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undefined variable - PHP

Hi Experts,

When trying to export the values from the MSSQL database the values for TRS3 work without error, however TRS1 and 2 both fail

I have attached both the html and php
Environment: <env> 

Notice: Undefined variable: csvname1 in C:\xampp\htdocs\mhs\dbo_export_trs_process.php on line 160

Notice: Undefined variable: csvname2 in C:\xampp\htdocs\mhs\dbo_export_trs_process.php on line 161

Notice: Undefined variable: csvname1 in C:\xampp\htdocs\mhs\dbo_export_trs_process.php on line 169

Notice: Undefined variable: csvname2 in C:\xampp\htdocs\mhs\dbo_export_trs_process.php on line 170

Notice: Undefined variable: csvname1 in C:\xampp\htdocs\mhs\dbo_export_trs_process.php on line 183

Notice: Undefined variable: csvname2 in C:\xampp\htdocs\mhs\dbo_export_trs_process.php on line 184
sqlcmd -S <sqlinstance> -d MHS -E -Q "SET NOCOUNT ON;select Variable, VALUE from Data where Environment = '<env>' and Type = 'TRS1' order by Variable asc" -o "csv\.csv" -W -h-1 -s"," -w 700
sqlcmd -S <sqlinstance> -d MHS -E -Q "SET NOCOUNT ON;select Variable, VALUE from Data where Environment = '<env>' and Type = 'TRS2' order by Variable asc" -o "csv\.csv" -W -h-1 -s"," -w 700
sqlcmd -S <sqlinstance> -d MHS -E -Q "SET NOCOUNT ON;select Variable, VALUE from Data where Environment = '<env>' and Type = 'TRS3' order by Variable asc" -o "csv\<env>-TRS3.csv" -W -h-1 -s"," -w 700
xcopy "\\<fshare>\c$\xampp\htdocs\mhs\csv\.csv" "\\<csvshare>\CSV Files\MHS\<env>\" /Y /V
xcopy "\\<fshare>\c$\xampp\htdocs\mhs\csv\.csv" "\\<csvshare>\CSV Files\MHS\<env>\" /Y /V
xcopy "\\<fshare>\c$\xampp\htdocs\mhs\csv\<env>-TRS3.csv" "\\<csvshare>\CSV Files\MHS\<env>\" /Y /V
IF NOT EXIST \\<fshare>\c$\xampp\htdocs\mhs\logs\<env>\. MKDIR \\<fshare>\c$\xampp\htdocs\mhs\logs\<env>
copy "\\<fshare>\c$\xampp\htdocs\mhs\csv\.csv" "\\<fshare>\c$\xampp\htdocs\mhs\logs\<env>\_12032014_035732.log" /Y /V
copy "\\<fshare>\c$\xampp\htdocs\mhs\csv\.csv" "\\<fshare>\c$\xampp\htdocs\mhs\logs\<env>\_12032014_035732.log" /Y /V
copy "\\<fshare>\c$\xampp\htdocs\mhs\csv\<env>-TRS3.csv" "\\<fshare>\c$\xampp\htdocs\mhs\logs\<env>\<env>-TRS3_12032014_035732.log" /Y /V

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<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>MHS Configuration Database</title>
    <!-- setup bootstrap files and jquery -->
    <link href="bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
    <script src="jquery/jquery.js"></script>
    <script src="bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>

  <h1>MHS Configuration Database <small>ISD Messaging</small></h1>
	<p>Use this system to export an environments TRS data</p>
  <!-- build the 'main menu' button -->
	<a href="dbo_Data_list.php" title="Main Menu" class="btn btn-primary" target="_self"><i class="icon-home icon-white"></i> Main Menu</a>

	<form action="dbo_export_trs_process.php" method='post'>

<h3>Select the Environment to export</h3>

	<!-- start the setup of the table -->
	<table border='0px'>
		<!--	<th>Type</th> -->

