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Barracuda Message Archiver 350 - Unstub all emails from an Exchange folder at one time
We have a Barracuda Message Archiver 350 which is being used to stub project email attachments from an Exchange mailbox. The mailbox is almost 27 gigs in size and has multiple folders. When you click on an email which has been stubbed, there will be a link in the message that you can click on to retrieve the attachment. does anyone know of a way to unstub all of the attachments from the mailbox at one time? The Barracuda will be going away soon. The only thing I have found in regards to this issue is the following "f you would like to unstub all emails in Exchange, please contact Barracuda Technical Support for assistance"; this was on their support page. Since our support contract has expired, this is no longer an option. Thanks for your help.
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