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rwheeler23Flag for United States of America

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SSRS reports embedded in application suddenly stop working.

We have a window embedded in our application that displays SSRS reports. This has worked for years. Suddenly users reported that these reports were failing. They would all fail with a message similar to the one below. So I logged in as the domain admin who is also a sysadmin in SQL and I get the same message.

Query execution failed for dataset 'seeGLAPDaysOutstandingDetail'. (rsErrorExecutingCommand) Get Online Help
The EXECUTE permission was denied on the object 'seeGLAPDaysOutstandingDetail', database 'POWMT', schema 'dbo'.

I know what this message means but why is the sysadmin getting this message? How can I track this down to find out what is really causing this?
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Jose Torres
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The problem had something to do with the vendors installation program for their reports. Just for kicks I re-deployed all their reports and now the reports work.
Thanks for checking in on this one.