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AD Script to display a report of groups, group description and group members in a specific OU


This works to display group name and member name but does not give me group "description"

Add-PSSnapin Quest.ActiveRoles.ADManagement
$memberships = @()

Get-QADGroup -SizeLimit 0 -SearchRoot "OU=XX User Groups,OU=XXX,OU=Security Groups,dc=XXX,dc=COM" -IncludedProperties Description | Foreach-Object {

        $NameGroup = $_.Name
        Write-Host "Working with $NameGroup"
        $membership = Get-QADGroupMember $_.DN -Enabled -SizeLimit 0 -IncludedProperties Description
        if ($membership -ne $null ) {
        $membership | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name AuditGroupUserIsMemberOf -value $_.Name
        $memberships += $membership

$memberships | Select-Object AuditGroupUserIsMemberOf, Name | Export-Csv c:\scripts\report.csv
Avatar of Dan McFadden
Dan McFadden
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So, the script below does not use the "Quest.ActiveRoles.ADManagement" Snap in.  It uses the standard Microsoft Active Directory PS Module.

It the script creates the following output files:
1. CSV containing the list of all groups in the defined AD location (OU)
--- named:  Get-AdGroupInfo-Report.csv
2. 1 CSV per AD Group found, containing the fields Name and SamAccountName.
--- named: Get-AdGroupInfo-Report_<AdGroupNameIsInsertedHere>.csv

I recommend placing the script in its own directory before it is run, since it creates many files.

You only have to update the variable $SearchBase to match your OU Structure

# Load the AD Module
Import-Module ActiveDirectory

# Setup Globals
$SearchBase = "<YourOuStructureGoesHere>"
$Groups = Get-ADGroup -Filter * -SearchBase $SearchBase -Properties Name, DistinguishedName, groupType, Description | Select Name, DistinguishedName, Description
$GroupListOutputFile = "Get-AdGroupInfo-Report.csv"
$GroupOutput = @()
$GroupMembers = @()

##### Main #####
Write-Host "Found " $Groups.Count " groups in Active Directory location : " $SearchBase

foreach ($group in $Groups)
	if ($Group.DistinguishedName -ne $Null)
		$ginfo = New-Object PSObject
		$ginfo | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name  "GroupName" -Value $group.Name
		$ginfo | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name  "GroupDN" -Value $group.DistinguishedName
		$ginfo | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name  "GroupDescription" -Value $group.Description
		$GroupOutput += $ginfo
		$GroupMembershipOutputFile = "Get-AdGroupInfo-Report_"+$group.Name+".csv"
		Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $group.DistinguishedName | Select Name, SamAccountName | Export-Csv $GroupMembershipOutputFile -NoTypeInformation -UseCulture -Encoding UTF8

$GroupOutput | Sort GroupName | Export-Csv $GroupListOutputFile  -NoTypeInformation -UseCulture -Encoding UTF8

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Hi Dan,  

Thanks so much for your help first off.

Is there no way to have one single report with 3 columns?   groupname, group description, user display name?  

Is this possible or am i asking for something that doesnt exist?
Probably could, but if you have groups that are large (50, 100, 250+) members, this would make the report hard to use.

I have groups with 500-600 members controlling access to various resources, having a row entry with a column having 600 names in it is completely useless.

Plus, pulling the User's display name requires some extra coding.

ok, what about just the name? i understand this may not be practical but it is the situation im in right now.  thanks.
You want the group membership in a single field, no matter how many users are are in the group?

You realize the output will hard to read in some cases, right?

Right now i get

Group Name       Name
Group1               Member1
Group1               Member2
Group1               Member3
Group1               Member4
Group1               Member5
Group1               member6
Group1               Member7

I'd like to get

Group Name      Group Description      Name
Group1             Group1 Description      Member1
Group1             Group1 Description      Member2
Group1             Group1 Description      Member3
Group1             Group1 Description      Member4
Group1             Group1 Description      Member5
Group1             Group1 Description      member6
Group1             Group1 Description      Member7
I understand what you are asking for, but how will an entry, like below, be useful?

Group Name      Group Description      Name
Group1             Group1 Description      Member1Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1;Member1

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That being a single record with around 50 users in a single AD group.

But I need to update the script.

I see what your saying but i'd need the Name field to have all the members of that group not just "member1"  ie (member1, member2, member3)  

If its just member 1 then it isnt useful.

I essential need a report like this because the group names dont make sense in layman's terms and someone needs to review the report frequently.  To see who is in each group, which is why i need the description as well.
Again, I understand what you want. I was just making an example of an entry with 50 or more users.

I'll update the script to output the info as you want.

But from experience, having audited large & small AD deployments, a report like this will hard to review on a regular basis.  

ok.  thank you.
Updated script:

# Load the AD Module
Import-Module ActiveDirectory

# Setup Globals
$SearchBase = "<YourOuStructureGoesHere>"
$Groups = Get-ADGroup -Filter * -SearchBase $SearchBase -Properties Name, DistinguishedName, groupType, Description | Select Name, DistinguishedName, Description
$GroupListOutputFile = "Get-AdGroupInfo-Report.csv"
$GroupOutput = @()

##### Main #####
Write-Host "Found " $Groups.Count " groups in Active Directory location : " $SearchBase

foreach ($group in $Groups)
	if ($Group.DistinguishedName -ne $Null)
		$gm = Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $group.DistinguishedName | Select Name
		Write-Host "Working on group : " $group.Name
		$ginfo = New-Object PSObject
		$ginfo | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name  "GroupName" -Value $group.Name
		$ginfo | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name  "GroupDN" -Value $group.DistinguishedName
		$ginfo | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name  "GroupDescription" -Value $group.Description
		$ginfo | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name  "Members" -Value ($gm.Name -join '; ')
		$GroupOutput += $ginfo

$GroupOutput | Sort GroupName | Export-Csv $GroupListOutputFile  -NoTypeInformation -UseCulture -Encoding UTF8

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Just remember to update the $SearchBase variable with the appropriate AD path.

