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Avatar of ammartahir1978
ammartahir1978Flag for United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

asked on

how to read the text file and convert it to csv.

Hi All i have a code which is work fine up till now but fail because there was a large value in the fail and mess up the whole file.

Now if you see the file is reading the first line and adding 10 to increase the line number for each line but when it hits the weird value which is line 200 and 210 in the attached file it skips those lines and read the next line which mess up the whole process.

Can some one help me fix this ?

what i want is :

1. Read the Line numbers instead of adding 10 to the first line number.
2. the price column is always 3 decimals so anything after that can we ignored as i am not using this field to populate in my csv.

Thank you for your help

Option Explicit

' Declare global variables
Dim objFSO
Dim strDateTimeStamp

' Specify folder locations
Const strFtpFolder = "C:\ChessODBCFiles2\NewBedfordPO"
Const strLocalFolder = "C:\ChessODBCFiles2\NewBedfordPO"
Const strProcessedFolder = "C:\ChessODBCFiles2\NewBedfordPO\Processed"

' Create file system object
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

' Quit if needed folders don't exist
If Not objFSO.FolderExists(strFtpFolder) Then
   Wscript.Echo Now & " ERROR: FTP folder """ & strFtpFolder & """ does not exist, quiting."
End If
If Not objFSO.FolderExists(strLocalFolder) Then
   Wscript.Echo Now & " ERROR: Local folder """ & strLocalFolder & """ does not exist, quiting."
End If
If Not objFSO.FolderExists(strProcessedFolder) Then
   Wscript.Echo Now & " ERROR: Processed folder """ & strProcessedFolder & """ does not exist, quiting."
End If

' Copy *.PRE files from FTP folder to local work folder
objFSO.CopyFile strFtpFolder & "\*.pre", strLocalFolder

' Build date/time stamp for converted files
strDateTimeStamp = DateTimeStamp(Now)

' Call subroutine to process all files in the local folder
ProcessFolder objFSO.GetFolder(strLocalFolder)

' Move all *.PRE and *.CSV files from local folder to proessed folder
objFSO.MoveFile strLocalFolder & "\*.pre", strProcessedFolder
objFSO.MoveFile strLocalFolder & "\*.csv", strProcessedFolder

' Done

Sub ProcessFolder(objFolder)

	' Declare local variables
	Dim objFile

	' Check each file in this folder
	For Each objFile In objFolder.Files
		' Make sure it is a file to process
		If LCase(Right(objFile.Name, 4)) = ".pre" Then
			' Call subroutine to process this file
		End If

End Sub

Sub ProcessFile(objFile)

	' Define needed I/O constants
	Const ForReading = 1
	Const ForWriting = 2
	Const TriStateUseDefault = -2

	' Delcare local variables
	Dim objFileIn
	Dim objFileOut
	Dim strData
	Dim strOutput
	Dim strProcessMode
	Dim objRegExp
	Dim objMatch
	Dim strPO
	Dim strDateOrdered
	Dim strDateExpected
	Dim strSupplier
	Dim strLine
	Dim strProduct
	Dim strQty
	Dim strUOM
   Dim intNumber
   Dim i
	Dim blnOutputFileOpen

	' Open input and output files
	Set objFileIn = objFSO.OpenTextFile(objFile.Path, ForReading, False, TriStateUseDefault)
	blnOutputFileOpen = False

	' Create reguglar expression object
	Set objRegExp = New RegExp

	' Clear out data extract variables (header)
	strProcessMode = "Header"
	strPO = ""
	strDateOrdered = ""
	strDateExpected = ""
	strSupplier = ""
   i = 0

	' Read input file line by line
	Do While Not objFileIn.AtEndOfStream
		' Read next line from text file
		strData = objFileIn.ReadLine
      i = i + 1

		' Skip blank lines
		If strData <> "" Then

			' Process line differently if we are looking for header data, or detail item lines
			Select Case strProcessMode

			Case "Header"

				' Look for PO line
				objRegExp.Pattern = "\b(.*)\b[ ]*Purchase Order No\.[ ]*\b[0-9]+/(.*)\b"
				objRegExp.IgnoreCase = True
				objRegExp.Global = True
				Set objMatch = objRegExp.Execute(strData)
				If objMatch.Count > 0 Then
					strDateOrdered = Trim(objMatch(0).SubMatches(0))
					strPO = objMatch(0).SubMatches(1)
					If blnOutputFileOpen = False Then
					End If
						Set objFileOut = objFSO.OpenTextFile(BuildFileName(objFile, strPO), ForWriting, True)
						' Write CSV header line
						' objFileOut.WriteLine "PO,DateOrdered,DateExpected,CustomerAccount,Line,ProductQty,UOM"
				End If

