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How to retrieve returned values from and MS Access Passthru Query , executing a SQL stored procedure
I am a NUB working with a SQL Server back end from withing MS Access 2013. With help from EE I was able to create some code to invoke a stored procedure and even pass some values from a pass thru query.
With DBEngine(0)(0).CreateQuery Def("")
.Connect = gConnection
.ReturnsRecords = False
.SQL = "EXEC dbo.sptblEventsAdd"
.SQL = .SQL & " @EventID = " & long1
.SQL = .SQL & ", @PropertyID = " & long2
.Execute dbSQLPassThrough + dbFailOnError
End With
This worked well ad that SP does not return any values. When I tried to modify the code to execute an SP that returns one value it didn't work. The SP would execute but I wasn't picking up the returned value. My final iteration of code does not execute but give me a message "Cannot execute Select Query".
This is my final iteration of code:
With DBEngine(0)(0).CreateQuery Def("")
.Connect = gConnection
.ReturnsRecords = True
.SQL = "EXEC dbo.spGetNextReceiptNum"
.SQL = .SQL & " @MuniCode = " & muni
.SQL = .SQL & ", @NewReceiptNumber = " & returnNextReceipt ' this is returned field
.Execute dbSQLPassThrough + dbFailOnError
End With
This is the SPROC I want to execute. It return one int value
USE [JTSConversion]
/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[spGetNextReceiptNum ] Script Date: 4/21/2017 11:01:57 AM ******/
-- ========================== ========== =========
-- Author: MJO
-- Create date: 01-10-16
-- Description: Retreive And Update Receipt Number
-- ========================== ========== =========
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[spGetNextReceiptNum ]
-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
@MuniCode int = 0,
@NewReceiptNumber int = 0 Output
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.
Declare @WkReceiptNum int = 0,
@NextReceipt_C Int = 0
-- Retrieve NextReceipt_C
@NextReceipt_C = NextReceipt_C
MuniCode = @MuniCode
-- Add 1 to the Receipt Number
SET @NextReceipt_C = @NextReceipt_C + 1
SET @NewReceiptNumber = @NextReceipt_C
-- Update the Table
[NextReceipt_C] = @NextReceipt_C
[MuniCode] = @MuniCode
Does anyone know what my code would have to look like to pass one value and return one value, without getting an error message?
With DBEngine(0)(0).CreateQuery
.Connect = gConnection
.ReturnsRecords = False
.SQL = "EXEC dbo.sptblEventsAdd"
.SQL = .SQL & " @EventID = " & long1
.SQL = .SQL & ", @PropertyID = " & long2
.Execute dbSQLPassThrough + dbFailOnError
End With
This worked well ad that SP does not return any values. When I tried to modify the code to execute an SP that returns one value it didn't work. The SP would execute but I wasn't picking up the returned value. My final iteration of code does not execute but give me a message "Cannot execute Select Query".
This is my final iteration of code:
With DBEngine(0)(0).CreateQuery
.Connect = gConnection
.ReturnsRecords = True
.SQL = "EXEC dbo.spGetNextReceiptNum"
.SQL = .SQL & " @MuniCode = " & muni
.SQL = .SQL & ", @NewReceiptNumber = " & returnNextReceipt ' this is returned field
.Execute dbSQLPassThrough + dbFailOnError
End With
This is the SPROC I want to execute. It return one int value
USE [JTSConversion]
/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[spGetNextReceiptNum
-- ==========================
-- Author: MJO
-- Create date: 01-10-16
-- Description: Retreive And Update Receipt Number
-- ==========================
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[spGetNextReceiptNum
-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
@MuniCode int = 0,
@NewReceiptNumber int = 0 Output
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.
Declare @WkReceiptNum int = 0,
@NextReceipt_C Int = 0
-- Retrieve NextReceipt_C
@NextReceipt_C = NextReceipt_C
MuniCode = @MuniCode
-- Add 1 to the Receipt Number
SET @NextReceipt_C = @NextReceipt_C + 1
SET @NewReceiptNumber = @NextReceipt_C
-- Update the Table
[NextReceipt_C] = @NextReceipt_C
[MuniCode] = @MuniCode
Does anyone know what my code would have to look like to pass one value and return one value, without getting an error message?
