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Can ExpressionBuilder work with complex data types?

I am trying to use ExpressionBuilder to build dynamic queries to retrieve data.  I was able to get it to work successfully for a simple example.
        public class Person
            public string Name { get; set; }
            public string Surname { get; set; }
            public int Age { get; set; }
            public string City { get; set; }
            public double Salary { get; set; }
            public bool IsHomeOwner { get; set; }

        public List<Person> PopulatePersonsList()
            List<Person> persons = new List<Person>
                new  Person  { Name = "Flamur" , Surname = "Dauti" ,    Age = 39, 
                               City = "Prishtine" , IsHomeOwner = true ,  Salary = 12000.0 },
                new  Person  { Name = "Blerta" , Surname = "Frasheri" , Age = 25, 
                               City = "Mitrovice" , IsHomeOwner = false , Salary = 9000.0 },
                new  Person  { Name = "Berat" ,  Surname = "Dajti" ,    Age = 45, 
                               City = "Peje" ,      IsHomeOwner = true ,  Salary = 10000.0 },
                new  Person  { Name = "Laura" ,  Surname = "Morina" ,   Age = 23, 
                               City = "Mitrovice" , IsHomeOwner = true ,  Salary = 25000.0 },
                new  Person  { Name = "Olti" ,   Surname = "Kodra" ,    Age = 19, 
                               City = "Prishtine" , IsHomeOwner = false , Salary = 8000.0 },
                new  Person  { Name = "Xhenis" , Surname = "Berisha" ,  Age = 26, 
                               City = "Gjakove" ,   IsHomeOwner = false , Salary = 7000.0 },
                new  Person  { Name = "Fatos" ,  Surname = "Gashi" ,    Age = 32, 
                               City = "Peje" ,      IsHomeOwner = true ,  Salary = 6000.0 },
            return persons;

        public void Returns_Three_Records_When_Name_Equals_Flamur_Or_City_Equals_Peje_And_Age_Equals_39_()
            // Arrange
            List<Person> persons = PopulatePersonsList();
            List<Filter> filter = new List<Filter>()
                new Filter { PropertyName = "Name", Operation = Op.Equals, Value = "Flamur", Conditional = ConOp.Or },
                new Filter { PropertyName = "City", Operation = Op.Equals, Value = "Peje", Conditional = ConOp.And },
                new Filter { PropertyName = "Age", Operation = Op.Equals, Value = 39, Conditional = ConOp.None }

            // Act
            var deleg = ExpressionBuilder.GetExpression<Person>(filter).Compile();
            var filteredCollection = persons.Where(deleg).ToList() as List<Person>;

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(3, filteredCollection.Count, "Record counts do not match");

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Now I want to use a class with a complex data type and I am having a problem.  Here is what I have so far:
        public partial class EMP_ALIGNMENT
            public decimal ALIGNMENTID { get; set; }
            public decimal DIVISIONID { get; set; }
            public decimal DEPARTMENTID { get; set; }
            public decimal GROUPID { get; set; }
            public decimal FUNCTIONID { get; set; }
            public Nullable<System.DateTime> LASTUPDATETIMESTAMP { get; set; }
            public string ACTIVESTATUSFLAG { get; set; }
        public partial class EMP_CALLCENTER
            public int CALLCENTERID { get; set; }
            public int EMPLOYEEID { get; set; }
            public Nullable<System.DateTime> PODDATE { get; set; }
            public Nullable<System.DateTime> FLOORDATE { get; set; }
            public Nullable<int> LANGUAGEID { get; set; }
            public Nullable<int> PRIMARYSYSTEMID { get; set; }
            public string DCTM_R_OBJECT_ID { get; set; }
            public Nullable<System.DateTime> LASTUPDATETIMESTAMP { get; set; }

            public virtual EMP_EMPLOYEE EMP_EMPLOYEE { get; set; }
        public partial class EMP_EMPLOYEE
            public EMP_EMPLOYEE()
                this.EMP_IDS = new HashSet<EMP_IDS>();

