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Avatar of Lionel MM
Lionel MMFlag for United States of America

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Batch File to delete and move files at the end of the month

Last year Bill Prew (bp) wrote this batch file for me--see attached text file. What it does is allow me to designate how many files I want to keep in a designated folder (set to 30). It then also checks the files in those folders and moves any that have an "end of the month" date to an EOM folder. Works great for the files with a name-date format _201109302145.BAK. I tried to use the solution given and apply it to other files with different name-date formats and for the life of me I can't get it to work. So please help me adjust this batch file to apply to these two name-date files please "Central-QBE-20140330.QBW" and
"HappinessFarms v2014-03-28.QBW". Thank you.
Avatar of Bill Prew
Bill Prew

Do you need the script to intelligently handle all 3 formats at the same time, or will you be using a different version of the script for each format?

Avatar of Bill Prew
Bill Prew

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Avatar of Lionel MM


Yes it will be 3 different batch files, for 3 different servers/locations. I knew I had to count from the right but just couldn't get it to work. Will test it again and provide the results tonight=thanks
Ok I got this to work
rem this is based on this filename format HappinessFarms v2014-02-01.QBW
    rem where 10 is the 10th letter from the right, etc.
    set YYYY=!Filename:~-10,4!
    set MM=!Filename:~-5,2!
    set DD=!Filename:~-2,2!
and changed the folder location, all the .bak to .qbw and it left 30 files and moved all the EOM files to the OEM folder. Will try the other one later today, als a .qbw one and let you know if it works--thanks.
I used the same batch file that worked for Windows Server 2003 (the one noted above) and copied to a Windows 2008 server, changed the ProcessDir and the file dating numbers and now I get this error "9 delims=," was unexpected at this time." I am attaching the entire batch file for you to see.
Did you look at my post with a newer maybe cleaner approach to the date extraction?

As far as errors, I did notice in the script you posted that it had the following, which is missing a paren I believe, not sure exactly what you were trying to accomplish there, and I didn't see the called subroutine 'CheckEOM' defined either...

  rem *!* Now removeany older files beyond the number of files we want to keep
  rem	2013-05-28 for /F "tokens=* skip=%~3" %%A in ('dir /b /a-d /o-d "*.qbw"') do del "%%~A"
for /F "tokens=* skip=30" %%A in ('dir /b /a:-d /o:-d "%BaseDir%\%%~F\*.qbw" ') do (
        ECHO File:"%%~nA"
        call :CheckEOM "%%~nA"
  goto :EOF

Open in new window

Bill, tried the new format with call :DateParts -10 -5 -2 "HappinessFarms v2014-03-28". It now gives an "access is denied" error, however when I use the original script and use the set YYYY=!Filename:~-10,4!
    set MM=!Filename:~-5,2!
    set DD=!Filename:~-2,2!

It works--see two text files--thanks.
You need to pass the variable that has the name of the file in it, not a hard coded string.  I just did that to demonstrate the different offsets you could use for different format file names.

Change this:

    set Filename=%%~nA
    rem	call :DateParts -12 -8 -6 "%%~nA"
    REM call :DateParts -12 -8 -6 "DYNAMICS_db_201109302145"
    REM call :DateParts  -8 -4 -2 "Central-QBE-20140330"
    call :DateParts -10 -5 -2 "HappinessFarms v2014-03-28"

Open in new window


    set Filename=%%~nA
    rem	call :DateParts -12 -8 -6 "%%~nA"
    REM call :DateParts -12 -8 -6 "DYNAMICS_db_201109302145"
    REM call :DateParts  -8 -4 -2 "Central-QBE-20140330"
    call :DateParts -10 -5 -2 "%%~nA"

Open in new window

Bill, using this I get an access denied error
rem *!* Extract date components from filename
    set EomDay=
    set Filename=%%~nA
    rem      call :DateParts -12 -8 -6 "%%~nA"
    call :DateParts -10 -5 -2 "%%~nA"
But using this--it works
rem *!* Extract date components from filename
    set EomDay=
    set Filename=%%~nA

    rem this is based on this filename format HappinessFarms v2014-02-01.QBW
    rem where 10 is the 10th letter from the right, etc.
    set YYYY=!Filename:~-10,4!
    set MM=!Filename:~-5,2!
    set DD=!Filename:~-2,2!

and I get this error on two different servers (obviously with different file/date extractions).
Can you remove the @echo off at the top and run the script and then copy and post up the full output of the execution, along with the exact BAT script source code you ran please.

