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Leo TorresFlag for United States of America

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Grunt Copy file to another destination.

Hello I have this code below that copies all my files to a dist folder. Works fine but I would like to then copy the contents of that dist folder else where. Basically another copy to this location :

There was a task i tried "multidest:" but it did not work. Any ideas?

'use strict';

module.exports = function (grunt) {

// Time how long tasks take. Can help when optimizing build times

//Load Multi dest

// Automatically load required Grunt tasks
require('jit-grunt')(grunt, {
  useminPrepare: 'grunt-usemin'

    // Define the configuration for all the tasks
      pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'), 
//      pkg2: grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-multi-dest'),

        // Make sure code styles are up to par and there are no obvious mistakes
  jshint: {
    options: {
      jshintrc: '.jshintrc',
      reporter: require('jshint-stylish')
    all: {
      src: [
 useminPrepare: {
      html: 'app/index.html',//'app/menu.html',

      useminPrepare: {
          html: 'app/index.html',//'app/menu.html',
          options: {
              dest: 'dist'

      // Concat
      concat: {
          options: {
              separator: ';'

          // dist configuration is provided by useminPrepare
          dist: {}

      // Uglify
      uglify: {
          // dist configuration is provided by useminPrepare
          dist: {}

      cssmin: {
          dist: {}

      // Filerev
      filerev: {
          options: {
              encoding: 'utf8',
              algorithm: 'md5',
              length: 20

          release: {
              // filerev:release hashes(md5) all assets (images, js and css )
              // in dist directory
              files: [{
                  src: [

      // Usemin
      // Replaces all assets with their revved version in html and css files.
      // options.assetDirs contains the directories for finding the assets
      // according to their relative paths
      usemin: {
          html: ['dist/*.html'],
          css: ['dist/styles/*.css'],
          options: {
              assetsDirs: ['dist', 'dist/styles']

copy: {
  dist: {
    cwd: 'app',
    src: [ '**','!styles/**/*.css','!scripts/**/*.js' ],
    dest: 'dist',
    expand: true
  fonts: {
    files: [
        //for bootstrap fonts
        expand: true,
        dot: true,
        cwd: 'bower_components/bootstrap/dist',
        src: ['fonts/*.*'],
        dest: 'dist'
      }, {
        //for font-awesome
        expand: true,
        dot: true,
        cwd: 'bower_components/font-awesome',
        src: ['fonts/*.*'],
        dest: 'dist'

//multidest: {
//        copy_some_files: {
//            tasks: [
//                "copy:dist"
//            ],
//            dest: ["/Volumes/Downloads/ProgramData/Code/AngularJS/Less4/json-server/public/"]
//        },
//    },

watch: {
  copy: {
    files: [ 'app/**', '!app/**/*.css', '!app/**/*.js','conFusion/*.js','app/views/**'],
    tasks: [ 'build' ]
  scripts: {
    files: ['app/scripts/app.js','app/scripts/*.js'],
    tasks:[ 'build']
  styles: {
    files: ['app/styles/mystyles.css'],
  livereload: {
    options: {
      livereload: '<%= connect.options.livereload %>'
    files: [

connect: {
  options: {
    port: 9001,
    //hostname: '',  // Change this to '' to access the server from outside.
    hostname: 'localhost',
    livereload: 35730 //29
  dist: {
    options: {
      open: true,
        path: 'dist',
        options: {
          index:  'index.html',//'menu.html', //'dishdetail.html',
          maxAge: 300000

clean: {
  build: {
    src: [ 'dist/']

 //copy2: {
 //       somefiles: {
 //           src: "app",
 //           dest: "/Volumes/Downloads/ProgramData/Coursera/AngularJS/Week4v2/json-server/public/"
 //       }



grunt.registerTask('build', [




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