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deleting filtered cell contents in excel
I have rows 2, 5, 676, 4546 and other rows selected due to a filter. I want to delete those rows BUT NOT the rows in between.
How to delete data in cells that are filtered in Excel 2013.
How to delete data in cells that are filtered in Excel 2013.
All I do is filter what I want to delete, go to the left side where the numbers are left click till an arrow appears and the row is highlighted drag down to highlight everything filtered then right click and select delete.
Once you have filtered data, then try below:
Sub DeleteVisibleRows()
Dim Ws As Worksheet
Set Ws = ActiveSheet
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
With Ws.AutoFilter.Range
.Offset(1).Resize(.Rows.Count - 1).EntireRow.Delete
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
check this article as well:
How to delete all hidden rows or columns in Excel?
I'm using the Inspect Document function for most of the cases.
How to delete all hidden rows or columns in Excel?
I'm using the Inspect Document function for most of the cases.
I don't want to delete the hidden rows. I want to delete the data contained inside the visible rows.
I have uploaded a worksheet.
I have hidden the even numbered rows.
I only want to delete the contents of the visible (odd numbers) row and leave the hidden contents --even numbers-- intact
I have uploaded a worksheet.
I have hidden the even numbered rows.
I only want to delete the contents of the visible (odd numbers) row and leave the hidden contents --even numbers-- intact
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