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Run a powershell on MDT Task Sequence
I am running a powershell script on my MDT Task Sequance which is just fpr a test
Script runs but it does not produce results because it doen't run in unrestrected mode
So I added anohter script with folloiwng command to run before my test script
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -force (It has to be run as admin but looks like Task Sequence is not running this command as an admin) and my test script still run as a restricted mode.
Again Test script runs(it creartes a folder "Temp" which is suppose to be created ) but without result ?
Please see my script which runs absolutely fine with unrestricted policy
So the problem I have I can't have PowerShell run as unrestricted
Script runs but it does not produce results because it doen't run in unrestrected mode
So I added anohter script with folloiwng command to run before my test script
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -force (It has to be run as admin but looks like Task Sequence is not running this command as an admin) and my test script still run as a restricted mode.
Again Test script runs(it creartes a folder "Temp" which is suppose to be created ) but without result ?
Please see my script which runs absolutely fine with unrestricted policy
So the problem I have I can't have PowerShell run as unrestricted
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