Try set rs = .OpenRecordset instead of .Execute where rs is a recordset variable
I'm not really clear on what you mean. I tried this but got "Invalid use of property'
Private Sub EEPassThru_ExecuteSproc_Va lueReturne d()
' the connection will vary based on test or production
' in test it will vary even by userID
gConnection = "ODBC;Description=JTS Data;DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=MIKE73-PC\WI N73SQLSERV ER;Trusted _Connectio n=Yes;APP= Microsoft® Windows® Operating System;DATABASE=JTSConvers ion"
Dim Muni As Long
Dim returnNextReceipt As Long
Dim db As DAO.Database
Set db = getCurrentDbC
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Muni = 877
returnNextReceipt = 40
' Add an event EE Way 1
With DBEngine(0)(0).CreateQuery Def("")
.Connect = gConnection
.ReturnsRecords = True
.SQL = "EXEC dbo.spGetNextReceiptNum"
.SQL = .SQL & " @MuniCode = " & Muni
.SQL = .SQL & ", @NewReceiptNumber = " & returnNextReceipt ' this is returned field
rs = .OpenRecordset
End With
End Sub
Private Sub EEPassThru_ExecuteSproc_Va
' the connection will vary based on test or production
' in test it will vary even by userID
gConnection = "ODBC;Description=JTS Data;DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=MIKE73-PC\WI
Dim Muni As Long
Dim returnNextReceipt As Long
Dim db As DAO.Database
Set db = getCurrentDbC
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Muni = 877
returnNextReceipt = 40
' Add an event EE Way 1
With DBEngine(0)(0).CreateQuery
.Connect = gConnection
.ReturnsRecords = True
.SQL = "EXEC dbo.spGetNextReceiptNum"
.SQL = .SQL & " @MuniCode = " & Muni
.SQL = .SQL & ", @NewReceiptNumber = " & returnNextReceipt ' this is returned field
rs = .OpenRecordset
End With
End Sub
rs = .OpenRecordset does nothing. The code is not even execute the pass through query (SQL).
I suspect he meas rs.OpenRecordset(.SQL) but I don't think that is going to work here.
A Stored Procedure will normally return a zero if successful. Google Stored Procedure return value
Dim x
' code
x = .Execute dbSQLPassThrough + dbFailOnError
Debug.Print x ' will be zero if successful
Stored procedures can also generate Output (to where I'm not sure)
Google that as well
I suspect he meas rs.OpenRecordset(.SQL) but I don't think that is going to work here.
A Stored Procedure will normally return a zero if successful. Google Stored Procedure return value
Dim x
' code
x = .Execute dbSQLPassThrough + dbFailOnError
Debug.Print x ' will be zero if successful
Stored procedures can also generate Output (to where I'm not sure)
Google that as well
You need to use a "Set" statement. Please refer to my prior statement.
DatabaseMX: I have stored procedures return multiple values. The following returns multiple values
USE [JTSConversion]
/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[spTAYearSummary] Script Date: 4/23/2017 7:20:23 PM ******/
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[spTAYearSummary]
-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
@passedTaxAuthorityID int = 0,
@passedFromYear int = 0,
@passedThruYear Int = 9999,
@returnFaceSum Decimal(10,2) = 0 OUTPUT,
@returnPenaltySum Decimal(10,2) = 0 OUTPUT,
@returnInterestSum Decimal(10,2) = 0 OUTPUT,
@returnLienSum Decimal(10,2) = 0 OUTPUT,
@returnSvcChgSum Decimal(10,2) = 0 OUTPUT
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.
-- Insert statements for procedure here
@returnFaceSum = SUM([FaceBal]) ,
@returnPenaltySum = SUM([PenaltyBal]),
@returnInterestSum = SUM([InterestBal]),
@returnLienSum = SUM([LienCostBal]),
@returnSvcChgSum = SUM([SvcChgBal])
FROM tblTaxYears
WHERE TaxAuthorityRecID = @passedTaxAuthorityID
-- and TaxYear Between @passedFromYear and @passedThruYear
--PayStatusID <> 1 and
--- if any values are null, set them to 0
if @returnFaceSum is null
set @returnFaceSum = 0;
if @returnPenaltySum is null
set @returnPenaltySum = 0;
if @returnInterestSum is null
set @returnInterestSum = 0;
if @returnLienSum is null
set @returnLienSum = 0;
if @returnSvcChgSum is null
set @returnSvcChgSum = 0;
I already have ADO code to execute these (below) but was trying to take your suggestion to code them using a passthru query. If the passthru method works I would use it on any future call I make to SP's returning one or more values.
