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Pooja Soni

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I am getting many errors in the C++ code for solving schrodinger wave equation.

code is:
/* osci.cpp: Solution of the one-dimensional Schrodinger equation for
a particle in a harmonic potential, using the shooting method.
To compile and link with gnu compiler, type: g++ -o osci osci.cpp
To run the current C++ program, simply type: osci
Plot by gnuplot: /GNUPLOT> set terminal windows
/GNUPLOT> plot "psi-osc.dat" with lines */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#define MAX(a, b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
int main(int argc, char*argv[])
{// Runtime constants
const static double Epsilon = 1e-10; // Defines the precision of
//... energy calculations
const static int N_of_Divisions = 1000;
const static int N_max = 5; //Number of calculated Eigenstates
FILE *Wavefunction_file, *Energy_file, *Potential_file;
Wavefunction_file = fopen("psi-osc.dat","w");
Energy_file = fopen("E_n_Oszillator.dat","w");
Potential_file = fopen("HarmonicPotentialNoDim.dat", "w");
if (!(Wavefunction_file && Energy_file && Potential_file))
{ printf("Problems to create files output.\n"); exit(2); }
/* Physical parameters using dimensionless quantities.
ATTENTION: We set initially: hbar = m = omega = a = 1, and
reintroduce physical values at the end. According to Eq.(4.117),
the ground state energy then is E_n = 0.5. Since the wave function
vanishes only at -infinity and +infinity, we have to cut off the
calculation somewhere, as given by ’xRange’. If xRange is chosen
too large, the open (positive) end of the wave function can
diverge numerically in this simple shooting approach. */
const static double xRange = 12; // xRange=11.834 corresponds to a
//... physical range of -20fm < x < +20fm, see after Eq.(4.199).
const static double h_0 = xRange / N_of_Divisions;
double* E_pot = new double[N_of_Divisions+1];
double dist;
for (int i = 0; i <= N_of_Divisions; ++i)
{ // Harmonic potential, as given in Eq. (4.115), but dimensionless
dist = i*h_0 - 0.5*xRange;
E_pot[i] = 0.5*dist*dist; // E_pot[i]=0;//E_pot=0:Infinite Well!
fprintf(Potential_file, "%16.12e \t\t %16.12e\n", dist, E_pot[i]);
/* Since the Schrodinger equation is linear, the amplitude of the
wavefunction will be fixed by normalization.
At left we set it small but nonzero. */
const static double Psi_left = 1.0e-3; // left boundary condition
const static double Psi_right = 0.0; // right boundary condition
double *Psi, *EigenEnergies;// Arrays to hold the results
Psi = new double[N_of_Divisions+1]; //N_of_Points = N_of_Divisions+1
EigenEnergies = new double[N_max+1];
Psi[0] = Psi_left;
Psi[1] = Psi_left + 1.0e-3; // Add arbitrary small value
int N_quantum;//N_quantum is Energy Quantum Number
int Nodes_plus; // Number of nodes (+1) in wavefunction
double K_square;// Square of wave vector
// Initial Eigen-energy search limits
double E_lowerLimit = 0.0;// Eigen-energy must be positive
double E_upperLimit = 10.0;
int End_sign = -1;
char Limits_are_defined ="false";
double Normalization_coefficient;
double E_trial;