here is the batch file and the results of it is attched
rem	@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

rem *!* Process each folder
call :ProcessDir "C:\Data\Users\QuickBooks\Daily" "C:\Data\Users\QuickBooks\EOM" "*.qbw" 60

rem *!* Done, exit
goto :EOF

rem *!* Process a folder, saving month end files, and keeping only desired number of files
:ProcessDir [base-dir] [save-dir] [filter] [files-to=keep]
  pushd "%~1"

  rem *! Process all matching files in folder, seeing if any are month end
  for %%A in ("%~3") do (
    rem *!* Extract date components from filename
    set EomDay=
    set Filename=%%~nA
    rem	call :DateParts -12 -8 -6 "%%~nA"
    REM call :DateParts -12 -8 -6 "DYNAMICS_db_201109302145"
    call :DateParts  -8 -4 -2 "%%~nA"
    REM call :DateParts -10 -5 -2 "HappinessFarms v2014-03-28"

    rem *!* Determine what last day of month would be for this year / month
    call :EomDay "!YYYY!" "!MM!" "!DD!"

    rem *!* Is this file an end of month backup, if so save it if needed
    if "!DD!" EQU "!EomDay!" (
      if not exist "%~2\%%~A" copy "%%~A" "%~2"

  rem *!* Now remove any older files beyond the number of files we want to keep
  for /F "tokens=* skip=%~4" %%A in ('dir /b /a-d /o-d "%~3"') do del "%%~A"

  goto :EOF

rem *!* Extract the year, month and day from the file name based on the offsets specified
:DateParts [year-offset] [month-offset] [day-offset] [string]
  set String=%~4
  set YYYY=!String:~%1,4!
  set MM=!String:~%2,2!
  set DD=!String:~%3,2!
  echo [%~4], YYYY=[%YYYY%], MM=[%MM%], DD=[%DD%]
  exit /b

rem *!* Calculate last day of month for this year / month
:EomDay [YYYY] [MM] [DD]

  rem *!* Get number of days in this month
  for /F "tokens=%~2 delims=," %%A in ("31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31") do set Eom=%%A

  rem *!* If this is February, and a leap year, add one to last day of month
  if "%~2" EQU "02" (
    set /a Leap=%~1 %% 4
    if !Leap! EQU 0 set /A Eom+=1

  rem *!* Return value to caller
  endlocal & set EomDay=%Eom%
  goto :EOF

Open in new window

Thanks.  I didn't see any access denied errors in that log.  And it looked like everything was working properly, the date fields were extracted correctly, and the EOM day was being calculated correctly.

I would need to see a log from a run that actually had the access denied error to dig deeper.