Dim cmd As New ADODB.Command
Dim param1 As New ADODB.Parameter
Dim param2 As New ADODB.Parameter
Dim param3 As New ADODB.Parameter
Dim param4 As New ADODB.Parameter
Dim param5 As New ADODB.Parameter
Dim param6 As New ADODB.Parameter
Dim param7 As New ADODB.Parameter
Dim param8 As New ADODB.Parameter
With cmd
.CommandText = "spTAYearSummary"
.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
.ActiveConnection = gConnection
' Input Params
Set param1 = .CreateParameter("passedTa xAuthority ID", adBigInt, adParamInput, , wkTaxAuthorityID)
.Parameters.Append param1
Set param2 = .CreateParameter("passedFr omYear", adBigInt, adParamInput, , wkFromYear)
.Parameters.Append param2
Set param3 = .CreateParameter("passedTh ruYear", adBigInt, adParamInput, , wkThruYear)
.Parameters.Append param3
' Output Params
Set param4 = .CreateParameter("returnFa ceSum", adDouble, adParamOutput)
.Parameters.Append param4
Set param5 = .CreateParameter("returnPe naltySum", adDouble, adParamOutput)
.Parameters.Append param5
Set param6 = .CreateParameter("returnIn terestSum" , adDouble, adParamOutput)
.Parameters.Append param6
Set param7 = .CreateParameter("returnLi enSum", adDouble, adParamOutput)
.Parameters.Append param7
Set param8 = .CreateParameter("returnSv cChgSum", adDouble, adParamOutput)
.Parameters.Append param8
.Execute Options:=adExecuteNoRecord s
Set .ActiveConnection = Nothing
Set param1 = Nothing
Set param2 = Nothing
Set param3 = Nothing
End With
returnFaceBal = cmd.Parameters("returnFace Sum")
returnPenaltyBal = cmd.Parameters("returnPena ltySum")
returnInterestBal = cmd.Parameters("returnInte restSum")
returnLienBal = cmd.Parameters("returnLien Sum")
returnSvcChgBal = cmd.Parameters("returnSvcC hgSum")
Set param4 = Nothing
Set param5 = Nothing
Set param6 = Nothing
Set param7 = Nothing
Set param8 = Nothing
Set cmd = Nothing
aikimark: Perhaps you can alter the code to be the way you are suggesting. I really am not seeing what you are suggesting.
USE [JTSConversion]
/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[spTAYearSummary] Script Date: 4/23/2017 7:20:23 PM ******/
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[spTAYearSummary]
-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
@passedTaxAuthorityID int = 0,
@passedFromYear int = 0,
@passedThruYear Int = 9999,
@returnFaceSum Decimal(10,2) = 0 OUTPUT,
@returnPenaltySum Decimal(10,2) = 0 OUTPUT,
@returnInterestSum Decimal(10,2) = 0 OUTPUT,
@returnLienSum Decimal(10,2) = 0 OUTPUT,
@returnSvcChgSum Decimal(10,2) = 0 OUTPUT
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.
-- Insert statements for procedure here
@returnFaceSum = SUM([FaceBal]) ,
@returnPenaltySum = SUM([PenaltyBal]),
@returnInterestSum = SUM([InterestBal]),
@returnLienSum = SUM([LienCostBal]),
@returnSvcChgSum = SUM([SvcChgBal])
FROM tblTaxYears
WHERE TaxAuthorityRecID = @passedTaxAuthorityID
-- and TaxYear Between @passedFromYear and @passedThruYear
--PayStatusID <> 1 and
--- if any values are null, set them to 0
if @returnFaceSum is null
set @returnFaceSum = 0;
if @returnPenaltySum is null
set @returnPenaltySum = 0;
if @returnInterestSum is null
set @returnInterestSum = 0;
if @returnLienSum is null
set @returnLienSum = 0;
if @returnSvcChgSum is null
set @returnSvcChgSum = 0;
I already have ADO code to execute these (below) but was trying to take your suggestion to code them using a passthru query. If the passthru method works I would use it on any future call I make to SP's returning one or more values.