// MAIN LOOP begins:-----------------------------------
for(N_quantum=1; N_quantum <= N_max; ++N_quantum)
// Find the eigen-values for energy. See theorems (4.1) and (4.2).
Limits_are_defined ="false";
while (Limits_are_defined == false)
{ /* First, determine an upper limit for energy, so that the wavefunction
Psi[i] has one node more than physically needed. */
Nodes_plus = 0;
E_trial = E_upperLimit;
for (int i=2; i <= N_of_Divisions; ++i)
{ K_square = 2.0*(E_trial - E_pot[i]);
// Now use the NUMEROV-equation (4.197) to calculate wavefunction
Psi[i] = 2.0*Psi[i-1]*(1.0 - (5.0*h_0*h_0*K_square / 12.0))
/(1.0 + (h_0*h_0*K_square/12.0))-Psi[i-2];
if (Psi[i]*Psi[i-1] < 0) ++Nodes_plus;
/* If one runs into the following condition, the modification
of the upper limit was too aggressive. */
if (E_upperLimit < E_lowerLimit)
E_upperLimit = MAX(2*E_upperLimit, -2*E_upperLimit);
if (Nodes_plus > N_quantum) E_upperLimit *= 0.7;
else if (Nodes_plus < N_quantum) E_upperLimit *= 2.0;
else Limits_are_defined =" true"; // At least one node should appear.
} // End of the loop: while (Limits_are_defined == false)
// Refine the energy by satisfying the right boundary condition.
End_sign = -End_sign;
while ((E_upperLimit - E_lowerLimit) > Epsilon)
{ E_trial = (E_upperLimit + E_lowerLimit) / 2.0;
for (int i=2; i <= N_of_Divisions; ++i)
{ // Again eq.(4.197) of the Numerov-algorithm:
K_square = 2.0*(E_trial - E_pot[i]);
Psi[i] = 2.0*Psi[i-1] * (1.0 - (5.0*h_0*h_0*K_square / 12.0))
/(1.0 + (h_0*h_0*K_square/12.0))-Psi[i-2];
if (End_sign*Psi[N_of_Divisions] > Psi_right) E_lowerLimit = E_trial;
else E_upperLimit = E_trial;
} // End of loop: while ((E_upperLimit - E_lowerLimit) > Epsilon)
// Initialization for the next iteration in main loop
E_trial = (E_upperLimit+E_lowerLimit)/2;
EigenEnergies[N_quantum] = E_trial;
E_upperLimit = E_trial;
E_lowerLimit = E_trial;
// Now find the normalization coefficient
double Integral = 0.0;
for (int i=1; i <= N_of_Divisions; ++i)
{ // Simple integration
Integral += 0.5*h_0*(Psi[i-1]*Psi[i-1]+Psi[i]*Psi[i]);
Normalization_coefficient = sqrt(1.0/Integral);
// Output of normalized dimensionless wave function
for (int i=0; i <=N_of_Divisions; ++i)
{ fprintf(Wavefunction_file, "%16.12e \t\t %16.12e\n",
i*h_0 - 0.5*xRange, Normalization_coefficient*Psi[i]);
} // End of MAIN LOOP. --------------------------------
/*Finally convert dimensionless units in real units. Note that
energy does not depend explicitly on the particle’s mass anymore:
hbar = 1.05457e-34;// Planck constant/2pi
omega = 5.34e21; // Frequency in 1/s
MeV = 1.602176487e-13; // in J
The correct normalization would be hbar*omega/MeV = 3.5148461144,
but we use the approximation 3.5 for energy-scale as in chap. 4.9 */
const static double Energyscale = 3.5;// in MeV
// Output with rescaled dimensions; assign Energy_file
printf("Quantum Harmonic Oscillator, program osci.cpp\n");
printf("Energies in MeV:\n");
printf("n \t\t E_n\n");
for (N_quantum=1; N_quantum <= N_max; ++N_quantum)
{ fprintf(Energy_file,"%d \t\t %16.12e\n", N_quantum-1,
printf("%d \t\t %16.12e\n", N_quantum-1,
printf("Wave-Functions in File: psi_osc.dat \n");
return 0;

