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AleksFlag for United States of America

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ASP - Display Stored Procedure results

I created a very simple stored procedure with one parameter.

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[report_basic_contacts_01_results]
    @Firmid INT 
   SELECT a.Userid, a.Firmid, a.EmployerId, a.LastNm, a.FirstNm, a.Title,, b.MaidenNm
FROM users a  LEFT JOIN users AS b ON a.employerid = b.userid
WHERE a.usertype = 'corpuser' AND a.firmid = @Firmid  AND a.archivedcont = 0
ORDER BY b.MaidenNm, a.LastNm


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In the ASP page I run the Stored Procedure as:


Dim sp_results__Firmid
sp_results__Firmid = "0"
if(Session("Firmid")  <> "") then sp_results__Firmid = Session("Firmid") 


set sp_results = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
sp_results.ActiveConnection = MM_bluedot_STRING
sp_results.CommandText = "dbo.report_basic_contacts_01_results"
sp_results.Parameters.Append sp_results.CreateParameter("@RETURN_VALUE", 3, 4)
sp_results.Parameters.Append sp_results.CreateParameter("@Firmid", 3, 1,4,sp_results__Firmid)
sp_results.CommandType = 4
sp_results.CommandTimeout = 0
sp_results.Prepared = true
set report_results = sp_results.Execute
report_results_numRows = 0


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But then when I try to display the results I get an error and nothing shows:

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Could not find stored procedure 'dbo.report_basic_contacts_01_results'.

Even though it clearly exists.

if I run it in SQL I do get the results just fine:

EXEC[report_basic_contacts_01_results] 2

The whole data set shows. So its an ASP issue.
Can you please help ?
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Any ideas ?
Make sure you have GRANTed permission to the user that asp is connecting as.
Avatar of Aleks


It has full permission. Something is wrong with the asp code
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For example I tried to display this value:  


got this error:

Microsoft VBScript runtime  error '800a01a8' 

Object required: '' 

/bluedot/Intranet/reports/basic_contacts_01_results.asp, line 119 

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Avatar of Vadim Rapp
the 2nd piece of your code can be simplified to this:

set cn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.connection") MM_bluedot_STRING ' assuming MM_bluedot_STRING is your connection string
set rs= cn.execute("exec [dbo].[report_basic_contacts_01_results] " & sp_results__Firmid)

But then you probably have to somehow show the results. The code you posted runs stored procedure, but it has nothing that would actually fetch the results and send them as response. You probably need something like this:

do while not rs.eof
response.write rs(0) & "<br>"
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I would like to leave the SP code as is, this way I can use the program I am using to modify it, unless it NEEDS to be modified but if its to simplify I rather keep as such.

I changed my code as follow, but I get the same error

<!DOCTYPE html>


Dim sp_results__Firmid
sp_results__Firmid = "0"
if(Session("Firmid")  <> "") then sp_results__Firmid = Session("Firmid") 


set sp_results = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
sp_results.ActiveConnection = MM_bluedot_STRING
sp_results.CommandText = "dbo.report_basic_contacts_01_results"
sp_results.Parameters.Append sp_results.CreateParameter("@RETURN_VALUE", 3, 4)
sp_results.Parameters.Append sp_results.CreateParameter("@Firmid", 3, 1,4,sp_results__Firmid)
sp_results.CommandType = 4
sp_results.CommandTimeout = 0
sp_results.Prepared = true
set report_results = sp_results.Execute
report_results_numRows = 0


Dim Repeat1__numRows
Dim Repeat1__index

Repeat1__numRows = -1
Repeat1__index = 0
sp_results_numRows = rs_sp_results_numRows + Repeat1__numRows



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            <h5>Report results - <%=(dbo.report_basic_contacts_01_results.Fields.Item("Firmid").Value)%></h5>
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            <div class="table-responsive">
              <table class="table table-striped table-bordered table-hover dataTables-example" >
                    <th width="6%">Actions</th>
                    <th width="32%">Name</th>
                    <th width="25%">Signatory</th>
                    <th width="37%">Signatory email</th>
While ((Repeat1__numRows <> 0) AND (NOT sp_results.EOF)) 
                    <tr class="gradeX">
                      <td><a href="../employers/corpusers_edit.asp?employerid=<%=(sp_results.Fields.Item("employerid").Value)%>&CorpuserId=<%=(sp_results.Fields.Item("userid").Value)%>" class="btn btn-white btn-sm"><i class="fa fa-folder" text-navy></i></a></td>
                      <td><%=(sp_results.Fields.Item("FirstNm").Value)%>&nbsp; <%=(sp_results.Fields.Item("LastNm").Value)%></td>

                    <th>Signatory email</th>


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Set sp_results = Nothing

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This is a dbo user and this is the SP:

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[report_basic_contacts_01_results]
    @Firmid INT 
   SELECT a.Userid, a.Firmid, a.EmployerId, a.LastNm, a.FirstNm, a.Title,, b.MaidenNm
FROM users a  left join users as b on a.employerid = b.userid
WHERE a.usertype = 'corpuser' and a.firmid = @Firmid  and a.archivedcont = 0
ORDER BY b.MaidenNm, a.LastNm

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Seems like it should be pretty simple. I am just passing one variable. If I do this on the SQL Enterprise manager it returns the results fine  :$
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YES  !! Thank you so much !!! it appears to have worked.