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Avatar of Thomas Stockbruegger
Thomas StockbrueggerFlag for Germany

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Need some help with Access to change a report

I just want to make a small change in an report. When I change a form I see the result when I start the programm, but this is not the case with reports. The developer of this access programm is not accessible any more.
Can you help me... total NOVICE with Access.
500 points with a solution.
Best regards,
User generated imageUser generated imageUser generated imageUser generated image
In the last hardcopy here you see  a part of the report:
Zertifiziert nach ISO 9001
I can change this text but when I start the programm I will not see any changes.
Do I need to compile the programm to see changes in reports?
Avatar of Gustav Brock
Gustav Brock
Flag of Denmark image

Choose "Code anzeigen" to see the code.

Probably somewhere the Caption of the label is set:

    Me!LabelSomeName.Caption = "Zertifiziert nach ISO 9001"

Avatar of Thomas Stockbruegger


Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Private Sub Bzf_zuweisen()

    Dim cnn As New ADODB.Connection
    Dim rst As New ADODB.Recordset
    Dim strSQL As String
    Dim SichtbarÜbergabe As Variant, RandOben As Variant, Zeilenabstand As Variant

    ' Öffnen der Verbindung ohne Data Source Name (DSN).
    Set cnn = New ADODB.Connection
    With cnn
        .ConnectionString = "driver={SQL Server};server=" & Servername & ";;;database=" & ServerSQLDB 'uid=sa;pwd=pwd
        .ConnectionTimeout = 30
    End With
    strSQL = "SELECT * FROM [Lieferscheine]"
    strSQL = strSQL & " WHERE [LieferscheinNr] = " & Chr(39) & Forms![Menü]![FilterIDNrÜbergabe] & Chr(39)
    Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset
    With rst
        .ActiveConnection = cnn
        .CursorType = adOpenKeyset
        .LockType = adLockOptimistic
        .Open Source:=strSQL
    End With
    rst.Find "[LieferscheinNr] <> " & Chr(39) & Chr(39)
    If rst.RecordCount >= 1 Then

        If rst![Geschäftspapieraktiv] = True Then
            'SichtbarÜbergabe = DLookup("[FirmenkopfSichtbar]", "[Grundeinstellung]", "[GrundeinstellungIDNr] = 1")
            'If SichtbarÜbergabe = False Then
            '    Me![GrundeinstellungAdresskopf].Visible = False
            'End If
            'SichtbarÜbergabe = DLookup("[FirmenAdresseSichtbar]", "[Grundeinstellung]", "[GrundeinstellungIDNr] = 1")
            'If SichtbarÜbergabe = False Then
            '    Me![GrundeinstellungAdresse].Visible = False
            'End If
            SichtbarÜbergabe = DLookup("[FirmenfußSichtbar]", "[Grundeinstellung]", "[GrundeinstellungIDNr] = 1")
            If SichtbarÜbergabe = False Then
                Me![GrundeinstellungAdressfuß].Visible = False
            End If
            SichtbarÜbergabe = DLookup("[FirmenabsenderzeileSichtbar]", "[Grundeinstellung]", "[GrundeinstellungIDNr] = 1")
            If SichtbarÜbergabe = False Then
                Me![GrundeinstellungAbsenderzeile].Visible = False
            End If
            RandOben = DLookup("[FirmenKopfFolgeSeitenRandOben]", "[Grundeinstellung]", "[GrundeinstellungIDNr] = 1")
            If RandOben > 0 Then
                [Seitenkopf].Height = 567 * (1.4 + RandOben) '(567 Twips = 1cm)
                [KundenAnzeigeBzf].Top = 567 * (0 + RandOben)
                [DuplikatBzf2].Top = 567 * (0 + RandOben)
                [DokBzf2].Top = 567 * (0 + RandOben)
                [Datum2].Top = 567 * (0.614 + RandOben)
                [Seitenkopflinie].Top = 567 * (1.249 + RandOben)
            End If
        End If
        [Datum2].Caption = Format$(rst![Lieferscheindatum], "d. mmmm yyyy")
        'If rst![ProjektNr] <> "" Then
        '    ProjektNr.Caption = BZFzuweisen("ProjektNrBzf", rst![SpracheNr]) & " : " & rst![ProjektNr]
        '    ProjektNr.Caption = ""
        'End If
        Zeilenabstand = DLookup("[InfofeldZeilenabstand]", "[Grundeinstellung]", "[GrundeinstellungIDNr] = 1")
        If Zeilenabstand > 0 Then
            Infofeld1.LineSpacing = 567 * Zeilenabstand / 10 'mm/10 = cm * Twips
            Infofeld2.LineSpacing = 567 * Zeilenabstand / 10 'mm/10 = cm * Twips
        End If
        'If rst![BriefAnrede] <> "" And rst![Lieferscheinvortext] <> "" Then
        '    Me![Vortextgesamt].Visible = True
        '    Me![Vortextgesamt].Visible = False
        'End If
        If rst![Dokumentbezeichnung] <> "" Then
            DokBzf.Caption = rst![Dokumentbezeichnung] '& " " & rst![LieferscheinNr]
            DokBzf2.Caption = DokBzf.Caption
            DokBzf.Caption = BZFzuweisen("FertigmeldungBzf", rst![SpracheNr]) '& " " & rst![LieferscheinNr]
            DokBzf2.Caption = DokBzf.Caption
        End If
        If rst![Name1] <> "" And rst![Name2] <> "" Then
            KundenAnzeigeBzf.Caption = rst![Name1] & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & rst![Name2] & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & rst![Postleitzahl] & " " & rst![Ort]
            KundenAnzeigeBzf.Caption = rst![Name1] & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & rst![Postleitzahl] & " " & rst![Ort]
        End If
        If rst![Seitenumbruchaktiv] = True Then
            Me![Seitenumbruch].Visible = True
            Me![Seitenumbruch].Visible = False
        End If
        If Forms![Menü]![DuplikatAktiv] = True Then
            DuplikatBzf.Caption = BZFzuweisen("DuplikatBzf", rst![SpracheNr])
            Me![DuplikatBzf].Visible = True
            DuplikatBzf2.Caption = DuplikatBzf.Caption
            Me![DuplikatBzf2].Visible = True
        End If