	//|  connect to a DB |
	$connection_string = 'DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=<SQLINSTANCE>;DATABASE=<DB>';
 	$conn = odbc_connect( $connection_string, '', '' );

	if ($conn) 
	// +-================================-+
	// | Build the 'Environment' pulldown |
	// +-================================-+
	$envQuery = "select distinct Environment from DATA where Type like 'TRS%' order by Environment asc";   
	$envResult = odbc_exec($conn, $envQuery);
	$envDropdown = "<select name='Environments'>";
	while($row = odbc_fetch_array($envResult)) {
     $envDropdown .= "\r\n<option value='{$row['Environment']}'>{$row['Environment']}</option>";
	$envDropdown .= "\r\n</select>";

	// output the pulldown into the table
	echo $envDropdown;
	echo "</td>";
	echo "<td>";

	// build Tower pulldown

	//$trsDropdown = "<select name='Type'><option value='TRS'>TRS</option></select>";
	// output the pulldown into the table
	echo $trsDropdown;
	echo "</td>";    
	echo "</tr>";  
	echo "</tbody>";
	echo "</table>";
	 // close the connection
	odbc_close ($conn); 
	else echo "odbc not connected"; 

            <!-- Build the 'submit' button -->
    <input type="submit" value="Export" class="btn btn-success"/>


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PHP Code

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>MHS Configuration Database</title>
    <!-- setup bootstrap files and jquery -->
    <link href="bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
    <script src="jquery/jquery.js"></script>
    <script src="bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>

	<div class="alert alert-success">
	<h1>MHS Configuration Database <small>ISD Messaging</small></h1>
	<p>Use this system to export an environments config data</p>
	<p><?php if(isset($_SESSION['current_user']))
		echo '<b>'.'<i class="icon-user"></i>You are logged in as: '.'</b>'.$_SESSION['current_user'];?></p>
	<!-- build the 'Main Menu' button -->
	<a href="dbo_Data_list.php" title="Main Menu" class="btn btn-primary" target="_self"><i class="icon-home icon-white"></i> Main Menu</a>
	<!-- build the 'Previous' button -->
	<a href="dbo_export_complete_trs.php" title="Previous" class="btn btn-primary" target="_self"><i class="icon-home icon-white"></i> Previous</a>


<!-- Output the variables to the screen to check we have the correct values -->
Environment: <?php echo $_POST['Environments']; ?><br />
<br />


	// setup SQL DB Connection
	$connection_string = 'DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=<SQLINST>;DATABASE=<DB>';
    $conn = odbc_connect( $connection_string, '', '' );
    $sdb= "<DB>";
    $fileshare= "<Share>";
    // trim trailing spaces from passed through variables
	$env=trim($_POST['Environments']," ");
    $loc = "select distinct Value from Data where Variable = 'LOCATION' and Environment='$env'";
	$dc=trim($loc," ");
    $typeQuery= "select distinct Type from Data where Type >='TRS'";
    $type=trim($typeQuery," ");

	// get the current time and date for the log
	$curr_date = date("dmY_his", time());
	// setup strings to use for exporting and copying
	    // Export values from Database
      	If ($dc == "MPE")
		$exportStringTRS1="sqlcmd -S $ssql -d $sdb -E -Q \"SET NOCOUNT ON;select Variable, VALUE from Data where Environment = '%ENV%' and Type = 'TRS1' order by Variable asc\" -o \"csv\%CSVNAME%.csv\" -W -h-1 -s\",\" -w 700";
        $exportStringTRS2="sqlcmd -S $ssql -d $sdb -E -Q \"SET NOCOUNT ON;select Variable, VALUE from Data where Environment = '%ENV%' and Type = 'TRS2' order by Variable asc\" -o \"csv\%CSVNAME%.csv\" -W -h-1 -s\",\" -w 700";
		$exportStringTRS3="sqlcmd -S $ssql -d $sdb -E -Q \"SET NOCOUNT ON;select Variable, VALUE from Data where Environment = '%ENV%' and Type = 'TRS3' order by Variable asc\" -o \"csv\%CSVNAME%.csv\" -W -h-1 -s\",\" -w 700";

