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CaptainGibletsFlag for United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

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Office 365 Sync Issue - Online Archive


We have come across a sync problem with our AD/office 365 hybrid solution. Our environment consists of the following:

On-premises AD - synchronised to office 365
On-premises exchange - not synchronised with office 365 - all mailboxes are local
Office 365 online archive enabled - archive mailboxes held in office 365

One of our users left the business and we followed procedure of disabling the AD account and the user has been moved to an OU that does not sync with O365. However we now need to gain access to the users archive mailbox. Since the account has now been disabled and disconnected from O365 how would we go about doing this? We have attempted re-synchronising the account back to O365 and enabling the account again. After the sync we get the following error in offce 365 DirSync errors:

"We detected a duplicate Proxy address conflict on the value SMTP:"emailaddress". All attribute values need to be unique accross objects. To resolve this conflict, first determine which object should be using the conflicting value. Then, update or remove the conflicting value from the other object(s). This error was detected on 4/20/17 2:00 PM".

Has the archive mailbox now disappeared? It seems there is still some footprint of the users account in O365 and we just need to reconnect it somehow but since we re-synchronised it looks to be a new user.

Thanks in advance.
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We do use azure connect, in office 365 the errors just appear under the tab DirSync. You are correct about the 30 day period so it looks like we have lost the archive.
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