    End If

End Sub

Private Sub Detailbereich_Print_ALT(Cancel As Integer, PrintCount As Integer)

    Dim cnn As New ADODB.Connection
    Dim rstL As New ADODB.Recordset, rstA As New ADODB.Recordset
    Dim strSQLL As String, strSQLA As String

    ' Öffnen der Verbindung ohne Data Source Name (DSN).
    Set cnn = New ADODB.Connection
    With cnn
        .ConnectionString = "driver={SQL Server};server=" & Servername & ";;;database=" & ServerSQLDB 'uid=sa;pwd=pwd
        .ConnectionTimeout = 30
    End With
    strSQLL = "SELECT * FROM [Lieferscheinpositionen]"
    strSQLL = strSQLL & " WHERE [LieferscheinNr] = " & Chr(39) & Forms![Menü]![FilterIDNrÜbergabe] & Chr(39)
    strSQLL = strSQLL & " AND [Einheitbez8wert] > 0" ' & Chr(39) & Chr(39)
    Set rstL = New ADODB.Recordset
    With rstL
        .ActiveConnection = cnn
        .CursorType = adOpenKeyset
        .LockType = adLockOptimistic
        .Open Source:=strSQLL
    End With
    rstL.Find "[LieferscheinNr] <> " & Chr(39) & Chr(39)
    If rstL.RecordCount >= 1 Then

        While Not rstL.EOF
            strSQLA = "SELECT * FROM [Auftragsbestätigungen]"
            strSQLA = strSQLA & " WHERE [ABNr] = " & Chr(39) & rstL![Einheitbez8wert] & Chr(39)
            Set rstA = New ADODB.Recordset
            With rstA
                .ActiveConnection = cnn
                .CursorType = adOpenKeyset
                .LockType = adLockOptimistic
                .Open Source:=strSQLA
            End With
            rstA.Find "[ABNr] <> " & Chr(39) & Chr(39)
            If rstA.RecordCount >= 1 Then
                If InStr(1, rstA![StatusMeldungen], rstL![LieferscheinNr], 1) = 0 Then
                    If rstA![StatusMeldungen] <> "" Then
                        rstA![StatusMeldungen] = rstA![StatusMeldungen] & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & " Fertigmeldung " & rstL![LieferscheinNr] & " / " & Date
                        rstA![StatusMeldungen] = " Fertigmeldung " & rstL![LieferscheinNr] & " / " & Date
                    End If
                End If
            End If

    End If
    Forms![Menü]![Seitenanzahl] = Me.Pages
End Sub

Private Sub Report_Open(Cancel As Integer)

    Call Bzf_zuweisen
End Sub

Open in new window

Hi Gustav,
this is the code to Report_Lieferschein14
OK. The caption is set via code or a lookup.

