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Error 3709 The connection cannot be used in this

I've been testing a subroutine for a while and now all of the sudden I'm getting the error

3709 The ocnnection cannot be used to perform this operation.  it is either closed or invalid.

When it encounters this statement

rsIn1.Open "aqryLarryImport_1231s_BuildTaxRecords, CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic"

Open in new window

The query refernced in the code opens and shows all of the records when it is opened manually.  It is not oppen when this routine is running.  The output table is not open when this routine runs and also opens manually.  This is on a single user standalone machien so it is not a file locking issue.  Just for the heck of it I did decomplile the MDB and also did a compact repair on it.

Any ideas?

I have tested the logicin this secion of the subroutine multiple times and I'm working on thelogic below now.  This open statement worked many times and built the records in this loop.  Now I'm getting the above error.

I don't remember ever encountering this error so I'm not sure what to do.

Don't kknow if this will be helpful but here is the code of the entire routine:

Public Sub buildLarryPayTmpTables()
Dim wkFirstRec As Boolean
wkStartTime = Now()
wkCurrTime = Now()
wkProcessingDate = Now()
Dim wkName As String
wkName = "InitialPay"
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
selectString = "Delete * from tblPayments_Hdr_TMP_Local "
DoCmd.RunSQL selectString
selectString = "Delete * from tblPayments_Year_Sub_Tmp_Local "
DoCmd.RunSQL selectString
selectString = "Delete * from tblPayments_Fees_Sub_Tmp_Local "
DoCmd.RunSQL selectString
' clear link records from the process to work, it must be the only process creating anything in the workID field
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
updateSQL = " Update tblPayments_Hdr_TMP_Local Set [workID] = 0"
DoCmd.RunSQL updateSQL
updateSQL = " Update tblPayments_Hdr           Set [workID] = 0"
DoCmd.SetWarnings True

' Step 1 Build Hdr for each BRT by combining all years and fee totals
Dim wkPaymentSourceID As Long
Dim wkTransactionTypeID As Long
Dim wkPayDate As Date
Dim wkPayHdrID As Long
Dim wkPayRecID As Long

wkFirstRec = True
dispCnt = 5000
dispMax = 5
recsRead = 0
Dim rsOut As ADODB.Recordset
Set rsOut = New ADODB.Recordset
rsOut.Open "tblPayments_Hdr_TMP_Local", CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
Dim rsIn As ADODB.Recordset
Set rsIn = New ADODB.Recordset
'rsIn.Open "qry_aDirectPayImport_Insert_BuildPayHdr", CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
rsIn.Open "aqryLarryImport_Hdrs_BuildPayHdr", CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
'////////////////rsIn.Open "aqryLarryImport_Hdrs_BuildPayHdr_Only25", CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
If rsIn.EOF Then
    Exit Sub
    If rsIn.RecordCount > 0 Then
        totRecs = rsIn.RecordCount
        While Not rsIn.EOF
            recsRead = recsRead + 1
            dispCnt = dispCnt + 1
            If dispCnt > dispMax Then
                wkCurrTime = Now()
                dispCnt = 0
                dispMsg = "Processing Pay Hdr, Step 1 of 4, Rec " & Format(recsRead, "Standard") & " Of " & Format(totRecs, "Standard") & RunTime(wkStartTime, wkCurrTime)
                wkStatusRtn = SysCmd(acSysCmdSetStatus, dispMsg)
            End If
            wkPayDate = ReformatYYYYMMDDStrToShortDate(Nz(rsIn![PostmarkDate], 0))
            ' Write Pay Hdr Record
                rsOut!PropertyID = Nz(rsIn!PropertyID, 0)
                rsOut!BRT = Nz(rsIn!BRT, 0)
                rsOut!FromTaxRecYear = 0
                rsOut!ThruTaxRecYear = 0
                rsOut!DepositDate = wkPayDate
                rsOut!DepositNum = 0
                rsOut!PaymentSourceID = ePaySource.ePhillyPayfile
                rsOut!TransactionTypeID = eTransactionType.ePayment
                rsOut!PaymentDate = wkPayDate
                rsOut!PayTypeID = 9
                rsOut!CheckNum = ""
                rsOut!CheckNum2 = ""
                rsOut!Payer = ""
                rsOut!Comment = ""
                rsOut!PayAmt = Round(Nz(rsIn![totPrincipal], 0) + Nz(rsIn![totInterest], 0) + Nz(rsIn![totPenalty], 0) + Nz(rsIn![TotLien], 0) + Nz(rsIn![totAttyFees], 0) + Nz(rsIn![TotFees], 0), 2)
                rsOut!TaxAmount = Nz(rsIn!totPrincipal, 0)
                rsOut!PenaltyAmount = Nz(rsIn!totPenalty, 0)
                rsOut!InterestAmount = Nz(rsIn!totInterest, 0)
                rsOut!AttyFeesAmount = Nz(rsIn!totAttyFees, 0)
                rsOut!LienAmount = Nz(rsIn!TotLien, 0)
                rsOut!FeesAmount = Nz(rsIn!TotFees, 0)
                rsOut!PostAs = 0
                rsOut!PostedStatusID = ePostedStatus.eUnposted
                'rsOut!PostingDate = ""
                rsOut!PostingBatchID = 0
                rsOut!DateAdded = wkProcessingDate
                rsOut!UserAdded = wkName
                rsOut!OverPayAmt = 0
                rsOut!UnderPayAmt = 0
                'rsOut!DateTimeToPhilly = now
                rsOut!BatchNumToPhilly = 987650   'GRB
                'rsOut!DateTimeFromPhilly = 1   'active
                rsOut!BatchNumFromPhilly = 0
                rsOut!InstallPlanID = Nz(rsIn!InstallPlanID, 0)
                rsOut!WorkID = Nz(rsIn!BlockID, 0)   ' used to link detail tax records and ree records below to the correct payment HDr.
                rsOut!VadarTranIndex = 0
            wkPayHdrID = Nz(rsOut!ID, 0)
    End If
End If
Set rsIn = Nothing
Set rsOut = Nothing

