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Rodric MacOliverFlag for New Zealand

asked on

Check If a Variable FileName exists

Hi folks, I'm trying to check if a file that has a variable name exists in a certain path, but have not been successful until now.
The code is below so that you guys can better understand what I'm trying to do... So any help would be much appreciated...

#include <time.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sstream>
#include <vcl.h>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <windows.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib> //Needed for exit()
#include "Shlwapi.h"
#include "Teste1.h"
#include <sys/stat.h>
using namespace std;
#pragma package(smart_init)
#pragma resource "*.dfm"
TForm1 *Form1;
__fastcall TForm1::TForm1(TComponent* Owner)
	: TForm(Owner)
void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject *Sender)

	int hour;
	int day;
	int month;
	int year;
	hour= 98;  //Ignores the 9 in the first case so it means 8
	day= 28;
	month= 99;  //Ignores the 9 in the first case so it means 9
	year= 14;
	//working fine
	stringstream ss;

	//address and name of the files
	//create file name
	ss << "C:/Users/rodrigo/Desktop/Calendar/" << hour<< day<< month<< year<<".txt";
	string address;
	address = ss.str();
	//Working after changing the argument to the below one
	ofstream fout(address.c_str());


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The Idea is to create files named as "HourDayMonthYear.txt", where each has 2 numbers to represent them, and afterwards to check if the file exists.

Any help would be much appreciated.
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Oh Delphi, Delphi (i.e. C+ Builder). It was so long time ago...
Why don't you just use the Format function:
string address;
address = Format("C:/Users/rodrigo/Desktop/Calendar/%02d%02d%02d%02d.txt",  year, month, day, hour);

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BTW, I prefer to start with Year Month Day Hour. In this case the file names will have better sort order.
To check if the file exists you can use either Win32 API GetFileAttributes() function or Delphi's own FileExists() function
   // do something

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The filename that gets created by your code is this :


so the "9"s are not ignored as stated in your comment. That's the reason you see a file not found

I'm not sure if you are using the extra "9"s as a placeholder but a better way would be to pad with leading zeros

Something like
int hour;
	int day;
	int month;
	int year;
	hour= 8;  
	day= 28;
	month= 9;  
	year= 14;
	//working fine
	stringstream ss;

	//address and name of the files
	//create file name
	//pad with leading 0s
	ss << "C:/Users/rodrigo/Desktop/Calendar/" << setw(2)<<setfill('0')<<hour<< day<< setw(2)<<setfill('0')<<month<< year<<".txt";
	string address;
	address = ss.str();
	//Working after changing the argument to the below one
	ofstream fout(address.c_str());

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hope this helps
remember to

#include <iomanip>

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I've padded only for the hour and month. You will need to do it for the day and year as well
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trinitrotoluene, I know that it is not ignore, I didn't create the code for that yet, what I need it a way to check if a file,
in this case:

 "C:/Users/rodrigo/Desktop/Calendar/" << hora << dia << mes << ano<<".txt"

Exists or not.
Use FileExists() function.
   // do something

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chaau, I get the following errors using the FileExists() function:
[bcc32 Error] Teste1.cpp(47): E2034 Cannot convert 'string' to 'UnicodeString'
[bcc32 Error] Teste1.cpp(47): E2342 Type mismatch in parameter 'FileName' (wanted 'const UnicodeString', got 'string')
Use this:
   // do something

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chaau, didn't work.

[bcc32 Error] Teste1.cpp(47): E2285 Could not find a match for 'UnicodeString::UnicodeString(string)'
[bcc32 Error] Teste1.cpp(47): E2031 Cannot cast from 'string' to 'UnicodeString'
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chaau, now only one error:
[bcc32 Error] Teste1.cpp(47): E2235 Member function must be called or its address taken
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