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Avatar of Harold
HaroldFlag for United States of America

asked on

Windows 2003 Server w/AD, custom login.bat file.

I'm wanting to put together a login.bat file that applies If/Then to Groups, to include or exclude mappings. Not overly complex environment, just would like to control un-needed mappings.

Unless there is a better way to achieve this.

We're migrating to 2012 too, so will these changes adapt?
Avatar of R. Toby Richards
R. Toby Richards
Flag of United States of America image

I have found that if my OU's are properly organized, then I just apply logon scripts for mapped drive on a per OU basis. If you want to look at groups, then you're going to need to use Visual Basic Script or Power Shell.
Avatar of it_saige
I wrote a VB Login script a while ago that can accomplish what you are after:
' Company Login script
' Author: Richard Fouts
' Date:   17-02-2006

Option Explicit ' Force Explicit Declarations

	'//////////// DO NOT MODIFY BELOW ////////////
	' Declare variables
	' Object variables
	Dim objFSO ' File System Object
	Dim objNetwork ' Network Object
	Dim objShell ' Shell Object
	Dim objSysInfo ' System Information Object
	Dim objComputer ' Computer Object
	Dim objGroupList ' Group List Object
	Dim objUser ' User Object
	Dim objIExplore ' Internet Explorer Object

	' String variables
	Dim strGroup ' Group String
	Dim strComputerDN ' Computer String
	Dim strUserDN ' User String

	' Array Variables
	Dim mDrive(100) ' Array of Drive parameters
'	Dim objNoRun(100) ' Array of objects that will not run the script
'	Dim objNoPRN(100) ' Array of objects that will not have printers installed on them
	Dim mMailInf(100) ' Array used for the SendMail function
	Dim mPrn(100) ' Array of Printer parameters
	Dim mRegInf(100) ' Array used for the AddReg function

	' IE variables
	Dim IEWdth ' Width of IE Window
	Dim IEHght ' Height of IE Window
	Dim IEVisible ' IE Window visible or not
	Dim IETime ' Time IE Windows stays visible after login script completes
	Dim IETitle ' Title of IE Window
	Dim IECoName ' Company Name

	' Option variables
	Dim optionDrv ' Drive options variable
	Dim optionPrn ' Printer options variable
	Dim optionReg ' Registry options variable
	Dim optionMail ' Mail options variable

	' Miscellaneous variables
	Dim rmoveDrvs ' Remove drive mappings switch
	Dim rmovePrns ' Remove printer connections switch
	Dim Drives ' Drives mapped currently
	Dim Prns ' Printer currently connected
	Dim StartTime ' Script Activation Time
	Dim varIdx ' Index Counting
	Dim objNoRunIdx ' Index Counting for No Run Objects
	Dim objNoPRNIdx ' Index Counting for No Printer Objects
	Dim AREnabled ' Switch variable for AddReg Function
	Dim SMEnabled ' Switch variable for SendMail Function

	' Drive mapping and printer connection options

	On Error Resume Next
	' Set objShell to Wscript.Shell
	Set objShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")

	' Set nUser variable to WScript.Network
	'Set nUser = WScript.CreateObject("Wscript.Network")

	' Set objFSO variable to Scripting File System
	Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

	' Set objNetwork variable to WScript.Network
	Set objNetwork = CreateObject("WScript.Network")

	' Set objSysInfo variable to ADSystemInfo
	Set objSysInfo = CreateObject("ADSystemInfo")

	' Set strUserDN to Domain Username
	strUserDN = objSysInfo.userName

	' Set strComputerDN to Domain Computername
	strComputerDN = objSysInfo.computerName

	' Bind to the user and computer objects with the LDAP provider.
	Set objUser = GetObject("LDAP://" & strUserDN)
	Set objComputer = GetObject("LDAP://" & strComputerDN)
	' Whie objNetwork.UserName is NULL, sleep for 250 seconds and loop
	'Do while objNetwork.UserName = ""
	'	WScript.Sleep 250

	'//////////// DO NOT MODIFY ABOVE ////////////

	'\\\\\\\\\\\\ MODIFY THIS SECTION BELOW \\\\\\\\\\\\
	' Should the script remove current drive mappings (TRUE/FALSE)
	rmoveDrvs = TRUE

	' Should the script remove current printer connections (TRUE/FALSE)
	rmovePrns = FALSE