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No points please.

i used my IDE to indent your code and did what Andy has suggested:

#define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS // only needed for VC compiler

/* osci.cpp: Solution of the one-dimensional Schrodinger equation for
a particle in a harmonic potential, using the shooting method.
To compile and link with gnu compiler, type: g++ -o osci osci.cpp
To run the current C++ program, simply type: osci
Plot by gnuplot: /GNUPLOT> set terminal windows
/GNUPLOT> plot "psi-osc.dat" with lines */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#define MAX(a, b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))

int main(int argc, char*argv[])
{// Runtime constants
    const static double Epsilon = 1e-10; // Defines the precision of
    //... energy calculations
    const static int N_of_Divisions = 1000;
    const static int N_max = 5; //Number of calculated Eigenstates
    FILE *Wavefunction_file, *Energy_file, *Potential_file;
    Wavefunction_file = fopen("psi-osc.dat","w");
    Energy_file = fopen("E_n_Oszillator.dat","w");
    Potential_file = fopen("HarmonicPotentialNoDim.dat", "w");
    if (!(Wavefunction_file && Energy_file && Potential_file))
    { printf("Problems to create files output.\n"); exit(2); }
    /* Physical parameters using dimensionless quantities.
    ATTENTION: We set initially: hbar = m = omega = a = 1, and
    reintroduce physical values at the end. According to Eq.(4.117),
    the ground state energy then is E_n = 0.5. Since the wave function
    vanishes only at -infinity and +infinity, we have to cut off the
    calculation somewhere, as given by ’xRange’. If xRange is chosen
    too large, the open (positive) end of the wave function can
    diverge numerically in this simple shooting approach. */
    const static double xRange = 12; // xRange=11.834 corresponds to a
    //... physical range of -20fm < x < +20fm, see after Eq.(4.199).
    const static double h_0 = xRange / N_of_Divisions;
    double* E_pot = new double[N_of_Divisions+1];
    double dist;
    for (int i = 0; i <= N_of_Divisions; ++i)
    { // Harmonic potential, as given in Eq. (4.115), but dimensionless
        dist = i*h_0 - 0.5*xRange;
        E_pot[i] = 0.5*dist*dist; // E_pot[i]=0;//E_pot=0:Infinite Well!
        fprintf(Potential_file, "%16.12e \t\t %16.12e\n", dist, E_pot[i]);
    /* Since the Schrodinger equation is linear, the amplitude of the
    wavefunction will be fixed by normalization.
    At left we set it small but nonzero. */
    const static double Psi_left = 1.0e-3; // left boundary condition
    const static double Psi_right = 0.0; // right boundary condition
    double *Psi, *EigenEnergies;// Arrays to hold the results
    Psi = new double[N_of_Divisions+1]; //N_of_Points = N_of_Divisions+1
    EigenEnergies = new double[N_max+1];
    Psi[0] = Psi_left;
    Psi[1] = Psi_left + 1.0e-3; // Add arbitrary small value
    int N_quantum;//N_quantum is Energy Quantum Number
    int Nodes_plus; // Number of nodes (+1) in wavefunction
    double K_square;// Square of wave vector
    // Initial Eigen-energy search limits
    double E_lowerLimit = 0.0;// Eigen-energy must be positive
    double E_upperLimit = 10.0;
    int End_sign = -1;
    bool Limits_are_defined = false;
    double Normalization_coefficient;
    double E_trial;
    // MAIN LOOP begins:-----------------------------------
    for(N_quantum=1; N_quantum <= N_max; ++N_quantum)
        // Find the eigen-values for energy. See theorems (4.1) and (4.2).
        Limits_are_defined = false;
        while (Limits_are_defined == false)
        { /* First, determine an upper limit for energy, so that the wavefunction
          Psi[i] has one node more than physically needed. */
            Nodes_plus = 0;
            E_trial = E_upperLimit;
            for (int i=2; i <= N_of_Divisions; ++i)
            { K_square = 2.0*(E_trial - E_pot[i]);
            // Now use the NUMEROV-equation (4.197) to calculate wavefunction
            Psi[i] = 2.0*Psi[i-1]*(1.0 - (5.0*h_0*h_0*K_square / 12.0))
                /(1.0 + (h_0*h_0*K_square/12.0))-Psi[i-2];
            if (Psi[i]*Psi[i-1] < 0) ++Nodes_plus;
