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My app's form does not show full-screen on computers with higher resolution display

Hi Experts... I developed my D7 app on a relatively old laptop with lower resolution. When I install my app on computers with higher resolution, it doesn't show "full-screen" - and has big gaps to the right and bottom. It looks sloppy! Do you know if there is any Delphi component I can add to my app that will automatically "re-size" my form (and maybe controls too) so everything looks in proportion and is full-screen... no matter what the resolution is on the target computer?

Avatar of Subrat (C++ windows/Linux)
Subrat (C++ windows/Linux)
Flag of India image

Use Anchor property to solve this issue. I have forgotten the another property but values are like clClient,clCustom or something simillar.You pay with these properties also.It'll solve your problem.
FYI;I don't hav Emabarcadero installed in my PC.
Avatar of shawn857


Thank you Subrat, but Anchor property of what... of my Form? I'm unfamiliar with how it works, can you please explain a little more on how I use it?

Use OnShow event of Form to set:
Self.WindowState := wsMaximized;

Open in new window

In design set Position property to poDefault.

This will maximize form to full except taskbar.

Do you want total "full screen"?
I think I would prefer some ready-made component to handle this... is there a free one (or inexpensive one) out there?

there is no component to fix this

when designing a form you need to think about what has to fill-out canvas space and what doesn't
otherwise it will always look "sloppy"

items which typically need to be set with align = alClient
memo, richtedit, grids, etc ...

if you resize all proportionally then it's gonna look "sloppy" too

proportional sizing means this:
a caption and memo
> on the small screen the memo can contain 20 lines

on the big screen it will also contain 20 lines
but the text will be 4 to 6 times bigger.

the feedback i got from the users with proportional
> do you think i have a visual disability ? No ? Really ?
> Then why are all the texts in font-size 40 instead of 10 ?

every component (or most of them) contain an alignment property to solve this
redesign your form with that property set correctly

there isn't any good quick-and-dirty component to do this correctly
the windowstate wsMaximized will fill out your form completely on the screen it's displayed
> with a workaround bugfix: := 0;
on some delphi/windows versions the maximize doesn't put the form at the top
To show maximized form is easy - set in design mode properties of form:
Position := poDefault
WindowState := wsMaximized

About form scaling - maybe you can have a luck with Easysize component on
Geert, you are correct and you've given me something to think about. I've been too concerned with trying to have my app be displayed as "fullscreen" to everybody. I should be focusing more on making it simply look decent to everybody, whether it fills their full screen or not. But still, all this alignment and anchor stuff is confusing to me and I basically don't know where to start.
   OK, certainly more info is needed for you guys to help me: My development computer is a fairly old IBM laptop, with 1024x768 resolution and 96 DPI (normal size).  And here is a screenshot of my app - basically it is a TPageControl with 3 pages on top of a regular form. When I designed my app, I made the main form and TPageControl basically fill out the full screen. For your information, the pertinent properties of my main form are:

Align = alLeft
Anchors = akLeft, akTop, akBottom
AutoScroll = True
AutoSize = False
FormStyle - fsNormal
Position = poScreenCenter
Scaled = True
WindowState = wsNormal

... and for my TPageControl

Align = alNone
Anchors = akLeft, akTop

Naturally, my form and PageControl are designed to be "wider" than "taller", as I designed it to fit the whole screen of my development computer... and I guess I would just like to keep these same basic proportions (ie. width > height) with any target computer - so it doesn't look too stretched out or "silly". I realize that on a higher resolution computer, there is then going to be some "empty space" at the right and the bottom of the screen... and that's okay, I can live with that - I don't need to have it "fullscreen" on every target computer. As Geert said, to increase font sizes so much that it looks ridiculous just to be "proportional", is not smart. So can anyone offer my some suggestions as to what "align" and "anchor" settings I might need to use to accomplish this?

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Geert G
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Thank you very much for the detailed reply Geert... this is a sensible framework I will absolutely follow for any future apps I make. Right now with this one though, I'm behind schedule as it is to get it out to my testers and I just can't undertake major design surgery on my app right now. Basically at this time, I would be satisfied having my app being snuggled up to the top left corner of the target user's screen, while keeping essentially the same size as I designed it , if possible(1024x768). If it doesn't fill the user's whole screen, that doesn't matter... just as long as my original proportions are still approximately okay. Could you give any advice of selections of Align and Anchor properties, or special code in the Form OnCreate event to achieve this?

