Leonel Garcia
asked on
Custom Ribbon doesn't refresh
First of all many thanks for take some time to read my question.
I'm new with XML-VBA (actually is my 1st incursion on this)
I've create the following custom ribbon for an Excell addin:
And the following code in my VBA project (not developed for me, as I mentioned I'm new on this)
Module Ribbon
Module Buttons
All works fine when I start Excel, the addin is loaded, the custom "test Tab" is showed, once the login is completed three additional buttons are showed, my problem is that after I press button "Generar" or "Dudas/comentarios" the macro assigned to these run OK and when I press the "Salir" button to hide the buttons but I received the notification that something went wrong (Runtime error 91: Object variable or with block variable not set), I've reviewed and looking for information but I have not find nothing related.
Many thanks in advance for your help.
I'm new with XML-VBA (actually is my 1st incursion on this)
I've create the following custom ribbon for an Excell addin:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<customUI onLoad="RibbonOnLoad" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2009/07/customui">
<!-- Creamos tab para el administrador con sus botones-->
<tab id="customTab" label="BPR Moldeo" insertAfterMso="TabView">
<!-- Creamos grupo de botones 2 "Acceso"-->
<group id="customGroup2" label="Activar sistema" tag="Accede">
<button id="customButton12" label="Log in" size="large" onAction="sesion" imageMso="ReviewProtectWorkbook" />
<!--Group 0 "Generar BPR"-->
<group id="customGroup0" label="BPRs Moldeo" getVisible="GetVisible" tag="LGGenerar">
<button id="customButton0" label="Generar" size="large" onAction="Inicio" imageMso="PivotTableInsert" />
<!-- Group Note-->
<group id="customGroup1" label="By I. Q. Leonel Garcia [QA AL]" getVisible="GetVisible" tag="LGAyuda">
<button id="customButton11" label="Dudas / Comentarios" size="large" onAction="Envia_Mail" imageMso="FileSendMenu" />
<!-- Group Exit-->
<group id="customGroup3" label="Desconexión" getVisible="GetVisible" tag="LGSalir">
<button id="customButton13" label="Salir" size="large" onAction="Oculta" imageMso="WindowClose" />
And the following code in my VBA project (not developed for me, as I mentioned I'm new on this)
Module Ribbon
Option Explicit
Public Rib As IRibbonUI
Public MyTag As String
'Callback for customUI.onLoad
Public Sub RibbonOnLoad(ribbon As IRibbonUI)
Set Rib = ribbon
End Sub
Sub GetVisible(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef visible)
If MyTag = "show" Then
visible = True
If control.Tag Like MyTag Then
visible = True
visible = False
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub RefreshRibbon(Tag As String)
MyTag = Tag
'If Rib Is Nothing Then
' MsgBox "Error, reinicia Excel"
'End If
End Sub
Module Buttons
Sub ShowAllButtons()
'Show All
Call RefreshRibbon(Tag:="*")
End Sub
Sub HideButtons()
'Hide all with a Tag that start with "LG"
Call RefreshRibbon(Tag:="Login")
End Sub
Sub Oculta(control As IRibbonControl)
Call HideButtons
End Sub
All works fine when I start Excel, the addin is loaded, the custom "test Tab" is showed, once the login is completed three additional buttons are showed, my problem is that after I press button "Generar" or "Dudas/comentarios" the macro assigned to these run OK and when I press the "Salir" button to hide the buttons but I received the notification that something went wrong (Runtime error 91: Object variable or with block variable not set), I've reviewed and looking for information but I have not find nothing related.
Many thanks in advance for your help.
Google for Greg Maxey (MS Word) or Ron de Bruin (MS Excel) both have great examples for custom Ribbons
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@ste5an are you actually advocating On Error Resume Next?
Also your comments are confusing (at least they are to me)....
Clean up your code, e.g.
Sorry not understanding, perhaps there's a typo?
Also your comments are confusing (at least they are to me)....
Clean up your code, e.g.
<Ribbon XML>
<2 VBA Functions>
Sorry not understanding, perhaps there's a typo?
Hi ste5an many thanks for your answer, I've reviewed it and definitely is a better approach, I've set this part as follows:
In this way when file opens I only can see login group as I need, my doubt is how can I proceed in order to show the three groups (grpGenerarBpr, grpNote and grpExit) once the macro assigned to button btnLogIn finishes?.
Many thanks in advance for your help.
Best regards
Public Sub RibbonGetVisible(AControl As IRibbonControl, ByRef AVisible)
On Local Error Resume Next
' Here you can check preconditions (m_Tag) for each button.
Select Case AControl.ID
Case Is = "grpGenerarBpr"
AVisible = False
Case Is = "grpNote"
AVisible = False
Case Is = "grpExit"
AVisible = False
Case Else
AVisible = False
End Select
End Sub
In this way when file opens I only can see login group as I need, my doubt is how can I proceed in order to show the three groups (grpGenerarBpr, grpNote and grpExit) once the macro assigned to button btnLogIn finishes?.
Many thanks in advance for your help.
Best regards
Hi ste5an
In response to your recently deleted post, I probably misinterpreted - looked like you were suggesting that the Ribbon XML could be replaced with VBA....
Clean up this <XML> with <VBA>; i.e. I thought replace this <XML> with <VBA>. Which, obviously is not what you meant. Guessing the 'with' should have been an 'and'.
In response to your recently deleted post, I probably misinterpreted - looked like you were suggesting that the Ribbon XML could be replaced with VBA....
Clean up this <XML> with <VBA>; i.e. I thought replace this <XML> with <VBA>. Which, obviously is not what you meant. Guessing the 'with' should have been an 'and'.
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Many thanks, the direction and clarity of the answer help me to achieve the objective, all works great an now I've learned many new things, many thanks again