	' Default drive mappings

	' mDrive(x) is the array location
	' value after must one of the following masks:
	'	D,,X:,\\servername\sharename,persistency
	'	U,Username,X:,\\servername\sharename,persistency
	'	G,Groupname,X:,\\servername\sharename,persistency
	' Where:
	'	D, U, G denote the mapping type:
	'		D = Default drive mapping
	'		U = User specific drive mapping
	'		G = Group specific drive mapping
	'	Username and Groupname are the name of the user or group
	'	X is the drive letter with a colon preceeding
	'	servername is the name of the server
	'	sharename is the name of the share or path
	'	persistency is the whether you want a persistent connection or not (TRUE/FALSE)
	' Note: There should be no spaces between the drive and the colon
	'	There should be no spaces between the colon and the comma
	'	There should be no spaces between the comma and the first backslash
	'	All other dos rules apply
	'mDrive(0) = "D,,G:,\\servername\sharename,TRUE"
	'mDrive(1) = "D,,H:,\\servername\users\" & objNetwork.UserName & ",TRUE"
	'mDrive(2) = "U,John,I:,\\servername\sharename,TRUE"
	'mDrive(3) = "G,Groupname,J:,\\servername\sharename,TRUE"

	' Default printer connections

	' mPrn(x) is the array location
	' value after must one of the following masks:
	'	D,\\servername\printersharename
	'	U,Username,\\servername\printersharename
	'	C,Computername,\\servername\printersharename
	'	G,Groupname,\\servername\printersharename
	' Where:
	'	D, U, G denote the connection type:
	'		D = Default printer connection
	'		U = User specific printer connection
	'		C = Computer specific printer connection
	'		G = Group specific printer connection
	'	Username and Groupname are the name of the user or group
	'	servername is the name of the server
	'	printersharename is the name of the printer
	' Note: There should be no spaces between the comma and the first backslash
	'	All other dos rules apply
	'mPrn(0) = "D,,\\servername\printersharename"
	'mPrn(1) = "U,John,\\servername\printersharename"
	'mPrn(2) = "C,COMPUTER1,\\servername\printersharename"
	'mPrn(3) = "G,Groupname,\\servername\printersharename"

	' Width (in pixels) of IE Window
	IEWdth = "350"

	' Height (in pixels) of IE Window
	IEHght = "650"

	' IE Window visible or not
	' Valid values are True or False
	IEVisible = "True"

	' Time (in seconds) IE Windows stays visible after login script completes
	IETime = "4000"

	' Title of IE Window
	IETitle = "Your Company, Inc. Login Script"

	' Company Name
	IECoName = "Your Company, INC."
	'\\\\\\\\\\\\ MODIFY THIS SECTION ABOVE \\\\\\\\\\\\

	'////////////   ADVANCED MODIFICATIONS  ////////////

	' Do not run script on the following devices
	' objNoRun is used to tell the login script not to run on a/the specific device(s).
	' objNoRun is formatted using the complete LDAP address of the device(s).
	'	objNoRun = "CN=SERVER1,OU=Domain Controllers,DC=yourdomain,DC=local"
	'	objNoRun = "CN=COMPUTER1,OU=Computers,DC=yourdomain,DC=local"

	' Do not run script on the following devices
	' objNoPRN is used to tell the login script not to add printer connections to a/the specific device(s).
	' objNoPRN is formatted using the complete LDAP address of the device(s).
	'	objNoPRN = "CN=SERVER1,OU=Domain Controllers,DC=yourdomain,DC=local"
	'	objNoPRN = "CN=COMPUTER1,OU=Computers,DC=yourdomain,DC=local"

	' AddReg Enabled (TRUE/FALSE)
	AREnabled = FALSE

	' SendMail Enabled (TRUE/FALSE)
	SMEnabled = FALSE

	' What is the registry key path
	'mRegInf(0) = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon,LegalNoticeCaption,My Company Confidentiality Agreenment"
	'mRegInf(1) = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon,LegalNoticeText,The information contained on this computer " & _
	'	"is proprietary to the Company and as such, is confidential and protected under the provisions within " & _
	'	"the security regulations pertaining to the electronic storage, transmission and release of patient information." & vbCrlf & vbCrlf & _
	'	"By accessing this computer system, you acknowledge the confidentiality of this information and agree to protect " & _
	'	"the electronic storage, transmission and release of patient information as outlined within the security regulations."