		$locationQuery = "select Value from Data where Environment = '$env' and Type = 'TRS1' and Variable = 'LOCATION'";
        else If ($dc == "ADC")
		$exportStringTRS1="sqlcmd -S $ssql -d $sdb -E -Q \"SET NOCOUNT ON;select Variable, VALUE from Data where Environment = '%ENV%' and Type = 'TRS1' order by Variable asc\" -o \"csv\%CSVNAME%.csv\" -W -h-1 -s\",\" -w 700";
		$exportStringTRS2="sqlcmd -S $ssql -d $sdb -E -Q \"SET NOCOUNT ON;select Variable, VALUE from Data where Environment = '%ENV%' and Type = 'TRS2' order by Variable asc\" -o \"csv\%CSVNAME%.csv\" -W -h-1 -s\",\" -w 700";
		$exportStringTRS3="sqlcmd -S $ssql -d $sdb -E -Q \"SET NOCOUNT ON;select Variable, VALUE from Data where Environment = '%ENV%' and Type = 'TRS3' order by Variable asc\" -o \"csv\%CSVNAME%.csv\" -W -h-1 -s\",\" -w 700";

		$locationQuery = "select Value from Data where Environment = '$env' and Type = 'TRS1' and Variable = 'LOCATION'";
        else ($dc == "ODC");
		$exportStringTRS1="sqlcmd -S $ssql -d $sdb -E -Q \"SET NOCOUNT ON;select Variable, VALUE from Data where Environment = '%ENV%' and Type = 'TRS1' order by Variable asc\" -o \"csv\%CSVNAME%.csv\" -W -h-1 -s\",\" -w 700";
		$exportStringTRS2="sqlcmd -S $ssql -d $sdb -E -Q \"SET NOCOUNT ON;select Variable, VALUE from Data where Environment = '%ENV%' and Type = 'TRS2' order by Variable asc\" -o \"csv\%CSVNAME%.csv\" -W -h-1 -s\",\" -w 700";
		$exportStringTRS3="sqlcmd -S $ssql -d $sdb -E -Q \"SET NOCOUNT ON;select Variable, VALUE from Data where Environment = '%ENV%' and Type = 'TRS3' order by Variable asc\" -o \"csv\%CSVNAME%.csv\" -W -h-1 -s\",\" -w 700";

		$locationQuery = "select Value from Data where Environment = '$env' and Type = 'TRS1' and Variable = 'LOCATION'";
        $trsString1="xcopy \"\\\\$fileshare\c$\\xampp\htdocs\mhs\csv\%CSVNAME%.csv\" \"\\\%LOCATION%\CSV Files\MHS\%ENV%\\\" /Y /V";
		$trsString2="xcopy \"\\\\$fileshare\c$\\xampp\htdocs\mhs\csv\%CSVNAME%.csv\" \"\\\%LOCATION%\CSV Files\MHS\%ENV%\\\" /Y /V";
		$trsString3="xcopy \"\\\\$fileshare\c$\\xampp\htdocs\mhs\csv\%CSVNAME%.csv\" \"\\\%LOCATION%\CSV Files\MHS\%ENV%\\\" /Y /V";
		$copyToLogs1="copy \"\\\\$fileshare\c$\\xampp\htdocs\mhs\csv\%CSVNAME%.csv\" \"\\\\$fileshare\c$\\xampp\htdocs\mhs\\logs\%ENV%\%CSVNAME%_$curr_date.log\" /Y /V";
		$copyToLogs2="copy \"\\\\$fileshare\c$\\xampp\htdocs\mhs\csv\%CSVNAME%.csv\" \"\\\\$fileshare\c$\\xampp\htdocs\mhs\\logs\%ENV%\%CSVNAME%_$curr_date.log\" /Y /V";
		$copyToLogs3="copy \"\\\\$fileshare\c$\\xampp\htdocs\mhs\csv\%CSVNAME%.csv\" \"\\\\$fileshare\c$\\xampp\htdocs\mhs\\logs\%ENV%\%CSVNAME%_$curr_date.log\" /Y /V";
        $netUseString="net use \\\\%LOCATION% %NETUSERPASS% /user:%NETUSER% /persistent:no";
        // execute the query
    	$locationResult = odbc_exec($conn, $locationQuery);
    	// grab the value we need
    	$location = odbc_result($locationResult,1); 
    	//$type=trim($_POST['Location']," ");
    	$location = trim($location," ");