Thank you, but the Members column in the output column is all blank.
I tested it against my AD instance, it output 1551 groups and the associated membership of each object.

Can you post the output?

Updated script to detect AD accounts and AD contacts that are members of groups.

# Load the AD Module
Import-Module ActiveDirectory

# Setup Globals
$SearchBase = "<YourOuStructureGoesHere>"
$Groups = Get-ADGroup -Filter * -SearchBase $SearchBase -Properties Name, DistinguishedName, groupType, Description | Select Name, DistinguishedName, Description
$GroupListOutputFile = "Get-AdGroupInfo-Report.csv"
$GroupOutput = @()

##### Main #####
Write-Host "Found " $Groups.Count " groups in Active Directory location : " $SearchBase

foreach ($group in $Groups)
	if ($Group.DistinguishedName -ne $Null)
		$gm = Get-ADGroup -Identity $group.DistinguishedName -Properties member | Select -ExpandProperty member | Get-ADObject
		$ginfo = New-Object PSObject
		$ginfo | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name  "GroupName" -Value $group.Name
		$ginfo | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name  "GroupDN" -Value $group.DistinguishedName
		$ginfo | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name  "GroupDescription" -Value $group.Description
		$ginfo | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name  "Members" -Value ($gm.Name -join '; ')
		$GroupOutput += $ginfo

$GroupOutput | Sort GroupName | Export-Csv $GroupListOutputFile  -NoTypeInformation -UseCulture -Encoding UTF8

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Sorry.  the Members field output is still blank.  Could version of powershell have anything to do with it?
This runs with PS v2+.

Can you post the output from this command?

$PSVersionTable | ft

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OK, the script should work.  I need that screens shot of a member of the first group.

Another try...

# Load the AD Module
Import-Module ActiveDirectory

# Setup Globals
$SearchBase = "<YourOuStructureGoesHere>"
$Groups = Get-ADGroup -Filter * -SearchBase $SearchBase -Properties Name, DistinguishedName, groupType, Description | Select Name, DistinguishedName, Description
$GroupListOutputFile = "Get-AdGroupInfo-Report.csv"
$GroupOutput = @()

##### Main #####
Write-Host "Found " $Groups.Count " groups in Active Directory location : " $SearchBase

foreach ($group in $Groups)
	if ($Group.DistinguishedName -ne $Null)
		$gm = Get-ADGroup -Identity $group.DistinguishedName -Properties member | Select -ExpandProperty member | Get-ADObject
		$ginfo = New-Object PSObject
		$ginfo | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name  "GroupName" -Value $group.Name
		$ginfo | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name  "GroupDN" -Value $group.DistinguishedName
		$ginfo | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name  "GroupDescription" -Value $group.Description
		$ginfo | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name  "Members" -Value ($gm.Name -join '; ')
		$GroupOutput += $ginfo

$GroupOutput | Sort GroupName | Export-Csv $GroupListOutputFile  -Delimiter ";" -NoTypeInformation -UseCulture -Encoding UTF8

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I'm forcing the semicolon as the field delimiter.  I noticed that your output is using a comma.  

Let me know...

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Can run this command and post the output:

Get-ADGroupMember -Identity "<Put-DN-Here>" | Select Name

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And replace the <Put-DN-Here> with the DN of one of your groups?  Let me know if you get a list users

Yes, I got output of group members.
OK, so the script is working but the exporting of the data seems to be an issue.

Can you replace the last line in the script with this?

$GroupOutput | Sort GroupName | Export-Csv $GroupListOutputFile -NoTypeInformation -UseCulture

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If that doesn't work, can you try this?

$GroupOutput | Sort GroupName >> $GroupListOutputFIle

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The first one gives me the same output ive been getting.  The 2nd one im going to pm you the output but it doesnt give the desired results.
Can you run the very first script I posted and tell me if the group named files contain the members of the group?

Can you post or send me the output of this command:

Get-ADGroupMember -Identity "<Put-DN-Here>" | Select Name

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I need to see want is being returned and how the data is formatted.

One more script edit.  Can you try this?

# Load the AD Module
Import-Module ActiveDirectory

# Setup Globals
$SearchBase = "<YourOuStructureGoesHere>"
$Groups = Get-ADGroup -Filter * -SearchBase $SearchBase -Properties Name, DistinguishedName, groupType, Description | Select Name, DistinguishedName, Description
$GroupListOutputFile = "Get-AdGroupInfo-Report.csv"
$GroupOutput = @()

##### Main #####
Write-Host "Found " $Groups.Count " groups in Active Directory location : " $SearchBase

foreach ($group in $Groups)
	if ($Group.DistinguishedName -ne $Null)
		$gm = Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $group.DistinguishedName | Select Name
		Write-Host "Working on group : " $group.Name
		$ginfo = New-Object PSObject
		$ginfo | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name  "GroupName" -Value $group.Name
		$ginfo | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name  "GroupDN" -Value $group.DistinguishedName
		$ginfo | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name  "GroupDescription" -Value $group.Description
		$ginfo | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name  "Members" -Value ([string]::Join(";",$gm.Name))
		$GroupOutput += $ginfo

$GroupOutput | Sort GroupName | Export-Csv $GroupListOutputFile  -NoTypeInformation -UseCulture -Encoding UTF8

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I think this has to do with the way the Join works in PowerShell v2 as compared to PS3+.

Let me know.

This is what im getting.  Should i try going to version 3 at this point?
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Dan McFadden
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Thanks for everything.