	' Send mail to
	'mMailInf(0) = ",,Computer updated,A computer has been updated with the LegalCaptionNotice and LegalCaptionText."

	'\\\\\\\\\\\\   ADVANCED MODIFICATIONS  \\\\\\\\\\\\

	'//////////// DO NOT MODIFY BELOW ////////////
	' Start of Login Script

		' Set objIExplore varable to Internet Explorer Application
		Set objIExplore = WScript.CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application","event_")

		' Set Drives variable to enumeration of network drives
		Set Drives = objNetwork.EnumNetworkDrives

		' Set Prns variable to enumeration of printers
		Set Prns = objNetwork.EnumPrinterConnections

		' Open blank Internet Explorer window
		objIExplore.Navigate "about:Blank"

		' Set window width to defined width in px
		objIExplore.Width = IEWdth

		' Set window height to defined height in px
		objIExplore.Height = IEHght

		' Set window with no toolbar
		objIExplore.Toolbar = False

		' Set window with no status bar
		objIExplore.StatusBar = False

		' Set window to visible
		objIExplore.Visible = True

		' Set window to non-resizable
		objIExplore.Resizable = False

		' Set window at 10px from top of screen
		objIExplore.Top = 10

		' Set window at 10px from left edge of screen
		objIExplore.Left = 10

		' Set window to visible
		objIExplore.Visible = IEVisible

		' Set StartTime variable to Now (current time)
		StartTime = Now

		' Set Get access to UserObj Active Directory object
		'Set UserObj = GetObject("WinNT://" & objNetwork.UserDomain & _
		'	"/" & objNetwork.UserName)

		' Set UserName variable to User
		'UserName = "User"

		' While objIExplore window is not ready, sleep for 250 seconds and loop
		Do While Not objIExplore.ReadyState = 4
			WScript.Sleep 250

		' Set window title to company name
		objIExplore.Document.Title = IETitle

		' Set window font to Verdana
		objIExplore.Document.Body.Style.FontFamily = "Verdana"

		' Set fontsize to 10pt
		objIExplore.Document.Body.Style.FontSize = "10"

		' Inside window, write the company name
		objIExplore.Document.Body.InnerHTML = objIExplore.Document.Body.InnerHTML & _
			"<U Style='Color:DarkRed'>" & IECoName & "</U><BR>"

		' Inside window, write the domain name
		objIExplore.Document.Body.InnerHTML = objIExplore.Document.Body.InnerHTML & _
			"<U Style='Color:DarkBlue'>" & objNetwork.UserDomain & "</U><BR><BR>"

		' Inside window, write the user name
		objIExplore.Document.Body.InnerHTML = objIExplore.Document.Body.InnerHTML & _
			"Running for " & objNetwork.UserName & "<BR>@" & Now & "<BR>@"& _
			objNetwork.UserDomain & "<BR><BR>"

		' Inside window, write the strGroup information
		objIExplore.Document.Body.InnerHTML = objIExplore.Document.Body.InnerHTML & _

		' Inside window, welcome the user to the domain
		objIExplore.Document.Body.InnerHTML = objIExplore.Document.Body.InnerHTML & _
			"Welcome " & objNetwork.UserName & " to the " & objNetwork.UserDomain & _
			" domain." & "<BR><BR>"

		' Inside windows, write mapping drives
		objIExplore.Document.Body.InnerHTML = objIExplore.Document.Body.InnerHTML & _
			"<I>Mapping drives:</I><BR>"

		' Set ObjGroupDict to return from CreateMemberOfObject function
		'Set ObjGroupDict = CreateMemberOfObject(nUser.UserDomain, nUser.UserName)

		' If statement to remove current drive and printer connections
		If rmoveDrvs = TRUE Then

			' For loop to work with	enumerated network drives
			For varIdx = 0 To Drives.Count -1 Step 2

				' Remove network drive mapping
				objNetwork.RemoveNetworkDrive Drives.Item(varIdx), true

				' Inside window, print results of removing drive mapping
				objIExplore.Document.Body.InnerHTML = objIExplore.Document.Body.InnerHTML & _
					"Removed " & Drives.Item(varIdx) & "<BR>"

				' Call DeleteDriveMapping function to remove persistent connection

			' Next iteration in for-loop
		End If

		If rmovePrns = TRUE Then

			' For loop to work with	enumerated printer connections
			For varIdx = 0 To Prns.Count -1 Step 2

				' Remove network drive mapping
				objNetwork.RemovePrinterConnection Prns.Item(varIdx), TRUE, TRUE

