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Avatar of Peter Chan
Peter ChanFlag for Hong Kong

asked on

Problem to codes

there is no output file generated due to the writer below

        For Each companyCode In ds.Select(Function(x) x.CompanyCode).Distinct
            Using writer As StreamWriter = New StreamWriter("c:\\out1.txt")
                writer.WriteLine("33 " + companyCode)
            End Using
            For Each journalCode In ds.Where(Function(x) x.CompanyCode.Equals(companyCode, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).Select(Function(x) x.JournalCode).Distinct
                GenerateFile(companyCode, journalCode, dataRangeCollection)

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what can I further check, for the reason of this?
Avatar of AndyAinscow
Flag of Switzerland image

Permissions problem?  On numbers of windows systems writing to the root directory is not so easy.
Try creating a directory (eg.  C:\test) and writing to a file in that.

For Each companyCode In ds.Select(Function(x) x.CompanyCode).Distinct
            Using writer As StreamWriter = New StreamWriter("c:\\test\\out1.txt")  <<---------
                writer.WriteLine("33 " + companyCode)
            End Using
            For Each journalCode In ds.Where(Function(x) x.CompanyCode.Equals(companyCode, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).Select(Function(x) x.JournalCode).Distinct
                GenerateFile(companyCode, journalCode, dataRangeCollection)

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ps.  Your code only writes the 33 plus the company code - do you want the using outside the loop?

            Using writer As StreamWriter = New StreamWriter("c:\\out1.txt")
For Each companyCode In ds.Select(Function(x) x.CompanyCode).Distinct
                writer.WriteLine("33 " + companyCode)
            For Each journalCode In ds.Where(Function(x) x.CompanyCode.Equals(companyCode, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).Select(Function(x) x.JournalCode).Distinct
                GenerateFile(companyCode, journalCode, dataRangeCollection)
            End Using

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Avatar of Peter Chan


Right before the above codes, I really am able to write to "c:\".

The problem is, how to capture the reason why the above writer part codes are not able to create file, as expected.
Any other way to capture any other reasons there?
>>Right before the above codes, I really am able to write to "c:\".

How?  Is it the same way with a stream writer?  (Please show some code you use)
Yes, same way.
Avatar of AndyAinscow
Flag of Switzerland image

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If the part cannot be executed, how to find out more reasons, to the following codes?

        ds = New ExportInterComSalesDataToSunAccountDataSource(dataRangeCollection, ReportOption.GetDatabases, conn)
        TotalLoadedRows += ds.LoadReportData

        For Each companyCode In ds.Select(Function(x) x.CompanyCode).Distinct
            For Each journalCode In ds.Where(Function(x) x.CompanyCode.Equals(companyCode, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).Select(Function(x) x.JournalCode).Distinct
                GenerateFile(companyCode, journalCode, dataRangeCollection)

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And here is

Public Class ExportInterComSalesDataToSunAccountDataSource
    Inherits ExportDataToSunAccountDataSourceBase

    Public Sub New(ByVal reportOptions As ISalesReportOptions,
          Optional ByVal Databases() As String = Nothing,
          Optional ByVal dataConnection As MySqlConnection = Nothing)
        MyBase.New(reportOptions, Databases, dataConnection)
        DocumentCode = "INTERCOM SALES"
    End Sub

    Public Sub New(ByVal dataRanges As DataRangeOptionCollection,
          Optional ByVal Databases() As String = Nothing,
          Optional ByVal dataConnection As MySqlConnection = Nothing)
        MyBase.New(dataRanges, Databases, dataConnection)
        DocumentCode = "INTERCOM SALES"
    End Sub

    Private brandList As BrandCollection

    Public Overrides Function LoadReportData() As Integer
        Dim loadCount As Integer = 0
        Dim conn As MySqlConnection = OpenConnection()
        If brandList Is Nothing Then
            brandList = New BrandCollection
        End If
        loadCount += LoadSalesData(conn)
        loadCount += LoadPaymentData(conn)
        Return loadCount
    End Function

