelFld.value, entitySelFld.options[entitySelFld.selectedIndex].text);
			    setCurrentEntity(level, '', '');
		    return true;
		} else {
		    // Should not happen, but just in case.
		    return false;

	    /*** Land Desription: Controller Functions - These control the Land Description data and view, and respond to user actions. ***/
            // Load all the location drop-downs starting at row "start".
	    // If reset is true, reset to defaults, otherwise set to value stored.
	    // This works by loading each successive level first into the arrays, then into the drop-downs.
            function loadAllLocations(start, reset) {

                // If reset, clear all data from here on down.
                if (reset) {
		// Load the data model, then populate the menus.
		loadDataFrom(start, start);
            // A Land Description type was changed.
            function typeSelectionChanged(selObj) {
		// Extract level number from object id "typeselect_1_1_190_<level>".
		var level ='_')[4];
		if (!isNaN(level)) {
		    // Set the new type in the hidden form field. Also reset the current entity at this
		    // level in its hidden form field.
		    setCurrentType(level, selObj.value);
		    setCurrentEntity(level, '', '');
		    // Repopulate the entity drop-down.
		    // Reload the levels under this one based on changes.
		    loadAllLocations(parseInt(level)+1, true);
            // A Land Description value was changed.
            function entitySelectionChanged(selObj) {
		// Reset normal border.
		// Extract level number from object id "entityselect_1_1_190_<level>".
		var level ='_')[4];
		if (!isNaN(level)) {
		    // Set the new entity in the hidden form field.
		    setCurrentEntity(level, selObj.value, selObj.options[selObj.selectedIndex].text);
		    // Load drop-downs below this one based on new parent entity.
		    loadAllLocations(parseInt(level)+1, true);
	    /*** End Land Description section ***/
	    // Do form validation.
            function validateForm()
                    // Need to add validation here.
		    var selectOperator=document.getElementById("_1_1_69_1_72_1");
		    var opAlsoShipperYes=document.getElementById("isOpShipper1");
		    var opAlsoShipperNo=document.getElementById("isOpShipper2");
		    var shipperName=document.getElementById("_1_1_61_1");
		    var wellName=document.getElementById("_1_1_5_1");
		    var isMultiWellYes=document.getElementById("isMultiWell1");
		    var isMultiWellNo=document.getElementById("isMultiWell2");
		    var additionalWells=document.getElementById("_1_1_29_1");
		    var assignEasementYes=document.getElementById("opAssignEasement1");
		    var assignEasementNo=document.getElementById("opAssignEasement2");
		    var estProduction=document.getElementById("_1_1_8_1");
		    var formation=document.getElementById("_1_1_155_1_156_1");
		    var fieldName=document.getElementById("_1_1_14_1");
		    var isWellStakedYes=document.getElementById("isWellStaked1");
		    var isWellStakedNo=document.getElementById("isWellStaked2");
		    var leaseTypeFld=document.getElementById("_1_1_186_1");
		    var leaseNumber=document.getElementById("_1_1_185_1");
		    var latitude=document.getElementById("_1_1_187_1");
		    var longitude=document.getElementById("_1_1_188_1");
		    var NAD=document.getElementById("_1_1_189_1");
		    var levelRow;
		    var entitySelFld;

                      // Operator required
		    if(selectOperator.selectedIndex <= 0)
			alertAndHighlight(selectOperator,'You must select an Operator!');
			return false;

		    // Operator also shipper question required.
		    if (!(opAlsoShipperYes.checked)  && !(opAlsoShipperNo.checked))
			alert('You must answer the "[LL_REPTAG_$OperatorAlsoShipperQ /]" question!');
			return false;

		    // If Operator is not shipper, Shipper is required.
		    if (opAlsoShipperNo.checked && shipperName.value == '')
			alertAndHighlight(shipperName,'You must enter a Shipper!');
			return false;

		    // Well Name is required.
		    if (wellName.value == '')
			alertAndHighlight(wellName,'You must enter a Well Name!');
			return false;

		    // Estimated Production is required.
		    if (estProduction.value == '')
			alertAndHighlight(estProduction,'You must enter estimated production!');
			return false;

		    // Estimated Production must be numeric
		    if (isNaN(estProduction.value))
			alertAndHighlight(estProduction, 'Estimated Production must be a number!');
			return false;