Now find the name of the control holding the text "Zertifiziert nach ISO 9001".
If you can't find that name in the code you listed, then double-click the very last function:


and press Shift+F2. That will open the function for you to study.

all reports are write-protected when I see the can I change that?
Did you locate the relevant code?

I don´t know what you mean


and press Shift+F2. That will open the function for you to study.
> .. double-click the very last function:

It's the second last line.

I can not click on that in the code

Private Sub Report_Open(Cancel As Integer)

    Call Bzf_zuweisen              <----- click here ??? no result
End Sub
There is nothing in the code wiht this text "Zertifiziert nach ISO 9001" , the text is only in the report
The report is also write-protected
It's not a click.

.. double-click the very last function:


and press Shift+F2. That will open the function for you to study.

I do not understand you???
where can I double click Bzf_zuweisen?
I do not know anything about access and this code !!!
The function name needs to be marked:
User generated imageThe press Shift+F2 to jump to the function.
Now study the code.

okay double click and Shift +F2 I will get this window:
User generated image
Then my guess is that if you click Bezeichnungsfelder (left), then Bzf_zuweisen will show up right. Then double-click this.

yes it will show up
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Function BZFzuweisen(FeldName As String, Sprache As Integer)

    Dim cnn As New ADODB.Connection
    Dim rstA As New ADODB.Recordset
    Dim strSQLA As String, strSQLANr As String
    Screen.MousePointer = 11
    ' Öffnen der Verbindung ohne Data Source Name (DSN).
    Set cnn = New ADODB.Connection
    With cnn
        .ConnectionString = "driver={SQL Server};server=" & Servername & ";;;database=" & ServerSQLDB 'uid=sa;pwd=pwd
        .ConnectionTimeout = 30
    End With
    strSQLA = "SELECT * FROM Bezeichnungsfelder "
    strSQLA = strSQLA & " WHERE [BezeichnungsFeld] = " & Chr(39) & FeldName & Chr(39)
    Set rstA = New ADODB.Recordset
    With rstA
        .ActiveConnection = cnn
        .CursorType = adOpenKeyset
        .LockType = adLockPessimistic
        .Open Source:=strSQLA
    End With
    rstA.Find "[BezeichnungsFeld] <> " & Chr(39) & Chr(39)
    If rstA.RecordCount >= 1 Then
        BZFzuweisen = rstA.Fields(Sprache).Value
    End If
    Screen.MousePointer = 0
End Function

Function Berichtinfozuweisen(Sprache As Integer) As String

    Dim cnn As New ADODB.Connection
    Dim rstA As New ADODB.Recordset
    Dim strSQLA As String
    Screen.MousePointer = 11
    ' Öffnen der Verbindung ohne Data Source Name (DSN).
    Set cnn = New ADODB.Connection
    With cnn
        .ConnectionString = "driver={SQL Server};server=" & Servername & ";;;database=" & ServerSQLDB 'uid=sa;pwd=pwd
        .ConnectionTimeout = 30
    End With
    strSQLA = "SELECT * FROM Grundeinstellung "
    'strSQLA = strSQLA & "WHERE [Berichtinfoaktiv] = 1;"
    Set rstA = New ADODB.Recordset
    With rstA
        .ActiveConnection = cnn
        .CursorType = adOpenKeyset
        .LockType = adLockPessimistic
        .Open Source:=strSQLA
    End With
    rstA.Find "[Berichtinfoaktiv] = 1" '& Chr(39) & Chr(39)
    If rstA.RecordCount >= 1 Then
        If Sprache = 1 Then
            Berichtinfozuweisen = rstA![BerichtinfoD]
        End If
        If Sprache = 2 Then
            Berichtinfozuweisen = rstA![BerichtinfoE]
        End If
        If Sprache = 3 Then
            Berichtinfozuweisen = rstA![BerichtinfoF]
        End If
        If Sprache = 4 Then
            Berichtinfozuweisen = rstA![BerichtinfoI]
        End If
        If Sprache = 5 Then
            Berichtinfozuweisen = rstA![BerichtinfoS]
        End If
        If Sprache = 6 Then
            Berichtinfozuweisen = rstA![BerichtinfoN]
        End If
        If Sprache = 7 Then
            Berichtinfozuweisen = rstA![BerichtinfoSp1]
        End If
        If Sprache = 8 Then
            Berichtinfozuweisen = rstA![BerichtinfoSp2]
        End If
        If Sprache = 9 Then
            Berichtinfozuweisen = rstA![BerichtinfoSp3]
        End If
        Berichtinfozuweisen = ""
    End If
    Screen.MousePointer = 0
End Function

