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Avatar of Srirampriya
SrirampriyaFlag for India

asked on


Sharepoint list created not available for other users
Avatar of Jamie McAllister
Jamie McAllister
Flag of Switzerland image

Check the permissions for the list. Via Ribbon...
Avatar of Srirampriya


but when a global site collection is created it works
only for list it does not work
I don't have a lot of information to diagnose here. Could you provide more detail please?
Sys admin creates a list

we add users to sharepoint

when a user logs in (not sysadmin ) the list is not found " no such list found"

but when logged in as sysadmin it is visible
List 'Phase' does not exist at site
Do the list permissions settings seem to show that permissions are not being inherited?
how do I check this
Avatar of Jamie McAllister
Jamie McAllister
Flag of Switzerland image

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