Dim cmd As New ADODB.Command
Dim param1 As New ADODB.Parameter
Dim param2 As New ADODB.Parameter
Dim param3 As New ADODB.Parameter
Dim param4 As New ADODB.Parameter
Dim param5 As New ADODB.Parameter
Dim param6 As New ADODB.Parameter
Dim param7 As New ADODB.Parameter
Dim param8 As New ADODB.Parameter
With cmd
.CommandText = "spTAYearSummary"
.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
.ActiveConnection = gConnection
' Input Params
Set param1 = .CreateParameter("passedTa
.Parameters.Append param1
Set param2 = .CreateParameter("passedFr
.Parameters.Append param2
Set param3 = .CreateParameter("passedTh
.Parameters.Append param3
' Output Params
Set param4 = .CreateParameter("returnFa
.Parameters.Append param4
Set param5 = .CreateParameter("returnPe
.Parameters.Append param5
Set param6 = .CreateParameter("returnIn
.Parameters.Append param6
Set param7 = .CreateParameter("returnLi
.Parameters.Append param7
Set param8 = .CreateParameter("returnSv
.Parameters.Append param8
.Execute Options:=adExecuteNoRecord
Set .ActiveConnection = Nothing
Set param1 = Nothing
Set param2 = Nothing
Set param3 = Nothing
End With
returnFaceBal = cmd.Parameters("returnFace
returnPenaltyBal = cmd.Parameters("returnPena
returnInterestBal = cmd.Parameters("returnInte
returnLienBal = cmd.Parameters("returnLien
returnSvcChgBal = cmd.Parameters("returnSvcC
Set param4 = Nothing
Set param5 = Nothing
Set param6 = Nothing
Set param7 = Nothing
Set param8 = Nothing
Set cmd = Nothing
aikimark: Perhaps you can alter the code to be the way you are suggesting. I really am not seeing what you are suggesting.
in "normal" QueryDefs you could use the "PARAMETERS" clause to define typed parameters to be used in a DAO query. Unfortunately that is not possible with a PT query as the whole query text is directly sent to the database server which doesn't know what "PARAMETERS" is or how to fill these variables.
In SQL Server you would use DECLARE statements to define variables which could be filled with the returned values. That is also possible with a PT query, to get the values of the variables back you only need to add a SELECT statement at the end of your PT query which reads out the variables and give them a name.
That would look like this (with an example SP which fills two OUTPUT parameters):
(Of course you do not need to name the columns of the last SELECT like in this example where I named them the same as the variable name, you can name that like you want.)
The PT query must be set to return values and then you can assign that to a DAO recordset and read out the values with the fields collection of the recordset object.
But as this method needs more coding it would be easier to simply use a SELECT statement inside of the SP which returns the values as recordset and not assign them to OUTPUT values.
Your SP could also be shortened to:
(And as this now only consists of a single SELECT statement you could also rewrite that as table UDF which makes it possible to be used in a view. This gives more flexibility as an SP because with an SP you could only use INSERT...EXECUTE to insert the returned table into another one whereas an UDF can be used in a view with CROSS APPLY (like INNER JOIN) or OUTER APPLY (like LEFT JOIN) to use values of another table as parameters for the UDF.)
The method of retrieving OUTPUT variables I wrote at the beginning I would only use if you cannot change the SP of the database and must use what you have there. If you can develop the SPs on your own, avoid them if there is no real need or use ADO which makes it easy to get the parameters back. You already have a code for that.
in "normal" QueryDefs you could use the "PARAMETERS" clause to define typed parameters to be used in a DAO query. Unfortunately that is not possible with a PT query as the whole query text is directly sent to the database server which doesn't know what "PARAMETERS" is or how to fill these variables.
In SQL Server you would use DECLARE statements to define variables which could be filled with the returned values. That is also possible with a PT query, to get the values of the variables back you only need to add a SELECT statement at the end of your PT query which reads out the variables and give them a name.
That would look like this (with an example SP which fills two OUTPUT parameters):
DECLARE @intOutput AS int;
DECLARE @strOutput AS nvarchar(MAX);
@intOutput = @intOutput OUTPUT,
@strOutput = @strOutput OUTPUT;
SELECT @intOutput AS '@intOutput', @strOutput AS '@strOutput';
(Of course you do not need to name the columns of the last SELECT like in this example where I named them the same as the variable name, you can name that like you want.)
The PT query must be set to return values and then you can assign that to a DAO recordset and read out the values with the fields collection of the recordset object.
But as this method needs more coding it would be easier to simply use a SELECT statement inside of the SP which returns the values as recordset and not assign them to OUTPUT values.
