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SQL, How to combine queries by a common column?

Hi Experts,

I have wrote  queries, all of them have a common column ' Store Full Name'. I want to combine all queries to show a result like below. Can you help me on it?  Thank you.

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The Queries needed to be combined are below

select st.StoreID, StoreName,
       CASE WHEN storefullname like '%Anderson Financial Services%' THEN 'Anderson Financial Services, LLC'
       WHEN storefullname like '%Kipling Financial Services%' THEN 'Kilpling Financial Services, LLC'
       WHEN storefullname like '%LoanSmart%' THEN 'LoanSmart, LLC'
       END AS StoreFullName
Into #GroupByStores
       from tblStores st join tblStores_tblStoreTypes sst on st.StoreID=sst.storeid 
where st.StoreState ='VA'
AND sst.StoreTypeID=1
AND (StoreFullName LIKE '%Anderson Financial Services%' OR StoreFullName LIKE '%Kipling Financial Services%' OR StoreFullName LIKE '%LoanSmart%')

select storefullname
       ,COUNT(loanid) as numberofloans            ---verified 54486----
       ,SUM(loanamountfinanced) as dolloaramountofloans
       ,MAX(LoanAmountFinanced) as highestamountofloans
       ,MIN(LoanAmountFinanced) as lowestamountofloans
       ,AVG(Loanamountfinanced) as avgamountofloans
       ,MAX(FN.TILAAPR) as highestAPR
       ,MIN(FN.TILAAPR) as lowestAPR
       ,AVG(FN.TILAAPR) as avgAPR
    (Select S.storefullname
     , L.loanid
     , L.loanamountfinanced
From tblLoans L inner join #GroupByStores S on L.LoanStoreID =S.STOREID
Where L.LoanDate >='20150101' and LoanDate <= '20151231'
AND L.AssetTypeID=1) a
Group by storefullname

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------# of customers---
     ,count(distinct c.customerssn) as numberofcustomers
     tblCustomers c left join 
     tblLoans L on L. CustomerID = c.customerID INNER JOIN 
     #GroupByStores S on L.LoanStoreID =S.STOREID 
     Where L.LoanDate >='20150101' and LoanDate <= '20151231'

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---------get # of late payment ---

     ,COUNT (DISTINCT L.LOANId) AS numberoflatepayment

From tblLoans L inner join 
     tblReportingTransactions R on L.loanID = R. LoanID INNER JOIN 
     #GroupByStores S on  L.LoanStoreID  =S.STOREID
WHERE R.TransactionDate >='20150101' and R.TransactionDate <='20151231'   
      AND R.DaysLate>=60
      AND L.LoanDate >= '20101001'
Group by S.storefullname

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---repossessedCars & Sold Cars-----



      , COUNT(L.loanid ) as repossessed

      ,  Sum(case when L.AuctionCheckDate >= '20150101' AND L.AUCTIONCHECKDATE <= '20151231'

     AND L.AuctionCheckAmount >0 then 1 else 0 end ) as soldcars

FROM tblStatusTransactions ST INNER JOIN 

     tblLoans L ON ST.StatusTransactionLoanID=L.LoanID INNER JOIN 


WHERE ST.StatusTransactiontypeID =3 

     AND L.LoanDate >= '20101001' 

     AND ST.StatusTransactionDate >='20150101' AND ST.StatusTransactionDate <= '20151231'   


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Avatar of Jim Horn
Jim Horn
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Also note that a string column like name can not take advantage of clustered indexes.  Well, technically you can create a clustered index on a string, but most of the time that is not what you really want to do.  Clustered indexes are best for values that are increasing, such as an integer Id.

What this means is that your query is missing out on a performance gain.
Avatar of tanj1035


Thanks for your help.

Thanks for your comments on join column and I will keep it in mind in the future.

In my case,  'Store Full Name' from all sets of queries should return the same 'Store Full Name' as each query joined #StoreFullName. Maybe I wrote it in a stupid way. So, I do not know if join the name column will cause any problems in my case from your knowledge?

Thank you
hi zephyr_hex,

Do you mind to show me any example for me to learn? Thanks.
>So, I do not know if join the name column will cause any problems in my case from your knowledge?
Maybe not now, but you're just setting yourself up for trouble.  
Check this guy out.  Not me.  He probably doesn't want to get my recruiter email, and I can't perform his gigs.
Typos.  What if 'Sit & Spin' is in one table, and 'Sit&Spin' in another?  The query will treat them as different entities, when they are the same.
Bruce Jenner changes his name to Caitlin Jenner.  How ya gonna handle backwards compatibility with that???  And for the first bullet, what if there's already a Caitlin Jenner?
To Zepher's point, say your text field is a varchar(50).  That's 51 bytes of memory, comapred to an int which is four bytes.  That's going to be a big honkin' inefficient index, so queries will run slow.
Is any of this considered personally identifiable information (PII) and sent to that client?  There's a privacy breach lawsuit waiting to happen.