            public int EMPLOYEEID { get; set; }
            public string NT_ID { get; set; }
            public string FIRSTNAME { get; set; }
            public string LASTNAME { get; set; }
            public string NICKNAME { get; set; }
            public string EMAILADDRESS { get; set; }
            public string COSTCENTER { get; set; }
            public string CJACKNO { get; set; }
            public int TITLEID { get; set; }
            public Nullable<int> MANAGERSUPERVISORID { get; set; }
            public Nullable<int> APPROVALSUPERVISORID { get; set; }
            public int LOCATIONID { get; set; }
            public Nullable<int> SUBLOCATIONID { get; set; }
            public int ALIGNMENTID { get; set; }
            public int STATUSID { get; set; }
            public Nullable<System.DateTime> HIREDATE { get; set; }
            public Nullable<System.DateTime> PROMOTIONDATE { get; set; }
            public Nullable<int> PROMOTIONREASONID { get; set; }
            public Nullable<System.DateTime> TRANSFERDATE { get; set; }
            public Nullable<int> TRANSFERREASONID { get; set; }
            public Nullable<System.DateTime> TERMINATIONDATE { get; set; }
            public Nullable<int> TERMINATIONREASONID { get; set; }
            public Nullable<System.DateTime> LOASTARTDATE { get; set; }
            public Nullable<System.DateTime> LOAENDDATE { get; set; }
            public string TIMEZONE { get; set; }
            public Nullable<System.DateTime> LASTUPDATETIMESTAMP { get; set; }
            public string SUFFIX { get; set; }

            public virtual EMP_ALIGNMENT EMP_ALIGNMENT { get; set; }
            public virtual EMP_CALLCENTER EMP_CALLCENTER { get; set; }
            public virtual EMP_EMPLOYEEALIGNMENT EMP_EMPLOYEEALIGNMENT { get; set; }
            public virtual ICollection<EMP_IDS> EMP_IDS { get; set; }
        public partial class EMP_EMPLOYEEALIGNMENT
            public int EMPLOYEEID { get; set; }
            public int SUPERVISORID { get; set; }
            public int MANAGERID { get; set; }
            public int DIRECTORID { get; set; }
            public Nullable<System.DateTime> LASTUPDATETIMESTAMP { get; set; }
        public partial class EMP_IDS
            public int IDSID { get; set; }
            public int EMPLOYEEID { get; set; }
            public int IDTYPEID { get; set; }
            public string IDVALUE { get; set; }
            public Nullable<System.DateTime> LASTUPDATETIMESTAMP { get; set; }

            public virtual EMP_EMPLOYEE EMP_EMPLOYEE { get; set; }

        public List<EMP_EMPLOYEE> PopulateEmployeeProfile()
            List<EMP_EMPLOYEE> employee = new List<EMP_EMPLOYEE>
                new EMP_EMPLOYEE { 
                    EMAILADDRESS = "JOHN.SMITH@21ST.COM", COSTCENTER = "21177A1010", CJACKNO = "14627", TITLEID = 38, MANAGERSUPERVISORID = 0, 
                    HIREDATE = Convert.ToDateTime("06/04/2012"), PROMOTIONDATE = Convert.ToDateTime("05/01/2014"), PROMOTIONREASONID = 23, 
                    TRANSFERDATE = Convert.ToDateTime("07/07/2014"), TRANSFERREASONID = 196, TERMINATIONDATE = null, TERMINATIONREASONID = 0, 
                    LOAENDDATE = null, LOASTARTDATE = null, SUFFIX = null, TIMEZONE = "EDT", 
                    EMP_CALLCENTER = new EMP_CALLCENTER { CALLCENTERID = 1, EMPLOYEEID = 5810, PODDATE = Convert.ToDateTime("06/04/2012"),
                                                          FLOORDATE = Convert.ToDateTime("09/04/2012"), LANGUAGEID = 1, PRIMARYSYSTEMID = 1,
                                                          DCTM_R_OBJECT_ID = null 
                    EMP_IDS = new List<EMP_IDS> {
                                                    new EMP_IDS { IDSID = 22270, EMPLOYEEID = 5810, IDTYPEID = 2, IDVALUE = "0162161" },
                                                    new EMP_IDS { IDSID = 22272, EMPLOYEEID = 5810, IDTYPEID = 4, IDVALUE = "70162161" },
                                                    new EMP_IDS { IDSID = 22273, EMPLOYEEID = 5810, IDTYPEID = 8, IDVALUE = "32381" },
                                                    new EMP_IDS { IDSID = 25001, EMPLOYEEID = 5810, IDTYPEID = 5, IDVALUE = "23" },
                                                    new EMP_IDS { IDSID = 24867, EMPLOYEEID = 5810, IDTYPEID = 69, IDVALUE = "Y" }
            return employee;

