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Combining Two SProcs and Related Views To Return One Filtered Recordset
I am fairly new to SQL Server, using Developer 14 as the backend to an Access 2013 Front End
I have created two views and two sprocs that each return a recordset. Currently I am combining the returned recordsets in the Access front end. It works but I'm sure this could be more efficient if I combined them on the Server side and brought them back together.
The link between the recordset returned from spGetMatchingAddresses (AddressRecords) and spGetCandidatesForLBL(TaxR ecords) is propertyID.
For each record returned from spGetCandidatesForLBL there will be zero to many address records. I want all of the tax records returned regardless of whether they have a matching address record.
I envision one SPROC that would do all the filtering in both SPROCS and deliver a recordset of information combining the tax record information with the address record (If any) information by PropertyID onto one returned record. All tax records should be returned.
I just don’t know how to accomplish this with my limited knowledge of SQL
How could this be accomplished?
Here are the players:
View for address info: vtblPropertyAddress_PropID _Type_Acti ve_AndAddr Info
View to pull tax records 'vtblTaxYears_CandidatesFo rLBL'
SPROC to pull tax records 'spGetCandidatesForLBL'. Parameters are passed and a recordset of all qualifying records is returned.
I have created two views and two sprocs that each return a recordset. Currently I am combining the returned recordsets in the Access front end. It works but I'm sure this could be more efficient if I combined them on the Server side and brought them back together.
The link between the recordset returned from spGetMatchingAddresses (AddressRecords) and spGetCandidatesForLBL(TaxR
For each record returned from spGetCandidatesForLBL there will be zero to many address records. I want all of the tax records returned regardless of whether they have a matching address record.
I envision one SPROC that would do all the filtering in both SPROCS and deliver a recordset of information combining the tax record information with the address record (If any) information by PropertyID onto one returned record. All tax records should be returned.
I just don’t know how to accomplish this with my limited knowledge of SQL
How could this be accomplished?
Here are the players:
View for address info: vtblPropertyAddress_PropID
SELECT PropAddressID, PropertyRecID, InterestTypeID AS InterestPartyTypeID, Muni, BillingAddressYN, Active_YN, JTSAddr1, JTSAddr2, JTSAddr3, JTSAddr4,
JTSSeqNumber, Name1, Name2, Name3, Address1, Address2, City, State, ZipCode, ZipPlusFour
FROM dbo.tblProperty_Addresses
SPROC to Filter and pull address records. Parameters are passed to this SPROC and it returns a recordset of all qualifying address records.USE [JTSConversion]
/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[[spGetMatchingAddresses]] Script Date: 11/11/2017 1:29:43 PM ******/
Alter PROCEDURE [dbo].[spGetMatchingAddresses]
@passedPropertyID int = null,
@passedMuniCOde int = null,
@passedOnlyActive_YN bit = true,
@passedIncludeInterestedPartyTypeID01 int = null,
@passedIncludeInterestedPartyTypeID02 int = null,
@passedIncludeInterestedPartyTypeID03 int = null,
@passedIncludeInterestedPartyTypeID04 int = null,
@passedIncludeInterestedPartyTypeID05 int = null,
@passedIncludeInterestedPartyTypeID06 int = null,
@passedIncludeInterestedPartyTypeID07 int = null,
@passedIncludeInterestedPartyTypeID08 int = null
SELECT PropertyRecID,InterestPartyTypeID, Muni, BillingAddressYN, Active_YN,
JTSAddr1, JTSAddr2, JTSAddr3, JTSAddr4,
Name1, Name2, Name3, Address1, Address2, City, State, ZipCode, ZipPlusFour
From vtblPropertyAddress_PropID_Type_Active_AndAddrInfo
((@passedPropertyID is null) or (PropertyRecID = @passedPropertyID)) AND
((@passedMuniCOde is null) or (Muni = @passedMuniCOde)) AND
((@passedOnlyActive_YN is null) or (Active_YN = @passedOnlyActive_YN)) AND
((@passedIncludeInterestedPartyTypeID01 is null) or (InterestPartyTypeID IN (@passedIncludeInterestedPartyTypeID01,
View to pull tax records 'vtblTaxYears_CandidatesFo
SELECT dbo.tblTaxAuthority.TaxAuthorityID, dbo.tblTaxAuthority.TaxTypeID, dbo.tblTaxYears.TaxYearRecID, dbo.tblTaxYears.TaxYear,
dbo.vADrop_Property_Muni_LB_TB.Muni, dbo.vADrop_Property_Muni_LB_TB.LotBlock, dbo.vADrop_Property_Muni_LB_TB.TieBreaker,
ROUND(dbo.tblTaxYears.FaceBal + dbo.tblTaxYears.PenaltyBal + dbo.tblTaxYears.InterestBal + dbo.tblTaxYears.LienCostBal + dbo.tblTaxYears.SvcChgBal, 2)
AS YearBalance, dbo.tblTaxAuthority.PropertyID
FROM dbo.tblTaxAuthority INNER JOIN
dbo.vADrop_Property_Muni_LB_TB ON dbo.tblTaxAuthority.PropertyID = dbo.vADrop_Property_Muni_LB_TB.PropertyRecID INNER JOIN
dbo.tblTaxYears ON dbo.tblTaxAuthority.TaxAuthorityID = dbo.tblTaxYears.TaxAuthorityRecID
WHERE (dbo.tblTaxYears.NBLDate IS NULL) AND (dbo.tblTaxYears.LienDTDNumber IS NULL OR
dbo.tblTaxYears.LienDTDNumber = 0) AND (dbo.tblTaxYears.LienAsgnDTDNumber IS NULL OR
dbo.tblTaxYears.LienAsgnDTDNumber = 0) AND (dbo.tblTaxYears.PayStatusID <> 1) AND (dbo.tblTaxYears.Full_Int_Add_TypeID = 1) AND
(ROUND(dbo.tblTaxYears.FaceBal + dbo.tblTaxYears.PenaltyBal + dbo.tblTaxYears.InterestBal + dbo.tblTaxYears.LienCostBal + dbo.tblTaxYears.SvcChgBal, 2) > 0)
SPROC to pull tax records 'spGetCandidatesForLBL'. Parameters are passed and a recordset of all qualifying records is returned.
