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Smallest possible and most compatible source code for an empty RTF file?

I need the source-code for a MINIMAL-SIZE empty RTF file.

So I opened Microsoft WordPad and saved the empty text to an RTF file which gave me this result:

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang3079{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Calibri;}}
{\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\lang7\f0\fs22\par

Open in new window

But I suspect that there is still unnecessary information in this source-code.

I also suspect that the code "\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252" could lead to incompatibilities with some languages?

Also, the generator information seems superfluous to me.

So what is the smallest possible and most compatible source code for an empty RTF file?

[Unfortunately, there is no approved RTF topic to chose.]
Avatar of Geert G
Geert G
Flag of Belgium image

smallest ?
a completely empty file with an .rtf extension

any reader will display that correctly ... in other words, any reader will display "nothing"
Avatar of PeterDelphin


You mean a zero-length (0 bytes) file? This unfortunately causes problems with a specific software. That's why I asked for the Smallest possible and most compatible source code for an empty RTF file.
what software ?
this is the shortest:


Open in new window

in windows, right click in a folder, new, richt text format file
Unfortunately even this ("{\rtf1}") causes problems with the mentioned software.

But then why the RTF source-code I mentioned in my question does not make any problems with that software? The empty RTF source should be as compatible as possible.

(I will not mention the name of the software as it is a well-known company).
why wouldn't you mention the software ?
you asked for compatibilty

just same as asking this question:
what is the difference between an apple
Avatar of Sinisa Vuk
Sinisa Vuk
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assuming you aren't going to open that on a mac or ..., yes
what does your "un well-known" software produce as empty file ?
Geert Gruwez, can you please tell me why I shouldn't that open on a Mac?