	// check for the location and set values accordingly
	if ($location=="MPE")	
		// set MPE information here
    elseif ($location=="ADC")
		// set ADC information here
	elseif ($location=="ODC")
		// set ODC information here

	    // TRS CSV File create
     if ($type =="TRS1" && $location==="ODC")
     else if ($type =="TRS2" && $location==="ODC")
     else if ($type =="TRS3" && $location==="ODC")
     else if ($type =="TRS1" && $location==="ADC")
      else if ($type =="TRS2" && $location==="ADC")
      else if ($type =="TRS3" && $location==="ADC")
     else if ($type =="TRS1" && $location==="MPE")
      else if ($type =="TRS2" && $location==="MPE")
      else ($type =="TRS3" && $location==="MPE");

	// find and replace the variables in the export string 
	$exportStringTRS1=str_replace('%CSVNAME%',$csvname1,$exportStringTRS1); // this has to come first as it uses the %ENV% variable that also needs replacing!


	// find and replace the variables in the copy string 
	$trsString1=str_replace('%CSVNAME%',$csvname1,$trsString1); // this has to come first as it uses the %ENV% variable that also needs replacing!


	// find and replace the variables in the logs string 
	$copyToLogs1=str_replace('%CSVNAME%',$csvname1,$copyToLogs1); // this has to come first as it uses the %ENV% variable that also needs replacing!


	// find and replace the variables in the netUse string

	// setup check for log file directory
	$createDIR="IF NOT EXIST \\\\$fileshare\c$\\xampp\htdocs\mhs\logs\%ENV%\. MKDIR \\\\$fileshare\c$\\xampp\htdocs\mhs\logs\%ENV%";

	// execute the export command
	echo $exportStringTRS1. "</P>";
	if ($return) 
		?><script type="text/javascript">
		alert("CSV Export Failed. Please investigate.");
    // execute the export command
	echo $exportStringTRS2. "</P>";
	if ($return) 
		?><script type="text/javascript">
		alert("CSV Export Failed. Please investigate.");
    // execute the export command
	echo $exportStringTRS3. "</P>";
	if ($return) 
		?><script type="text/javascript">
		alert("CSV Export Failed. Please investigate.");
	// execute the netuse to create connection to correct DC
	//echo $netUseString. "</P>";
	// execute the csv copy command
	echo $trsString1. "</P>";
	if ($return) 
		?><script type="text/javascript">
		alert("CSV Copy to Wintel share failed. Please investigate.");
   	// execute the csv copy command
	echo $trsString2. "</P>";
	if ($return) 
		?><script type="text/javascript">
		alert("CSV Copy to Wintel share failed. Please investigate.");
    	// execute the csv copy command
	echo $trsString3. "</P>";
	if ($return) 
		?><script type="text/javascript">
		alert("CSV Copy to Wintel share failed. Please investigate.");
  	//check the log directory exists and if not then create it.
	echo $createDIR. "</P>";

	// execute the log copy command
	echo $copyToLogs1. "</P>";
	if ($return) 
		?><script type="text/javascript">
		alert("CSV Copy to log directory failed. Please investigate.");
	// execute the log copy command
	echo $copyToLogs2. "</P>";
	if ($return) 
		?><script type="text/javascript">
		alert("CSV Copy to log directory failed. Please investigate.");
    // execute the log copy command
	echo $copyToLogs3. "</P>";
	if ($return) 
		?><script type="text/javascript">
		alert("CSV Copy to log directory failed. Please investigate.");


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The variables for $csvname3 are getting passed though this is what is confusing me

 From the code above each variable just repeats over again.
Environment: <env> 

Notice: Undefined variable: csvname1 in C:\xampp\htdocs\mhs\dbo_export_trs_process.php on line 160