				' Inside window, print results of removing drive mapping
				objIExplore.Document.Body.InnerHTML = objIExplore.Document.Body.InnerHTML & _
					"Removed " & Prns.Item(varIdx) & "<BR>"

			' Next iteration in for-loop
		End If

		' Inside window, print applying	exact mapping
		objIExplore.Document.Body.InnerHTML = objIExplore.Document.Body.InnerHTML & _
			"Applying Exact mapping...<BR>"

		' Beggining of drive mappings
		' Inside window, print general drive mappings

		' Inside window, print advanced drive mappings
		objIExplore.Document.Body.InnerHTML = objIExplore.Document.Body.InnerHTML & _
			"<BR>Drive mappings for " & objNetwork.UserName & "...<BR>"

		' Username driven mappings
		For varIdx = LBound(mDrive) To UBound(mDrive)

			optionDrv = Split(mDrive(varIdx),",")

			' Switch statement
			Select Case UCase(optionDrv(0))

				' Default Case
				Case "D"
					'////////// TEST VARIABLE PASS THROUGH \\\\\\\\\\
					'Wscript.echo "If " & objNetwork.UserName & " is " & optionDrv(1) & _
					'	" then attempting to connect " & optionDrv(2) & " to " & _
					'	optionDrv(3) & " The mapping will be persitant: " & optionDrv(4)

					' Inside window, print results of removing drive mapping
					objIExplore.Document.Body.InnerHTML = objIExplore.Document.Body.InnerHTML & _
						"Connecting " & optionDrv(2) & " to " & optionDrv(3) & "... "
					If Not MapDrive(optionDrv(2), optionDrv(3), optionDrv(4)) Then

						objIExplore.Document.Body.InnerHTML = objIExplore.Document.Body.InnerHTML & _
							"NOT CONNECTED!!!<BR>"

						objIExplore.Document.Body.InnerHTML = objIExplore.Document.Body.InnerHTML & _
					End If

				' User Case
				Case "U"
					'////////// TEST VARIABLE PASS THROUGH \\\\\\\\\\
					'Wscript.echo "If " & objNetwork.UserName & " is " & optionDrv(1) & _
					'	" then attempting to connect " & optionDrv(2) & " to " & _
					'	optionDrv(3) & " The mapping will be persitant: " & optionDrv(4)

					If UCase(objNetwork.UserName) = UCase(optionDrv(1)) Then

						' Inside window, print results of removing drive mapping
						objIExplore.Document.Body.InnerHTML = objIExplore.Document.Body.InnerHTML & _
							"Connecting " & optionDrv(2) & " to " & optionDrv(3) & "... "
						If Not MapDrive(optionDrv(2), optionDrv(3), optionDrv(4)) Then

							objIExplore.Document.Body.InnerHTML = objIExplore.Document.Body.InnerHTML & _
								"NOT CONNECTED!!!<BR>"

							objIExplore.Document.Body.InnerHTML = objIExplore.Document.Body.InnerHTML & _
						End If
					End If

				' Group Case
				Case "G"
					'////////// TEST VARIABLE PASS THROUGH \\\\\\\\\\
					'Wscript.echo "If " & objNetwork.UserName & " is a member of " & optionDrv(1) & _
					'	" then attempting to connect " & optionDrv(2) & " to " & _ 
					'	optionDrv(3) & " The mapping will be persitant: " & optionDrv(4)

					If (IsMember(objUser, optionDrv(1)) = True) Then

						' Inside window, print results of removing drive mapping
						objIExplore.Document.Body.InnerHTML = objIExplore.Document.Body.InnerHTML & _
							"Connecting " & optionDrv(2) & " to " & optionDrv(3) & "... "
						If Not MapDrive(optionDrv(2), optionDrv(3), optionDrv(4)) Then

							objIExplore.Document.Body.InnerHTML = objIExplore.Document.Body.InnerHTML & _
								"NOT CONNECTED!!!<BR>"

							objIExplore.Document.Body.InnerHTML = objIExplore.Document.Body.InnerHTML & _
						End If
					End If

				' Error Case or case mismatch
				Case Else
					'Wscript.echo "Error in array: " & vbCrLf & "	optionDrv(0) - " & optionDrv(0) & _
					'	vbCrLf & "	optionDrv(1) - " & optionDrv(1) & vbCrLf & _
					'	"	optionDrv(2) - " & optionDrv(2) & vbCrLf & "	optionDrv(3) - " & optionDrv(3) & _
					'	vbCrlf & "	optionDrv(4) - " & optionDrv(4)