Thanks for the grade.  Good luck with your project.
Don't use the store name until you actually need it.

Throughout your queries you have access to storeid ... use that for the "guts" of the query, then - at the last moment - use the name. This is a general principle: put off using names/labels/concatenations/date formatting/any "pretty stuff" until the last moment.

                FROM tblLoans L
                WHERE L.LoanDate >= '20150101'
                AND L.LoanDate < '20160101' --<< always use the alias and use: less than "the next day"
                AND L.AssetTypeID = 1
      , COUNT(loanid)           AS numberofloans            ---verified 54486----
      , SUM(loanamountfinanced) AS dolloaramountofloans
      , MAX(LoanAmountFinanced) AS highestamountofloans
      , MIN(LoanAmountFinanced) AS lowestamountofloans
      , AVG(Loanamountfinanced) AS avgamountofloans
      , MAX(FN.TILAAPR)         AS highestAPR
      , MIN(FN.TILAAPR)         AS lowestAPR
      , c.numberofcustomers
      , p.numberoflatepayment
      , rc.repossessed
      , rc.soldcars
FROM #GroupByStores S
        INNER JOIN CTELoans L ON S.STOREID = L.LoanStoreID
        CROSS APPLY GetTILAInfo(L.LoanID) AS FN --<< always use the alias
        LEFT JOIN
        ( /* # of customers */
                      , COUNT(DISTINCT tblCustomers.customerssn) AS numberofcustomers
                FROM CTELoans L1
                        INNER JOIN tblCustomers ON L1.CustomerID = tblCustomers.customerID
                GROUP BY L1.LoanStoreID
        ) c ON S.STOREID = C.LoanStoreID
        LEFT JOIN
        (  /* get # of late payments */
                      , COUNT(DISTINCT L2.LOANId) AS numberoflatepayment
                FROM tblLoans L2
                        INNER JOIN tblReportingTransactions R ON L2.loanID = R.LoanID
                WHERE R.TransactionDate >= '20150101'
                AND R.TransactionDate < '20160101' --<< use: less than "the next day"
                AND R.DaysLate >= 60
                AND L2.LoanDate >= '20101001'
                GROUP BY L2.LoanStoreID
        ) p ON S.STOREID = p.LoanStoreID
        LEFT JOIN
        ( /* repossessedCars & Sold Cars */
                      , COUNT(DISTINCT L3.loanid) AS repossessed --<< isn't DISTINCT NEEDED HERE????
                      , SUM(CASE
                                WHEN L3.AuctionCheckDate >= '20150101' AND
                                        L3.AUCTIONCHECKDATE < '20160101' AND --<< use: less than "the next day"
                                        L3.AuctionCheckAmount > 0 THEN 1
                                ELSE 0
                        END)                      AS soldcars
                FROM tblStatusTransactions ST
                        INNER JOIN CTELoans L3 ON ST.StatusTransactionLoanID = L3.LoanID
                WHERE ST.StatusTransactiontypeID = 3
                AND ST.StatusTransactionDate >= '20150101'
                AND ST.StatusTransactionDate < '20160101' --<< use: less than "the next day"
                AND L3.LoanDate >= '20101001'
                GROUP BY L3.LoanID
        ) rc ON S.STOREID = rc.LoanStoreID
      , c.numberofcustomers
      , p.numberoflatepayment
      , rc.repossessed
      , rc.soldcars


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Note I have no idea how you generate that temp table. Maybe it is needed, maybe not.

I have introduced a CTE because I can get some performance savings (by reuse of that CTE for the count of customers)

PLEASE be careful to ALWAYS use table aliases. While you did that for most, sometimes you didn't and that can get you into trouble - particularly when you try to combine multiple queries.

and, I STRONGLY recommend you start thinking about date ranges using a combination of "greater then or equal" with "less than" (the wanted day)+1

{+edit} and I used LEFT JOINS for those "derived tables", I don't know if that is required but it might be (e.g. if there are no repossessed cars), for final output you might need ISNULL() or COALESCE()

and, while I was producing this answer, a number of other comments occurred - oh well.

{+edit 2}
oh and I think you need a DISTINCT in one of the counts

and... don't embed comments using --, instead use
/* comment here */

where I have used --<< some comment
I would expect you to remove that