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Powershell error with Strings

I am using a script I found to generate a mailbox size report from Exchange and then email it.  It works well, but when it lists the size, I'm getting something like: "3.213 GB (26952597 Bytes).  I want to trim everything after the GB off.  That field is the object "TotalItemSize".  I'm a Powershell rookie, so here is what I *think* I have to do...

Convert the object to a string using ToString().  I then found the location of "B" in the string using IndexOf().  Then I passed that result to Remove().  When I run this step by step in PS, it works.  When I run it in a .PS1 script, I get the following error:

Mode                LastWriteTime     Length Name
----                -------------     ------ ----
-a---         2/21/2014   1:45 PM          0 exchange2010Report.html
You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression.
At C:\Scripts\MailboxSizeReporter.ps1:100 char:36
+ $trimlength1 = $trimlength.toString <<<< ()
    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: (toString:String) [], RuntimeException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : InvokeMethodOnNull

You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression.
At C:\Scripts\MailboxSizeReporter.ps1:102 char:105
+ Add-Content $fileName ("<td width='15%'>" + $exdata[$alternateTableRowBackground].TotalItemSize.ToString <<<< ().Remo
ve($trimlength2) + "</td>")
    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: (ToString:String) [], RuntimeException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : InvokeMethodOnNull

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What am I doing wrong?

Here is my full script:

#$Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri http://mailboxserver/PowerShell/ -Authentication Kerberos
#Import-PSSession $Session

#Variables to configure 
$mailboxServer = "mailboxserver"
$SMTPserver = "smtpserver"
$ReportSender = "" 
$ReportRecipient = "" 
$MailSubject = ("Mailbox Report for " + $mailboxServer + " - " + ( get-date ).ToString('yyyy/MM/dd')) 
Function sendEmail 
{ param($smtphost,$htmlFileName) 
$smtp= New-Object System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient $smtphost 
$msg = New-Object System.Net.Mail.MailMessage $ReportSender, $ReportRecipient, $MailSubject, (Get-Content $htmlFileName) 
$msg.isBodyhtml = $true 
$exdata = Get-MailboxStatistics -Server $mailboxServer | where {$_.ObjectClass -eq "Mailbox"} | Sort-Object TotalItemSize -descending | Select-Object DisplayName, ItemCount, TotalItemSize, Database
$fileName = "exchange2010Report.html" 
New-Item -ItemType file $fileName -Force 
# HTML start 
Add-Content $fileName "<html>" 
# HEAD start 
Add-Content $fileName "<head>" 
add-content $fileName '<STYLE TYPE="text/css">' 
add-content $fileName  "<!--" 
add-content $fileName  "td {" 
add-content $fileName  "font-family: Tahoma;" 
add-content $fileName  "font-size: 11px;" 
add-content $fileName  "border-top: 1px solid #999999;" 
add-content $fileName  "padding-top: 1px;" 
add-content $fileName  "padding-right: 0px;" 
add-content $fileName  "padding-bottom: 1px;" 
add-content $fileName  "padding-left: 2px;" 
add-content $fileName  "}" 

add-content $fileName  "th {" 
add-content $fileName  "font-family: Tahoma;" 
add-content $fileName  "font-size: 12px;" 
add-content $fileName  "border-right: 1px solid #999999;" 
add-content $fileName  "border-left: 1px solid #999999;" 
add-content $fileName  "padding-top: 1px;" 
add-content $fileName  "padding-right: 0px;" 
add-content $fileName  "padding-bottom: 1px;" 
add-content $fileName  "padding-left: 2px;" 
add-content $fileName  "}" 

add-content $fileName  "body {" 
add-content $fileName  "margin-left: 5px;" 
add-content $fileName  "margin-top: 5px;" 
add-content $fileName  "margin-right: 0px;" 
add-content $fileName  "margin-bottom: 10px;" 
add-content $fileName  "" 
add-content $fileName  "table {" 
add-content $fileName  "border: thin solid #000000;" 
add-content $fileName  "}" 
add-content $fileName  "-->" 
add-content $fileName  "</style>" 
# HEAD end 
Add-Content $fileName "</head>" 
# HEAD start 
Add-Content $fileName "<body>" 
# TABLE start 
Add-Content $fileName "<table width='100%'>" 
# TABLE Header 
Add-Content $fileName "<tr bgcolor='#7C7C7C'>" 
Add-Content $fileName "<td width='35%'>Display Name</td>" 
Add-Content $fileName "<td width='10%'>Item Count</td>" 
Add-Content $fileName "<td width='10%'>Total Item Size</td>" 
Add-Content $fileName "<td width='25%'>Database</td>" 
Add-Content $fileName "</tr>" 
$alternateTableRowBackground = 0 
# TABLE Content 
while($alternateTableRowBackground -le $exdata.length) 
if(($alternateTableRowBackground % 2) -eq 0) 
Add-Content $fileName "<tr bgcolor='#FFFFFF'>" 
Add-Content $fileName "<tr bgcolor='#FCFCFC'>" 
Add-Content $fileName ("<td width='30%'>" + $exdata[$alternateTableRowBackground].DisplayName + "</td>")  
Add-Content $fileName ("<td width='10%'>" + $exdata[$alternateTableRowBackground].ItemCount + "</td>") 

