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Help solve my code

I am lost in this script, I am getting end of statement needed error
'=== Health Partners Scripting / Packaging VBScript Template
'=== Author: Bobby Lee
'=== Revision History:
'=== 09/04/2012:  v1.0 - Initial Release

Const OverwriteExisting = True
Const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002
'Const HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT   = &H80000000
'Const HKEY_CURRENT_USER   = &H80000001
'Const HKEY_USERS          = &H80000003

Dim objIEDebugWindow
Dim objFSO, objFolder, WshShell, objTextFile, objFile, oReg
Dim Scanner_File, Scanner_File2, strComputer	
Dim appName, appVer, logfile, Bit32_64, ReturnCode, ReturnCode_Err
Dim strDirectory, Log_File, strText, strKeyPath, strValueName, strValue
Dim strPath, strScriptFolder, strCommand, strScriptPath, strScriptFullName
Dim strEnv, strMode, strLD 

'=== Script Parameters ===
Set colNamedArguments = WScript.Arguments.Named

If colNamedArguments.Exists("Env") Then
	strEnv = UCase(colNamedArguments.Item("Env"))
	strEnv = "Prod"
End If 

If colNamedArguments.Exists("Mode") Then
	strMode = UCase(colNamedArguments.Item("Mode"))
	strMode = "INSTALL"
End If

If colNamedArguments.Exists("LD") Then
	strLD = UCase(colNamedArguments.Item("LD"))
	strLD = "9" 
End If

'=== Application Information ===
appName = "CCPulse"
appVer = "v8.0100.16"

strComputer = "." 'Use . for current machine

Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set colNamedArguments = WScript.Arguments.Named  
Set oReg = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\default:StdRegProv")

'=== Get Script Directory ===
strPath = WScript.ScriptFullName
Set objFile = objFSO.GetFile(strPath)
strScriptFolder = objFSO.GetParentFolderName(objFile) & "\"
'WScript.Echo strScriptFolder

'=== Log File Directory ===
strDirectory = "c:\logs\appinst"
Log_File = strDirectory & "\" & appName & " " & appVer & "_Inst"& ".log"
If objFSO.FolderExists(strDirectory) Then
   Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(strDirectory)
   Set objFolder = objFSO.CreateFolder(strDirectory)
   'WScript.Echo "Created Directory: " & strDirectory
End If

If objFSO.FileExists(Log_File) Then
   Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(strDirectory)
   Set objFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(Log_File)
	'Wscript.Echo "Created Logfile: " & Log_File
End If 

Set objFile = Nothing
Set objFolder = Nothing
'=== End Log File Declaration ===
'=== OpenTextFile Method needs a Const value ===
'=== ForAppending = 8                        ===
'=== ForReading = 1                          ===
'=== ForWriting = 2                          ===
Const ForAppending = 8

'=== Initialize Error Codes ===
ReturnCode = 0 
ReturnCode_Err = 0

'=== Begin - Initialize Log File ===
Set objTextFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(Log_File, ForAppending, True)
objTextFile.WriteLine(Now & ": Begin Execution")
objTextFile.WriteLine(Now & ": LogFile = " & Log_File)
'=== End Initialize Log File ===

'=== Determine 32-bit or 64-bit OS
strKeyPath = "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment"
oReg.GetStringValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,strKeyPath,strValueName,Bit32_64

'Debug "This is a great way to display intermediate results in a separate window."

'=== Begin Common Section ===
objTextFile.WriteLine(Now & ": === Processing Common Section")

'=== Remove Registry Keys
'strKeyPath = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\>{0000000000-0000-0000-0000-HP0000CCE1130}"
'strValueName = "Version"
'strValue = ReadRegStr (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strKeyPath, strValueName, 32)
'If not IsBlank(strValue) Then
'	objTextFile.WriteLine(Now & ": Removing ActiveSetup Component from Registry for v11.30")
'	oReg.DeleteKey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strKeyPath
'End If 
'=== Enumerate Registry Key
'strKeyPath = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList"
'oReg.EnumKey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strKeyPath, arrSubkeys
'For Each objSubkey In arrSubkeys
'	'code here