                    // Validate location. All drop-downs presented must be filled.
		    for (var level=1; level<=50; level++) {
			levelRow = document.getElementById('level_1_1_190_' + String(level));
		        entitySelFld = document.getElementById('entityselect_1_1_190_' + String(level));
			// If row not defined, done.
			if (!levelRow || !entitySelFld)
			// If row hidden, skip.
			if ( == 'none')
			// If no entry selected, give error.
			if(entitySelFld.selectedIndex == 0)
			    var entityType;
			    // Get name of label for error message.
			    var typeSelFld = document.getElementById('typeselect_1_1_190_' + String(level));
			    if (typeSelFld && typeSelFld.length > 0 && != 'none') {
				entityType = typeSelFld.options[typeSelFld.selectedIndex].text;
			    } else {
				var typeFld = document.getElementById('typefixed_1_1_190_' + String(level));
				entityType = typeFld.innerHTML;
			    // Give error.
			    alertAndHighlight(entitySelFld,'You must select '+ entityType +'!');
			    return false;

                    // Latitude is required.
		    if (latitude.value == '')
			alertAndHighlight(latitude,'You must enter latitude!');
			return false;

  		    // Latitude must be numeric.
		    if (isNaN(latitude.value))
			 alertAndHighlight(latitude, 'Latitude must be a number!');
			 return false;

                    // Longitude is required.
		    if (longitude.value == '')
			alertAndHighlight(longitude,'You must enter longitude!');
			return false;

		    // Longitude must be Numeric
		    if (isNaN(longitude.value))
			 alertAndHighlight(longitude, 'Longitude must be a number!');
			 return false;
		    // NAD required
		    if(NAD.selectedIndex <= 0)
		    	alertAndHighlight(NAD,'You must select an NAD!');
		    	return false;

 		    // Lease Type is required.
		    if (leaseTypeFld.selectedIndex <= 0)
			alertAndHighlight(leaseTypeFld,'You must select a lease type!');
			return false;

                    // Lease number is required if lease type anything other than 'N/A' (ID=1).
		    if (leaseTypeFld.value > 1)
			if (leaseNumber.value == '')
			    alertAndHighlight(leaseNumber,'You must enter a lease number!');
			    return false;

		    // Is Well Staked question required.
		    if (!(isWellStakedYes.checked)  && !(isWellStakedNo.checked))
			alert('You must answer the "[LL_REPTAG_$IsWellStakedQ /]" question!');
			return false;

		    return true;
		    // Handle errors here. This ensures that a form does not get submitted because a run-time error
		    // occurred and crashed. Without the error trap, if that happens, validate returns true by default,
		    // which we don't want.
		    alert('Runtime Error: '+err.message);
		    return false;

            // Make asterisk for lease number appear/disappear depending on value of lease type.
            function leasetypeSelected(leaseTypeFld)
		var leaseNumberRow = document.getElementById('leaseNumberRow');
		var leaseNumberFld = document.getElementById('_1_1_185_1');

		// Reset normal border.
		if (leaseTypeFld.value <= 1)
		    // Hide lease number and blank out if N/A or none.
		    leaseNumberFld.value = '';
		} else {
		    // Show rlease number.



    <body class="wcCenterAlignContent" onload="onInitPage();">

        <form name="myForm" method="post" class="iceFrm" ACTION="[LL_CGIPATH /]" ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" onsubmit="return validateForm();">
            <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="func" VALUE="[LL_FUNC /]">
            <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="LL_AttrFieldName" VALUE="">
            <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="LL_AttrFieldIndex" VALUE="">
            <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="LL_WFATTURL" VALUE="[LL_WFATTURL /]" id="wfatturl">

            <!-- Hidden fields -->
            <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="_1_1_3_1" TITLE="requester" ID="_1_1_3_1" VALUE="[LL_REPTAG_USERID USERINFO:FULLNAME /]">
            <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="_1_1_77_1" TITLE="requester_email" ID="_1_1_77_1" VALUE="[LL_REPTAG_USERID USERINFO:MAILADDRESS /]">
            <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="_1_1_4_1" TITLE="requester_phone_number" ID="_1_1_4_1" VALUE="[LL_REPTAG_USERID USERINFO:CONTACT /]">
            <!-- These get filled in by setOperatorName() function. -->
            <input type="hidden" name="_1_1_69_1_70_1" title="OpName" id="_1_1_69_1_70_1" value="[LL_FormTag_1_1_69_1_70_1 /]" />
            <!-- Old State and Country form attributes used to store level 2 & 3 data so we know where to get it in placeholders later. -->
            <input type="hidden" name="_1_1_10_1" title="State" id="_1_1_10_1" value="[LL_FormTag_1_1_10_1 /]" />
            <input type="hidden" name="_1_1_11_1" title="County" id="_1_1_11_1" value="[LL_FormTag_1_1_11_1 /]" />

		<!-- Header -->
                    PARM:HeaderTitle:"Request a Well Connect"