			End Select
		' Next iteration of Drive Mappings Loop

		' End of drive mappings

			' Beggining of printer connections
			' Inside window, print general printer mappings

			' Inside window, print advanced printer connections
			objIExplore.Document.Body.InnerHTML = objIExplore.Document.Body.InnerHTML & _
				"<BR>Printer connections for " & objNetwork.UserName & "...<BR>"

			' Username driven printer connections
			For varIdx = LBound(mPrn) To UBound(mPrn)

				optionPrn = Split(mPrn(varIdx),",")

				' Switch statement
				Select Case UCase(optionPrn(0))

					' Default Case
					Case "D"
						'////////// TEST VARIABLE PASS THROUGH \\\\\\\\\\
						'Wscript.echo "If " & objNetwork.UserName & " is " & optionPrn(1) & _
						'	" then attempting to connect to printer " & optionPrn(2) & "using a persistant" & _
						'	" connection: " & optionPrn(3)

						' Inside window, print results of removing drive mapping
						objIExplore.Document.Body.InnerHTML = objIExplore.Document.Body.InnerHTML & _
							"Connecting to " & optionPrn(2) & "... "
						If Not ConnPrn(optionPrn(2), optionPrn(3)) Then

							objIExplore.Document.Body.InnerHTML = objIExplore.Document.Body.InnerHTML & _
								"NOT CONNECTED!!!<BR>"
							objIExplore.Document.Body.InnerHTML = objIExplore.Document.Body.InnerHTML & _
						End If

					' User Case
					Case "U"
						'////////// TEST VARIABLE PASS THROUGH \\\\\\\\\\
						'Wscript.echo "If " & objNetwork.UserName & " is " & optionPrn(1) & _
						'	" then attempting to connect to printer " & optionPrn(2) & "using a persistant" & _
						'	" connection: " & optionPrn(3)

						If UCase(objNetwork.UserName) = UCase(optionPrn(1)) Then

							' Inside window, print results of removing drive mapping
							objIExplore.Document.Body.InnerHTML = objIExplore.Document.Body.InnerHTML & _
								"Connecting to " & optionPrn(2) & "... "
							If Not ConnPrn(optionPrn(2), optionPrn(3)) Then

								objIExplore.Document.Body.InnerHTML = objIExplore.Document.Body.InnerHTML & _
									"NOT CONNECTED!!!<BR>"

								objIExplore.Document.Body.InnerHTML = objIExplore.Document.Body.InnerHTML & _
							End If
						End If

					' Computer Case
					Case "C"
						'////////// TEST VARIABLE PASS THROUGH \\\\\\\\\\
						'Wscript.echo "If " & objNetwork.ComputerName & " is " & optionPrn(1) & _
						'	" then attempting to connect to " & optionPrn(2) & "using a persistant" & _
						'	" connection: " & optionPrn(3)

						If UCase(objNetwork.ComputerName) = UCase(optionPrn(1)) Then

							' Inside window, print results of removing drive mapping
							objIExplore.Document.Body.InnerHTML = objIExplore.Document.Body.InnerHTML & _
								"Connecting to " & optionPrn(2) & "... "
							If Not ConnPrn(optionPrn(2), optionPrn(3)) Then

								objIExplore.Document.Body.InnerHTML = objIExplore.Document.Body.InnerHTML & _
									"NOT CONNECTED!!!<BR>"

								objIExplore.Document.Body.InnerHTML = objIExplore.Document.Body.InnerHTML & _
							End If
						End If

					' Group Case
					Case "G"
						'////////// TEST VARIABLE PASS THROUGH \\\\\\\\\\
						'Wscript.echo "If " & objNetwork.UserName & " is a member of " & optionPrn(1) & _
						'	" then attempting to connect to " & optionPrn(2) & "using a persistant" & _
						'	" connection: " & optionPrn(3)

							If (IsMember(objUser, optionPrn(1)) = True) Then

							' Inside window, print results of removing drive mapping
							objIExplore.Document.Body.InnerHTML = objIExplore.Document.Body.InnerHTML & _
								"Connecting to " & optionPrn(2) & "... "
							If Not ConnPrn(optionPrn(2), optionPrn(3)) Then

								objIExplore.Document.Body.InnerHTML = objIExplore.Document.Body.InnerHTML & _
									"NOT CONNECTED!!!<BR>"

								objIExplore.Document.Body.InnerHTML = objIExplore.Document.Body.InnerHTML & _
							End If
						End If