'=== CCPulse v8.0.100.16?
'strValue = ""
'strKeyPath = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{4C321511-E6CA-4D0E-AC48-72AB7E7297A8}"
'strValueName = "DisplayVersion"
'strValue = ReadRegStr (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strKeyPath, strValueName, 32)
'WScript.Echo "CCPulse v8.0.100.16 in 32-bit registry " & strValue
'If IsBlank(strValue) Then
	'WScript.Echo "Uninstalling CCPulse+ v8.0.100.16 in 32-Bit Registry: " & strValue
	objTextFile.WriteLine(Now & ": Installing CCPulse+ v8.0.100.16")
	strCommand = chr(34) & strScriptFolder & "Source\setup.exe" -s -f1 & chr(34) & strScriptFolder & "Source\setup.iss"" -f2""c:\logs\appinst\CCPulse_v8.0_Inst.log""",0,True)
	ReturnCode = WshShell.Run(strCommand,0,True)
	'ReturnCode = WshShell.Run("""\\hplandesk95\packages\CCPulse\v8\Source\setup.exe"" -s -f1""\\hplandesk95\packages\CCPulse\v8\Source\setup.iss"" -f2""c:\logs\appinst\CCPulse_v8.0_Inst.log""",0,True)
	objTextFile.WriteLine(Now & ": Return Code = " & ReturnCode)
	objTextFile.WriteLine(" ")
	'oReg.DeleteKey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strKeyPath
	InstallError (ReturnCode)
'End If  

If UCase(Bit32_64) = "X86" Then
'=== Begin 32-bit Section ===
	'objTextFile.WriteLine(Now & ": === Processing 32-bit Section")

' #region Disabled code
' 	'=== CCE v12.20 Installed?
' 	strValue = ""
' 	strKeyPath = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{6377D733-85CF-4961-91CE-B84A4F866917}"
' 	'=== HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{6377D733-85CF-4961-91CE-B84A4F866917}
' 	strValueName = "DisplayVersion"
' 	strValue = ReadRegStr (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strKeyPath, strValueName, 32)
' 	'oReg.GetStringValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,strKeyPath,strValueName,strValue
' 	'WScript.Echo "CCE v12.20 in 32-bit registry " & strValue
' 	If IsEmpty(strValue) Or IsNull(strValue) Then
' 		'WScript.Echo "Executing CCE v12.20 in 32-Bit Registry: " & strValue
' 		objTextFile.WriteLine(Now & ": Installing CCE v12.20")
' 		ReturnCode = WshShell.Run("""\\hplandesk95\packages\CCE\v12.20\Disk1\setup.exe"" -s -f1""\\hplandesk9\packages\CCE\v12.20\Disk1\setup.iss"" -f2""c:\logs\appinst\CCE_1220_ISS.log",0,True)
' 		objTextFile.WriteLine(Now & ": Return Code = " & ReturnCode)
' 		objTextFile.WriteLine(" ")
' 		'InstallError (ReturnCode)
' 	Else 
' 		objTextFile.WriteLine(" ")
' 		objTextFile.WriteLine(Now & ": Detected CCE " & strValue & " Installed")
' 		objTextFile.WriteLine(" ")	
' 	End If
' 	Set strValue = Nothing
' #endregion
'=== Debug ===
'	ReturnCode = 10
'	objTextFile.WriteLine(Now & ": Debug")
'	objTextFile.WriteLine(Now & ": Return Code = " & ReturnCode)
'	objTextFile.WriteLine(" ")
'	InstallError(ReturnCode)
'=== End 32-bit Section ===
'=== Begin 64-bit Section ===
	'objTextFile.WriteLine(Now & ": === Processing 64-bit Common Section")

	'Set strValue = Nothing
'=== End 64-bit Section ===
End If 

'=== Begin Post-Installation Configuration Section ===
objTextFile.WriteLine(Now & ": === Processing Post-Installation Configuration Section")

If objFSO.FolderExists("C:\GCTI\CCPulse+") Then
	objFSO.CopyFile chr(34) & strScriptFolder & "Updates\*.stg" , "C:\GCTI\CCPulse+\" , OverwriteExisting
	'objFSO.CopyFile "\\hplandesk95\packages\CCPulse\v8\Updates\*.stg" , "C:\GCTI\CCPulse+\" , OverwriteExisting
	objTextFile.WriteLine(Now & ": Installing HP Custom Files: Return Code = " & ReturnCode) 
End If

'=== Force LANDesk Inventory Scan
'=== End Post-Installation Configuration Section ===

'=== Cleanup ===
Set objFSO = Nothing
Set objFolder = Nothing
Set WshShell = Nothing
Set objTextFile = Nothing
Set objFile = Nothing
Set oReg = Nothing
Set appName = Nothing
Set appVer = Nothing
Set logfile = Nothing
Set Bit32_64 = Nothing
Set ReturnCode = Nothing
Set strDirectory = Nothing
Set Log_File = Nothing
Set strText = Nothing
Set strKeyPath = Nothing
Set strValueName = Nothing
Set strValue = Nothing


' Reads a REG_SZ value from the local computer's registry using WMI.
' Parameters:
'   RootKey - The registry hive (see for a list of possible values).
'   Key - The key that contains the desired value.
'   Value - The value that you want to get.
'   RegType - The registry bitness: 32 or 64.

