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C# Rest API


This what vendor provided to test

Error is :

The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized.

My code

string result = string.Empty;
                // Create Request
                HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(@"");
                req.Method = "GET";
                // Create Client
                WebClient client = new WebClient();
                req.ContentType ="application/json; charset=utf-8";
               // req.UseDefaultCredentials = true;
               // req.PreAuthenticate = true;
               // req.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;


                req.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("xxx", "xxx111");
                   req.Headers.Add("Authorization","Bearer  Y2xpdmUuaG9sZGVuQHN0b25laGFyZHkuY28udWs6bDBnMTV0MWM1");
             //   req.Headers.Add("Authorization","Basic Y2xpdmUuaG9sZGVuQHN0b25laGFyZHkuY28udWs6bDBnMTV0MWM1");
                req.ProtocolVersion =HttpVersion.Version11;
                WebResponse response = req.GetResponse();
                string responseData = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()).ReadToEnd();

              // Assign Credentials
            catch (WebException ex)

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Response Class (Status 200)
ModelExample Value

GET /public/v1/drivers/{id}

  "Id": 0,
  "Name": "string",
  "Mobile": "string",
  "Status": 0,
  "Username": "string",
  "Password": "string",
  "Email": "string",
  "ButtonId": "string"

curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'Authorization: Basic Y2xpdmUuaG9sZGVuQHN0b25laGFyZHkuY28udWs6bDBnMTV0MWM1' ''
Request URL
Response Body
  "Message": "Authorization has been denied for this request."
Response Code
Response Headers
  "date": "Wed, 01 Nov 2017 00:11:10 GMT",
  "www-authenticate": "Bearer",
  "server": "Microsoft-IIS/8.5",
  "x-aspnet-version": "4.0.30319",
  "x-powered-by": "ASP.NET",
  "access-control-allow-methods": "GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS",
  "content-type": "application/json; charset=utf-8",
  "access-control-allow-origin": "*",
  "cache-control": "no-cache",
  "access-control-allow-headers": "Authorization,Content-Type,X-Requested-With, Accept",
  "content-length": "61"
Avatar of Miguel Oz
Miguel Oz
Flag of Australia image

The request has not been applied because it lacks valid authentication credentials for the target resource.
Basically your credentials are not authorised to use the API. I will contact vendor for the correct username/ password and header Authorization that you should use for your case. If the the credentials are correct then they need to check user permissions to all your required functionality
Are you using a proxy?
Avatar of lankapala


Have you contacted the vendor as suggested in my first comment?
yes,they said
"Looks like that username and password is working fine from our end:
I can only surmise the API isn’t being called correctly."
Contact them again and send your code and the error details. 401 is a permission issue. Nothing to do with call unless you are not authorised to call this particular API feature. Ask them to run your code and whether they have OK response, Make sure they tell you which VS/.net framework version they are using as well just in case.
As they said, I change my coding,then no error message,Bu when i add records no error message,
Bu i can get all the details form the code, How to check the i have adding wwrites, when i trying to add nor error messages
Please post post the vendor original code to compare with your existing code. Also include the documentation on how to use their API.
Vendor Code
public async Task<Jobs> CreateJob(int vehicleId, double latitude, double longitude, string destinationAddress
             , string destinationDescription, string destinationName, string message,int jobnumber
            using (var client = new HttpClient())
                client.BaseAddress = this.baseUri;
                client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));

                client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue(

                var job = new Jobs
                    DestinationAddress = destinationAddress,
                    DestinationDescription = destinationDescription,
                    DestinationName = destinationName,
                    VehicleId = vehicleId,
                    DestinationLatitude = latitude,
                    DestinationLongitude = longitude,
                    Message = message,
                    Id = jobnumber

                var content = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(job);
                var response = await client.PostAsync(
                                   String.Format("/public/{0}/jobs",Version) ,
                                   new StringContent(content, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"));

                var responseContent = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                var id = 0;
                if ((response.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK) ||
                    (responseContent == null) ||
                    (!int.TryParse(responseContent, out id)))
                    return job;

                job.Id = id;
                return job;

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            string DestinationAddress = txtDestinationAddress.Text.ToString();
            string DestinationDescription = txtDestinationAddress.Text.ToString();
            double DestinationLatitude =Convert.ToDouble( txtLt.Text.ToString());
            double DestinationLongitude = Convert.ToDouble(txtLong.Text.ToString());
            string DestinationName = txtdetname.Text.ToString();
            string Message = txtMsg.Text.ToString();
            int jobNumber =Convert.ToInt32( txtJobNumber.Text.ToString());
            var c = new Client();
           c.SetCredentials("tttt", "ascc");
              async () =>
//int vehicleId, double latitude, double longitude, string destinationAddress
           //  , string destinationDescription, string destinationName, string message,int jobnumber
                  await c.Login();
                  var job = await c.CreateJob(Convert.ToInt32(txtvehicleid.Text.ToString()), DestinationLatitude, DestinationLongitude, DestinationAddress, DestinationDescription, DestinationName, Message, jobNumber);
                  MessageBox.Show("Added"+String.Format("Vehicle ID {0},Message{1},Job Number {2}" ,job.VehicleId,job.Message,job.Id));

            catch (WebException ex)

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Avatar of Miguel Oz
Miguel Oz
Flag of Australia image

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Hi Miguel Oz, I need to accept your answer but there is no button