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Björn MaesenFlag for Netherlands

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Exchange Server alternative with the ability to fetch a pop account

A customer of mine has an old 2008 SBS Server. Still working great, but Outlook 2016 is not compatible with the version of Exchange. No problem for the their own business e-mail, because the moved their environment to Office 365. But they still have two e-mail addresses the are fetched by the pop connector. These two addresses are used by webmail and on several mobile devices. This was implemented in this way, because the ISP does not provide Imap, and these mailboxes are very small. By using Exchange all the shortcommings are solved.

In the near feature the customer is getting a new 2012r2 or 2016 server. I need an alternative for Exchange, but it must have a feature of fetching a pop3 account. Does anyone have a suggestion? I'm looking into MailEnable, but I can't find this options so far.

Best regards,

Björn Maesen
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Thank you all for your input. I'll give both a try. I found out that there is another thing. I only want to fetch one mailbox form a domain. The customer does not own the domain. It's an ISP mailbox.