USE [JTSConversion]
/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[spGetCandidatesForLBL] Script Date: 11/11/2017 4:58:11 PM ******/
-- =============================================
-- Author: Name
-- Create date:
-- Description: spGetLBLCandidates
-- =============================================
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[spGetCandidatesForLBL]
-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
-- All parameters are required
@passedMuniCode int = 0,
@passedTaxTypeID int = 0,
@passedTaxYear int = 9999,
@passedDollarCutoff float
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.
-- Insert statements for procedure here
Select PropertyID, TaxAuthorityID, TaxTypeID, TaxYearRecID, TaxYear, Muni, LotBlock, TieBreaker, YearBalance
From vtblTaxYears_CandidatesForLBL
Where (Muni = @passedMuniCode and
TaxYear = @passedTaxYear and
TaxTypeID = @passedTaxTypeID and
YearBalance >= @passedDollarCutoff)
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I revised the sproc again. This time I create a temp table for addresses (#tempAddr)and a temp table for selected tax years (#tempTaxYears )
When I test the SPROC in SSMA I see that both temp tables are created. However, there is no recordset created when I join the tables together using this statement
With the join I am using, at the very least I should have all of the #tempTaxYears records, even if there is no matching address record but that isn't what's happening. My result set is empty.
The general flow below is
Create #tempAddr
Execute the Sproc that loads #tempAddr
Create #tempTaxYears
Execute the SPROC that creates #tempTaxYears
Join the tables together to get the combined result set which would be, all records from tempTaxYears linked to any matching addresses.
Can anyone spot the issue?
When I test the SPROC in SSMA I see that both temp tables are created. However, there is no recordset created when I join the tables together using this statement
Select * from #tempTaxYears
Left Join #tempAddr
on #tempTaxYears.PropertyID = #tempAddr.PropertyRecID
With the join I am using, at the very least I should have all of the #tempTaxYears records, even if there is no matching address record but that isn't what's happening. My result set is empty.
The general flow below is
Create #tempAddr
Execute the Sproc that loads #tempAddr
Create #tempTaxYears
Execute the SPROC that creates #tempTaxYears
Join the tables together to get the combined result set which would be, all records from tempTaxYears linked to any matching addresses.
Can anyone spot the issue?
USE [JTSConversion]
/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[spGetCandidatesForLBLwithAddresses] Script Date: 11/12/2017 9:42:51 PM ******/
-- =============================================
-- Author: Name
-- Create date:
-- Description: spGetLBLCandidates
-- =============================================
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[spGetCandidatesForLBLwithAddresses]
-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
-- All parameters are required
@passedMuniCode int = 0,
@passedTaxTypeID int = 0,
@passedTaxYear int = 9999,
@passedDollarCutoff float,
-- For passing to Address build
@passedPropertyID int = null,
@passedOnlyActive_YN bit = true,
@passedIncludeInterestedPartyTypeID01 int = null,
@passedIncludeInterestedPartyTypeID02 int = null,
@passedIncludeInterestedPartyTypeID03 int = null,
@passedIncludeInterestedPartyTypeID04 int = null,
@passedIncludeInterestedPartyTypeID05 int = null,
@passedIncludeInterestedPartyTypeID06 int = null,
@passedIncludeInterestedPartyTypeID07 int = null,
@passedIncludeInterestedPartyTypeID08 int = null
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.
Create Table #tempAddr(PropertyRecID int,
InterestPartyTypeID int,
Muni int,
BillingAddressYN bit,
Active_YN bit,
JTSAddr1 nvarchar(30),
JTSAddr2 nvarchar(30),
JTSAddr3 nvarchar(30),
JTSAddr4 nvarchar(30),
Name1 nvarchar(100),
Name2 nvarchar(100),
Name3 nvarchar(100),
Address1 nvarchar(100),
Address2 nvarchar(100),
City nvarchar(50),
State nvarchar(50),
ZipCode nvarchar(50),
ZipPlusFour nvarchar(50))
-- Pull addresses putting them into temp#
Execute dbo.[spGetMatchingAddresses] @passedPropertyID,
Create Table #tempTaxYears (PropertyID int,
TaxAuthorityID int,
TaxTypeID int,
TaxYearRecID int,
TaxYear int,
Muni int,
LotBlock nvarchar(17),
TieBreaker nvarchar(2),
YearBalance float)
Execute dbo.spGetCandidatesForLBL @passedMuniCode,
Select * from #tempTaxYears
Left Join #tempAddr
on #tempTaxYears.PropertyID = #tempAddr.PropertyRecID
--Select PropertyID, TaxAuthorityID, TaxTypeID, TaxYearRecID, TaxYear, Muni, LotBlock, TieBreaker, YearBalance
-- From vtblTaxYears_CandidatesForLBL
-- Where (Muni = @passedMuniCode and
-- TaxYear = @passedTaxYear and
-- TaxTypeID = @passedTaxTypeID and
-- YearBalance >= @passedDollarCutoff)
Here's my revised Proc:
Open in new window
I don't have the syntax correct on the Select.
"Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Procedure spGetCandidatesForLBLwithA
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'Left'."
I know I want to join the tables but I have to filter the tax year tables at the same time.
Any idea how that would look combined into one select?