            /* If one runs into the following condition, the modification
            of the upper limit was too aggressive. */
            if (E_upperLimit < E_lowerLimit)
                E_upperLimit = MAX(2*E_upperLimit, -2*E_upperLimit);
            if (Nodes_plus > N_quantum) E_upperLimit *= 0.7;
            else if (Nodes_plus < N_quantum) E_upperLimit *= 2.0;
            else Limits_are_defined = true; // At least one node should appear.
        } // End of the loop: while (Limits_are_defined == false)
        // Refine the energy by satisfying the right boundary condition.
        End_sign = -End_sign;
        while ((E_upperLimit - E_lowerLimit) > Epsilon)
        { E_trial = (E_upperLimit + E_lowerLimit) / 2.0;
        for (int i=2; i <= N_of_Divisions; ++i)
        { // Again eq.(4.197) of the Numerov-algorithm:
            K_square = 2.0*(E_trial - E_pot[i]);
            Psi[i] = 2.0*Psi[i-1] * (1.0 - (5.0*h_0*h_0*K_square / 12.0))
                /(1.0 + (h_0*h_0*K_square/12.0))-Psi[i-2];
        if (End_sign*Psi[N_of_Divisions] > Psi_right) E_lowerLimit = E_trial;
        else E_upperLimit = E_trial;
        } // End of loop: while ((E_upperLimit - E_lowerLimit) > Epsilon)
        // Initialization for the next iteration in main loop
        E_trial = (E_upperLimit+E_lowerLimit)/2;
        EigenEnergies[N_quantum] = E_trial;
        E_upperLimit = E_trial;
        E_lowerLimit = E_trial;
        // Now find the normalization coefficient
        double Integral = 0.0;
        for (int i=1; i <= N_of_Divisions; ++i)
        { // Simple integration
            Integral += 0.5*h_0*(Psi[i-1]*Psi[i-1]+Psi[i]*Psi[i]);
        Normalization_coefficient = sqrt(1.0/Integral);
        // Output of normalized dimensionless wave function
        for (int i=0; i <=N_of_Divisions; ++i)
        { fprintf(Wavefunction_file, "%16.12e \t\t %16.12e\n",
        i*h_0 - 0.5*xRange, Normalization_coefficient*Psi[i]);
    } // End of MAIN LOOP. --------------------------------
    /*Finally convert dimensionless units in real units. Note that
    energy does not depend explicitly on the particle’s mass anymore:
    hbar = 1.05457e-34;// Planck constant/2pi
    omega = 5.34e21; // Frequency in 1/s
    MeV = 1.602176487e-13; // in J
    The correct normalization would be hbar*omega/MeV = 3.5148461144,
    but we use the approximation 3.5 for energy-scale as in chap. 4.9 */
    const static double Energyscale = 3.5;// in MeV
    // Output with rescaled dimensions; assign Energy_file
    printf("Quantum Harmonic Oscillator, program osci.cpp\n");
    printf("Energies in MeV:\n");
    printf("n \t\t E_n\n");
    for (N_quantum=1; N_quantum <= N_max; ++N_quantum)
    { fprintf(Energy_file,"%d \t\t %16.12e\n", N_quantum-1,
    printf("%d \t\t %16.12e\n", N_quantum-1,
    printf("Wave-Functions in File: psi_osc.dat \n");
    return 0;

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the program runs and the output is:

Quantum Harmonic Oscillator, program osci.cpp
Energies in MeV:
n                E_n
0                1.749999999795e+000
1                5.249999998112e+000
2                8.749999992829e+000
3                1.224999998232e+001
4                1.574999996759e+001
Wave-Functions in File: psi_osc.dat

Open in new window

Avatar of Pooja Soni
Pooja Soni


thank you but I'm still getting the following error while compiling with cygwin

$ ./osci.cpp
./osci.cpp: line 1: /bin: Is a directory
./osci.cpp: line 2: a: command not found
./osci.cpp: line 3: To: command not found
./osci.cpp: line 4: To: command not found
./osci.cpp: line 5: Plot: command not found
./osci.cpp: line 6: /GNUPLOT: No such file or directory
./osci.cpp: line 11: $'\r': command not found
./osci.cpp: line 12: syntax error near unexpected token `('
'/osci.cpp: line 12: `int main(int argc, char*argv[])
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yes I have tried the solution suggested by phoffric....
but but it is giving errors as above..........
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The code compiles without problems after applying Zoppo's correction.

The Questioner has problems with their developer environment which were addressed by Phoffric and answered in further questions the Author has asked for.
