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Eric BourlandFlag for United States of America

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Application login problem

ColdFusion 9
Windows server 2008

Problem in brief: Can't log in.

This is the same code the gdemaria and _agx_ have helped me with, some years ago. I use this code to set up basic session authentication. There are three files:


On other web sites, the code seems to work fine. In this case:

The login credentials do not work, and the login error message does not display. When I submit credentials, the login form simply refreshes and I am not allowed to see the protected directory:

I've looked at this for a long time ... what am I missing?

I attach the three files, below. Thank you as always.



<!--- Filename: Application.cfc
 Created by: Raymond Camden (
 Modified by: Eric B, gdemaria, _agx_ July 2010 --->

<cfcomponent output="false">

  <!--- Name the application. --->
  <cfset"OSM / VISTA Teams">
  <cfset this.applicationTimeout = CreateTimeSpan(0,0,360,0)>
  <!--- Turn on session management. --->
  <cfset this.sessionManagement="true">
  <!--- Set session timeout period --->
  <cfset this.sessionTimeout = CreateTimeSpan(0,0,360,0)>

  <cfset this.clientManagement = "false">

<!--- function: onApplicationStart --->
  <cffunction name="onApplicationStart" output="false" returnType="void">

    <!--- Any variables set here can be used by all of the application's pages --->
    <cfset APPLICATION.dataSource = "osmVISTA">
<!--- Set up Application variables. Locking the Application scope is not necessary in this method. --->
		<cfset Application.configured = 1>
		<cfset Application.datetimeConfigured = TimeFormat(Now(), "hh:mm tt") & "  " & DateFormat(Now(), "mm.dd.yyyy")>
		<cfset Application.currentSessions = 0>
    <cffunction name="clearSessionVariables" returntype="void">
      <!--- defined all session variables, so they will always exist ---->
      <cfset session.auth = structNew()>
      <cfset session.auth.isLoggedIn  = false>
      <cfset session.auth.UserID  = "">
      <cfset session.auth.Title   = "">
      <cfset session.auth.FirstName   = "">
      <cfset session.auth.MiddleInitial   = "">
      <cfset session.auth.LastName    = "">
      <cfset session.auth.Address    = "">
      <cfset session.auth.City    = "">
      <cfset session.auth.State    = "">
      <cfset session.auth.ZIP    = "">
      <cfset session.auth.Telephone   = "">
      <cfset session.auth.UserEmail    = "">
      <cfset session.auth.UserPassword    = "">
      <cfset session.auth.UserRoleID  = "">
      <cfset session.auth.lastError  = "">
  <cffunction name="onSessionStart" returntype="void">
      <!--- defined all session variables, so they will always exist ---->
      <cfset clearSessionVariables()>

<!--- function: onRequestStart ---> 

<cffunction name="onRequestStart">
<cfargument type="String" name="targetPage" required="true" /> 

<!--- All these folders/top level files require a login, specific roles are addressed below ---->  
    <cfset var securefolders = "admin,data">  
    <cfset var currentFolder = listFirst(cgi.script_name,"/")>  
	<cfset REQUEST.companyName = "Office of Surface Mining and Reclamation Enforcement and AmeriCorps / VISTA Document Library">
    <cfset REQUEST.userTable = "OSMVISTAUsers">

<!--- process login credentials --->

 <!--- begin cfif isDefined("form.UserEmail") and isDefined("form.userPassword") ---> 
    <cfif isDefined("form.UserEmail") and isDefined("form.userPassword") and isDefined("form.doLogin")>
         <!--- check box to remember UserEmail was checked, so make a cookie for it ---> 
                <cfif isDefined("form.SaveUserEmail") and form.SaveUserEmail is "Yes"> 
          <cfcookie name="SaveUserEmail" value="#form.UserEmail#" expires="7"> 
        <!--- user is attempting to log in, so process the login request ----> 
        <cfif NOT checkLogin(form.UserEmail, form.userPassword)> 
           <cfinclude template="/LoginError.cfm"> <!--- login failed, so show login error form ----> 
           <cfreturn false>  
           <!--- close cfif NOT checkLogin(form.UserEmail, form.userPassword) ---> 
    <!--- close cfif isDefined("form.UserEmail") and isDefined("form.userPassword") and isDefined("form.doLogin") ---> 
<!--- /process login credentials --->


<!--- test for access to secureFolders --->
     <cfif listFindNoCase(secureFolders, currentFolder)>  <!---- are we in a secure area? --->  
       <cfif session.auth.isLoggedIn is False> <!--- This is a secure area, if the user is not logged in, go to login page ---->  
           <cfinclude template="/LoginForm.cfm">
            <cfthrow message="Please log in with proper credentials to access this area.">
       <cfelse> <!--- the user is logged in, then check roles ---->  
           <cfswitch expression="#currentFolder#">  
              <cfcase value="admin">  
                  <cfif listFind("1",session.auth.UserRoleID) eq 0> <!---- UserIDRole 1 has access to folder admin --->  
                      <cfinclude template="/LoginError.cfm">
              <cfcase value="data">  
                  <cfif listFind("1,3",session.auth.UserRoleID) eq 0>  <!---- UserIDRoles 1, 3 have access to folder data --->  
                      <cfinclude template="/LoginError.cfm">
              <cfdefaultcase> <!---- all other secure folders ---->  
       </cfif> <!---- end if user is logged in or not ---->  
    </cfif>  <!---- end if user is in a secure area or not ---->  
    <!--- /test for access to secureFolders --->
      <cfset clearSessionVariables()>
      <cfset SESSION.auth.lastError  = cfcatch.message>
      <cfreturn false>

