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Michael Ambech

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Excluding file types in classic asp

Hi all,

Messing around heavily with an upload feature for my customers. I got the renaming of the file to work thanks to some awesome help in this forum. However what was screwing that code up to begin with was my attempt to restrict filetypes to jpg, jpeg, gif & png files. So - Any great ideas on how to do that without messing up my beatiful working code? I have the name of file serverside and I have the extension, but can't figure out how to do anything with that information. I tried the feature found here, but that was what was messing things up in the first place.

Here's the code that I have so far:

Set oFileUp = Server.CreateObject("SoftArtisans.FileUp")
oFileUp.Path = "server path..."
oFileUp.CreateNewFile = True
oFileUp.OverWriteFiles = True
'oFileUp.Maxbytes = 300

If Not oFileUp.Form("file1").IsEmpty Then

If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Response.Write "<B>Error description:</B> " & Err.Description
Response.Write ""
End If
Response.Write "Error! There is no file chosen for upload!"
End If

strServerName = oFileUp.Form("file1").ServerName

dim fs,p
set fs=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
e=(fs.GetExtensionName("" & strServerName & ""))
p=fs.getfilename("" & strServerName & "")
set fs=nothing

Set oFileUp = Nothing

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Avatar of Michael Ambech
Michael Ambech


It's becoming quite a habit of yours educating my on correct code :-) Thanks!
Actually - It is now restricting everything - not passing through png's and jpg's. Code below. Suggestions?

Set oFileUp = Server.CreateObject("SoftArtisans.FileUp")
oFileUp.Path = "path..."
oFileUp.CreateNewFile = True
oFileUp.OverWriteFiles = True
'oFileUp.Maxbytes = 300

FileName = oFileUp.Form("file1")
if testFileType(FileName) = 0 then  ' see below for function
   ' end
response.redirect "new_file_fail.asp"
   ' or 
response.write "not allowed"
   '   and do not run the rest of the save code
end if

function testFileType(FileName)
   AllowedTypes = " jpg gif png "
   if instr(AllowedTypes,FileType) > 0 Then
        testFileType = 1
        testFileType = 0
   end if

end function

If Not oFileUp.Form("file1").IsEmpty Then

If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Response.Write "<B>Error description:</B> " & Err.Description
Response.Write ""
End If
Response.Write "Error! There is no file chosen for upload!"
End If

strServerName = oFileUp.Form("file1").ServerName

dim fs,p
set fs=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
e=(fs.GetExtensionName("" & strServerName & ""))
p=fs.getfilename("" & strServerName & "")
set fs=nothing

Set oFileUp = Nothing

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test to make sure your input is as expected.  See my test here


test1 = "image.jpg"
test2 = "image.gif"
test3 = "image.png"
test4 = "image.txt"

response.write testFileType(test1)&"<br>"
response.write testFileType(test2)&"<br>"
response.write testFileType(test3)&"<br>"
response.write testFileType(test4)&"<br>"

if testFileType(test1) = 1 then
	response.write "Your image has been saved"
	response.write "This image is the wrong file type"
end if

function testFileType(FileName)
   AllowedTypes = " jpg gif png "
   if instr(AllowedTypes,FileType) > 0 Then
        testFileType = 1
        testFileType = 0
   end if

end function

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Looking at your code

FileName = oFileUp.Form("file1")
if testFileType(FileName) = 0 then  ' see below for function
   ' end
response.redirect "new_file_fail.asp"
   ' or 
response.write "not allowed"
   '   and do not run the rest of the save code
end if

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If the variable FileName = 0 then it redirects so no use using response.write it will never be seen.

Test for input.  Output the FileName and make sure it is as expected.
FileName = oFileUp.Form("file1")
' ******* FOR TESTING ONLY *********
response.write FileName
response.end ' this will prevent anything else from running.
' *********************************
if testFileType(FileName) = 0 then  ' see below for function
   ' end
response.redirect "new_file_fail.asp"
   ' or 
response.write "not allowed"
   '   and do not run the rest of the save code
end if

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Hi Scott,

Thx for the effort so far - hope you bear with my incompetence.

I have the solution working - response.write returns a 0 for disallowed files resulting in the redirect. However in order to get it to work it seems like I have to run the save command first (virtual save to disk I think). Otherwise the files are recognized as .tmp files and therefore all discarded. But if I save the file the function has to delete it afterwards, right?

For instance, response.write FileName (placed early in the code) results in: D:\hshome\sitepath.../files\sa63D7.tmp

Would it be feasible to allow the upload and then initiate a deletion if the file fails the test?
I think you are correct.

1) Upload file.

2) Let FileUp save.

3) Get File name from FileUp (could be the same or new file if it finds a duplicate file name)

4) If file type is not what you want (jpg, gif, png, ?) then either delete the saved file or do nothing else.

5) If the file type is good, then save to  your database.
Well Scott... I couldn't get it to work after all... However: I'm 100% there with this code. You still deserve all the points IMHO though. Thanks for keeping at it!

Set oFileUp = Server.CreateObject("SoftArtisans.FileUp")
oFileUp.Path = "D:\hshome\DOMAINNAME\" & link & "files\"
oFileUp.CreateNewFile = True
oFileUp.OverWriteFiles = True
'oFileUp.Maxbytes = 300

FileName = oFileUp.Form("file1")

FCONT = oFileUp.ContentType 

'--- Use the Select Case Condition to restrict the file type.
Select Case LCase(FCONT) 
Case "image/gif"
Response.Write "<P>" & oFileUp.ShortFileName & " has been saved."

Case "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document" 
Response.Write "<P>" & oFileUp.ShortFileName & " has been saved."

Case "image/jpeg" 
Response.Write "<P>" & oFileUp.ShortFileName & " has been saved."

Case "image/jpg" 
Response.Write "<P>" & oFileUp.ShortFileName & " has been saved."

Case "image/png" 
Response.Write "<P>" & oFileUp.ShortFileName & " has been saved."

Case "image/pjpeg" 
Response.Write "<P>" & oFileUp.ShortFileName & " has been saved."

Case "application/pdf" 
Response.Write "<P>" & oFileUp.ShortFileName & " has been saved."

Case "application/msword" 
Response.Write "<P>" & oFileUp.ShortFileName & " has been saved."

Case Else
Response.write "<P>" & oFileUp.ShortFileName & " is not allowed."
End Select

strServerName = oFileUp.Form("file1").ServerName

dim fs,p
set fs=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
e=(fs.GetExtensionName("" & strServerName & ""))
p=fs.getfilename("" & strServerName & "")

set fs=nothing

Set oFileUp = Nothing

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