						If (IsMember(objComputer, optionPrn(1)) = True) Then

							' Inside window, print results of removing drive mapping
							objIExplore.Document.Body.InnerHTML = objIExplore.Document.Body.InnerHTML & _
								"Connecting to " & optionPrn(2) & "... "
							If Not ConnPrn(optionPrn(2), optionPrn(3)) Then

								objIExplore.Document.Body.InnerHTML = objIExplore.Document.Body.InnerHTML & _
									"NOT CONNECTED!!!<BR>"

								objIExplore.Document.Body.InnerHTML = objIExplore.Document.Body.InnerHTML & _
							End If
						End If

					' Error Case or case mismatch
					Case Else
						'Wscript.echo "Error in array: " & vbCrLf & "	optionPrn(0) - " & optionPrn(0) & _
						'	vbCrLf & "	optionPrn(1) - " & optionPrn(1) & vbCrLf & _
						'	"	optionPrn(2) - " & optionPrn(2)

					End Select
			' Next iteration of Printer Connections Loop

			' End of printer connections

		' Beggining of registry modifications
		' First check if registry modifications are requested
		If AREnabled = TRUE Then

			' Inside window, print advanced printer connections
			objIExplore.Document.Body.InnerHTML = objIExplore.Document.Body.InnerHTML & _
				"<BR>Registry modifications for " & objNetwork.ComputerName & "..."

			' Computername driven registry modifications
			For varIdx = LBound(mRegInf) To UBound(mRegInf)

				optionReg = Split(mRegInf(varIdx),",")

				If AddReg(optionReg(0), optionReg(1), optionReg(2)) Then
				End If
			' Next iteration of Registry Modification Loop

			If SMEnabled = TRUE Then

				For varIdx = LBound(mMailInf) To UBound(mMailInf)

					optionMail = Split(mMailInf(varIdx),",")

					If SendMail(optionMail(0), optionMail(1), optionMail(2), optionMail(3)) Then
					End If
				' Next iteration of Send Mail Loop

			End If 

			objIExplore.Document.Body.InnerHTML = objIExplore.Document.Body.InnerHTML & _

		End If

		' End of registry modifications

	' Inside window, print end
	objIExplore.Document.Body.InnerHTML = objIExplore.Document.Body.InnerHTML & _

	' Inside window, print time difference from start to finish
	objIExplore.Document.Body.InnerHTML = objIExplore.Document.Body.InnerHTML & _
		"Loginscript took: " & DateDiff("s",StartTime,Now) & " second(s)..."

	' Inside window, close out of writing
	objIExplore.Document.Body.InnerHTML = objIExplore.Document.Body.InnerHTML & _

	' Sleep for 4000 seconds

	' Quite Internet Explorer

Function MemberOf(ObjDict, strKey)
	' Given a Dictionary object containing groups to which the user
	' is a member of and a group name, then returns True if the group
	' is in the Dictionary else return False.	
	' Inputs:
	' strDict - Input, Name of a Dictionary object
	' strKey - Input, Value being searched for in
	' the Dictionary object
	' Sample Usage:
	' If MemberOf(ObjGroupDict, "DOMAIN ADMINS") Then
	' wscript.echo "Is a member of Domain Admins."
	' End If
	MemberOf = CBool(ObjGroupDict.Exists(strKey))
End Function

Function CreateMemberOfObject(strDomain, strUserName)
	' Given a domain name and username, returns a Dictionary
	' object of groups to which the user is a member of.
	' Inputs:
	' strDomain - Input, NT Domain name
	' strUserName - Input, NT username
	Dim objUser, objGroup

	Set CreateMemberOfObject = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
	CreateMemberOfObject.CompareMode = vbTextCompare
	Set objUser = GetObject("WinNT://" & strDomain & "/" & strUserName & ",user")
	For Each objGroup In objUser.Groups
		CreateMemberOfObject.Add objGroup.Name,	"-"
	Set objUser = Nothing
End Function

Function IsMember(objADObject, strGroup)
	' Function to test for group membership.
	' objGroupList is a dictionary object with global scope.