        public void Returns_One_Record_When_Empoyee_Supervisorid_Is_Specified()
            // Arrange
            List<EMP_EMPLOYEE> emp = PopulateEmployeeProfile();

            List<Filter> filter = new List<Filter>()
                new Filter { PropertyName = "EMP_EMPLOYEEALIGNMENT.SUPERVISORID", Operation = Op.Equals, Value = 231, Conditional = ConOp.None },

            // Act
            var deleg = ExpressionBuilder.GetExpression<EMP_EMPLOYEE>(filter).Compile();
            var filteredCollection = emp.Where(deleg).ToList() as List<EMP_EMPLOYEE>;
            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(0, filteredCollection.Count, "Record counts do not match");

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When I run the test I get the following error:
Test method ExpressionBuilderClassTests.ExpressionBuilderTests.Returns_One_Record_When_Empoyee_Supervisorid_Is_Specified threw exception: 
System.ArgumentException: Instance property 'EMP_EMPLOYEEALIGNMENT.SUPERVISORID' is not defined for type 'ExpressionBuilderClassTests.ExpressionBuilderTests+EMP_EMPLOYEE'

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Here is the line of code that is throwing the error:  
private static Expression GetExpression<T>(ParameterExpression param, Filter filter)
            MemberExpression member = Expression.Property(param, filter.PropertyName);

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If I set PropertyName = "EmployeeID" it works.  I appreciate any help in trying to figure this out.
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Bob Learned
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Avatar of dyarosh


It is but it doesn't handle complex data types.
I can't quite get enough information from the code that you posted.  

What is "ExpressionBuilderClassTests.ExpressionBuilderTests"?

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Can you show me one expression that you are working with?

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Here is the ExpressionBuilder Class (I got it from CodeProject and modified it to add more operations and to allow for OR conditions)

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Linq.Expressions;

namespace ExpressionBuilderClass
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates a dynamic filter that can be used in a Linq statement
    /// Example:
    ///  List<Filter> filter = new List<Filter>()
    ///  {
    ///      new Filter { PropertyName = "City" , 
    ///                   Operation = Op .Equals, Value = "Mitrovice"  },
    ///      new Filter { PropertyName = "Name" , 
    ///                   Operation = Op .StartsWith, Value = "L"  },
    ///      new Filter { PropertyName = "Salary" , 
    ///                   Operation = Op .GreaterThan, Value = 9000.0 }
    ///  };
    ///  var deleg = ExpressionBuilder.GetExpression<Person>(filter).Compile();
    ///  var filteredCollection = persons.Where(deleg).ToList();
    /// </summary>
    public static class ExpressionBuilder
        private static MethodInfo containsMethod = typeof(string).GetMethod("Contains");
        private static MethodInfo startsWithMethod =
        typeof(string).GetMethod("StartsWith", new Type[] { typeof(string) });
        private static MethodInfo endsWithMethod =
        typeof(string).GetMethod("EndsWith", new Type[] { typeof(string) });

        public static Expression<Func<T,
        bool>> GetExpression<T>(IList<Filter> filters)
            if (filters.Count == 0)
                return null;

            ParameterExpression param = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), "t");
            Expression exp = null;
            ConOp prevConOp;
            if (filters.Count == 1)
                exp = GetExpression<T>(param, filters[0]);
            else if (filters.Count == 2)
                exp = GetExpression<T>(param, filters[0], filters[1]);
                while (filters.Count > 0)
                    var f1 = filters[0];
                    var f2 = filters[1];

                    if (exp == null)
                        exp = GetExpression<T>(param, filters[0], filters[1]);
                        exp = Expression.AndAlso(exp, GetExpression<T>(param, filters[0], filters[1]));