    Public Function LoadSalesData(conn As MySqlConnection) As Integer
        Dim rtv As Integer = 0
        Dim sqls() As String = Nothing
        If OptionForm IsNot Nothing Then
            sqls = GetQueries(Function(db) GetSalesDataSqlProductLevel(db, OptionForm))
            sqls = GetQueries(Function(db) GetSalesDataSqlProductLevel(db, DataRanges, True))
        End If
        Dim sql As String = String.Join(" union all ", sqls)
        Dim data As DataTable = GetDataTable(sql, conn)
        Dim companyCode As String = ""
        Dim journalCode As String = ""
        Dim accountCode As String = ""
        Dim description As String = ""
        Dim transactionRef As String = ""
        Dim tdate As Date = Nothing
        Dim debitCredit As String = ""
        Dim brandName As String = ""
        Dim brandCode As String = ""
        Dim productTypeCode As String = ""
        Dim department As String = ""
        Dim staffNo As String = ""
        Dim shopCode As String = ""
        Dim shopName As String = ""
        Dim stakeholder As String = ""
        Dim analysisValue As String = ""
        Dim accCodeItem As SunAccountCodeItem
        For Each row As DataRow In data.Rows
            journalCode = ""
            accountCode = ""
            debitCredit = ""
            description = "Sales Import"
            transactionRef = ""
            tdate = row(TXNDATE_FIELD.AliasName).ToString.Trim
            productTypeCode = row(PRODUCTTYPECODE_FIELD.AliasName).ToString.Trim
            department = "SHOES"
            brandName = row(PRODUCTBRANDNAME_FIELD.AliasName).ToString.Trim
            If brandList.Contains(brandName) Then brandCode = brandList.Item(brandName).BrandCodes.Min()
            shopCode = row(SHOPCODE_FIELD.AliasName).ToString.Trim
            shopName = FromDbText(row(SHOPNAME_FIELD.AliasName).ToString.Trim)
            companyCode = GetSunAccountCompanyCode(row(DBGROUP_FIELD.AliasName).ToString)
            If GetSunShopCompany(shopCode) <> "" Then companyCode = GetSunShopCompany(shopCode)
            staffNo = ""
            stakeholder = ""
            analysisValue = String.Format("{0}.{1}.{2}.{3}", companyCode, shopCode, FOR_ALL, C_SALES)
            accCodeItem = GetSunAccountCode(DocumentCode, analysisValue)
            If accCodeItem IsNot Nothing Then
                journalCode = accCodeItem.JournalCode
                accountCode = accCodeItem.AccountCode
                debitCredit = accCodeItem.DebitCredit
                transactionRef = String.Format("{0}{1:yyyyMMdd}{2}", journalCode, tdate, shopCode)
                Dim theItem As ExportDataToSunAccountItem = item(companyCode, journalCode, accountCode, description, transactionRef, tdate, debitCredit, productTypeCode, department, brandCode, staffNo, shopCode, stakeholder)
                If theItem Is Nothing Then
                    theItem = New ExportDataToSunAccountItem(companyCode, journalCode, accountCode, description, transactionRef, tdate, debitCredit, productTypeCode, department, brandCode, staffNo, shopCode, stakeholder)
                End If
                theItem.Amount += row("damount")
            End If
            rtv += 1
        Return rtv
    End Function

