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military donutFlag for United States of America

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Better Search Form

Been trying to improve upon my search form and well, I have a sample here but can't get it working correctly

I have the main form with 2 subforms

The main form has the search criteria, the first subform is in Datasheet view.  The apply filter applies it to the datasheet subform.  I have it set that if you select the record and double click it should open that record in the 2nd subform.

That is where the issue is.  I can't get it to do it.  When you doubleclick the "very first record" it opens it just fine.  Any other record, it doesn't.

Not sure where I am wrong.  I am posting that dB here.
Avatar of Dale Fye
Dale Fye
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from my iPad,

can you post just the code from your double click event?
Avatar of military donut



This is the code from the Apply Filter

Private Sub cmdApplyFilter_Click()
    Dim strFirstName As String
    Dim strLastName As String
    Dim strFilter As String

' Build First Name criteria string
    If IsNull(Me.txtFirstName.Value) Then
        strFirstName = "Like '*'"
        Select Case Me.fraFirstName.Value
            Case 1
                strFirstName = "Like '" & Me.txtFirstName.Value & "*'"
            Case 2
                strFirstName = "Like '*" & Me.txtFirstName.Value & "*'"
            Case 3
                strFirstName = "Like '*" & Me.txtFirstName.Value & "'"
            Case 4
                strFirstName = "= '" & Me.txtFirstName.Value & "'"
        End Select
    End If
' Build Last Name criteria string
    If IsNull(Me.txtLastName.Value) Then
        strLastName = "Like '*'"
        Select Case Me.fraLastName.Value
            Case 1
                strLastName = "Like '" & Me.txtLastName.Value & "*'"
            Case 2
                strLastName = "Like '*" & Me.txtLastName.Value & "*'"
            Case 3
                strLastName = "Like '*" & Me.txtLastName.Value & "'"
            Case 4
                strLastName = "= '" & Me.txtLastName.Value & "'"
        End Select
    End If
' Build filter string
    strFilter = "[FirstName] " & strFirstName & _
                " AND [LastName] " & strLastName
' Apply filter to form
        Me.frm.Form.Filter = strFilter
        Me.frm.Form.FilterOn = True
End Sub

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Avatar of crystal (strive4peace)
crystal (strive4peace)

Ernest, I see Dale is helping so you are in good hands ~ Requery sets the record back to 1 -- use Bookmark to save position and set it back after requery

Dale, Ernest was using a split form and, in another thread, I suggested a regular form with unbound combos in the header and gave him filter code to customize
Thanks Crystal!
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I was just a sample...I didn't set it up but was working with primarily the coding Crystal was working with me on.

I have my DB that is right....but I think I got that to work properly by moving it to the ID in the form's record source.

just testing to make sure at this point.
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