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Remove existing mailbox and re-create in Exchange 2010/SBS2011

 I have an existing exchange mailbox that is corrupted and I need to re-create this mailbox from the scratch.
 Can you give me a set of steps to remove ONLY exchange mailbox from the user (I like to keep this user in active directory) and re-create a new mailbox for this user?
  I will export user's email from Outlook into a PST file and import from PST after new mailbox is created.

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Tom Cieslik
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Thanks for the detailed step to create new mailbox.
How do I go about deleting this existing mailbox? Last time when I removed it from Exchange Mgmt Console, I ended up deleting the user from Active Directory and I don't want that.
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(1) I am exporting Outlook email into PST on user's  workstation PC.
(2) Once PST is created, I will disable existing user mailbox from Exchange Management Console.
(3) I will create a new mailbox and select existing user in Setup Wizard.
(4) Once a new mailbox is created, I will create a new Outlook profile in user's workstation PC and open Outlook.
(5) I will import from PST.
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When I export into and import from PST, is Outlook Autocomplete list (Stream_Autocomplete_0_F4351E026CE8F142B07783036018B2F3.dat) supposed to be restored?
Yes, since Exchange 2010 and outlook 2010 Autocomplete list ins placed as hidden email in user mailbox.
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Last time when I did the same, it did not come with it. I had to use autocomplete file associated with old outlook profile and rename it to new autocomplete file tied to new profile. I thought that is what happens when exchange mailbox is removed and recreated. We will see how it goes this time.

I will report back on the morning.
Because probably user had Office 2007 or they was connected to Exchange 2007
Outlook 2007 used a separate file (the .n2k file...or maybe it was .nk2...I forget) that you could copy and rename but, as Tom points out, the so-called "nickname" file went away with Outlook 2010 and now exists as a hidden message in the user's mailbox.
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I had to manually handle autocomplete list.

Thank you for your help!
You are very welcome :)