    Public Function LoadPaymentData(conn As MySqlConnection) As Integer
        Dim rtv As Integer = 0
        Dim ds As FinanceDailyPaymentDataSource
        If OptionForm IsNot Nothing Then
            ds = New FinanceDailyPaymentDataSource(OptionForm, Databases, conn)
            ds = New FinanceDailyPaymentDataSource(DataRanges, Databases, conn)
        End If
        rtv += ds.LoadReportData()
        Dim companyCode As String = ""
        Dim journalCode As String = ""
        Dim accountCode As String = ""
        Dim description As String = ""
        Dim transactionRef As String = ""
        Dim tdate As Date = Nothing
        Dim debitCredit As String = ""
        Dim brandName As String = ""
        Dim brandCode As String = ""
        Dim productTypeCode As String = ""
        Dim department As String = ""
        Dim staffNo As String = ""
        Dim shopCode As String = ""
        Dim shopName As String = ""
        Dim stakeholder As String = ""
        Dim totalAmount As Double = 0.0
        Dim bankCharges As Double = 0.0
        Dim analysisValue As String = ""
        Dim accCodeItem As SunAccountCodeItem
        For Each country In ds
            For Each shop In country
                For Each docDate In shop
                    For Each paymentItem In docDate
                        accountCode = ""
                        journalCode = ""
                        debitCredit = ""
                        description = "Sales Import"
                        transactionRef = ""
                        tdate = docDate.DocumentDate
                        productTypeCode = ""
                        department = "SHOES"
                        brandName = ""
                        shopCode = shop.ShopAlias
                        shopName = shop.ShopName
                        companyCode = GetSunAccountCompanyCode(shop.DB)
                        If GetSunShopCompany(shopCode) <> "" Then companyCode = GetSunShopCompany(shopCode)
                        staffNo = ""
                        stakeholder = ""
                        bankCharges = Math.Round(paymentItem.Value * paymentItem.PaymentChgRate, 2)
                        totalAmount = paymentItem.Value
                        Dim theItem As ExportDataToSunAccountItem
                        analysisValue = String.Format("{0}.{1}.{2}.{3}", companyCode, shopCode, paymentItem.Code, C_BANKAMT)
                        accCodeItem = GetSunAccountCode(DocumentCode, analysisValue)
                        If accCodeItem Is Nothing Then
                            analysisValue = String.Format("{0}.{1}.{2}.{3}", companyCode, shopCode, FOR_ALL, C_BANKAMT)
                            accCodeItem = GetSunAccountCode(DocumentCode, analysisValue)
                        End If
                        If accCodeItem IsNot Nothing Then
                            journalCode = accCodeItem.JournalCode
                            accountCode = accCodeItem.AccountCode
                            debitCredit = accCodeItem.DebitCredit
                            transactionRef = String.Format("{0}{1:yyyyMMdd}{2}", journalCode, tdate, shopCode)
                            theItem = item(companyCode, journalCode, accountCode, description, transactionRef, tdate,
                                           debitCredit, productTypeCode, department, brandCode, staffNo, shopCode, stakeholder)
                            If theItem Is Nothing Then
                                theItem = New ExportDataToSunAccountItem(companyCode, journalCode, accountCode, description, transactionRef,
                                                                         tdate, debitCredit, productTypeCode, department, brandCode, staffNo, shopCode, stakeholder)
                            End If
                            theItem.Amount += (totalAmount - bankCharges)
                        End If
                        analysisValue = String.Format("{0}.{1}.{2}.{3}", companyCode, shopCode, paymentItem.Code, C_BANKCHARGES)
                        accCodeItem = GetSunAccountCode(DocumentCode, analysisValue)
                        If accCodeItem Is Nothing Then
                            analysisValue = String.Format("{0}.{1}.{2}.{3}", companyCode, shopCode, FOR_ALL, C_BANKCHARGES)
                            accCodeItem = GetSunAccountCode(DocumentCode, analysisValue)
                        End If
                        If accCodeItem IsNot Nothing Then
                            journalCode = accCodeItem.JournalCode
                            accountCode = accCodeItem.AccountCode
                            debitCredit = accCodeItem.DebitCredit
                            transactionRef = String.Format("{0}{1:yyyyMMdd}{2}", journalCode, tdate, shopCode)
                            theItem = item(companyCode, journalCode, accountCode, description,
                                           transactionRef, tdate, debitCredit, productTypeCode,
                                           department, brandCode, staffNo, shopCode, stakeholder)
                            If theItem Is Nothing Then
                                theItem = New ExportDataToSunAccountItem(companyCode, journalCode, accountCode, description,
                                                                         transactionRef, tdate, debitCredit, productTypeCode,
                                                                         department, brandCode, staffNo, shopCode, stakeholder)
                            End If
                            theItem.Amount += (bankCharges)
                        End If
                        analysisValue = String.Format("{0}.{1}.{2}.{3}", companyCode, shopCode, paymentItem.Code, C_ACCRECEIVABLE)
                        accCodeItem = GetSunAccountCode(DocumentCode, analysisValue)
                        If accCodeItem Is Nothing Then
                            analysisValue = String.Format("{0}.{1}.{2}.{3}", companyCode, shopCode, FOR_ALL, C_ACCRECEIVABLE)
                            accCodeItem = GetSunAccountCode(DocumentCode, analysisValue)
                        End If
                        If accCodeItem IsNot Nothing Then
                            journalCode = accCodeItem.JournalCode
                            accountCode = accCodeItem.AccountCode
                            debitCredit = accCodeItem.DebitCredit
                            transactionRef = String.Format("{0}{1:yyyyMMdd}{2}", journalCode, tdate, shopCode)
                            theItem = item(companyCode, journalCode, accountCode, description, transactionRef, tdate, debitCredit,
                                           productTypeCode, department, brandCode, staffNo, shopCode, stakeholder)
                            If theItem Is Nothing Then
                                theItem = New ExportDataToSunAccountItem(companyCode, journalCode, accountCode, description, transactionRef,
                                                                         tdate, debitCredit, productTypeCode, department, brandCode,
                                                                         staffNo, shopCode, stakeholder)
                            End If
                            theItem.Amount += (totalAmount)
                        End If
        Return rtv
    End Function
End Class

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I want to capture some values in detail, that is being used by "For Each ..." part, how?
Any other help?
I think your original question is partially solved - you know why the file isn't being created/written to.
No, I still cannot step further, as I did originally want to step to the next.
By this thread.
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