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Avatar of Michael Leonard
Michael LeonardFlag for United States of America

asked on

need assistance with this technet script

hoping someone can test this script and let me know if you get the same results.

when I run it, the script immediately exits out. [does nothing]
this is straight off TechNet. I have tried on multiple win2k8 R2 servers:

here is the link:

here is the code:
#Get-ADForestHealth V2
#By Winston McMiller
#Synoposis: script leverages Repadmin.exe and DCdiag.exe across the entire forest or domain to help analysis and troubleshooting. 


$local = $env:Computername + "."+ $env:Userdnsdomain

Function WMIDateStringToDate($Bootup) {  

Function Get-ForestDNSAnalysis_Local{

                $adreporttxt = "ADREPORT for" + $domain + (Get-Date -Format +".txt"          
                $Dcdiag= dcdiag /test:DNS /v
                $DNSLog= $dcDiag -like "*invalid DNS server*" 
				$SRVLog= $dcDiag -like "*Missing SRV record*"
				$SRVLog2=$dcDiag -like "*Error details: 9003*"
                $CFLOG= $dcDiag -like "*Missing A record at DNS server*"
				$REP=repadmin /replsummary
                $w32tm = w32tm /monitor /computers:$dc /nowarn
                $icmp = ($w32tm -like "*ICMP*") -replace "ICMP:",""
                If($icmp -le "0ms"){$timestatus="Optimal"}
                IF($icmp -gt "300000ms"){$timestatus="Critical. Over 5 mins!"}
                If($icmp -gt "100000ms"){$timestatus="Possible Drift Warning"}
                $CPULOAD= Get-WmiObject win32_processor | Measure-Object -property LoadPercentage -Average | Select Average 
                $Systems = Get-WMIObject -class Win32_OperatingSystem -computer $dc  
                $NIC=Get-wmiobject -class Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration -filter "IPEnabled=True"
                $ComputerIP = $nic.IPaddress[0] 
				$dnsServers = $nic.dnsserversearchorder 
                                foreach ($system in $Systems) {  
                                   $Bootup = $system.LastBootUpTime  
                                   $LastBootUpTime = WMIDateStringToDate $bootup  
                                   $now = Get-Date
                                   $Uptime = $now - $lastBootUpTime  
                		$unreachableServers = foreach ($d in $dnsServers) {
						    try { 
				        if ((-not (Get-Service -Name Dns -ComputerName  $d -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue))  -as [Bool]) {
						    } catch {

							    $ADreports=New-Object PSObject -Property @{
							    HasInvalidDNSServerIPs = $($unreachableServers -as [bool])
							    MissingSrvRecords = $($srvLog -as [bool])
							    MissingARecord = $($cflog -as [bool])
							    DnsServerSearchOrder= ($dnsServers -join ([Environment]::Newline))
							    Unreachable_DNS_ServersIP = ($unreachableServers -join ([Environment]::Newline))
                                Computer_IP_Address = $ComputerIP
							    ComputerName = $DC
                                Time_Status = $timestatus
                                Time_Sync = $ICMP
                                Last_Bootup = $LastBootUpTime
                                AverageCPULoad= $CPULOAD.Average
                                Replication_Summary= ( $rep -replace "Beginning data collection for replication summary, this may take awhile:" -join ([Environment]::Newline))}                         
              Write-Host "Repairing Missing SRV record on $DC" -ForegroundColor Green
              nltest /dsregdns
              $Repadmin=Repadmin /syncall
              If($Nltest -like "*ERROR_NO_TRUST_SAM_ACCOUNT*"){
              test-computersecurechannel -repair
              If($timestatus = "Critical. Over 5 mins!"){
              w32tm /config /update
              w32tm /resync
              Stop-Service -Name w32time
              Start-Service -Name w32time
              Get-Date -Format
              Write-Host "Time Service configured for $DC...." -ForegroundColor Green 
              Write-Host "Bad DNS IP:$unreachableServers on $DC" -ForegroundColor Green
              $title = "Delete the misconfigured IP"
              $message = "Do you want to delete the misconfigured IP from $DC? "

              $yes = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&Yes", `
                     "Deletes the misconfigured IP from the DNS search order."

$no = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&No", `
    "Retains the DNS search order."