             <!--- if query_string contains cast(, then abort! --->                                              
    <cfif cgi.query_string contains "cast(">
              <!--- if query_string contains replace(, then abort! --->                                              
    <cfif cgi.query_string contains "replace(">

  <!--- close function: onRequestStart --->
 <!--- begin cfif isDefined("form.doLogin") --->
    <cfif isDefined("form.doLogin")>
<!--- begin function checkLogin --->
<cffunction name="checkLogin">

  <cfargument name="p_UserEmail" required=false default="" />
  <cfargument name="p_password" required=false default="" />

  <cfset var UserPassword = trim(arguments.p_password)>
  <cfset var UserEmail     = trim(arguments.p_UserEmail)>
  <cfset var getUser = "">

      <cfif len(UserPassword) eq 0 or len(UserEmail) eq 0>
         <cfthrow message="Please enter UserEmail and password">
      <cfquery name="getUser" datasource="#APPLICATION.dataSource#">
       SELECT UserID, FirstName, UserRoleID, UserEmail, UserPassword
        FROM #REQUEST.userTable#
       WHERE UserEmail = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" value="#UserEmail#" maxlength="255"> 
      <cfif getuser.recordCount eq 0>
        <cfthrow message="Incorrect email address and/or password. Be sure to enter the correct, original email address with which you registered. Please type your password carefully.">
      <cfelseif getUser.UserPassword is not UserPassword>
        <cfthrow message="Invalid Password.">
      <cfset clearSessionVariables()>
      <cfset SESSION.auth.isLoggedIn = "Yes">
      <cfset SESSION.auth.UserID     = getUser.UserID>
      <cfset SESSION.auth.FirstName  = getUser.firstName>
      <cfset SESSION.auth.UserRoleID = getUser.UserRoleID>
      <cfset SESSION.auth.UserEmail  = getUser.UserEmail>
      <cfset SESSION.auth.lastError  = "">
 <!--- Now that user is logged in, send user to folder /data/ --->

 <cflocation url="/data/" addtoken="no">
      <cfreturn true>
      <cfset clearSessionVariables()>
      <cfset SESSION.auth.lastError  = cfcatch.message>
      <cfreturn false>
<!--- close function checkLogin --->

      <!--- close cfif isDefined("form.doLogin") --->


Open in new window


 Filename: LoginForm.cfm
 Created by: Nate Weiss (NMW)
 Modified by: Eric B, gdemaria, July 2010
 Purpose: Presented whenever a user has not logged in
 Please Note Included by Application.cfc

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">

<meta name="Description" content="<cfoutput>#REQUEST.companyName#</cfoutput>" />

<cfinclude template="/kickstart.cfm">

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/style.css" media="all" />                          <!-- CUSTOM STYLES -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" media="all" />

<body class="center">
<div id="wrap" class="clearfix">
  <!-- ===================================== END HEADER ===================================== -->
  <div class="col_12">


 <hr />

	<h3 style="color:#ccc;">Hi, <cfoutput>#REQUEST.companyName#</cfoutput>. Please log in.</h3>

<form name="LoginForm" method="post" class="ebwebworkForm">

 <p class="italic blue">Username:<br />
 <input autofocus required
 maxlength="50" /></p>

  <p class="italic blue">Password:<br />
 <input required
 maxlength="50" /></p>

 <input type="submit" value="Click To Log In" name="doLogin" />


<p style="margin-top:40px;">Kindly use Firefox or Chrome. Occasionally, please fully clear browser history, including cookies and cache. <a href="">More &raquo;</a></p>

  </div><!--- /col_12 --->

</div><!---  /wrap--->

<div id="ebwebwork"><a href=""><i class="icon-leaf" style="color:#6b9900;"></i> management system by ebwebwork</a></div>

Open in new window

 Filename: LoginForm.cfm
 Created by: Nate Weiss (NMW)
 Modified by: Eric B, gdemaria, July 2010
 Purpose: Presented whenever a user has not logged in
 Please Note Included by Application.cfc

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">

<meta name="Description" content="<cfoutput>#REQUEST.companyName#</cfoutput>" />

<cfinclude template="/kickstart.cfm">

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/style.css" media="all" />                          <!-- CUSTOM STYLES -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" media="all" />	

<body class="center">
<div id="wrap" class="clearfix">
  <!-- ===================================== END HEADER ===================================== -->
  <div class="col_12" style="min-height:800px;"><!---col12--->

  <h1>You have tried to view a page to which you do not have rights.</h1>
  <h1><a href="javascript:history.go(-1)">Please go back.</a></h1>


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Avatar of Eric Bourland


Yep -- it's the input for x_email. Sigh.

I've only been staring at this for four hours. How do I miss this one simple thing?

Fixing it now =)

Thank you both! E
That worked. I forgot to update the INPUT with the correct form field name.

I wonder why loginerror.cfm did not display?
>> How do I miss this one simple thing?

The brain sees what it expects to see ;-) Happened to me yesterday.

>> I wonder why loginerror.cfm did not display?

Due to the difference in field name, it fails this condition:

           <cfif isDefined("form.UserEmail") ....

So the login code never even executes.
That's it. =) Got it.
It is indeed brilliant code!

Tomorrow my ISP is upgrading ColdFusion on my server from version 9 to version 11. I don't think I use any deprecated tags on any of my sites. But, this should be interesting. ;-)

gdemaria and _agx_, thank you as always. Have a great evening.