Open in new window

This is the new code
Well, can you find the name of the control holding the text "Zertifiziert nach ISO 9001" or the text string itself?

all reports are write-protected when I see the can I change that?
Is this the reason? I can change any Forms and see the result in the programm but no reports.
Is it normal to see the changes in reports also? Or do I have to compile or do anything else for this?
Yes, it is the label named Info1Bzf to look for.
However, the function name to search is Bzf_zuweisen, not BZFzuweisen.

but look at the first code that I have posted .... this is Bzf_zuweisen

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Private Sub Bzf_zuweisen() <--------------------------------------------------

    Dim cnn As New ADODB.Connection
    Dim rst As New ADODB.Recordset
    Dim strSQL As String
    Dim SichtbarÜbergabe As Variant, RandOben As Variant, Zeilenabstand As Variant

    ' Öffnen der Verbindung ohne Data Source Name (DSN).
    Set cnn = New ADODB.Connection
    With cnn
Yes, you are right.

If you have tried to edit the caption of Info1Bzf but it is changed back when running the report, it must be set from somewhere else but I can see that Info1Bzf is found nowhere.

If you edit the caption, save the report, and open it again, is the caption the old or the edited?
If you from design mode, run the preview of the report (the "Blitz" button), what caption is displayed?

If you edit the caption, save the report, and open it again, is the caption the old or the edited?
The report will show the changed text correct.
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Avatar of Gustav Brock
Gustav Brock
Flag of Denmark image

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I can not run a preview of the page.... compiler error
If I preview the page ("Seitenansicht") I got an error
User generated image
This this normal?
Private Sub Seitenansicht_Click()

    On Error GoTo Bericht_Err
    Dim FormularauswahlÜbergabe As String
    Dim Übergabe As Variant
    FormularauswahlÜbergabe = [Formularauswahl]
    Forms![Menü]![FilterIDNrÜbergabe] = DLookup("[ABNr]", "[Auftragsauflistung]", "[PCLizenzNr] = " & Chr(39) & Forms![Menü]![PCLizenzNr] & Chr(39))

    If FormularauswahlÜbergabe = "Auftragsbestätigung" Then
        'Call Daten_in_Auftrag_speichern("Auftragsbestätigung")
        Call Daten_in_Auftrag_speichern(FormularauswahlÜbergabe)
        Call Auftragswerte_auf_Auftragsbestätigungspositionen_übertragen
        If [OPübertragen] = False Then
        '    If MsgBox("Soll die Auflistung jetzt in die offene Paket-Liste übertragen werden?", 48 + 4, "O.M.S.") = 6 Then
                Call Wiegekarten_in_AuftragsauflistungOP_übertragen
                [OPübertragen] = True
        '    End If
        End If
        'Call Daten_in_Auftrag_speichern("Auftragsbestätigung")
        Call Wiegekarten_auf_Auftragsbestätigungspositionen_übertragen
    End If
    Call FaxNrübertragen([AdressNr], "", "", "")
    If FormularauswahlÜbergabe = "Auftragsbestätigung" Then
        Übergabe = DLookup("[ABNr]", "[Auftragsauflistung]", "[PCLizenzNr] = " & Chr(39) & Forms![Menü]![PCLizenzNr] & Chr(39))
        BerichtSeitenansicht_BF "Auftragsbestätigung14 Auflistung", "[ABNr] = " & Chr(39) & Übergabe & Chr(39)
        Übergabe = DLookup("[ABNr]", "[Auftragsauflistung]", "[PCLizenzNr] = " & Chr(39) & Forms![Menü]![PCLizenzNr] & Chr(39))
        BerichtSeitenansicht_BF "Fertigmeldung14", "[ABNr] = " & Chr(39) & Übergabe & Chr(39)
    End If
    DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdPreviewOnePage
    DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdZoom100
    DoCmd.ShowToolbar "DABUS_O.M.S._Bericht", acToolbarYes
    If IsLoaded("Menü") Then
        Forms![Menü].Visible = False
    End If
    Forms![Menü]![FilterIDNrÜbergabe] = ""
    Exit Sub

    MsgBox Error$
    Resume Bericht_Exit

End Sub

Open in new window

Gustav, I think I found something.
This is the code when the user  will press the button to see the Fertigmeldung page.
BerichtSeitenansicht_BF "Fertigmeldung14" <-------- how can I find this ?
Hi Gustav,
I found the error. It was my mistake. There were 2 Reports almost with the same name from the developer. I found the right report now. So the changes did not work because I have always changed the wrong report. Thanks for your help. Best regards, Thomas
OK, thanks. That explains.