' Step 2 Build Detail Pay recs using query with TaxHdrID included
dispCnt = 5000
dispMax = 999
recsRead = 0
Dim wkYearAttyFeesInterestPortion As Double
Dim wkYearAttyFeesPenaltyPortion As Double
Dim wkYearAttyFeesLienPortion As Double
Dim wkYearAttyFeesPrincipPortion As Double
Dim rsOut1 As ADODB.Recordset
Set rsOut1 = New ADODB.Recordset
rsOut1.Open "tblPayments_Year_Sub_Tmp_Local", CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
Dim rsIn1 As ADODB.Recordset
Set rsIn1 = New ADODB.Recordset
'rsIn1.Open "aLarryImport_1231s_BuildTaxRecords", CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
rsIn1.Open "aqryLarryImport_1231s_BuildTaxRecords, CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic"
If rsIn1.EOF Then
    Exit Sub
    If rsIn1.RecordCount > 0 Then
        totRecs = rsIn1.RecordCount
        While Not rsIn1.EOF
            recsRead = recsRead + 1
            dispCnt = dispCnt + 1
            If dispCnt > dispMax Then
                wkCurrTime = Now()
                dispCnt = 0
                dispMsg = "Processing Pay Dtl Recs, Step 2 of 4, Rec " & Format(recsRead, "Standard") & " Of " & Format(totRecs, "Standard") & RunTime(wkStartTime, wkCurrTime)
                wkStatusRtn = SysCmd(acSysCmdSetStatus, dispMsg)
            End If
            ' Write Tax Record
                rsOut1!PaymentHdrID = Nz(rsIn1!PayHdrID, 0)
                rsOut1!PropertyID = Nz(rsIn1!PropertyID, 0)
                rsOut1!BRT = Nz(rsIn1!BRT, 0)
                rsOut1!TaxRecYear = Nz(rsIn1!TaxYear, 0)
                rsOut1!PayAmt = Round(Nz(rsIn1!PrincipalNum, 0) + Nz(rsIn1!InterestNum, 0) + Nz(rsIn1!PenaltyNum, 0) + Nz(rsIn1!LIenNum, 0) + Nz(rsIn1!AttyFeesNum, 0), 2)
                rsOut1!TaxAmount = Nz(rsIn1!PrincipalNum, 0)
                rsOut1!PenaltyAmount = Nz(rsIn1!PenaltyNum, 0)
                rsOut1!InterestAmount = Nz(rsIn1!InterestNum, 0)
                rsOut1!LienAmount = Nz(rsIn1!LIenNum, 0)
                rsOut1!AttyFeesAmount = Nz(rsIn1!AttyFeesNum, 0)
                ' Distribute Atty Fees Total To Prin , Int, Pen and Lien portion
                If Nz(rsIn1!AttyFeesNum, 0) <> 0 Then
                    wkYearAttyFeesInterestPortion = Round(Nz(rsIn1!InterestNum, 0) * 0.18, 2)
                    wkYearAttyFeesPenaltyPortion = Round(Nz(rsIn1!PenaltyNum, 0) * 0.18, 2)
                    wkYearAttyFeesLienPortion = Round(Nz(rsIn1!LIenNum, 0) * 0.18, 2)
                    wkYearAttyFeesPrincipPortion = Round(Nz(rsIn1!AttyFeesNum, 0) - wkYearAttyFeesInterestPortion - wkYearAttyFeesPenaltyPortion - wkYearAttyFeesLienPortion, 2)
                    If wkYearAttyFeesPrincipPortion < 0 Then
                        wkYearAttyFeesPrincipPortion = 0
                    End If
                    wkYearAttyFeesInterestPortion = 0
                    wkYearAttyFeesPenaltyPortion = 0
                    wkYearAttyFeesLienPortion = 0
                    wkYearAttyFeesPrincipPortion = 0
                End If
                rsOut1!PrincipalAttyFees = wkYearAttyFeesPrincipPortion
                rsOut1!PenaltyAttyFees = wkYearAttyFeesPenaltyPortion
                rsOut1!InterestAttyFees = wkYearAttyFeesInterestPortion
                rsOut1!LienAttyFees = wkYearAttyFeesLienPortion
                rsOut1!VadarTransactionID = 0
                rsOut1!PostedStatusID = 0
            wkPayRecID = Nz(rsOut1!ID, 0)
    End If
End If
Set rsIn1 = Nothing
Set rsOut1 = Nothing
' Associate each fee payment with a fee record for the respective BRT
Dim prevBlock As Long
Dim currBlock As Long
Dim wkFeeRecTaxID As Long
Dim wkFeeFeeID As Long
prevBlock = 9999999
' Step 4 Build Eligible Expense Pay Records From Vadar Detail
'selectString = "Delete * from tblPayments_Fees_Sub_Tmp_Local "
'DoCmd.SetWarnings False
'DoCmd.RunSQL selectString

