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Poly11Flag for United States of America

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Unable to connect to SQL database using MS Access. Getting data link error.


We have a Windows 2008 SBS which is hosting a SQL database. The database itself is running and can be accessed using a web browser from any of the networked workstations. For order processing our contracted database administrator created an MS Access file that can connect to the database so that information can be filtered for client orders. This file used to connect without issue and is no longer working.

I have attached a screen capture of the error that is received while attempting to connect to the database using MS Access. No passwords have change nor has anything on the server.

Any advice regarding this issue will be most appreciated.

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Vitor Montalvão
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Check if the SQL Server service and SQL Server Browser are running in the server machine. If not, start them and try again.
Are all users having  this issue on different computers or is it just a problem on one computer or with one user?

If it's just with one user, have you confirmed that the user account in question isn't locked out or have an expired password? Even though the user may be logged on to the PC, if the password has expired or if the account is locked out, the user will have issues connecting to online resources such as DBs, printers, shared drives, etc.
Avatar of Poly11


Thank you for your responses. The services are running on the server and the problem is happening for all users on the network on different workstations.
Just two thoughts:
- check your TCP/IP connection (try to connect to port 1433 of your server):
telnet YOURSERVERIP 1433 

Open in new window

- check your server's firewall configuration (temporarily disable Windows firewall and check if MS Access client can connect)

You can find more information about connectivity troubleshooting in MS378845 article.
Yes, MSSQL port can be blocked in the firewall. Please confirm that.
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Thank you for your responses. Port 1433 is open in the Windows FIrewall, however netstat -a does not show 1433 in the listing. When I try the telnet command it responds that it could not open the connection to the host.

With the firewall disabled and virus protection disabled the problem still continues. I checked the running services and do so SQL Server, SQL Server Agent, SQL Server Analysis Services, SQL Server Browser, SQL Server FullText Search, SQL Server Integration Services, SQL Server Reporting Services and SQL Server VSS Writer are running. There is 1 SQL service that is not running which is SQL Server Active Directory Helper.

Any other suggestions will be appreciated.

Thanks again
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Sorry for the delay. We found that the port was blocked.