$trimlength = $exdata[$alternateTableRowBackground].TotalItemSize.toString().IndexOf("B")+1

Add-Content $fileName ("<td width='15%'>" + $exdata[$alternateTableRowBackground].TotalItemSize.ToString().Remove($trimlength2) + "</td>")
Add-Content $fileName ("<td width='25%'>" + $exdata[$alternateTableRowBackground].Database + "</td>") 
Add-Content $fileName "</tr>" 
$alternateTableRowBackground = $alternateTableRowBackground + 1 
# Summe Mailboxsize 
Add-Content $fileName "<tr bgcolor='#7C7C7C'>" 
Add-Content $fileName ("<td width='30%'></td>")  
$tempdata = MailboxStatistics -Server $mailboxServer | %{$_.ItemCount} | Measure-Object -Sum 
Add-Content $fileName ("<td width='10%'>" + ($tempdata | Select-Object -expand Sum) + "</td>") 
$tempdata = MailboxStatistics -Server $mailboxServer | %{$_.TotalItemSize.Value.ToMB()} | Measure-Object -Sum 
Add-Content $fileName ("<td width='15%'>" + ($tempdata | Select-Object -expand Sum) + " MB</td>") 
Add-Content $fileName ("<td width='25%'></td>")  
#TABLE end 
Add-Content $fileName "</table>" 
# HEAD end 
Add-Content $fileName "</body>" 
# HTML end 
Add-Content $fileName "</html>" 
sendEmail $smtpServer $fileName

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Avatar of footech
Flag of United States of America image

Can you provide the unmodified script?  It'll be easier to modify that than to work backward.
Avatar of ddotson