Thank You!
forget anchor and align for a form, they don't make sense in that aspect
subrat2009 doesn't seem to be a Delphi connaisseur

if you want it an initial position top, left, set form.position to poDesigned
and in the formcreate set top and left to 0

you could also set the mainform to poScreenCenter so it goes nicely in the middle of the attention ... :)
Thanks Geert, I'll try that. Geert, Is it necessary to set any Align or Anchor properties on my TPagecontrol... ?

Try to make small test example with some components you use in real app. Play with align/anchor properties as Geert suggest. You will teach something and not mess up real app.
Geert, the poDesigned worked good. Geert, I will urge my users to have a minimum screen resolution of 1024x768... but in the event that a user has a very low resolution (for example 800x600), I wrote some code for my Form.OnCreate event in hopes of keeping my form's width/height ratio and proportions "approximately" the same, no matter the resolution on the target computer:

  OriginalFormHeight := 738;
  OriginalFormWidth := 1024;

  Frmindicate.Left :=0;
  Frmindicate.Top :=0;

  if (Screen.Height >= OriginalFormHeight) and (Screen.Width >= OriginalFormWidth) then
    Frmindicate.Height := OriginalFormHeight;
    Frmindicate.Width := OriginalFormWidth;
  else if (Screen.Height < OriginalFormHeight) and (Screen.Width >= OriginalFormWidth) then   // eg. 1280 x 700
    Frmindicate.Height := Screen.Height;
    Frmindicate.Width := Round(Screen.Height * (OriginalFormWidth / OriginalFormHeight));
  else if (Screen.Height >= OriginalFormHeight) and (Screen.Width < OriginalFormWidth) then   // eg. 1000 x 824
    Frmindicate.Width := Screen.Width;
    Frmindicate.Height := Round(Screen.Width * (OriginalFormHeight / OriginalFormWidth));
  else      // both height and Width are smaller than development machine's, 
    if (Screen.Width/Screen.Height) >= (OriginalFormWidth/OriginalFormHeight) then        // eg. 800 x 580
      Frmindicate.Height := Screen.Height;
      Frmindicate.Width := Round(Screen.Height * (OriginalFormWidth / OriginalFormHeight));
    else    // eg. 800x648
      Frmindicate.Width := Screen.Width;
      Frmindicate.Height := Round(Screen.Width * (OriginalFormHeight / OriginalFormWidth));

Open in new window

(...Frmindicate is what I named my Form)

Well, when I run this on 800x600 resolution, the form is the proper size, but my controls within the form (TPagecontrol, etc) don't show up completely or are only partially shown. Would "anchoring" or "aligning" My TPagecontrol to my Form do any good?

i assume the missing controls are on the bottom and on the right side ?
anchors is useless in this case

you can set the min max size in the constraints of a control

if you place controls on those side, you need the following

Basic setup:
The top and left panel as usual alTop and alLeft aligned
The data panel filling out the rest of the form with alClient

within that data panel,
you need an extra panel on the bottom or on the right side
> make sure the parent is the data panel
the right panel should be set to align = alRight
the bottom panel should be set to align = alBottom

set the width of the right panel, height of bottom panel
and cut/paste the buttons to that new panel

here is a form sample with everything aligning accordingly

unit Unit1;


  Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
  Dialogs, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls;

  TForm1 = class(TForm)
    pnlLeft: TPanel;
    pnlTop: TPanel;
    pnlData: TPanel;
    Panel4: TPanel;
    pnlDataBottom: TPanel;
    btnRemoveBorders: TButton;
    pnlResults: TPanel;
    Label1: TLabel;
    Memo1: TMemo;
    pnlTopRightButton: TPanel;
    btnStayOnTheright: TButton;
    Edit1: TEdit;
    Label2: TLabel;
    Button1: TButton;
    procedure btnRemoveBordersClick(Sender: TObject);