Function ReadRegStr (RootKey, Key, Value, RegType)
    Dim oCtx, oLocator, oReg, oInParams, oOutParams

    Set oCtx = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemNamedValueSet")
    oCtx.Add "__ProviderArchitecture", RegType

    Set oLocator = CreateObject("Wbemscripting.SWbemLocator")
    Set oReg = oLocator.ConnectServer("", "root\default", "", "", , , , oCtx).Get("StdRegProv")

    Set oInParams = oReg.Methods_("GetStringValue").InParameters
    oInParams.hDefKey = RootKey
    oInParams.sSubKeyName = Key
    oInParams.sValueName = Value

    Set oOutParams = oReg.ExecMethod_("GetStringValue", oInParams, , oCtx)

    ReadRegStr = oOutParams.sValue
End Function

Sub InstallError (ReturnCode)
	'=== Retain ReturnCode if error and exit script if required component
	If ReturnCode <> 0 Then
		objTextFile.WriteLine(Now & ": *** Installation Error Encountered ***")
		objTextFile.WriteLine(Now & ": Return Code = " & ReturnCode)

		Set objFSO = Nothing
		Set objFolder = Nothing
		Set WshShell = Nothing
		Set objTextFile = Nothing
		Set objFile = Nothing
		Set oReg = Nothing
		Set appName = Nothing
		Set appVer = Nothing
		Set logfile = Nothing
		Set Bit32_64 = Nothing
		Set strDirectory = Nothing
		Set Log_File = Nothing
		Set strText = Nothing
		Set strKeyPath = Nothing
		Set strValueName = Nothing
		Set strValue = Nothing

	End If 	
End Sub

Sub LDInventory()
	Scanner_File = "C:\Program Files (x86)\LANDesk\LDClient\LDISCN32.EXE"
	Scanner_File2 = "C:\Program Files\LANDesk\LDClient\LDISCN32.EXE"
	'ReturnCode = 0 

	If objFSO.FileExists (Scanner_File) Then 
		ReturnCode = WshShell.Run("""C:\Program Files (x86)\LANDesk\LDClient\LDISCN32.EXE"" /NTT=HPLANDESK9:5007 /S=HPLANDESK9  /I=HTTP://HPLANDESK9/ldlogon/ldappl3.ldz /NoUI /Sync /F",0,True)
	ElseIf objFSO.FileExists (Scanner_File2) Then
		ReturnCode = WshShell.Run("""C:\Program Files\LANDesk\LDClient\LDISCN32.EXE"" /NTT=HPLANDESK9:5007 /S=HPLANDESK9  /I=HTTP://HPLANDESK9/ldlogon/ldappl3.ldz /NoUI /Sync /F",0,True)	
	End If 
	objTextFile.WriteLine(Now & ": Return Code = " & ReturnCode & " : Updating LANDesk Inventory")
End Sub  

Sub Debug( myText )
	' Uncomment the next line to turn off debugging
	Exit Sub

  If Not IsObject( objIEDebugWindow ) Then
    Set objIEDebugWindow = CreateObject( "InternetExplorer.Application" )
    objIEDebugWindow.Navigate "about:blank"
    objIEDebugWindow.Visible = True
    objIEDebugWindow.ToolBar = False
    objIEDebugWindow.Width   = 200
    objIEDebugWindow.Height  = 300
    objIEDebugWindow.Left    = 10
    objIEDebugWindow.Top     = 10
    Do While objIEDebugWindow.Busy
      WScript.Sleep 100
    objIEDebugWindow.Document.Title = "IE Debug Window"
    objIEDebugWindow.Document.Body.InnerHTML = _
                 "<b>" & Now & "</b></br>"
  End If

  objIEDebugWindow.Document.Body.InnerHTML = _
                   objIEDebugWindow.Document.Body.InnerHTML _
                   & myText & "<br>" & vbCrLf
End Sub

Function IsBlank(Value)
	'returns True if Empty or NULL or Zero
	If IsEmpty(Value) or IsNull(Value) Then
		IsBlank = True
		Exit Function
	ElseIf VarType(Value) = vbString Then
		If Value = "" Then
 			IsBlank = True
 			Exit Function
		End If
	ElseIf IsObject(Value) Then
		If Value Is Nothing Then
			IsBlank = True
			Exit Function
		End If
	ElseIf IsNumeric(Value) Then
		If Value = 0 Then
			'wscript.echo " Zero value found"
			IsBlank = True
  			Exit Function
		End If
		IsBlank = False
	End If
End Function

Open in new window

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Joe Howard
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Bill you always make time to provide simple concise solutions, thanks for that. @Macroshadow, I also appreciate your contribution, and I will give it a try when I get back to the office tomorrow.
Both solutions worked thanks.