Here is the original code from

#Variables to configure 
$MailServer = "srv-mail-01" 
$ReportSender = "sender@yourdomain.local" 
$ReportRecipient = "recipient@yourdomain.local" 
$MailSubject = ("yourdomain.local exchange2010 Mailbox Report for " + $MailServer + " - " + ( get-date ).ToString('yyyy/MM/dd')) 
Function sendEmail 
{ param($smtphost,$htmlFileName) 
$smtp= New-Object System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient $smtphost 
$msg = New-Object System.Net.Mail.MailMessage $ReportSender, $ReportRecipient, $MailSubject, (Get-Content $htmlFileName) 
$msg.isBodyhtml = $true 
$exdata = Get-MailboxStatistics -Server $MailServer | Sort-Object TotalItemSize -descending | Select-Object DisplayName, ItemCount, TotalItemSize, Database, StorageLimitStatus 
$fileName = "exchange2010Report.html" 
New-Item -ItemType file $fileName -Force 
# HTML start 
Add-Content $fileName "<html>" 
# HEAD start 
Add-Content $fileName "<head>" 
add-content $fileName '<STYLE TYPE="text/css">' 
add-content $fileName  "<!--" 
add-content $fileName  "td {" 
add-content $fileName  "font-family: Tahoma;" 
add-content $fileName  "font-size: 11px;" 
add-content $fileName  "border-top: 1px solid #999999;" 
add-content $fileName  "border-right: 1px solid #999999;" 
add-content $fileName  "border-bottom: 1px solid #999999;" 
add-content $fileName  "border-left: 1px solid #999999;" 
add-content $fileName  "padding-top: 0px;" 
add-content $fileName  "padding-right: 0px;" 
add-content $fileName  "padding-bottom: 0px;" 
add-content $fileName  "padding-left: 0px;" 
add-content $fileName  "}" 
add-content $fileName  "body {" 
add-content $fileName  "margin-left: 5px;" 
add-content $fileName  "margin-top: 5px;" 
add-content $fileName  "margin-right: 0px;" 
add-content $fileName  "margin-bottom: 10px;" 
add-content $fileName  "" 
add-content $fileName  "table {" 
add-content $fileName  "border: thin solid #000000;" 
add-content $fileName  "}" 
add-content $fileName  "-->" 
add-content $fileName  "</style>" 
# HEAD end 
Add-Content $fileName "</head>" 
# HEAD start 
Add-Content $fileName "<body>" 
# TABLE start 
Add-Content $fileName "<table width='100%'>" 
# TABLE Header 
Add-Content $fileName "<tr bgcolor='#7C7C7C'>" 
Add-Content $fileName "<td width='35%'>DisplayName</td>" 
Add-Content $fileName "<td width='10%'>ItemCount</td>" 
Add-Content $fileName "<td width='10%'>TotalItemSize</td>" 
Add-Content $fileName "<td width='25%'>Database</td>" 
Add-Content $fileName "<td width='20%'>StorageLimitStatus</td>" 
Add-Content $fileName "</tr>" 
$alternateTableRowBackground = 0 
# TABLE Content 
while($alternateTableRowBackground -le $exdata.length) 
if(($alternateTableRowBackground % 2) -eq 0) 
Add-Content $fileName "<tr bgcolor='#CCCCCC'>" 
Add-Content $fileName "<tr bgcolor='#FCFCFC'>" 
Add-Content $fileName ("<td width='30%'>" + $exdata[$alternateTableRowBackground].DisplayName + "</td>")  
Add-Content $fileName ("<td width='10%'>" + $exdata[$alternateTableRowBackground].ItemCount + "</td>") 
Add-Content $fileName ("<td width='15%'>" + $exdata[$alternateTableRowBackground].TotalItemSize + "</td>") 
Add-Content $fileName ("<td width='25%'>" + $exdata[$alternateTableRowBackground].Database + "</td>") 
#BelowLimit or NoChecking 
if(($exdata[$alternateTableRowBackground].StorageLimitStatus -eq "BelowLimit") -or ($exdata[$alternateTableRowBackground].StorageLimitStatus -eq "NoChecking")) 
Add-Content $fileName ("<td bgcolor='#007F00' width='20%'>" + $exdata[$alternateTableRowBackground].StorageLimitStatus + "</td>") 
if($exdata[$alternateTableRowBackground].StorageLimitStatus -eq "IssueWarning") 
Add-Content $fileName ("<td bgcolor='#7F7F00' width='20%'>" + $exdata[$alternateTableRowBackground].StorageLimitStatus + "</td>") 
#ProhibitSend or MailboxDisabled 
if(($exdata[$alternateTableRowBackground].StorageLimitStatus -eq "ProhibitSend") -or ($exdata[$alternateTableRowBackground].StorageLimitStatus -eq "MailboxDisabled")) 
Add-Content $fileName ("<td bgcolor='#7F0000' width='20%'>" + $exdata[$alternateTableRowBackground].StorageLimitStatus + "</td>") 
Add-Content $fileName "</tr>" 
$alternateTableRowBackground = $alternateTableRowBackground + 1 
# Summe Mailboxsize 
Add-Content $fileName "<tr bgcolor='#7C7C7C'>" 
Add-Content $fileName ("<td width='30%'></td>")  
$tempdata = MailboxStatistics -Server $MailServer | %{$_.ItemCount} | Measure-Object -Sum 
Add-Content $fileName ("<td width='10%'>" + ($tempdata | Select-Object -expand Sum) + "</td>") 
$tempdata = MailboxStatistics -Server $MailServer | %{$_.TotalItemSize.Value.ToMB()} | Measure-Object -Sum 
Add-Content $fileName ("<td width='15%'>" + ($tempdata | Select-Object -expand Sum) + " MB</td>") 
Add-Content $fileName ("<td width='25%'></td>") 
Add-Content $fileName ("<td width='20%'></td>") 
#TABLE end 
Add-Content $fileName "</table>" 
# HEAD end 
Add-Content $fileName "</body>" 
# HTML end 
Add-Content $fileName "</html>" 
sendEmail $MailServer $fileName

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Dan Craciun
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I haven't.  If I read your code correctly, it will convert the value contained in the variable to megabytes.  Currently, it will display in the unit that is most appropriate - could be GB, MB, or KB.  I don't know how or why it's doing it, but it's very useful.  If I insert this code, then it stays in MB no matter what, correct?

I like the fact that it displays in the units most appropriate for the size...
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This worked very well.  Thank you so much!  I knew formatting on the front end would be the best way, rather than trying to format the result.