				' Look for DateExpected line
				objRegExp.Pattern = "\bRequired Date\:[ ]*\b(.*)\b"
				objRegExp.IgnoreCase = True
				objRegExp.Global = True
				Set objMatch = objRegExp.Execute(strData)
				If objMatch.Count > 0 Then
					strDateExpected = Trim(objMatch(0).SubMatches(0))
				End If

            If i = 14 Then
               ' Look for CustomerAccount line
               objRegExp.Pattern = "\b(.*)\b"
               objRegExp.IgnoreCase = True
               objRegExp.Global = True
               Set objMatch = objRegExp.Execute(strData)
               If objMatch.Count > 0 Then
                  strSupplier = Trim(objMatch(0).SubMatches(0))
						' strOutput = "H," & strPO & "," & strSupplier & "," & YYYYMMDD(strDateOrdered) & "," & YYYYMMDD(strDateExpected) & ",,,,,,+PURCHASE+"
						' objFileOut.WriteLine strOutput

                  ' This is last line of header info, switch to detail mode
                  strProcessMode = "Detail"

                  ' Clear out data extract variables (detail)
                  strLine = ""
                  strProduct = ""
                  strQty = ""
                  strUOM = ""
                  intNumber = 90
               End If
            End If

			Case "Detail"

				' Get data from first line of item info
				objRegExp.Pattern = "\b(\d{4})\s\b(\S*)\b\s*\b(.{30})\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\b"
				objRegExp.IgnoreCase = True
				objRegExp.Global = True
				Set objMatch = objRegExp.Execute(strData)
				If objMatch.Count > 0 Then
					strLine = Trim(objMatch(0).SubMatches(0))
					strProduct = Trim(objMatch(0).SubMatches(1))
					strQty = Trim(objMatch(0).SubMatches(3))
               strProcessMode = "Detail2"
				End If

			Case "Detail2"

				' Get UOM from second line of item info
               intNumber = intNumber + 10
      			strUOM = Trim(Mid(strData, 65))
               If LCase(strUom) = "each" Then
                  strUom = "Unit"
               End If

					' This is last line of item detail info, write out a detail line
'					strOutput = strPO & "," & strSupplier & "," & strDateOrdered & "," & strDateExpected & "," & strSupplier & "," & strLine & "," & strProduct & "," & strQty & "," & strUOM
					strOutput = strPO & "/   1," & strSupplier & "," & YYYYMMDD(strDateOrdered) & "," & YYYYMMDD(strDateExpected) & ",,,,," & intNumber & "," & strProduct & "," & strQty & ",," & strUOM & ",,,,"
					objFileOut.WriteLine strOutput

					' Clear out data extract variables (detail)
					strLine = ""
					strProduct = ""
					strQty = ""
					strUOM = ""
               strProcessMode = "Detail"

			Case Else

			End Select

		End If


	' Close files

End Sub

Function BuildFileName(objFile, strPO)
	BuildFileName = objFSO.GetParentFolderName(objFile.Path) & "\po." & strPO & "." & strDateTimeStamp & ".csv"
End Function

' Build string of current date time (YYYYMMDD.HHMM)
Function DateTimeStamp(dtmDateTime)
	DateTimeStamp = Year(dtmDateTime) & Right("0" & Month(dtmDateTime), 2) & Right("0" & Day(dtmDateTime), 2) & "." & Right("0" & Hour(dtmDateTime), 2) & Right("0" & Minute(dtmDateTime), 2)
End Function

Function YYYYMMDD(ByVal strDate)
   If Len(strDate) = 7 Then
      strDate = "0" & strDate
   End If
   YYYYMMDD = "20" & Mid(strDate, 7, 2) & Mid(strDate, 4, 2) & Mid(strDate, 1, 2)
End Function

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Avatar of ammartahir1978


thanks aikimark,

would that read the line number from first column as in document?
Can you explain what that line does so i understand as well?

Great simple and fast.
Avatar of Bill Prew
Bill Prew

The code was already set up to read the line number from the incoming text file, into strLine, but it looks like you (or someone else) changed that and added intNumber for some reason.  I don't know why that was, but you should be able to just return to using strLine.