Your SP could also be shortened to:
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[spTAYearSummary]
@passedTaxAuthorityID int = 0,
@passedFromYear int = 0,
@passedThruYear Int = 9999
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.
CAST(ISNULL(SUM(FaceBal),0) AS decimal(10,2)) AS FaceSum,
CAST(ISNULL(SUM(PenaltyBal),0) AS decimal(10,2)) AS PenaltySum,
CAST(ISNULL(SUM(InterestBal),0) AS decimal(10,2)) AS InterestSum,
CAST(ISNULL(SUM(LienCostBal),0) AS decimal(10,2)) AS LienSum,
CAST(ISNULL(SUM(SvcChgBal),0) AS decimal(10,2)) AS SvcChgSum
FROM tblTaxYears
WHERE TaxAuthorityRecID = @passedTaxAuthorityID
-- and TaxYear Between @passedFromYear and @passedThruYear
--PayStatusID <> 1 and
(And as this now only consists of a single SELECT statement you could also rewrite that as table UDF which makes it possible to be used in a view. This gives more flexibility as an SP because with an SP you could only use INSERT...EXECUTE to insert the returned table into another one whereas an UDF can be used in a view with CROSS APPLY (like INNER JOIN) or OUTER APPLY (like LEFT JOIN) to use values of another table as parameters for the UDF.)
The method of retrieving OUTPUT variables I wrote at the beginning I would only use if you cannot change the SP of the database and must use what you have there. If you can develop the SPs on your own, avoid them if there is no real need or use ADO which makes it easy to get the parameters back. You already have a code for that.
Christian, Thanks very much, that is all great information. I am the one creating the SPROCS so they can be however I like. Since I am such a NUB to SQL Server I am creating them based on examples I find on the web. Is it more efficient a recordset rather than 'Output' Variables?
I've played with my code since your post but still am not doing it correctly, surely because I am so remedial on the subject. I can't get over the first stumbling block of executing a passthru query that returns one value.
1. Could you please revise my original code attempting to uses a passthru query to execute the SPROC that is passed one value and returns one value.
Here is the SPROC
Here is my latest non-working attempt at executing the SP using a passthru query. The intended result of this would be to have the to have the SP returned value in the MS Access variable 'returnNextReceipt '.
As you can see I've been commenting and uncommenting different lines of code to see what happened
Perhaps when I see the working solution I'll get some general understanding.
I haven't used UDF's yet so I'd like to keep this as Stored Procedures for now.
I've played with my code since your post but still am not doing it correctly, surely because I am so remedial on the subject. I can't get over the first stumbling block of executing a passthru query that returns one value.
1. Could you please revise my original code attempting to uses a passthru query to execute the SPROC that is passed one value and returns one value.
Here is the SPROC
USE [JTSConversion]
/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[spGetNextReceiptNum] Script Date: 4/25/2017 11:03:09 AM ******/
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[spGetNextReceiptNum]
-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
@MuniCode int = 0,
@NewReceiptNumber int = 0 Output
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.
Declare @WkReceiptNum int = 0,
@NextReceipt_C Int = 0
-- Retrieve NextReceipt_C
@NextReceipt_C = NextReceipt_C
MuniCode = @MuniCode
-- Add 1 to the Receipt Number
SET @NextReceipt_C = @NextReceipt_C + 1
SET @NewReceiptNumber = @NextReceipt_C
-- Update the Table
[NextReceipt_C] = @NextReceipt_C
[MuniCode] = @MuniCode
Here is my latest non-working attempt at executing the SP using a passthru query. The intended result of this would be to have the to have the SP returned value in the MS Access variable 'returnNextReceipt '.
Private Sub EEPassThru_ExecuteSproc_ValueReturned()
' the connection will vary based on test or production
' in test it will vary even by userID
gConnection = "ODBC;Description=JTS Data;DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=MIKE73-PC\WIN73SQLSERVER;Trusted_Connection=Yes;APP=Microsoft® Windows® Operating System;DATABASE=JTSConversion"
Dim Muni As Long
Dim returnNextReceipt As Long
Dim db As DAO.Database
Set db = getCurrentDbC
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Muni = 877
returnNextReceipt = 40
With DBEngine(0)(0).CreateQueryDef("")
.Connect = gConnection
.ReturnsRecords = True
.SQL = "EXEC dbo.spGetNextReceiptNum"
.SQL = .SQL & " @MuniCode = " & Muni
.SQL = .SQL & ", @NewReceiptNumber = " & returnNextReceipt & " OUTPUT"
.SQL = .SQL & " SELECT @NewReceiptNumber as 'returnNextReceipt' "
' .Execute dbSQLPassThrough + dbFailOnError
End With
'set rs = .OpenRecordset instead of .Execute where rs is a recordset variable
End Sub
As you can see I've been commenting and uncommenting different lines of code to see what happened
Perhaps when I see the working solution I'll get some general understanding.
