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vmichFlag for United States of America

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Users complaining about slownessin Activ Sync with exch 2010

I have users that started to complain that Active Sync seems to be going very slow now...
I thought that it could be because of the size of their items folders that are being sent down to their devices?
Could there be anything esle I could look at or am I barking up the right tree with the size of their folders, like sent, calendars, etc?
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When you rebooted your Exchange server last time?
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Rob G
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not sure on that but I dont think it was just recent why?
Before you go rebooting your exchange, have them reboot there phones..
Avatar of vmich


thats what I was thinking size of mailbox..
Large attachements is good and yes the crap connections to internet but cant tell the users that one...:)
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The size of the mailboxes also could affect outlook to correct as far as speed and such?
Also another one..
If it only occurs at certain times of day..
and they use Android devices, it could be Google Play doing updates..
Another one that i have had was a user was streaming netflix at night, forgot to turn it off, and then had email slowness issues the next day... "Imagine that"
Depends on the size of the box, pc, connection, and version of exchange and outlook..
But in a 2k10 environment with say a decent physical 2k8R2 server and Windows 7 clients running at least 2k7 office.. Typically you won't have issues with millions of emails that are all text, but if you have every other email has a 10-20mb PDF attachment.. you can smoke a cigg and make a coffee before email will load up..
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no limits on mailboxes...