		<!-- PAGE CONTENT -->


                    <TABLE WIDTH="81%" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="0" BORDER="0" align="center">

                        <!-- Header section -->
                            <TD COLSPAN="2" CLASS="iceOutTxt" ALIGN="center" WRAP>
                                <a href="[LL_REPTAG_URLPREFIX /][LL_REPTAG_$MainMenuWR LLURL:REPORT /]">Return to Customer Menu</a>
                            <TD COLSPAN="2"><IMG HEIGHT="12" ALT="" SRC="[LL_REPTAG_SUPPORTDIR /]spacer.gif" WIDTH="1" BORDER="0"></TD>
                            <TD COLSPAN="2" CLASS="iceOutTxt leftAlignl" WRAP>
                                Please enter the information below to create a well connect. All fields are required.
                                Please be sure you have all the information required before creating your request.
                            <TD COLSPAN="2"><IMG HEIGHT="12" ALT="" SRC="[LL_REPTAG_SUPPORTDIR /]spacer.gif" WIDTH="1" BORDER="0"></TD>
                            <TD COLSPAN="2" CLASS="iceOutTxt leftAlignl" WRAP>
                                Please initiate a separate well connect request for each new well or group of new wells
                                on a single location that will require a separate, individual new meter.
                            <TD COLSPAN="2"><IMG HEIGHT="12" ALT="" SRC="[LL_REPTAG_SUPPORTDIR /]spacer.gif" WIDTH="1" BORDER="0"></TD>

			<!-- Complete Well Name -->

                            <TD CLASS="iceOutTxt" NOWRAP VALIGN="MIDDLE">
                                <span style="color: #CD0000;">*</span>Complete Well Name:
                            <TD NOWRAP>
                            <INPUT CLASS="iceOutTxt" TYPE="text" NAME="_1_1_5_1" TITLE="Well_Name" ID="_1_1_5_1" VALUE="[LL_FormTag_1_1_5_1 /]"
                                        ONKEYDOWN="normalborder(this);" SIZE="32" MAXLENGTH="100" ONCHANGE="markDirty();">
                           <button onclick="getWCdata()">WC Lookup</button>

                            <TD COLSPAN="2"><IMG HEIGHT="6" ALT="" SRC="[LL_REPTAG_SUPPORTDIR /]spacer.gif" WIDTH="1" BORDER="0"></TD>

                        <!-- Operator Name -->
                            <TD CLASS="iceOutTxt" NOWRAP VALIGN="MIDDLE">
                                <span style="color: #CD0000;">*</span>Operator Name:
                                <select class="iceSelOneMnu" name="_1_1_69_1_72_1" title="Select Operator" id="_1_1_69_1_72_1" style="width:290px" onchange="setOperatorName();">
                                    <option value="">--Select One--</option>
                                    [LL_WEBREPORT_SUBWEBREPORT NODEID:[LL_REPTAG_$GetAllOperators-SWR /] PARM:Current:"[LL_FormTag_1_1_69_1_72_1 /]" /]
                            <TD COLSPAN="2"><IMG HEIGHT="6" ALT="" SRC="[LL_REPTAG_SUPPORTDIR /]spacer.gif" WIDTH="1" BORDER="0"></TD>

                        <!-- Is this operator also the shipper? -->

                        <TR id="IsOperatorShipper">
                            <TD CLASS="iceOutTxt" NOWRAP VALIGN="MIDDLE">
                                <span style="color: #CD0000;">*</span>[LL_REPTAG_$OperatorAlsoShipperQ /]
              		    <a STYLE="text-decoration:none" class=wcHelpBubble href="#"><IMG SRC="[LL_REPTAG_SUPPORTDIR /]wellconnect/images/help.jpg" BORDER="0"><span STYLE="text-decoration:none">
			    <table width="100%" border="0"><tr><td>
				If, as operator of the well, you will ship the gas under the same company name, please answer yes. If your interest in the gas from this well will ship under a company name that is different than the operator name, please answer no and provide the company name of the shipper in the space provided
                            <TD NOWRAP ALIGN="left">
                                <INPUT TYPE="radio"  ID="isOpShipper1" name="_1_1_60_1" onclick="getradiovalues( )" value="Yes">Yes
                                <INPUT TYPE="radio" ID="isOpShipper2" name="_1_1_60_1" onclick="getradiovalues( )" value="No">No
                            <TD COLSPAN="2"><IMG HEIGHT="6" ALT="" SRC="[LL_REPTAG_SUPPORTDIR /]spacer.gif" WIDTH="1" BORDER="0"></TD>