Notice: Undefined variable: csvname2 in C:\xampp\htdocs\mhs\dbo_export_trs_process.php on line 161

Notice: Undefined variable: csvname1 in C:\xampp\htdocs\mhs\dbo_export_trs_process.php on line 169

Notice: Undefined variable: csvname2 in C:\xampp\htdocs\mhs\dbo_export_trs_process.php on line 170

Notice: Undefined variable: csvname1 in C:\xampp\htdocs\mhs\dbo_export_trs_process.php on line 183

Notice: Undefined variable: csvname2 in C:\xampp\htdocs\mhs\dbo_export_trs_process.php on line 184
sqlcmd -S <sqlinstance> -d MHS -E -Q "SET NOCOUNT ON;select Variable, VALUE from Data where Environment = '<env>' and Type = 'TRS1' order by Variable asc" -o "csv\.csv" -W -h-1 -s"," -w 700
sqlcmd -S <sqlinstance> -d MHS -E -Q "SET NOCOUNT ON;select Variable, VALUE from Data where Environment = '<env>' and Type = 'TRS2' order by Variable asc" -o "csv\.csv" -W -h-1 -s"," -w 700
sqlcmd -S <sqlinstance> -d MHS -E -Q "SET NOCOUNT ON;select Variable, VALUE from Data where Environment = '<env>' and Type = 'TRS3' order by Variable asc" -o "csv\<env>-TRS3.csv" -W -h-1 -s"," -w 700
xcopy "\\<fshare>\c$\xampp\htdocs\mhs\csv\.csv" "\\<csvshare>\CSV Files\MHS\<env>\" /Y /V
xcopy "\\<fshare>\c$\xampp\htdocs\mhs\csv\.csv" "\\<csvshare>\CSV Files\MHS\<env>\" /Y /V
xcopy "\\<fshare>\c$\xampp\htdocs\mhs\csv\<env>-TRS3.csv" "\\<csvshare>\CSV Files\MHS\<env>\" /Y /V
IF NOT EXIST \\<fshare>\c$\xampp\htdocs\mhs\logs\<env>\. MKDIR \\<fshare>\c$\xampp\htdocs\mhs\logs\<env>
copy "\\<fshare>\c$\xampp\htdocs\mhs\csv\.csv" "\\<fshare>\c$\xampp\htdocs\mhs\logs\<env>\_12032014_035732.log" /Y /V
copy "\\<fshare>\c$\xampp\htdocs\mhs\csv\.csv" "\\<fshare>\c$\xampp\htdocs\mhs\logs\<env>\_12032014_035732.log" /Y /V
copy "\\<fshare>\c$\xampp\htdocs\mhs\csv\<env>-TRS3.csv" "\\<fshare>\c$\xampp\htdocs\mhs\logs\<env>\<env>-TRS3_12032014_035732.log" /Y /V

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The error is telling you that you are not setting them
Going by your code they are only ever set if certain conditions are met.
The only variable that gets a default value is $csvname3
greetings theghost121, , , your programming "Logic" used in the Nine "If Else" sequence starting with -
// TRS CSV File create
if ($type =="TRS1" && $location==="ODC")

is NOT correct at all, because you test the $location BUT DO NOT USE that test to change any of the result output, What I would do is to take out (erase, delete) ALL of the 9 "If Else" code and just have this -


// /// // // // //
I can not understand or see any reason for all the
if ($type =="TRS1" && $location==="ODC")

tests, as Nothing is any different in the results, no matter what the $location input is, however, in the following code using the $csvname1 variable, it may actually matter about what the $type and $location are set to, in order to get the line -

with $csvname1 to have correct output ? ?

Also you have Bad Logic, in the IF tests for -
// check for the location and set values accordingly
if ($location=="MPE")

ALL, that's right, every one, of the outputs are exactly the same, the "IF tests" do nothing at all!
I've requested that this question be closed as follows:

Accepted answer: 0 points for theghost121's comment #a39923996

for the following reason:

Thanks both, I managed to sort out the issue with your help... Thanks again