I haven't used UDF's yet so I'd like to keep this as Stored Procedures for now.
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Christian, thank you so much. I wasn't getting that the example code you gave was in an actual Passthru query rather than the querydef construct I started with.
I worked thru your response starting with your own examples. I set up the new SP, the new passthru query, functions 'execSP_OUTPUT' and 'ExecuteSPOutTest'. Everything worked perfectly and the returned values were show in the immediate window.
Next I revised my sproc 'spGetNextReceiptNum' as you suggested and created the function
When I execute the above function I get this error message:
Here is my Sproc
This is my passthru query 'ptQryGetNextMuniReceiptNu mber'
Any idea what is wrong. I'm pretty sure my code matches yours.
I worked thru your response starting with your own examples. I set up the new SP, the new passthru query, functions 'execSP_OUTPUT' and 'ExecuteSPOutTest'. Everything worked perfectly and the returned values were show in the immediate window.
Next I revised my sproc 'spGetNextReceiptNum' as you suggested and created the function
Public Sub ExecuteSPGetNextReceiptNum()
Dim f As DAO.Field
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim colParams As Collection
Set colParams = New Collection
colParams.Add 877, "@MuniCode"
Set rs = execSP_OUTPUT("ptQryGetNextMuniReceiptNumber", colParams)
Debug.Print rs.Fields("@NewReceiptNumber")
End Sub
When I execute the above function I get this error message:
Here is my Sproc
USE [JTSConversion]
/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[spGetNextReceiptNum] Script Date: 4/25/2017 11:06:48 PM ******/
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[spGetNextReceiptNum]
-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
@MuniCode int = 0,
@NewReceiptNumber int = 0 Output
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.
NextReceipt_C = NextReceipt_C + 1
MuniCode = @MuniCode;
SET @NewReceiptNumber = ISNULL((SELECT NextReceipt_C FROM tblMuni_Master WHERE MuniCode = @MuniCode), 0);
This is my passthru query 'ptQryGetNextMuniReceiptNu
DECLARE @NextReceipt AS int;
EXECUTE EXEC dbo.spGetNextReceiptNum @MuniCode = {@MuniCode},
@NewReceiptNumber = @NextReceipt OUTPUT;
SELECT @NewReceiptNumber AS '@NewReceiptNumber';
Any idea what is wrong. I'm pretty sure my code matches yours.
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Thanks again. I made the change but I am still getting the same error. I put a debug.print in 'Function execSP_OUTPUT' to display 'qd.SQL' after it is built. This is the result:
I also checked for tabs or special characters embedded and none showed in Notepad.
I also ran the original ADO code that executed this Sproc make sure the SP was functioning properly and it is.
Any ideas?
DECLARE @NextReceipt AS int;
EXECUTE dbo.spGetNextReceiptNum @MuniCode = 877,
@NewReceiptNumber = @NextReceipt OUTPUT;
SELECT @NewReceiptNumber AS '@NewReceiptNumber';
I also checked for tabs or special characters embedded and none showed in Notepad.
I also ran the original ADO code that executed this Sproc make sure the SP was functioning properly and it is.
Any ideas?
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Christian, you are awesome. I put the error code in the routine and got [Microsoft].[ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Must declare the scalar variable "@NextReceiptNumber".
I changed the PT Query to look like this:
and it worked perfectly.
In your last post you mention << (please make sure that the QueryDef is restored to the original SQL value otherwise you loose the "variables").>>
What does that mean and how do I accomplish it? I check my PT query after execution and it looks the same as before execution.
I changed the PT Query to look like this:
DECLARE @NewReceiptNumber AS int;
EXECUTE dbo.spGetNextReceiptNum @MuniCode = {@MuniCode},
@NewReceiptNumber = @NewReceiptNumber OUTPUT;
SELECT @NewReceiptNumber AS '@NewReceiptNumber';
and it worked perfectly.
In your last post you mention << (please make sure that the QueryDef is restored to the original SQL value otherwise you loose the "variables").>>
What does that mean and how do I accomplish it? I check my PT query after execution and it looks the same as before execution.
