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Wordpress Custom Post Type and Custom Taxonomy Invalid

I have a custom post type called EWD Item (ewd-item slug). Tied to this custom post type, is a custom taxonomy called EWD Sector (ewdsector slug). I have a development server and live server which are both identical except that the live server is a WP Multi-site installation. When I run get_terms('ewdsector') on the dev site, it returns all the terms but when I run it on the live site, it gives me an "Invalid Taxonomy" error.

Here's the custom post type registration code:
function register_ewd_item_posttype() {
		$labels = array(
			'name' 				=> _x( 'EWD Items', 'post type general name' ),
			'singular_name'		=> _x( 'EWD Item', 'post type singular name' ),
			'add_new' 			=> __( 'Add New' ),
			'add_new_item' 		=> __( 'EWD Item' ),
			'edit_item' 		=> __( 'EWD Item' ),
			'new_item' 			=> __( 'EWD Item' ),
			'view_item' 		=> __( 'EWD Item' ),
			'search_items' 		=> __( 'EWD Item' ),
			'not_found' 		=> __( 'EWD Item' ),
			'not_found_in_trash'=> __( 'EWD Item' ),
			'parent_item_colon' => __( 'EWD Item' ),
			'menu_name'			=> __( 'EWD Items' )
		$taxonomies = array();

		$supports = array('title','editor','author','thumbnail','revisions');
		$post_type_args = array(
			'labels' 			=> $labels,
			'singular_label' 	=> __('EWD Item'),
			'public' 			=> true,
			'show_ui' 			=> true,
			'publicly_queryable'=> true,
			'query_var'			=> true,
			'exclude_from_search'=> true,
			'show_in_nav_menus'	=> false,
			'capability_type' 	=> 'post',
			'has_archive' 		=> true,
			'hierarchical' 		=> false,
			'rewrite' 			=> array('slug' => 'ewd-item', 'with_front' => false ),
			'supports' 			=> $supports,
			'menu_position' 	=> 5,
			'taxonomies'		=> $taxonomies
	add_action('init', 'register_ewd_item_posttype');

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Here's the custom taxonomy registration code:
function register_ewdsector_tax() {
			$labels = array(
				'name' 					=> _x( 'EWD Sectors', 'taxonomy general name' ),
				'singular_name' 		=> _x( 'EWD Sector', 'taxonomy singular name' ),
				'add_new' 				=> _x( 'Add New EWD Sector', 'EWD Sector'),
				'add_new_item' 			=> __( 'Add New EWD Sector' ),
				'edit_item' 			=> __( 'Edit EWD Sector' ),
				'new_item' 				=> __( 'New EWD Sector' ),
				'view_item' 			=> __( 'View EWD Sector' ),
				'search_items' 			=> __( 'Search EWD Sectors' ),
				'not_found' 			=> __( 'No EWD Sector found' ),
				'not_found_in_trash' 	=> __( 'No EWD Sector found in Trash' ),
			$pages = array('ewd-item');
			$args = array(
				'labels' 			=> $labels,
				'singular_label' 	=> __('EWD Sector'),
				'public' 			=> true,
				'show_ui' 			=> true,
				'hierarchical' 		=> false,
				'show_tagcloud' 	=> false,
				'show_in_nav_menus' => false,
				'rewrite' 			=> array('slug' => 'ewdsector', 'with_front' => false ),
			register_taxonomy('ewdsector', $pages, $args);
		add_action('init', 'register_ewdsector_tax');

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When I do
$terms = get_terms('ewdsector');

Open in new window

It returns WP_Error Object Invalid Taxonomy.

Also, there's something a bit odd going on in the database.

On my dev server, the "term_taxonomy_id" and "term_id" are always different values while on the live server, they're all equal.

I'm doing all I can to replicate "Invalid Taxonomy" error on my dev site but can't seem to figure out the issue.

How can I get the custom taxonomy working on the live site?

Thanks in advance!
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