	' Set IsMember to False
	IsMember = False

	' Declare variables
	Dim Group

	' If objGroupList is Empty
	If (IsEmpty(objGroupList) = True) Then

		' Create a dictionary object and set it to objGroupList
		Set objGroupList = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

	End If

	' If objGroupList does not have an object called SAMAccountName\
	If (objGroupList.Exists(objADObject.sAMAccountName & "\") = False) Then

		' Call LoadGroups function with objADObject as both variables
		Call LoadGroups(objADObject, objADObject)

		' Add SAMAccountName\ to the objGroupList dictionary
		objGroupList.Add objADObject.sAMAccountName & "\", True

	End If

	' Set IsMember to True or False depending upon if the intended group
	' exists in the dictionary
	IsMember = objGroupList.Exists(objADObject.sAMAccountName & "\" _
		& strGroup)

End Function

Sub LoadGroups(objPriObject, objADSubObject)
	' Recursive subroutine to populate dictionary object objGroupList.

	Dim colstrGroups, objGroup, j

	objGroupList.CompareMode = vbTextCompare

	colstrGroups = objADSubObject.memberOf

	If (IsEmpty(colstrGroups) = True) Then

		Exit Sub

	End If

	If (TypeName(colstrGroups) = "String") Then

		Set objGroup = GetObject("LDAP://" & colstrGroups)

		If (objGroupList.Exists(objPriObject.sAMAccountName & "\" _
			& objGroup.sAMAccountName) = False) Then

			objGroupList.Add objPriObject.sAMAccountName & "\" _
				& objGroup.sAMAccountName, True

			Call LoadGroups(objPriObject, objGroup)

		End If

		Set objGroup = Nothing

		Exit Sub

	End If

	For j = 0 To UBound(colstrGroups)

		Set objGroup = GetObject("LDAP://" & colstrGroups(j))

		If (objGroupList.Exists(objPriObject.sAMAccountName & "\" _
			& objGroup.sAMAccountName) = False) Then

			objGroupList.Add objPriObject.sAMAccountName & "\" _
				& objGroup.sAMAccountName, True

			Call LoadGroups(objPriObject, objGroup)

		End If


	Set objGroup = Nothing

End Sub

Function DeleteDriveMapping(sDriveLetter)
	' This will remove the mapped drive sDriveLetter

	'////////// TEST VARIABLE PASS THROUGH \\\\\\\\\\
	'Wscript.echo "Removing drive mapping " & sDriveLetter

	CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Run "net.exe use " _
		& sDriveLetter & " /delete", 0,	True
	WScript.Sleep 250
End Function

Function MapDrive(strDrive, strShare, strPersistent)
	' Function to map network share to a drive letter.
	' If the drive letter specified is already in use, the function
	' attempts to remove the network connection.
	' objFSO is the File System Object, with global scope.
	' objNetwork is the Network object, with global scope.
	' Returns True if drive mapped, False otherwise.

	Dim objDrive

	'On Error Resume Next

	'////////// TEST VARIABLE PASS THROUGH \\\\\\\\\\
	'Wscript.echo "Mapping " & strDrive & " to " & strShare

		If objFSO.DriveExists(strDrive) Then
			Set objDrive = objFSO.GetDrive(strDrive)
			If Err.Number <> 0 Then
				On Error GoTo 0
				MapDrive = False
				Exit Function
			End If
			If CBool(objDrive.DriveType = 3) Then
				objNetwork.RemoveNetworkDrive strDrive, True, True
				MapDrive = False
				Exit Function
			End If
			Set objDrive = Nothing
		End If
		objNetwork.MapNetworkDrive strDrive, strShare, strPersistent
		If Err.Number = 0 Then
			MapDrive = True
			MapDrive = False
		End If
	On Error GoTo 0
End Function

Function ConnPrn(strPrnUNC, strDefPrn)
	' Function to connect to a network printer share.
	' If the printer specified is already connected, the function
	' attempts to remove the network connection.
	' objFSO is the File System Object, with global scope.
	' objNetwork is the Network object, with global scope.
	' objShell is the Shell Object, with global scope.
	' Returns True if printer connected, False otherwise.

	Dim objWMISvc ' WMI Service Object
	Dim objPrn ' Printer Object
	Dim intIdx ' Index counter
	Dim colItems ' Collected Items
	Dim strComputer ' Local computer variable
	Dim strDefaultState ' Default share state
	Dim strCmd ' Default command string
	Dim cmdRetVal ' Return Value of the command

	strComputer ="."

