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win 10 installation gone wrong
Hello Experts,
This is the situation
I had this win 7 ultimate activated GENUINE.
I download and install the WIN 10
after installing
in Control Panel\System and Security\System
windiw actvation: Product Id : not available.
So this is strange to me then I went to activation window but it simply does not load... .it stays for ever trying to load the window...
Now every few minutes it blocks the screen and ask for validation...
Is it ok if I format install win 7 and reload again ?
What options do I have here ?
This is the situation
I had this win 7 ultimate activated GENUINE.
I download and install the WIN 10
after installing
in Control Panel\System and Security\System
windiw actvation: Product Id : not available.
So this is strange to me then I went to activation window but it simply does not load... .it stays for ever trying to load the window...
Now every few minutes it blocks the screen and ask for validation...
Is it ok if I format install win 7 and reload again ?
What options do I have here ?
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thank you so much !
You are very welcome and I was happy to help.
Thank you so much
I did try windows repair... it took almost three hours on its own...
now it just finished... and its ACTIVATED.
Ithink I will have no more problems wit this station
Thank you so m