dispCnt = 5000
dispMax = 999
recsRead = 0
Dim rsOut2 As ADODB.Recordset
Set rsOut2 = New ADODB.Recordset
rsOut2.Open "tblPayments_Fees_Sub_Tmp_Local", CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
Dim rsIn2 As ADODB.Recordset
Set rsIn2 = New ADODB.Recordset
rsIn2.Open "aqryLarryImport_0101s_BuildFeeRecs", CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
If rsIn2.EOF Then
    Exit Sub
    If rsIn2.RecordCount > 0 Then
        totRecs = rsIn2.RecordCount
        While Not rsIn2.EOF
            recsRead = recsRead + 1
            dispCnt = dispCnt + 1
            If dispCnt > dispMax Then
                wkCurrTime = Now()
                dispCnt = 0
                dispMsg = "Processing Fee Expense Recs, Step 3 of 4, Rec " & Format(recsRead, "Standard") & " Of " & Format(totRecs, "Standard") & RunTime(wkStartTime, wkCurrTime)
                wkStatusRtn = SysCmd(acSysCmdSetStatus, dispMsg)
            End If
            ' check if the block has chnaged, if so we need to load the fee tax records for this block to macth
            ' up the fee payments with an actual fee record.
            currBlock = Nz(rsIn2!BlockID, 0)
            If prevBlock = currBlock Then
                getRelatedBlockOfFeesForMatching Nz(rsIn2!BRT, 0)
                prevBlock = currBlock
            End If
            ' Write Fee Record
                rsOut2!PaymentHdrID = Nz(rsIn2!PaymentHdrID, 0)
                rsOut2!BRT = Nz(rsIn2!BRT, 0)
                rsOut2!PaymentYear = Nz(rsIn2![Period], 0)
                getDirectPayFeeRecIDandFeeID Nz(rsIn2![FeeType], ""), _
                                                        wkFeeRecTaxID, _
                                                        wkFeeFeeID                '
                rsOut2!TaxFeeRecID = wkFeeRecTaxID
             '   If wkFeeRecTaxID > 0 Then
             '       Stop
             '   End If
                rsOut2!FeeID = wkFeeFeeID
                rsOut2!FeePayment = Nz(rsIn2![FeeNum], 0)
                rsOut2!VadarTransactionID = 0
                rsOut2!PostedStatusID = 0
    End If
End If
Set rsIn2 = Nothing
Set rsOut2 = Nothing
'////////////////////////updateAnyPartialPayTaxHdrs    ' update any tax headers that are truly partial paid instead of no pay.  Couldn't do this until payments were converetd
wkCurrTime = Now()
dispMsg = "Complete"
wkStatusRtn = SysCmd(acSysCmdSetStatus, dispMsg & RunTime(wkStartTime, wkCurrTime))
'If ShowEndingMessage = True Then
'    MsgBox dispMsg & RunTime(wkStartTime, wkCurrTime)
'End If

End Sub

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Scott McDaniel (EE MVE )
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You are correct, that was the issue all along.  Thanks.