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Avatar of canuckconsulting
canuckconsultingFlag for United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

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How to deploy LocalDB to SQL Server 2012

I've created a .net mvc solution using code-first entity framework v6.  I'm ready to deploy this solution to SQL Server 2012.  How can I deploy my LocalDB schema and seeds to the production server?  

Future updates will no doubt also modify the schema (new tables, new columns, new seed data).  How can I sync the changes I make to LocalDB to SQL Server 2012?
Avatar of David Johnson, CD
David Johnson, CD
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Connection string
"Server=(localdb)\\Test;Integrated Security=true;AttachDbFileName= myDbFile;"
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David I don't think I understand what you are trying to convey.  Would you please elaborate?


Avatar of David Johnson, CD
David Johnson, CD
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Well that was easy...cheers!