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Rick Goodman

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Deploying Office 2016 using SCM 2012 R2 SP1 - multi-user PCs

We are using O365 with clients currently running Office 2013 and are looking at upgrading our clients to Office 2016. I can find quite a bit of information on how to push this out using SCCM, which we are currently on SCCM 2012 R2 SP1.

However, we have many workstations that have multiple users that log in and work on them depending on the day and shift. When we deployed 2013 there was a multi-user install as well as a registry change you had to make after you launched the app for the initial time for each user but before activating the app for that particular user.

Does anyone know how I can install Office 2016 on these same computers? Is Office 2016 done differently, and if so, how? If not, how can I accomplish this in SCCM 2012 R2 SP1?
Avatar of Jeffrey Kane - TechSoEasy
Jeffrey Kane - TechSoEasy
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It shouldn't be a problem at all.

Tutorial is here:
Avatar of Rick Goodman
Rick Goodman


Thanks. I did see something similar. The issue we had with the last roll out is that it seems users have to activate every time they login to use O365 unless we make this registry entry below. And it seems the timing has to be they open office, then put this key in, and then they login. I'm hoping there's a way to avoid this. Any thoughts?

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
Avatar of Jeffrey Kane - TechSoEasy
Jeffrey Kane - TechSoEasy
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Thanks. Do you know if that's true if we're not using ADFS? We're not at this time.
I don't know why it wouldn't be -- the activation service has nothing at all to do with ADFS.
OK, thanks. I just deployed it today to a test PC and am going to test the shared PC option tomorrow. Thanks. for the help.