  Form1: TForm1;


{$R *.dfm}

procedure TForm1.btnRemoveBordersClick(Sender: TObject);
  I: Integer;
  for I := 0 to ComponentCount - 1 do
    if Components[I] is TPanel then
      (Components[I] as TPanel).BevelOuter := bvNone;


Open in new window

object Form1: TForm1
  Left = 103
  Top = 157
  Caption = 'Form1'
  ClientHeight = 312
  ClientWidth = 684
  Color = clBtnFace
  Constraints.MinHeight = 350
  Constraints.MinWidth = 700
  Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
  Font.Color = clWindowText
  Font.Height = -11
  Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
  Font.Style = []
  OldCreateOrder = False
  PixelsPerInch = 96
  TextHeight = 13
  object pnlLeft: TPanel
    Left = 0
    Top = 41
    Width = 81
    Height = 271
    Align = alLeft
    Caption = 'Panel Left'
    TabOrder = 0
  object pnlTop: TPanel
    Left = 0
    Top = 0
    Width = 684
    Height = 41
    Align = alTop
    TabOrder = 1
    DesignSize = (
    object Label2: TLabel
      Left = 224
      Top = 16
      Width = 196
      Height = 13
      Caption = 'Right side of edit grows with right border'
    object btnRemoveBorders: TButton
      Left = 16
      Top = 8
      Width = 121
      Height = 25
      Caption = 'btnRemoveBorders'
      TabOrder = 0
      OnClick = btnRemoveBordersClick
    object pnlTopRightButton: TPanel
      Left = 545
      Top = 1
      Width = 138
      Height = 39
      Align = alRight
      TabOrder = 1
      object btnStayOnTheright: TButton
        Left = 8
        Top = 9
        Width = 121
        Height = 25
        Caption = 'Stay on the right'
        TabOrder = 0
    object Edit1: TEdit
      Left = 426
      Top = 10
      Width = 106
      Height = 21
      Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight]
      TabOrder = 2
      Text = 'Edit1'
  object pnlData: TPanel
    Left = 81
    Top = 41
    Width = 603
    Height = 271
    Align = alClient
    Caption = 'Panel DATA'
    TabOrder = 2
    ExplicitLeft = 87
    ExplicitTop = 65
    ExplicitWidth = 882
    ExplicitHeight = 460
    object Panel4: TPanel
      Left = 481
      Top = 1
      Width = 121
      Height = 210
      Align = alRight
      Caption = 'Panel Data Right'
      TabOrder = 0
      DesignSize = (
      object Button1: TButton
        Left = 16
        Top = 179
        Width = 94
        Height = 25
        Anchors = [akRight, akBottom]
        Caption = 'Bottom Right'
        TabOrder = 0
    object pnlDataBottom: TPanel
      Left = 1
      Top = 211
      Width = 601
      Height = 59
      Align = alBottom
      Caption = 'Panel Data Bottom'
      TabOrder = 1
    object pnlResults: TPanel
      Left = 1
      Top = 1
      Width = 480
      Height = 210
      Align = alClient
      Caption = 'Panel Results'
      TabOrder = 2
      ExplicitLeft = 248
      ExplicitTop = 120
      ExplicitWidth = 385
      ExplicitHeight = 233
      object Label1: TLabel
        Left = 1
        Top = 1
        Width = 478
        Height = 13
        Align = alTop
        Caption = 'Results :'
        ExplicitWidth = 42
      object Memo1: TMemo
        Left = 1
        Top = 14
        Width = 478
        Height = 195
        Align = alClient
        Constraints.MinHeight = 195
        Constraints.MinWidth = 470
        Lines.Strings = (
        TabOrder = 0
        ExplicitLeft = 5
        ExplicitTop = 9
        ExplicitWidth = 757
        ExplicitHeight = 408

Open in new window

Use Anchor property on all of the components on the form. 5 minutes work. No big deal ....
Senad - anchor set to what? Top? Left?, etc?

if its on the right (the component)  then turn off akLeft,akTop (False) and set other 2 to True.So no matter how the form resizes components stay in place. Resolution has nothing to do with it.
Thank you Geert!