                    // Save Conditional Operation to be used when there are more than 2 conditions
                    prevConOp = f2.Conditional;

                    if (filters.Count == 1)
                        switch (prevConOp)
                            case ConOp.And:
                                exp = Expression.AndAlso(exp, GetExpression<T>(param, filters[0]));
                            case ConOp.Or:
                                exp = Expression.OrElse(exp, GetExpression<T>(param, filters[0]));
                                throw new InvalidFilterCriteriaException("Invalid Conditional Specified in Filter");
            return Expression.Lambda<Func<T, bool>>(exp, param);

        private static Expression GetExpression<T>(ParameterExpression param, Filter filter)
            MemberExpression member = Expression.Property(param, filter.PropertyName);
            ConstantExpression constant = Expression.Constant(filter.Value);

            switch (filter.Operation)
                case Op.Equals:
                    return Expression.Equal(member, constant);

                case Op.NotEqual:
                    return Expression.NotEqual(member, constant);

                case Op.GreaterThan:
                    return Expression.GreaterThan(member, constant);

                case Op.GreaterThanOrEqual:
                    return Expression.GreaterThanOrEqual(member, constant);

                case Op.LessThan:
                    return Expression.LessThan(member, constant);

                case Op.LessThanOrEqual:
                    return Expression.LessThanOrEqual(member, constant);

                case Op.Contains:
                    return Expression.Call(member, containsMethod, constant);

                case Op.StartsWith:
                    return Expression.Call(member, startsWithMethod, constant);

                case Op.EndsWith:
                    return Expression.Call(member, endsWithMethod, constant);


            return null;

        private static BinaryExpression GetExpression<T>
        (ParameterExpression param, Filter filter1, Filter filter2)
            Expression bin1 = GetExpression<T>(param, filter1);
            Expression bin2 = GetExpression<T>(param, filter2);

            switch (filter1.Conditional)
                case ConOp.And:
                    return Expression.AndAlso(bin1, bin2);
                case ConOp.Or:
                    return Expression.OrElse(bin1, bin2);
                    throw new InvalidFilterCriteriaException("Invalid Conditional Specified in Filter");

    public class Filter
        public string PropertyName { get; set; }
        public Op Operation { get; set; }
        public object Value { get; set; }
        public ConOp Conditional { get; set; }

    public enum Op

    public enum ConOp

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If I don't access a complex property then the ExpressionBuilder works.  The following Unit Test is successful:

        public void Returns_One_Record_When_Empoyeeid_Is_5810()
            // Arrange
            List<EMP_EMPLOYEE> emp = PopulateEmployeeProfile();

            List<Filter> filter = new List<Filter>()
                new Filter { PropertyName = "EMPLOYEEID", Operation = Op.Equals, Value = 5810, Conditional = ConOp.None },

            // Act
            var deleg = ExpressionBuilder.GetExpression<EMP_EMPLOYEE>(filter).Compile();
            var filteredCollection = emp.Where(deleg).ToList() as List<EMP_EMPLOYEE>;

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(1, filteredCollection.Count, "Record counts do not match");

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When I try and access a complex property such as
            List<Filter> filter = new List<Filter>()
                new Filter { PropertyName = "EMP_EMPLOYEEALIGNMENT.SUPERVISORID", Operation = Op.Equals, Value = 231, Conditional = ConOp.None },

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I get the error as stated in my post.
The problem that I see is that it is trying to look for a property with the name 'EMP_EMPLOYEEALIGNMENT.SUPERVISORID', which doesn't exist.  You would need to access property 'EMP_EMPLOYEEALIGNMENT', and then 'SUPERVISORID'.  That requires splitting up the operation.  It might be possible to split the string by '.', and then work on each part separately.
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When you say work on each part separately, what do you mean?  Some of the complex properties could be moved into the EMP_Employee definition because they are 1 : 1 relationships (i.e. only 1 EMP_CallCenter record for each EMP_Employee record) but how would I work with the properties that have multiple records such as EMP_IDS (i.e. an employee can have many ids associated with them)?

If I wanted to find all the employees that have a SupervisorID = 123 and an IDTypeID = 456 how would you suggest breaking it up?
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Bob Learned
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This looks like it will work for me.  Thank you!!