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Avatar of Bob Stone
Bob StoneFlag for United States of America

asked on

Header too wide and remove absolute positioning on header ad in mobile view.

On a site I'm helping a friend fix most of the site looks good in mobile view except the header. I've put

@media screen and (max-width: 1002px) and (min-width: 768px) {
#logo {
      max-width: 597px;
      overflow: hidden;
#topform {
      position: relative;
in CSS but logo is still way too wide and topform is still plastered over header.

How do I fix this?
Avatar of Steve Bink
Steve Bink
Flag of United States of America image

#topform is set as position;relative, which takes it out of the normal flow.  That means it a) appears as a higher z-index than normal flow elements (e.g., #logo), and b) it will appear relative to the position it would have had as a normal flow box.

If you want to hide #topform, use display:none.
Avatar of Bob Stone


That's one solution to half the problem. Doesn't solve the header being too wide thing and I'd like it to be under the main header, or somewhere on the page just not on top of header.
One of the problems I've seen in your HTML structure is that it does not support the "normal" flow of what you want to do.  That means #topform needs to be positioned (absolute or relative) in order to have it show up where you want it.  That, in turn, leads to some funky CSS requirements, especially when responding to viewport changes.

I recommend going back to your structure for a little reorganization.  If #topform should be part of #main-header-wrapper, then make it part of #main-header-wrapper.  If you want them to flow naturally, mark #topform and #header as inline-block, and allow them to re-flow naturally on resizing.  As it is, your structure is working against you.
OK, how so?
I'm not a Wordpress guy, so I can't direct you in editing your theme.  That said, it could use some editing.  EVERYTHING is a float at the top level, which makes it difficult to move things around.  Moving #topform to be inside #main-header-wrapper allows your CSS to use natural flow.
Clearly it needs more editing, just not entirely sure where and what, hence the question here.
That's really more of a question of design strategy than anything specific to Wordpress.  The issue is that it *is* in Wordpress, which means any edits have to consider the environment as well.

Still, editing your structure to follow a more natural flow should not be that difficult.  Do you have enough expertise in HTML and CSS to change this structure?
The entire theme doesn't need redone just the header width in mobile view mostly. Do you not have enough expertise in CSS to suggest anything more helpful than 'redo the whole thing'?
I surely do, but this is not necessarily a quick project.  Given the source files, I can be a bit more descriptive in my recommendations, but the final responsibility for redesigning the structure is going to fall to you.  

At the very least, the header needs to be redesigned to not rely so heavily on floats.  From what I've seen, the elements you are ascribing to the header are not necessarily in the header, which means redesign in going to impact other sections of the template.  You also have to worry about the parent/hierarchy, and how particular CSS selectors will be impacted.  

This could end up being something quick and easy.  It could also fall apart into a labyrinthine mess the moment you pull the first thread.  Post your source files, and we can take a more in-depth look.
header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); // HTTP/1.1
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@media screen and (max-width: 1002px) and (min-width: 768px) {

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Steve Bink
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Thanks, good suggestions, just haven't had time to try any yet. I'll get back to you when I can.