ran attached file as a .bat and got these results
[621 Rentals-20140328], YYYY=[2014], MM=[03], DD=[28]
[621 Rentals-20140329], YYYY=[2014], MM=[03], DD=[29]
[621 Rentals-20140330], YYYY=[2014], MM=[03], DD=[30]
[621 Rentals-20140401], YYYY=[2014], MM=[04], DD=[01]
[621 Rentals-20140402], YYYY=[2014], MM=[04], DD=[02]
[621 Rentals-20140403], YYYY=[2014], MM=[04], DD=[03]
[621 Rentals-20140405], YYYY=[2014], MM=[04], DD=[05]
[621 Rentals-20140406], YYYY=[2014], MM=[04], DD=[06]
[621 Rentals-20140407], YYYY=[2014], MM=[04], DD=[07]
[621 Rentals-20140408], YYYY=[2014], MM=[04], DD=[08]
[621 Rentals-20140409], YYYY=[2014], MM=[04], DD=[09]
[621 Rentals-20140410], YYYY=[2014], MM=[04], DD=[10]
[621 Rentals-20140411], YYYY=[2014], MM=[04], DD=[11]
[621 Rentals-20140412], YYYY=[2014], MM=[04], DD=[12]
[621 Rentals-20140413], YYYY=[2014], MM=[04], DD=[13]
[621 Rentals-20140415], YYYY=[2014], MM=[04], DD=[15]
[621 Rentals-20140416], YYYY=[2014], MM=[04], DD=[16]
[621 Rentals-20140417], YYYY=[2014], MM=[04], DD=[17]
[621 Rentals-20140418], YYYY=[2014], MM=[04], DD=[18]
[621 Rentals-20140419], YYYY=[2014], MM=[04], DD=[19]
[621 Rentals-20140420], YYYY=[2014], MM=[04], DD=[20]
[621 Rentals-20140421], YYYY=[2014], MM=[04], DD=[21]
[621 Rentals-20140422], YYYY=[2014], MM=[04], DD=[22]
[621 Rentals-20140423], YYYY=[2014], MM=[04], DD=[23]
[621 Rentals-20140424], YYYY=[2014], MM=[04], DD=[24]
[621 Rentals-20140425], YYYY=[2014], MM=[04], DD=[25]
[621 Rentals-20140426], YYYY=[2014], MM=[04], DD=[26]
[621 Rentals-20140427], YYYY=[2014], MM=[04], DD=[27]
[621 Rentals-20140428], YYYY=[2014], MM=[04], DD=[28]
[621 Rentals], YYYY=[ Ren], MM=[ta], DD=[ls]
ta delims=," was unexpected at this time.
[Central-QBE-20140326], YYYY=[2014], MM=[03], DD=[26]
[Central-QBE-20140327], YYYY=[2014], MM=[03], DD=[27]
[Central-QBE-20140328], YYYY=[2014], MM=[03], DD=[28]
[Central-QBE-20140329], YYYY=[2014], MM=[03], DD=[29]
[Central-QBE-20140330], YYYY=[2014], MM=[03], DD=[30]
[Central-QBE-20140401], YYYY=[2014], MM=[04], DD=[01]
[Central-QBE-20140402], YYYY=[2014], MM=[04], DD=[02]
[Central-QBE-20140403], YYYY=[2014], MM=[04], DD=[03]
[Central-QBE-20140405], YYYY=[2014], MM=[04], DD=[05]
[Central-QBE-20140406], YYYY=[2014], MM=[04], DD=[06]
[Central-QBE-20140407], YYYY=[2014], MM=[04], DD=[07]
[Central-QBE-20140408], YYYY=[2014], MM=[04], DD=[08]
[Central-QBE-20140409], YYYY=[2014], MM=[04], DD=[09]
[Central-QBE-20140410], YYYY=[2014], MM=[04], DD=[10]
[Central-QBE-20140411], YYYY=[2014], MM=[04], DD=[11]
[Central-QBE-20140412], YYYY=[2014], MM=[04], DD=[12]
[Central-QBE-20140413], YYYY=[2014], MM=[04], DD=[13]
[Central-QBE-20140415], YYYY=[2014], MM=[04], DD=[15]
[Central-QBE-20140416], YYYY=[2014], MM=[04], DD=[16]
[Central-QBE-20140417], YYYY=[2014], MM=[04], DD=[17]
[Central-QBE-20140418], YYYY=[2014], MM=[04], DD=[18]
[Central-QBE-20140419], YYYY=[2014], MM=[04], DD=[19]
[Central-QBE-20140420], YYYY=[2014], MM=[04], DD=[20]
[Central-QBE-20140421], YYYY=[2014], MM=[04], DD=[21]
[Central-QBE-20140422], YYYY=[2014], MM=[04], DD=[22]
[Central-QBE-20140423], YYYY=[2014], MM=[04], DD=[23]
[Central-QBE-20140424], YYYY=[2014], MM=[04], DD=[24]
[Central-QBE-20140425], YYYY=[2014], MM=[04], DD=[25]
[Central-QBE-20140426], YYYY=[2014], MM=[04], DD=[26]
[Central-QBE-20140427], YYYY=[2014], MM=[04], DD=[27]
[Central-QBE-20140428], YYYY=[2014], MM=[04], DD=[28]
C:\Data\Users\QuickBooks\Daily\621 Rentals.QBW
Access is denied.
It appears you had a file in the folder that you were processing that did not conform to the expected naming convention, and also was open by Quickbooks so could not be deleted.  The file was:

C:\Data\Users\QuickBooks\Daily\621 Rentals.QBW

OK I deleted that file and that fixed that one but on this one I still get the access denied error. I checekd folder and file security and user lmm (me) had Full Control of both folder and files in it.
[HappinessFarms v2014-03-13], YYYY=[2014], MM=[03], DD=[13]
[HappinessFarms v2014-03-14], YYYY=[2014], MM=[03], DD=[14]
[HappinessFarms v2014-03-15], YYYY=[2014], MM=[03], DD=[15]
[HappinessFarms v2014-03-16], YYYY=[2014], MM=[03], DD=[16]
[HappinessFarms v2014-03-17], YYYY=[2014], MM=[03], DD=[17]
[HappinessFarms v2014-03-18], YYYY=[2014], MM=[03], DD=[18]
[HappinessFarms v2014-03-19], YYYY=[2014], MM=[03], DD=[19]
[HappinessFarms v2014-03-20], YYYY=[2014], MM=[03], DD=[20]
[HappinessFarms v2014-03-21], YYYY=[2014], MM=[03], DD=[21]
[HappinessFarms v2014-03-22], YYYY=[2014], MM=[03], DD=[22]
[HappinessFarms v2014-03-23], YYYY=[2014], MM=[03], DD=[23]
[HappinessFarms v2014-03-24], YYYY=[2014], MM=[03], DD=[24]
[HappinessFarms v2014-03-25], YYYY=[2014], MM=[03], DD=[25]
[HappinessFarms v2014-03-26], YYYY=[2014], MM=[03], DD=[26]
[HappinessFarms v2014-03-27], YYYY=[2014], MM=[03], DD=[27]
[HappinessFarms v2014-03-28], YYYY=[2014], MM=[03], DD=[28]
[HappinessFarms v2014-03-29], YYYY=[2014], MM=[03], DD=[29]
[HappinessFarms v2014-03-30], YYYY=[2014], MM=[03], DD=[30]
[HappinessFarms v2014-03-31], YYYY=[2014], MM=[03], DD=[31]
[HappinessFarms v2014-04-01], YYYY=[2014], MM=[04], DD=[01]
[HappinessFarms v2014-04-02], YYYY=[2014], MM=[04], DD=[02]
[HappinessFarms v2014-04-03], YYYY=[2014], MM=[04], DD=[03]
[HappinessFarms v2014-04-04], YYYY=[2014], MM=[04], DD=[04]
[HappinessFarms v2014-04-05], YYYY=[2014], MM=[04], DD=[05]
[HappinessFarms v2014-04-06], YYYY=[2014], MM=[04], DD=[06]
[HappinessFarms v2014-04-07], YYYY=[2014], MM=[04], DD=[07]
[HappinessFarms v2014-04-08], YYYY=[2014], MM=[04], DD=[08]
[HappinessFarms v2014-04-09], YYYY=[2014], MM=[04], DD=[09]
[HappinessFarms v2014-04-10], YYYY=[2014], MM=[04], DD=[10]
[HappinessFarms v2014-04-11], YYYY=[2014], MM=[04], DD=[11]
[HappinessFarms v2014-04-12], YYYY=[2014], MM=[04], DD=[12]
[HappinessFarms v2014-04-13], YYYY=[2014], MM=[04], DD=[13]
[HappinessFarms v2014-04-14], YYYY=[2014], MM=[04], DD=[14]
[HappinessFarms v2014-04-15], YYYY=[2014], MM=[04], DD=[15]
[HappinessFarms v2014-04-16], YYYY=[2014], MM=[04], DD=[16]
[HappinessFarms v2014-04-17], YYYY=[2014], MM=[04], DD=[17]
[HappinessFarms v2014-04-18], YYYY=[2014], MM=[04], DD=[18]
[HappinessFarms v2014-04-19], YYYY=[2014], MM=[04], DD=[19]
[HappinessFarms v2014-04-20], YYYY=[2014], MM=[04], DD=[20]
[HappinessFarms v2014-04-21], YYYY=[2014], MM=[04], DD=[21]
[HappinessFarms v2014-04-22], YYYY=[2014], MM=[04], DD=[22]
[HappinessFarms v2014-04-23], YYYY=[2014], MM=[04], DD=[23]
[HappinessFarms v2014-04-24], YYYY=[2014], MM=[04], DD=[24]
[HappinessFarms v2014-04-25], YYYY=[2014], MM=[04], DD=[25]
[HappinessFarms v2014-04-26], YYYY=[2014], MM=[04], DD=[26]
[HappinessFarms v2014-04-27], YYYY=[2014], MM=[04], DD=[27]
[HappinessFarms v2014-04-28], YYYY=[2014], MM=[04], DD=[28]
[HappinessFarms v2014-04-29], YYYY=[2014], MM=[04], DD=[29]
C:\Backup\QBooks\HappinessFarms v2014-03-05.QBW
Access is denied.
C:\Backup\QBooks\HappinessFarms v2014-02-27.QBW
Access is denied.
C:\Backup\QBooks\HappinessFarms v2014-02-28.QBW
Access is denied.
C:\Backup\QBooks\HappinessFarms v2014-02-08.QBW
Access is denied.
C:\Backup\QBooks\HappinessFarms v2014-02-09.QBW
Access is denied.
C:\Backup\QBooks\HappinessFarms v2014-03-04.QBW
Access is denied.
C:\Backup\QBooks\HappinessFarms v2014-02-01.QBW
Access is denied.
C:\Backup\QBooks\HappinessFarms v2014-02-26.QBW
Access is denied.
C:\Backup\QBooks\HappinessFarms v2014-02-17.QBW
Access is denied.
I got them all to work except the one from the last post so I concluded it is an anomaly and cleaned it up manually. If you recall in a very early solution we did not move files to an end of month folder--if I just wanted to delete excess files and not keep end of month how would do that again--trying to find the question I asked but for you this is probably an easy answer--if not I will ask a new question. Thanks for all you GREAT help.
Do you mean you want to save the month end, but just leave it in it's folder (not move it someplace else), or do you mean you don't want to save it at all, and just keep the latest n files?

just keep the latest n files
BP I am missing one final piece in this solution--the batch file is not closing down the dos window when started--I added Exit to the end of the file but that did not work. How do I add an Exit so the dos window closes when done--thanks.
How are you invoking the script, it should close the window when it is done automatically.
