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jagguyFlag for Australia

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style menu wordpress


In wordpress theme twenty fourteen I want to style the vertical  menu links .
To do this I need to go to the style.css sheet and select what tag to style them?
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Are you using the addon to Firefox called Firebug? If you install that, you can right click on any element on your page and see the html and CSS. And then it lets you add styles to the CSS. I use to determine which html element is using which CSS rule. If I add styles to the CSS of what I think will change the menu color or size or font or something, and it doesn't work, that means I am not changing the right thing. You can also mouse over the html on the left and Firebug will highlight that element on the page.
Also, can you give us a link to what you are doing so we can show you what needs to be changed?
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I am developing on my PC.
Do you know how to use Firebug? We can walk you through it.
Avatar of Julian Hansen
Please make a screenshot of your page (menu) and indicate what you want to change the styling for.
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not only do i want the links styles but the background color wont change .

I want my links, and background color to look like  this so I dont need much
You can start by adding this to your styles.css

ul li a {
  background-color: #141414;
  background-image: url("");
  color: #FFFFFF;
  display: block;
  font-family: Helvetica,Arial,Verdana,Sans-serif;
  font-size: 12px;
  line-height: 180%;
  padding: 13px 20px;

Open in new window

Wordpress provide  plugins for the twenty fourteen theme to allow you to change lots of items without messing with the code.

i.e  changing colours and style the other for change nearly everything else.

you can download them directly from your wordpress admin site into your site from the admin page:
go to Plugins - Add New then search for "twenty fourteen" and they are the first 2 plugins, install and activate.

see details or download them here..
Avatar of jagguy


ok the code works find , but I dont get the line

  background-image: url("..........

Also just changing the white foreground color in the content should not require a plugin but a line if css, shouldnt it?
The background-image is taken straight from your reference site.

Instead of referring to an external image file - the raw PNG data is encoded into the style itself.

Also just changing the white foreground color in the content should not require a plugin but a line if css, shouldnt it?
Exactly! - world has gone plugin mad - downloading megabytes of plugin to do the simplest things.
if you are just changing the code and not creating a child theme,
be careful about any updates to that theme as your changes could get overwritten
Avatar of jagguy


The background-image is taken straight from your reference site.

Instead of referring to an external image file - the raw PNG data is encoded into the style itself.

Could you please tell me how to get this from the reference site. It is quite clever.
However the hover color is greenish over the link and I dint want this, and they horizontal menu on my website gets effected and I dont want that either.

Where do I get rid of the green color?
If you are using FireFox with Firebug or Chrome you can simply right click on the element and select Inspect Element - this will give you a console window from where you can inspect html , css and script.

Not sure where the green comes from - does not appear to be on the eternea site. The background in question is a 1x50px gray gradient image (see attached)
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So if I right click on the element I dont see the below code in bold

background-image: url("

As for the green color , I want to get rid of it but I cant see anywhere where this color is set.
So if I right click on the element I dont see the below code in bold
FF or Chrome?
Avatar of jagguy


FF, I see the element but the code you got

background-image: url("
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Julian Hansen
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ok I see this but on my wordpress see below displays the rollover image with much more white  on the link so it doesnt display the same.