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Beth S

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sum String field values of 0 and 1 in Crystal Reports

I have four fields that are all 144 char in length and data type is String.  The value is either 0 or 1 with no separating characters or spaces, and I want to sum the string.  Data example is:


Thank you in advance for your assistance!

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Not sure what do you mean by "sum the string" - put them all together side by side or perform a actual SUM function on the values?
If you just want to concatenate all data you can add a new filed that contains the value from all these 4 fields combined together.
Avatar of Beth S
Beth S


To clarify, I want to sum all the "1" values.  For example, the value I would like to be calculated from my data example above would be "54" as there are fifty four instances of the number 1.
What reporting tool are you using?

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Mike McCracken

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Method 2 did the job! Thank you so much for answering my question and helping me learn! :)