That error code will be handy. The dreaded error 3146 !!
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Thank you for all of your help and explanations. I actually understand this now, sort of.
Nice job Christian.
@ mlcktmguy
So just to summarize ... you are still calling the SP from VBA?
And returning one value ?
If so ... what is the VBA code you have now?
Asking because I'm sure I'll need to do this soon,
@ mlcktmguy
So just to summarize ... you are still calling the SP from VBA?
And returning one value ?
If so ... what is the VBA code you have now?
Asking because I'm sure I'll need to do this soon,
Here's the final after Christians 'help', meaning most of the code is his. I was pretty much along for the ride.
PassThru Query named 'ptQryGetNextMuniReceiptNu mber'
Function to Format things to call the stored procedure
Christian's function that handles building the execution string using any number of parameters
That's everything.
USE [JTSConversion]
/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[spGetNextReceiptNum] Script Date: 4/26/2017 3:19:53 PM ******/
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[spGetNextReceiptNum]
-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
@MuniCode int = 0,
@NewReceiptNumber int = 0 Output
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.
NextReceipt_C = NextReceipt_C + 1
MuniCode = @MuniCode;
SET @NewReceiptNumber = ISNULL((SELECT NextReceipt_C FROM tblMuni_Master WHERE MuniCode = @MuniCode), 0);
PassThru Query named 'ptQryGetNextMuniReceiptNu
DECLARE @NewReceiptNumber AS int;
EXECUTE dbo.spGetNextReceiptNum @MuniCode = {@MuniCode},
@NewReceiptNumber = @NewReceiptNumber OUTPUT;
SELECT @NewReceiptNumber AS '@NewReceiptNumber';
Function to Format things to call the stored procedure
Public Function ExecuteSPGetNextReceiptNum(passedMuniCode As Long) As Long
On Error GoTo ErrorTrap
Dim wkReturnReceipt As Long
Dim f As DAO.Field
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim colParams As Collection
Set colParams = New Collection
colParams.Add passedMuniCode, "@MuniCode"
Set rs = execSP_OUTPUT("ptQryGetNextMuniReceiptNumber", colParams)
'Debug.Print rs.Fields("@NewReceiptNumber")
If rs.EOF Then
ExecuteSPGetNextReceiptNum = 0
ExecuteSPGetNextReceiptNum = Nz(rs![@NewReceiptNumber])
End If
Set rs = Nothing
Exit Function
Dim myerror As Error
For Each myerror In DBEngine.Errors
With myerror
If .Number <> 3146 Then
MsgBox .Description
End If
End With
Resume Exit_errortrap
End Function
Christian's function that handles building the execution string using any number of parameters
Public Function execSP_OUTPUT(strQueryName As String, colParams As Collection) As DAO.Recordset
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim qd As DAO.QueryDef
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strParamName As String
Dim lngPos As Long
On Error GoTo execSP_OUTPUT_Error
Set db = CurrentDb
Set qd = db.QueryDefs(strQueryName)
strSQL = qd.SQL
lngPos = InStr(qd.SQL, "{")
If lngPos > 0 Then
strParamName = Mid(qd.SQL, lngPos + 1, InStr(lngPos, qd.SQL, "}") - 1 - lngPos)
qd.SQL = Replace(qd.SQL, "{" & strParamName & "}", colParams(strParamName))
End If
Loop Until lngPos = 0
' Debug.Print qd.SQL
Set execSP_OUTPUT = qd.OpenRecordset() 'dbOpenForwardOnly, dbReadOnly Or dbFailOnError)
If strSQL <> "" And Not qd Is Nothing Then
qd.SQL = strSQL ' Restore the variable parameters
End If
Set qd = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
Exit Function
Dim myerror As Error
For Each myerror In DBEngine.Errors
With myerror
If .Number <> 3146 Then
MsgBox .Description
End If
End With
Resume execSP_OUTPUT_Exit
' orig
Select Case Err.Number
Case Else
MsgBox "Error in Modul: modTest.Function: execSP_OUTPUT" & vbCrLf & _
Err.Description & vbCrLf & _
"Error: " + Str(Err.Number), vbOKOnly Or vbExclamation, "Error"
End Select
Resume execSP_OUTPUT_Exit
End Function
That's everything.
Very cool. Thanks for posting ... and thank you Christian for jumping with the help and solution !