$options = [System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription[]]($yes, $no)

$result = $host.ui.PromptForChoice($title, $message, $options, 0) 

switch ($result)
        0 {"You selected Yes."}
        1 {"You selected No."}
              netsh interface ipv4 delete dnsservers "local area Connection" $unreachableServers
              netsh interface ipv4 show dnsservers "local area Connection"
               Write-Host "_______________________________________________________________________________________________________" -ForegroundColor Blue
               Write-Host " "
             IF($Report){$adreports >> $adreporttxt}  

Function Get-ForestDNSAnalysis{
                $adreporttxt= "ADREPORT for" + $domain + (Get-Date -Format +".txt"  
                $Dcdiag = invoke-command -computername $DC -scriptblock {dcdiag /test:DNS /v}
                $DNSLog= $dcDiag -like "*invalid DNS server*" 
				$SRVLog= $dcDiag -like "*Missing SRV record*"
				$SRVLog2=$dcDiag -like "*Error details: 9003*"
				$CFLOG= $dcDiag -like "*Missing A record at DNS server*"
				$REP = invoke-command -computername $DC -scriptblock {repadmin /replsummary | where {$_ -ne ""}}
                $w32tm = invoke-command -computername $DC -scriptblock{w32tm /monitor /computers:$dc /nowarn}
                $icmp = ($w32tm -like "*ICMP*") -replace "ICMP:",""
                If($icmp[0] -le "0ms"){$timestatus="Optimal"}
                IF($icmp[0] -gt "300000ms"){$timestatus="Critical. Over 5 mins!"}
                If($icmp[0] -gt "100000ms"){$timestatus="Possible Drift Warning"}
                $CPULOAD = invoke-command -computername $DC -scriptblock {Get-WmiObject win32_processor | Measure-Object -property LoadPercentage -Average | Select Average }
                $Systems = invoke-command -computername $DC -scriptblock {Get-WMIObject -class Win32_OperatingSystem}
                $Nic=invoke-command -computername $DC -scriptblock {Get-wmiobject -class Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration -filter "IPEnabled=True"}
                $ComputerIP = $nic.IPaddress[0] 
				$dnsServers = $nic.dnsserversearchorder 
                                foreach ($system in $Systems) {  
                                   $Bootup = $system.LastBootUpTime  
                                   $LastBootUpTime = WMIDateStringToDate $bootup  
                                   $now = Get-Date
                                   $Uptime = $now - $lastBootUpTime  
                                   $d = $Uptime.Days  
                                   $h = $Uptime.Hours  
                                   $m = $uptime.Minutes  
                                   $ms= $uptime.Milliseconds  
						$unreachableServers = foreach ($d in $dnsServers) {
						    try { 
				            if ((-not (Get-Service -Name Dns -ComputerName  $d -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue))  -as [Bool]) {
						    } catch {

							    $adreports=New-Object PSObject -Property @{
							    HasInvalidDNSServerIPs = $($unreachableServers -as [bool])
							    MissingSrvRecords = $($srvLog -as [bool])
							    MissingARecord = $($cflog -as [bool])
							    DnsServerSearchOrder= ($dnsServers -join ([Environment]::Newline))
							    Unreachable_DNS_ServersIP = ($unreachableServers -join ([Environment]::Newline))
                                Computer_IP_Address = $ComputerIP
							    ComputerName = $DC
                                Time_Status = $timestatus
                                Time_Sync = $ICMP
                                Last_Bootup = $LastBootUpTime
                                AverageCPULoad= $CPULOAD.Average
                                Replication_Summary= ( $rep -replace "Beginning data collection for replication summary, this may take awhile:" -join ([Environment]::Newline))}                         
              Write-Host "Repairing Missing SRV record on $DC" -ForegroundColor Green
              $Nltest=invoke-command -computername $DC -scriptblock {nltest /dsregdns}
              $Repadmin=invoke-command -computername $DC -scriptblock {Repadmin /syncall}
              If($Nltest -like "*ERROR_NO_TRUST_SAM_ACCOUNT*"){
              invoke-command -computername $DC -scriptblock {test-computersecurechannel -repair}