                        <TR id="shipperNameRow">
                            <TD CLASS="iceOutTxt" NOWRAP VALIGN="MIDDLE" >
                                &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span style="color: #CD0000;">*</span>Shipper Name:
                            <TD NOWRAP>
                                <INPUT CLASS="iceOutTxt" TYPE="text" NAME="_1_1_61_1" TITLE="Shipper_Name" ID="_1_1_61_1" VALUE="[LL_FormTag_1_1_61_1 /]"
                                        ONKEYDOWN="normalborder(this);" SIZE="32" MAXLENGTH="50" ONCHANGE="markDirty();">

                            <TD COLSPAN="2"><IMG HEIGHT="6" ALT="" SRC="[LL_REPTAG_SUPPORTDIR /]spacer.gif" WIDTH="1" BORDER="0"></TD>

                        <!-- Estimated production (in BBL) -->
                            <TD CLASS="iceOutTxt" NOWRAP VALIGN="MIDDLE">
                                <span style="color: #CD0000;">*</span>Enter estimated production in BBL:
                            <TD NOWRAP>
                                <INPUT CLASS="iceOutTxt" TYPE="text" NAME="_1_1_8_1" TITLE="Estimated_Production" ID="_1_1_8_1" VALUE="[LL_FormTag_1_1_8_1 /]"
                                        ONKEYDOWN="normalborder(this);" SIZE="15" MAXLENGTH="15" ONCHANGE="markDirty();">
                            <TD COLSPAN="2"><IMG HEIGHT="6" ALT="" SRC="[LL_REPTAG_SUPPORTDIR /]spacer.gif" WIDTH="1" BORDER="0"></TD>

                        <!-- Land Description -->

                            <TD CLASS="iceOutTxt" NOWRAP VALIGN="MIDDLE">
                                Location Description:
                            <TD NOWRAP>
                            <TD COLSPAN="2"><IMG HEIGHT="6" ALT="" SRC="[LL_REPTAG_SUPPORTDIR /]spacer.gif" WIDTH="1" BORDER="0"></TD>

                        [LL_LOOP_BEGIN_1_1_190 /]

                        <tbody ID="level_1_1_190" style="display:none">
                            <TD CLASS="iceOutTxt" NOWRAP VALIGN="MIDDLE">
                                &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span style="color: #CD0000;">*</span><span id="typefixed_1_1_190" style="display:none"></span><select class="iceSelOneMnu" name="typeselect_1_1_190" 
                                    title="Select Type" id="typeselect_1_1_190" onchange="typeSelectionChanged(this);" style="display:none">
                                <input type="hidden" name="_1_1_190_191_1" title="land_description_type" id="_1_1_190_191_1" value="[LL_FormTag_1_1_190_191_1 /]" />
                            <TD NOWRAP>
                                <input type="hidden" name="_1_1_190_192_1" title="land_description_value" id="_1_1_190_192_1" value="[LL_FormTag_1_1_190_192_1 /]" />
                                <input type="hidden" name="_1_1_190_193_1" title="land_description_id" id="_1_1_190_193_1" value="[LL_FormTag_1_1_190_193_1 /]" />
                                <select class="iceSelOneMnu" name="entityselect_1_1_190" title="Select Location" id="entityselect_1_1_190" onchange="entitySelectionChanged(this);">
                                    <option value="">--Select One--</option>
                            <TD COLSPAN="2"><IMG HEIGHT="6" ALT="" SRC="[LL_REPTAG_SUPPORTDIR /]spacer.gif" WIDTH="1" BORDER="0"></TD>
                        [LL_LOOP_END_1_1_190 /]

                        <!-- Additional Location Description -->
                                Additional location description:
                            <TD NOWRAP>
			    <INPUT CLASS="iceOutTxt" TYPE="text" NAME="_1_1_12_1" TITLE="Additional_Location_Description" ID="_1_1_12_1"
                                        VALUE="[LL_FormTag_1_1_12_1 /]" SIZE="32" MAXLENGTH="254" ONCHANGE="markDirty();">
                            <TD COLSPAN="2"><IMG HEIGHT="6" ALT="" SRC="[LL_REPTAG_SUPPORTDIR /]spacer.gif" WIDTH="1" BORDER="0"></TD>

        		     <!-- Latitude -->
                                <span style="color: #CD0000;">*</span>Latitude:
                            <TD NOWRAP>
			    <INPUT CLASS="iceOutTxt" TYPE="text" NAME="_1_1_187_1" TITLE="Latitude" ID="_1_1_187_1"
                                        VALUE="[LL_FormTag_1_1_187_1 /]" ONKEYDOWN="normalborder(this);" SIZE="32" MAXLENGTH="32" ONCHANGE="markDirty();">
                            <TD COLSPAN="2"><IMG HEIGHT="6" ALT="" SRC="[LL_REPTAG_SUPPORTDIR /]spacer.gif" WIDTH="1" BORDER="0"></TD>