	'On Error Resume Next

	' Set the WMI Service object to get objects from the local computer
	Set objWMISvc = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\CIMV2")

	' Set the Collected Items to be installed printers
	Set colItems = objWMISvc.ExecQuery ("SELECT * FROM Win32_Printer")

	'////////// TEST VARIABLE PASS THROUGH \\\\\\\\\\
	'Wscript.echo "Connecting to " & strPrnUNC

		If Prns.Count = 0 Then
			strCmd = "rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /in /q /n " & strPrnUNC 
			'Wscript.echo "Prns.Count - Executing command: " & strCmd
			cmdRetVal = objShell.Run(strCmd, 1, TRUE)
			'Wscript.echo "Prns.Count - Return value is: " & cmdRetVal
			For Each objPrn In colItems
				'Wscript.Echo objPrn.DeviceID
				If UCase(objPrn.DeviceID) = UCase(strPrnUNC) Then
					' Add new printer. Need the ,1,true to wait for shell to complete before continue
					strCmd = "rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /dn /q /n " & strPrnUNC 
					'Wscript.echo "objPrn - Executing command: " & strCmd
					cmdRetVal = objShell.Run(strCmd, 1, TRUE)
					'Wscript.echo "objPrn - Return value is: " & cmdRetVal
					'Wscript.Echo "objPrn - First error Number is: " & Err.Number			
				End If

			Set objPrn = Nothing
		End If

		strCmd = "rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /in /q /n " & strPrnUNC 
		'Wscript.echo "Out of loop - Executing command: " & strCmd
		cmdRetVal = objShell.Run(strCmd, 1, TRUE)
		'Wscript.echo "Out of loop - Return value is: " & cmdRetVal
		'Wscript.Echo "Out of loop - Second error Number is: " & Err.Number

		'Wscript.echo "This is a default printer?" & strDefPrn		

		If strDefPrn = "TRUE" Then
			strCmd = "rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /y /n " & strPrnUNC 
			'Wscript.echo "strDefPrn - Executing command: " & strCmd
			cmdRetVal = objShell.Run(strCmd, 1, TRUE)
			'Wscript.echo "strDefPrn - Return value is: " & cmdRetVal
		End If
		If cmdRetVal = 0 Then
			ConnPrn = True
			ConnPrn = False
		End If
	On Error GoTo 0
End Function

Function AddReg(strKeyPath, strValueName, strValue)
	Const constHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002
	Const constComputer = "."

	Set objReg = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & _
		constComputer & "\root\default:StdRegProv")
	objReg.SetStringValue constHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strKeyPath, strValueName, strValue
End Function

Function SendMail(strTo, strFrom, strSubj, strMsg)
	Set objEmail = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
	objEmail.From = strFrom
	objEmail.To = strTo
	objEmail.Subject = strSubj 
	objEmail.Textbody = strMsg
End Function
	'//////////// DO NOT MODIFY ABOVE ////////////

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Joseph Moody
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I completely agree with Joseph on this method to map drives. Using login scripts etc to map drives is labor intensive (when modifying them) also this is a legacy way to map drives. Using GP Preferences is the new way (and very easy to manage) to map drives and do much more.

I would take a look at the below link from the Active Directory Team Blog to help provide steps to complete this process. As per OU level, you do not have to do this based on OU. Use Security Filtering for each Department Security Group  and apply the permissions at the top level. Based on the groups where the users are listed they will get the mapped drives required.

Avatar of Harold


@Joseph or Will; so I'm creating OU's that represent drive mappings? In the link Will provided, that's what it looks like.
Your drive mappings probably depend upon what department a user is. IT has their mappings, Human Resources has theirs, Finance has theirs, etc. If your OU's reflect your organizational structure, then it will be intuitive which mappings to assign to which OU.
Avatar of Harold


@Toby; since we have 3 companies under 1 roof, our OU's were created in that manor. OU per company acronym's. I didn't start this, just trying to make it better. Nothing related to dept's. Wondering if I should start adding OU's under the Company OU and moving users into the OU applicable. Actually there are dept. groups setup under Security Groups.
I'm creating OU's that represent drive mappings?

This is not correct. You would create Security Groups for each department, you would then also create a GPO for each department as well. You assign the security group to the respective GPO and then assign the GPO's to the top level OU or domain for that matter. Security filtering will ensure that GPO's will only apply when users are part of these respective groups.