              If($timestatus = "Critical. Over 5 mins!"){
              invoke-command -computername $DC -scriptblock {w32tm /config /update}
              invoke-command -computername $DC -scriptblock {Stop-Service -Name w32time}
              invoke-command -computername $DC -scriptblock {Start-Service -Name w32time}
              invoke-command -ComputerName $DC -ScriptBlock {w32tm /resync}
              invoke-command -computername $DC -scriptblock {Get-Date -Format}
              Write-Host "Time Service configured for $DC...." -ForegroundColor Green 
              Write-Host "Bad DNS IP:$unreachableServers on $DC" -ForegroundColor Green
              $title = "Delete the misconfigured IP"
              $message = "Do you want to delete the misconfigured IP from $DC? "

              $yes = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&Yes", `
                     "Deletes the misconfigured IP from the DNS search order."

$no = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&No", `
    "Retains the DNS search order."

$options = [System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription[]]($yes, $no)

$result = $host.ui.PromptForChoice($title, $message, $options, 0) 

switch ($result)
        0 {"You selected Yes."}
        1 {"You selected No."}
              invoke-command -computername $DC -scriptblock {netsh interface ipv4 delete dnsservers "local area Connection" $args[0] } -Args $unreachableServers
              invoke-command -computername $DC -scriptblock {netsh interface ipv4 show dnsservers "local area Connection"}
                IF($Report){$adreports >> $adreporttxt}
                Write-Host "_______________________________________________________________________________________________________" -ForegroundColor Blue
               Write-Host " "
Write-Host "Enumerating $Domain Domain...." -ForegroundColor Green
  ipmo activedirectory
                $DCS=(get-addomain $domain).ReplicaDirectoryServers
                Foreach($DC in $DCS){
                If($local -eq $DC){Get-ForestDNSAnalysis_Local}
                If($local -ne $DC){Get-ForestDNSAnalysis}
$Domains=Get-Content $filepath
ForEach($Domain in $Domains){
Write-Host "Enumerating $Domain Domain...." -ForegroundColor Green
$DCS=(get-addomain $domain).ReplicaDirectoryServers
                Foreach($DC in $DCS){
                If($local -eq $DC){Get-ForestDNSAnalysis_Local}
                If($local -ne $DC){Get-ForestDNSAnalysis}

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Avatar of bigeven2002
Flag of United States of America image

I did some quick research on the issue.  Since this is a remote script, it requires changing powershell's execution policy.  First, make sure you are logged in as an administrator account and that no other users are logged into the machine (fast user switching).

Next, right-click on the ps1 script and choose properties.  Then click Unblock at the bottom of the General tab.  Then apply, OK.

Then, right-c;lick the file and choose Edit.  This should open the file with powershell_ise.exe.  In the bottom pane, type in

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This will probably return Restricted.  So type this to change it:
set-executionpolicy remotesigned

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Click Yes to the prompt indicating you are sure to change it.  Then run the get-executionpolicy again to verify it has changed.  Then try executing the script by clicking the green arrow button at the top.
Avatar of Michael Leonard


hi, I just unblocked and ran the execution policy command and same result. it immediately exits out when running it. does it run for you?
Upon further inspection, I got the same result as you, the script exits with no output.  My AD functional level is still Windows 2000.  Perhaps it needs to be a later level.  Is yours a 2003 or higher?

Also, are you running the script from a workstation or a server?
functional level is win2008 / running directly from a server [have tried multiple same result]
ok thanks for letting me know.  what version of powershell are you running?
v2   [win2k8 R2 server]
Well, I tried updating to PS v4 but that didn't help.  I'm afraid I am stumped on this one.  You can try this too if preferred but it may not have any effect:
One the Windows 2008 R2 server:
Install .Net Framework 4.5.1
Install Windows Management Framework 4.0
Reboot the server.
Open PowerShell as administrator
powershell -version 4.0

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According to the PS1 script download page, no further items are needed with the latest code available.  So at this point, someone else will have to chime in.  Sorry I could not be of more help.
thanks, I did try installing the latest version of .net framework and same result. immediately exits / zero results. you'd think a script posted on TechNet would actually work  ; )
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thank you Subsun, that worked!   :)
Hi siber1,

Does the script only performs read only test or modify something in the AD domain ?