   		      <!-- Longitude -->
                                <span style="color: #CD0000;">*</span>Longitude:
                            <TD NOWRAP>
			    <INPUT CLASS="iceOutTxt" TYPE="text" NAME="_1_1_188_1" TITLE="Longitude" ID="_1_1_188_1"
                                        VALUE="[LL_FormTag_1_1_188_1 /]" ONKEYDOWN="normalborder(this);" SIZE="32" MAXLENGTH="32" ONCHANGE="markDirty();">
                            <TD COLSPAN="2"><IMG HEIGHT="6" ALT="" SRC="[LL_REPTAG_SUPPORTDIR /]spacer.gif" WIDTH="1" BORDER="0"></TD>

 		      <!-- NAD -->
                            <TD CLASS="iceOutTxt" NOWRAP VALIGN="MIDDLE">
                                <span style="color: #CD0000;">*</span>NAD:
                                <select class="iceSelOneMnu" name="_1_1_189_1" title="Select NAD" id="_1_1_189_1" onchange="normalborder(this)">
                                    <option value="">--Select One--</option>
                                    [LL_WEBREPORT_SUBWEBREPORT NODEID:[LL_REPTAG_$GetNADsOptions-SWR /] PARM:Current:"[LL_FormTag_1_1_189_1 /]" /]
                            <TD COLSPAN="2"><IMG HEIGHT="6" ALT="" SRC="[LL_REPTAG_SUPPORTDIR /]spacer.gif" WIDTH="1" BORDER="0"></TD>

			<!-- Lease Type -->

                            <TD CLASS="iceOutTxt" NOWRAP VALIGN="MIDDLE">
                                <span style="color: #CD0000;">*</span>Lease Type:
                                <select class="iceSelOneMnu" name="_1_1_186_1" title="lease_type" id="_1_1_186_1" onchange="leasetypeSelected(this);">
                                    <option value="0">--Select One--</option>
                                    [LL_WEBREPORT_SUBWEBREPORT NODEID:[LL_REPTAG_$WCLeaseType-SWR /] /]
                            <TD COLSPAN="2"><IMG HEIGHT="6" ALT="" SRC="[LL_REPTAG_SUPPORTDIR /]spacer.gif" WIDTH="1" BORDER="0"></TD>

			 <!-- Lease Number -->

                        <TR id="leaseNumberRow" style="display:none">
                            <TD CLASS="iceOutTxt" NOWRAP VALIGN="MIDDLE">
                                <span style="color: #CD0000;">*</span>Lease Number:
                            <TD NOWRAP>
                                <INPUT CLASS="iceOutTxt" TYPE="text" NAME="_1_1_185_1" TITLE="Lease_Number" ID="_1_1_185_1" VALUE="[LL_FormTag_1_1_185_1 /]"
                                        ONKEYDOWN="normalborder(this);" SIZE="32" MAXLENGTH="100" ONCHANGE="markDirty();">
                            <TD COLSPAN="2"><IMG HEIGHT="6" ALT="" SRC="[LL_REPTAG_SUPPORTDIR /]spacer.gif" WIDTH="1" BORDER="0"></TD>

                        <!-- Is Well Staked? -->
                            <TD CLASS="iceOutTxt" NOWRAP VALIGN="MIDDLE">
                                <span style="color: #CD0000;">*</span>[LL_REPTAG_$IsWellStakedQ /]
                                <a class=wcHelpBubble href="#none"> <IMG SRC="[LL_REPTAG_SUPPORTDIR /]wellconnect/images/help.jpg" BORDER="0"><span>
			    <table width="100%"><tr><td>
		Please answer yes if there are stakes physically in the ground for proposed well pad layout and access road, if applicable.  Otherwise, please answer no.
                            <TD NOWRAP ALIGN="left">
                                <INPUT TYPE="radio"  ID="isWellStaked1" name="_1_1_30_1" value="Yes">Yes
                                <INPUT TYPE="radio" ID="isWellStaked2" name="_1_1_30_1" value="No">No


                <!-- ACTION BUTTONS -->
                <div class="wcButtonContainer">
                    <input id="SaveButton" class="iceCmdBtn" value="Submit" type="submit" >

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Alexandre Simões
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I hear ya on the lots of code part.... i didnt write the original code, so that is contributing to my struggles.  I'll look into your suggestion, thanks.